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Peyton Opted For A More Invasive And Very Painful Surgery ((Merged))


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Peyton's surgery is a very intrusive procedure. I youtubed the events chronicled with several patients of the EXACT same procedure. It's no wonder they didn't want it leaked. A neck brace MUST be worn after this procedure especially when out driving or doing ANYTHING outside the home for fear of a fall or accident can be very costly. VIDEO BELOW - Animation of procedure.

People chronicled on the youtube videos were in extreme pain post-op 24 - 48 hours.

After the procedure, PAIN medication is a must as your insides are VERY, VERY sore. It is extremely painful to swallow. First 10 days are hardest. I can't imagine that Manning would be traveling due to neck-brace. A hard brace apparatus is required outside of the home, where a soft can be worn inside. The hard brace looks VERY awkward and I can't imagine they would risk him on the sidelines with potential to get hit. Brace will be worn a good 3 weeks. Head is not allowed to bend backward, must be very careful (not that it is easy to do anyway because of the piece of hip-bone or non-auto graft now inserted in there) Not sure whether they took a piece of his hip bone for the graft or not but pretty sure they did. That (the hip bone) was placed between the two vertebrae after removal of the previous disk (which was protruding into his spinal cord causing numbness in triceps and pain in back), then trimmed with power tools and cleaned. fusion will take months. Peyton will have a scar on his throat just off to the side of adams apple horizonally about 2 inches long. Might be some slight bruising in this area as well. Finally they put a titanium bracket with 4 screws to ensure solid contact and fusion down the road. The video is a second level, where Peyton just had the one level. The video makes it look easy and fast but its about an hour procedure....lots of cleaning and incising and trimming.

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Peyton's surgery is a very intrusive procedure. I youtubed the events chronicled with several patients of the EXACT same procedure. It's no wonder they didn't want it leaked. A neck brace MUST be worn after this procedure especially when out driving or doing ANYTHING outside the home for fear of a fall or accident can be very costly. VIDEO BELOW - Animation of procedure.

People chronicled on the youtube videos were in extreme pain post-op 24 - 48 hours.

After the procedure, PAIN medication is a must as your insides VERY sore. It is extremely painful to swallow. First 10 days are hardest. I can't imagine that Manning would be traveling due to neck-brace. A hard brace apparatus is required outside of the home, where a soft can be worn inside. The hard brace looks VERY awkward and I can't imagine they would risk him on the sidelines with potential to get hit. Brace will be worn a good 3 weeks. Head is not allowed to bend backward, must be very careful (not that it is easy to do anyway because of the piece of hip-bone or non-auto graft now inserted in there) Not sure whether they took a piece of his hip bone for the graft or not but pretty sure they did. That (the hip bone) was placed between the two vertebrae after removal of the previous disk (which was protruding into his spinal cord causing numbness in triceps and pain in back), then trimmed with power tools and cleaned. fusion will take months. Peyton will have a scar on his throat just off to the side of adams apple horizonally about 2 inches long. Might be some slight bruising in this area as well. Finally they put a titanium bracket with 4 screws to ensure solid contact and fusion down the road. The video is a second level, where Peyton just had the one level. The video makes it look easy and fast but its about an hour procedure....lots of cleaning and incising and trimming.

Yes, this is a very painful procedure. I had this very same procedure done about 7 years ago and was back to work within two weeks on light duty. Granted I am not a professional football player so it wasn't expected of me to put myself through physically demanding workouts, but nonetheless it was still work. I was supposed to be off for about 4 to 6 months, but I could not afford that and my Dr. monitored the situation. I finally went back to work on regular duty after 12 weeks, and I felt absolutely great. I'm not saying that Peyton will be back in 12 weeks, but it is possible. \

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Read that. The way the doctor describes it, we don't have much to worry about. He shouldn't have a lot of pain in the future and while there are reports that he may not be able to play at all this season, this doctor says Peyton could possibly come back during the season. I'm not sure if you are a doctor or not or if you do these kinds of surgeries, but what the doctor says is going to be much more reliable than information you got from YouTube.

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Peyton's surgery is a very intrusive procedure. I youtubed the events chronicled with several patients of the EXACT same procedure. It's no wonder they didn't want it leaked. A neck brace MUST be worn after this procedure especially when out driving or doing ANYTHING outside the home for fear of a fall or accident can be very costly. VIDEO BELOW - Animation of procedure.

People chronicled on the youtube videos were in extreme pain post-op 24 - 48 hours.

After the procedure, PAIN medication is a must as your insides are VERY, VERY sore. It is extremely painful to swallow. First 10 days are hardest. I can't imagine that Manning would be traveling due to neck-brace. A hard brace apparatus is required outside of the home, where a soft can be worn inside. The hard brace looks VERY awkward and I can't imagine they would risk him on the sidelines with potential to get hit. Brace will be worn a good 3 weeks. Head is not allowed to bend backward, must be very careful (not that it is easy to do anyway because of the piece of hip-bone or non-auto graft now inserted in there) Not sure whether they took a piece of his hip bone for the graft or not but pretty sure they did. That (the hip bone) was placed between the two vertebrae after removal of the previous disk (which was protruding into his spinal cord causing numbness in triceps and pain in back), then trimmed with power tools and cleaned. fusion will take months. Peyton will have a scar on his throat just off to the side of adams apple horizonally about 2 inches long. Might be some slight bruising in this area as well. Finally they put a titanium bracket with 4 screws to ensure solid contact and fusion down the road. The video is a second level, where Peyton just had the one level. The video makes it look easy and fast but its about an hour procedure....lots of cleaning and incising and trimming.

Good find. I know your hoping for the worst for Peyton and that you want to worry all Colt fans but Peyton is like a super hero. I think he is gonna be OK. I do not like what your attempting to accomplish with your posts and I do not like you.

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Read that. The way the doctor describes it, we don't have much to worry about. He shouldn't have a lot of pain in the future and while there are reports that he may not be able to play at all this season, this doctor says Peyton could possibly come back during the season. I'm not sure if you are a doctor or not or if you do these kinds of surgeries, but what the doctor says is going to be much more reliable than information you got from YouTube.

I'm just explaining the procedure, not discussing how long he will be out. What the doctor said in your link is what we already know as far as timeline, and YES, that doctor has said what other doctors have said and is very accurate in his statements.

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I know it's fake but it's worth mentioning several WWE wrestlers have had the same surgery almost all of them have missed a full year due to it. With that said while they do something that is physically demanding they do it something like 300 days a year vs. an NFL season and don't wear anything close to the padding football players do. I am in no way trying to undersell the violance of football but I don't know if you have to miss as much time for a football player as you do for a wrestler with it. The fact that both Cody Glenn and Hayden had this surgery this past off-season and were both healthy enough to play in the pre-season seems to tell me they don't have to miss a full year. While I think this year is probably going to be a wash I think it's encouraging most doctors I have seen interviewed about this expect him to play next year but just wont rule out the fact it COULD be career ending. I think that's just doctor's covering themselves more than them saying they expect that.

Back to the wrestler thing, and I am putting this out here just as some more information. The wrestler Edge had the surgery and missed a year and wrestled for another 8 years or so but was forced to retire because he started to experience numbness in his hands. Pretty much after 8 more years of wrestling he finally developed what Cooper has and that's what ended his career.

Again I am just putting it out there for information. One thing I have noticed reported over and over here is that because of the nervs here no two people recovary the same way or on the same time table which is why it COULD be as quick as two months (not likely) or as long as a full year.

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I had this done. I'm sure experiences vary depending on surgeon and technique, but I can tell you that:

It takes more than an hour. I was told mine was going to take three. Not sure what it actually came out to.

Most people go home from the hospital the same day (I stayed overnight because of minor issues with the anesthesia).

Most bone comes from a sterile bone bank (cadavers). I can't imagine why anyone would want a second surgery on their hip unless they absolutely had to.

I never had a neck brace of any kind. I think the variable is whether or not a plate is inserted. With a plate it's stable enough that there isn't much risk of damage unless you do something stupid.

The pain after surgery was absolutely nothing in comparison to the pain before the surgery - when the nerve has a disk pressing against it. Mobic relieved the pre-surgery pain substantially. I was given a prescription for Oxycodone post-surgery but didn't even bother filling it. I would never take a narcotic unless in desperate pain, and it really wasn't a big deal. However:

You aren't supposed to move much the first week or so, and you aren't going to want to. Twisting and bending will amp up the discomfort. Things like getting in and out of bed require a little planning and good technique.

You DON'T want to be in a car - PERIOD. Normal braking makes it feel like your head is about to fly off. You aren't supposed to drive for a couple of weeks because you won't be able to turn your head normally from side to side.

In short, I wouldn't worry about Peyton being at risk of further damage just by taking a bad step or something, but it seems to me that standing on the sidelines short-term would be a moronic thing to do. And he sure as heck isn't taking an airplane to Houston. I would expect he will be home Sunday, and perhaps in the Irsay's suite for the next two home games. Who knows after that.

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Good find. I know your hoping for the worst for Peyton and that you want to worry all Colt fans but Peyton is like a super hero. I think he is gonna be OK. I do not like what your attempting to accomplish with your posts and I do not like you.

You have no idea who I am so don't go blowing off at untrue facts. I've been a COLTS fan since they moved to INDY in 84, how long have you been a COLTS fan? I've been through thick and thin with this team, attended over a hundred games, saw the good, the bad, and the ugly. I bleed BLUE and WHITE, get nervous when anything goes wrong with the team, bite my nails during games like true COLTS fans do, and have the happy, angry, frustrating, exhilarating, and all emotions in-between with all things COLTS. So before you make a fool of yourself with false accusations, try looking at the body of posts....... you will find sarcasm (if you can handle it), complementary, digs, and many mixed variety of posts. Saying I'm hoping for the worst for Peyton is ridiculous. I doubt you were even born when I went to my first COLTS game.

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Thanks for that. I looked that up and was amazed at how good that father and son are. If you go to one of the videos on that site, you can see they worked on Wayne Gretzky. A picture is on the wall. They are the spine dynamic duo to the stars and pro athletes!!!!

Well it is Peyton Manning what did you think we would send him to Dr. Nick on the Simpsons lol?

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You have no idea who I am so don't go blowing off at untrue facts. I've been a COLTS fan since they moved to INDY in 84, how long have you been a COLTS fan? I've been through thick and thin with this team, attended over a hundred games, saw the good, the bad, and the ugly. I bleed BLUE and WHITE, get nervous when anything goes wrong with the team, bite my nails during games like true COLTS fans do, and have the happy, angry, frustrating, exhilarating, and all emotions in-between with all things COLTS. So before you make a fool of yourself with false accusations, try looking at the body of posts....... you will find sarcasm (if you can handle it), complementary, digs, and many mixed variety of posts. Saying I'm hoping for the worst for Peyton is ridiculous. I doubt you were even born when I went to my first COLTS game.

I do know you. I have met many like you. The facts are in all your posts. I started watching the Colts when Bert Jones was the QB for what its worth. I grew up in Baltimore. I hope you have a more optimistic outlook in other parts of your life then you do football. I believe people here can live without all the negative crap you post. I am tired of reading negative posts then looking at who posted it and seeing your name.


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I do know you. I have met many like you. The facts are in all your posts. I started watching the Colts when Bert Jones was the QB for what its worth. I grew up in Baltimore. I hope you have a more optimistic outlook in other parts of your life then you do football. I believe people here can live without all the negative crap you post. I am tired of reading negative posts then looking at who posted it and seeing your name.


If you've been around for that long it baffles me that you still have yet to develop the maturity to treat fellow posters with respect. Your petty phrase, "I don't like you..." that I've now seen on more than one occasion is the kind of thing I would expect from a 14 year old. Grow up. People are allowed to have different view points. Get over it.

The irony is that you claim to dislike negativity and yet your posts often ooze negativity and disdain for your fellow posters. Go figure.

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Peyton's surgery is a very intrusive procedure. I youtubed the events chronicled with several patients of the EXACT same procedure. It's no wonder they didn't want it leaked. A neck brace MUST be worn after this procedure especially when out driving or doing ANYTHING outside the home for fear of a fall or accident can be very costly. VIDEO BELOW - Animation of procedure.

People chronicled on the youtube videos were in extreme pain post-op 24 - 48 hours.

After the procedure, PAIN medication is a must as your insides are VERY, VERY sore. It is extremely painful to swallow. First 10 days are hardest. I can't imagine that Manning would be traveling due to neck-brace. A hard brace apparatus is required outside of the home, where a soft can be worn inside. The hard brace looks VERY awkward and I can't imagine they would risk him on the sidelines with potential to get hit. Brace will be worn a good 3 weeks. Head is not allowed to bend backward, must be very careful (not that it is easy to do anyway because of the piece of hip-bone or non-auto graft now inserted in there) Not sure whether they took a piece of his hip bone for the graft or not but pretty sure they did. That (the hip bone) was placed between the two vertebrae after removal of the previous disk (which was protruding into his spinal cord causing numbness in triceps and pain in back), then trimmed with power tools and cleaned. fusion will take months. Peyton will have a scar on his throat just off to the side of adams apple horizonally about 2 inches long. Might be some slight bruising in this area as well. Finally they put a titanium bracket with 4 screws to ensure solid contact and fusion down the road. The video is a second level, where Peyton just had the one level. The video makes it look easy and fast but its about an hour procedure....lots of cleaning and incising and trimming.

Every opinionated statement you make in this post is blatantly INCORRECT. It is not very invasive, it is a trivial recovery from a pain standpoint (overnight stay in the hospital is mandated to watch for a very rare complication only), and nobody uses a pelvic graft anymore unless they practice 1975 style medicine. The scar can be 1 inch long. Nobody requires a neck brace anymore (see 1975 reference). A minor fall or accident would have little chance of injuring the surgery (football hits may be different).

Please don't post anecdotal rubbish like this.

See the main surgery thread and read my posts there if you want more factual detail. Amazing how many pseudo factual posts are popping up on this. So much for the policy on this board that tries to limit redundant new threads or ineffective new threads. Can we try to limit new threads about minor updates on surgery and keep it in the main thread?

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Every opinionated statement you make in this post is blatantly INCORRECT. It is not very invasive, it is a trivial recovery from a pain standpoint (overnight stay in the hospital is mandated to watch for a very rare complication only), and nobody uses a pelvic graft anymore unless they practice 1975 style medicine. The scar can be 1 inch long. Nobody requires a neck brace anymore (see 1975 reference). A minor fall or accident would have little chance of injuring the surgery (football hits may be different).

Please don't post anecdotal rubbish like this.

See the main surgery thread and read my posts there if you want more factual detail. Amazing how many pseudo factual posts are popping up on this. So much for the policy on this board that tries to limit redundant new threads or ineffective new threads. Can we try to limit new threads about minor updates on surgery and keep it in the main thread?

NO, it's not "very" invasive as you say, they only cut your neck open, hold it open while they proceed to remove disc material with dremmel power tools and other like instruments, then use sharp tools to trim the bone spurs, replace the disc with, yes, indeed they still use hip bone grafts (showing your lack of knowledge by saying they dont--even the best do like Peyton's surgeons at Marina Del Rey Hosptial, but they are very good with the development of ProDisc), then proceed to knock it in with a hammer blow or two.

Don't trivialize something you obviously know little about. Saying that a pelvic graft is 1975 style medicine, is imbecilic. Fusion IS the process of letting bone grow to bone and that would entail hip bone most generally. The FDA even states that the artificial method cannot be stated as Fusion so why don't you get your facts straight yourself or better yet, learn a bit more about it on the following site.


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You have no idea who I am so don't go blowing off at untrue facts. I've been a COLTS fan since they moved to INDY in 84, how long have you been a COLTS fan? I've been through thick and thin with this team, attended over a hundred games, saw the good, the bad, and the ugly. I bleed BLUE and WHITE, get nervous when anything goes wrong with the team, bite my nails during games like true COLTS fans do, and have the happy, angry, frustrating, exhilarating, and all emotions in-between with all things COLTS. So before you make a fool of yourself with false accusations, try looking at the body of posts....... you will find sarcasm (if you can handle it), complementary, digs, and many mixed variety of posts. Saying I'm hoping for the worst for Peyton is ridiculous. I doubt you were even born when I went to my first COLTS game.

If it's ridiculous, then stop spending 100% of your posts talking down about the Colts. That is all you have done since these forums opened up. Not once have you been anything except a delusional, negative smear on this community. No, you are not just being "realistic," and the rest of us aren't "drinking Kool Aid."

Oh, and how long you've been a Colts fan doesn't mean anything.

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NO, it's not "very" invasive as you say, they only cut your neck open, hold it open while they proceed to remove disc material with dremmel power tools and other like instruments, then use sharp tools to trim the bone spurs, replace the disc with, yes, indeed they still use hip bone grafts (showing your lack of knowledge by saying they dont--even the best do like Peyton's surgeons at Marina Del Rey Hosptial, but they are very good with the development of ProDisc), then proceed to knock it in with a hammer blow or two.

Don't trivialize something you obviously know little about. Saying that a pelvic graft is 1975 style medicine, is imbecilic. Fusion IS the process of letting bone grow to bone and that would entail hip bone most generally. The FDA even states that the artificial method cannot be stated as Fusion so why don't you get your facts straight yourself or better yet, learn a bit more about it on the following site.


Nsurg has proven beyond the shadow of all conceivable doubt that he/she is well learned in this purview. You are actually arguing neurosurgery with a neurosurgeon. Akin to challenging Kimbo Slice to a bare-knuckle brawl, which I doubt you would fair any better at.

Nsurg has dumped a bevy of relevant information on us, all while retaining a professional and impartial disclaimer that he/she doesn't have all the facts, so we may understand to only use his information as a general guide. Keep it coming, Nsurg. We all appreciate the expertise.

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Nsurg has proven beyond the shadow of all conceivable doubt that he/she is well learned in this purview. You are actually arguing neurosurgery with a neurosurgeon. Akin to challenging Kimbo Slice to a bare-knuckle brawl, which I doubt you would fair any better at.

Nsurg has dumped a bevy of relevant information on us, all while retaining a professional and impartial disclaimer that he/she doesn't have all the facts, so we may understand to only use his information as a general guide. Keep it coming, Nsurg. We all appreciate the expertise.

then he should stick to neurosurgery, making a post like that.

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You have no idea who I am so don't go blowing off at untrue facts. I've been a COLTS fan since they moved to INDY in 84, how long have you been a COLTS fan? I've been through thick and thin with this team, attended over a hundred games, saw the good, the bad, and the ugly. I bleed BLUE and WHITE, get nervous when anything goes wrong with the team, bite my nails during games like true COLTS fans do, and have the happy, angry, frustrating, exhilarating, and all emotions in-between with all things COLTS. So before you make a fool of yourself with false accusations, try looking at the body of posts....... you will find sarcasm (if you can handle it), complementary, digs, and many mixed variety of posts. Saying I'm hoping for the worst for Peyton is ridiculous. I doubt you were even born when I went to my first COLTS game.

Chris you have to realize that everyone who post on this forum isn't atleast 72 years old like you may be. You can cut them some slack.

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NO, it's not "very" invasive as you say, they only cut your neck open, hold it open while they proceed to remove disc material with dremmel power tools and other like instruments, then use sharp tools to trim the bone spurs, replace the disc with, yes, indeed they still use hip bone grafts (showing your lack of knowledge by saying they dont--even the best do like Peyton's surgeons at Marina Del Rey Hosptial, but they are very good with the development of ProDisc), then proceed to knock it in with a hammer blow or two.

Don't trivialize something you obviously know little about. Saying that a pelvic graft is 1975 style medicine, is imbecilic. Fusion IS the process of letting bone grow to bone and that would entail hip bone most generally. The FDA even states that the artificial method cannot be stated as Fusion so why don't you get your facts straight yourself or better yet, learn a bit more about it on the following site.


You are WAY out of line with this post.

If you needed a procedure, would you download a YouTube video and ask your brother to cut you open? "Can't be that hard, everything I could possibly need to know is right here in this little clip".

The internet is full of wonderful information, and it's also full of nonsense. Why do you presume to know more about Peyton's surgery after spending 10 minutes on Wikipedia than a man who's devoted his entire professional life to the subject? Nsurg has been kind enough to provide us all with a ton of helpful information. Do us all a favor and apologize to him before he rightly concludes that he has been wasting his time.

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You are WAY out of line with this post.

If you needed a procedure, would you download a YouTube video and ask your brother to cut you open? "Can't be that hard, everything I could possibly need to know is right here in this little clip".

The internet is full of wonderful information, and it's also full of nonsense. Why do you presume to know more about Peyton's surgery after spending 10 minutes on Wikipedia than a man whose devoted his entire professional life to the subject? Nsurg has been kind enough to provide us all with a ton of helpful information. Do us all a favor and apologize to him before he rightly concludes that he has been wasting his time.

That's a +1 and I liked the information that Nsurg posted and thought it was very nice of him to do

so. Time was not wasted in my opinion. Hope he continues to post. :applause:

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You are WAY out of line with this post.

If you needed a procedure, would you download a YouTube video and ask your brother to cut you open? "Can't be that hard, everything I could possibly need to know is right here in this little clip".

The internet is full of wonderful information, and it's also full of nonsense. Why do you presume to know more about Peyton's surgery after spending 10 minutes on Wikipedia than a man who's devoted his entire professional life to the subject? Nsurg has been kind enough to provide us all with a ton of helpful information. Do us all a favor and apologize to him before he rightly concludes that he has been wasting his time.

we've already been through this, you're late to the supper. He and I have discussed it. And before you act like YOU know what you're talking about, please bow out.

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we've already been through this, you're late to the supper. He and I have discussed it. And before you act like YOU know what you're talking about, please bow out.

Not sure if you realize this but the Colts kick off the season in less than an hour and you're still having a hissy fit over something that is completely irrelevant at this time.

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Not sure if you realize this but the Colts kick off the season in less than an hour and you're still having a hissy fit over something that is completely irrelevant at this time.

Im not having a hissy fit, just responding ok ruksak. you can stay out of it. You have no reason to respond, but yet you feel like you need to interject negativity like always. go away.

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we've already been through this, you're late to the supper. He and I have discussed it. And before you act like YOU know what you're talking about, please bow out.

Glad to hear that.

All I know is that when I put my foot in my mouth and publicly insult somebody, then I put my tail between my legs and publicly apologize. If you had done so I wouldn't have said a word.

I have no desire to fight with you, but I'm not going to stand by quietly when someone irrationally insults somebody that I respect. To be silent would be no different than saying I agree with you.

Instead of being snippy with me, try taking the high road - there's a lot less stress.

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