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who do you think jim Harbaugh would rather have


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Hmmm! Stronger arm. More accurate. Better athlete. Much better runner.

Better runner maybe. Impossible to know if he is more accurate, we will findout next season when we have a wco. Any qb with our oline and running arians offense would have a low completion percentage.

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Luck is the better athlete imo. Big, strong, elusive and fast. Basically he is a OLB playing QB. Luck has a better brain. Colin has just a better supporting cast which allows him room to mess up and not hurt them too bad

To be fair, there is no way of knowing if luck is smarter.

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It'll be easier to guess when Luck has more than one year under his belt and we can at least compare their second-year seasons to each other.
This is Colin's first season actually playing, I know he practiced last year against that d and that probably helped his development significantly, but Andrew actually has more NFL starts under his belt than Kaepernick
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colin kaepernick or andrew luck. Wish i could ask him off the record id bet he would say andrew but who knows. I think both qb have crazy upside. Both very athletic,good under pressure,and inteligent. May take years to see tho.




Just curious as to why some of you want to start threads like this. Wasn't the who's better Luck or RG3 enough for a while ? Besides that , who cares who Jim Harbaugh would rather have ? 


Mods... don't you think this should be moved to the NFL section as what Jim Harbaugh thinks or wants has nothing to do with the Colts.

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I think Harbaugh is satisfied with what he has. He put down Alex Smith and found a real gem in Kaepernick. He's not going to be able to get Luck, so it's probably the last thing on his mind. If they win the Super Bowl, Kaep will be the quickest QB to get a ring.

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I hope ravens shut down kaep is this fake pistol crap offense people keep drilling over. And maybe even fold him into a pretzel for thinking you can win that way. You win by being a smart cerebral qb able to read defenses and be able to throw the ball past your first read.

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I hope ravens shut down kaep is this fake pistol crap offense people keep drilling over. And maybe even fold him into a pretzel for thinking you can win that way. You win by being a smart cerebral qb able to read defenses and be able to throw the ball past your first read.



I actually want the 49er's to win because I am a fan of Jim Harbaugh, but I agree with you on the read option crap. I also don't think for one second that Kaep is more accurate, a better athlete, or really even has much of a stronger arm. This whole Luck don't have a strong arm is one of the biggest myths around, that started from Luck haters. Luck has a very strong arm and he's proven it, he will be more accurate in the WCO, and he is every bit as good of an athlete as Kaepernick.

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Luck is the better athlete imo. Big, strong, elusive and fast. Basically he is a OLB playing QB. Luck has a better brain. Colin has just a better supporting cast which allows him room to mess up and not hurt them too bad

Let's not sell Kaepernick short. He is a gifted athlete, fast, nimble, and he reads the defense like a true running back. And it not as of they are winning in spite of him.

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I actually want the 49er's to win because I am a fan of Jim Harbaugh, but I agree with you on the read option crap. I also don't think for one second that Kaep is more accurate, a better athlete, or really even has much of a stronger arm. This whole Luck don't have a strong arm is one of the biggest myths around, that started from Luck haters. Luck has a very strong arm and he's proven it, he will be more accurate in the WCO, and he is every bit as good of an athlete as Kaepernick.

Oh yeah, I they have been getting under my skin the whole year! I do love Jim harbaugh. But I'm am sick and tired of all this talk and ready for it to be shut down. Luck could run for tons of yards, throw deep balls, and pass for a high pct and people will still talk all this rg3, Wilson and kaepernickelpumperdink crap. Bout to go postal!! Lol.

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Let's not sell Kaepernick short. He is a gifted athlete, fast, nimble, and he reads the defense like a true running back. And it not as of they are winning in spite of him.

Well last time I checked he played qb! So who cares about his stupid running!! Oh yeah I forgot that's the new fad

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Well last time I checked he played qb! So who cares about his stupid running!! Oh yeah I forgot that's the new fad

He is making timely runs when he needs to. I don't see whats wrong with that. And he is making the throws, so it's not like his legs are his only weapon. And it's not a new fad, the old school quarterbacks ran. Gotta love "fans" that don't don't know the history of the sport.

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Well last time I checked he played qb! So who cares about his stupid running!! Oh yeah I forgot that's the new fad

Having a quarterback who can run is a plus, not a negative. I'm sure no one here complained during the season when 12 picked up first downs rather than taking sacks due to offensive line play. It's not a new fad, it's becoming an integral part of the position. Mobile quarterbacks are always good to have.

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He is making timely runs when he needs to. I don't see whats wrong with that. And he is making the throws, so it's not like his legs are his only weapon. And it's not a new fad, the old school quarterbacks ran. Gotta love "fans" that don't don't know the history of the sport.

Exactly, Kaepernick is well-rounded. He is one of the reasons the 49ers are in the big game.

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Having a quarterback who can run is a plus, not a negative. I'm sure no one here complained during the season when 12 picked up first downs rather than taking sacks due to offensive line play. It's not a new fad, it's becoming an integral part of the position. Mobile quarterbacks are always good to have.

Yes they are. Especially when they are like Kaepernick and wisely avoid being hit. I like that Luck can run, but I cringe when he goes head first. Learn to slide or go out of bounds for crying out loud.

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He is making timely runs when he needs to. I don't see whats wrong with that. And he is making the throws, so it's not like his legs are his only weapon. And it's not a new fad, the old school quarterbacks ran. Gotta love "fans" that don't don't know the history of the sport.

Speak for yourself bud. I know the history of the sport. How many running qb's won a sb? Oh yeah that's right. And don't give me Steve young because he was a pocket passer.

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Luck was running for his life not running to run the ball. Big damn difference. He is and a pocket passer first just like Rogers is.

As is Wilson...as is Griffin...as is Kaepernick...the list goes on and on. All of these QBs, including Rodgers, are mobile (and darn fast in Griffin and Kaep's case) and it's a plus.

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Speak for yourself bud. I know the history of the sport. How many running qb's won a sb? Oh yeah that's right. And don't give me Steve young because he was a pocket passer.

Yeah, but he could run and did when he needed to, so did Joe Montana, so did Sammy Baugh, Bart Starr, and Johnny Unitas (even though he wasn't that fleet of foot) to name a few. I guess they weren't winners in your book. Since when is running a bad thing?

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Wilson, kaep and griffin run designed plays. I only think Wilson out of the bunch will be a good pocket passer. Which you can't even really claim that because he is more effective rolling out due to height.

Yes they run, but they have also passed out of the pocket effectively. Is it just the designed run plays that you object to? If so, why?

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Yeah, but he could run and did when he needed to, so did Joe Montana, so did Sammy Baugh, Bart Starr, and Johnny Unitas (even though he wasn't that fleet of foot) to name a few. I guess they weren't winners in your book. Since when is running a bad thing?

They didn't depend on running. They could destroy you with the pass. Kaepernick was shut down first qt by the falcons, down 17-0. But just like they did with Seattle they let them back in the game. I don't see that happening with the ravens. But hey, I could be wrong.

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Yes they run, but they have also passed out of the pocket effectively. Is it just the designed run plays that you object to? If so, why?

Going to get your qb hurt, ala griffin. I don't mind making something happen out of nothing. But to depend on your legs instead of your brains is only going to get you so far.

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Going to get your qb hurt, ala griffin. I don't mind making something happen out of nothing. But to depend on your legs instead of your brains is only going to get you so far.

First of all, let me apologize for the 'not knowing your history' bit. That was uncalled for. No hard feelings?


There is really no more chance of the QB getting hurt on a desgned run than on a scramble, IF the QB is smart and slides or goes out of bounds like Kaep. Griffin plays a little recklessly.


They didn't depend on running. They could destroy you with the pass. Kaepernick was shut down first qt by the falcons, down 17-0. But just like they did with Seattle they let them back in the game. I don't see that happening with the ravens. But hey, I could be wrong.

As to the oldschool guys, I'm talking 60s and prior, QBs used to run a lot out of the bootleg. It is not like this is a new tactic. That is what I objected to in your first response. It has been used since the beginning of football. Heck! the forward pass wasn't even legal at first. But it is a tactic that should be used sparingly as to not risk the health of the most expensive piece of merchandise on the team.

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First of all, let me apologize for the 'not knowing your history' bit. That was uncalled for. No hard feelings?

There is really no more chance of the QB getting hurt on a desgned run than on a scramble, IF the QB is smart and slides or goes out of bounds like Kaep. Griffin plays a little recklessly.

As to the oldschool guys, I'm talking 60s and prior, QBs used to run a lot out of the bootleg. It is not like this is a new tactic. That is what I objected to in your first response. It has been used since the beginning of football. Heck! the forward pass wasn't even legal at first. But it is a tactic that should be used sparingly as to not risk the health of the most expensive piece of merchandise on the team.

It's cool no hard feelings. Oh your talking back in the real oldschool days when football players were some tough as nails dudes. Loved watching the old videos sports illustrated used to give out. But your right having a mobile qb is awesome. I think I'm just ultra sensitive towards Luck ;)

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It's cool no hard feelings. Oh your talking back in the real oldschool days when football players were some tough as nails dudes. Loved watching the old videos sports illustrated used to give out. But your right having a mobile qb is awesome. I think I'm just ultra sensitive towards Luck ;)

Me too. Like I said. I cringe when he goes head first. He did the same dang thing at Stanford. Dude needs to take it easy. QBs tend to think they are as tough as anybody out there, but they fail to realize that there is a physical difference  between themselves as RBs; they are not as stoutly built. I hope he learns to slide more often than not. Unless he is going for a game winning TD in the Super Bowl, I don't want to see him going head first into defenders.


And I'm with you. I prefer pocket passers who only run to escape or QB sneak for short yardage.

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As is Wilson...as is Griffin...as is Kaepernick...the list goes on and on. All of these QBs, including Rodgers, are mobile (and darn fast in Griffin and Kaep's case) and it's a plus.

Griffin isnt fast. He is hopping around on 1 leg. smh   Bet ya 50 I can smoke him in the 40. And I am 50 in 3 months. What say you Houston?

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