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Vick's New Deal [Merge]


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The Eagles gave him $100 over 6 years... The guy hasn't played but 1 full season and you want to give him Manning money. After year 3 let me know how good that deal worked out for you?

Geez, this guy had 1 good year, and they want to crown him king? He has stunk it up in preseason. You should have spent the money on the O-line.

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The Eagles gave him $100 over 6 years... The guy hasn't played but 1 full season and you want to give him Manning money. After year 3 let me know how good that deal worked out for you?

Geez, this guy had 1 good year, and they want to crown him king? He has stunk it up in preseason. You should have spent the money on the O-line.

i do think the eagles overpaid, but i blame the preseason on the o-line. vick has been getting nailed.

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Before he went to prison, Vick was a great player. He was electrifying and explosive, one of the most exciting players in the league. One of his main faults was that he ran too much, he was a runner who played QB. Now, he has improved his pocket presence and his passing game. He is now a QB who can run as an extra weapon. Yeah, health may be an issue, but the guy has played well when he has been on the field. Why do people act like he is like Chad Henne? The man has proven that he is a very good football player and can win games.

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Before he went to prison, Vick was a great player. He was electrifying and explosive, one of the most exciting players in the league. One of his main faults was that he ran too much, he was a runner who played QB. Now, he has improved his pocket presence and his passing game. He is now a QB who can run as an extra weapon. Yeah, health may be an issue, but the guy has played well when he has been on the field. Why do people act like he is like Chad Henne? The man has proven that he is a very good football player and can win games.

no one is saying he isnt a good football player, but there is risks. can he keep up his play from last year? can he stay healthy with that o-line continuing to get him killed?

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no one is saying he isnt a good football player, but there is risks. can he keep up his play from last year? can he stay healthy with that o-line continuing to get him killed?

Depending on how you look at it, every NFL signing is a risk. Can the player keep up their play from previous seasons? Some may turn out to be like Haynesworth and completely dud after they get the money. Others may get injured. Some keep up their strong play. Health is always an issue in the NFL.

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Is al davis living in Philly now?

This is gonna go down as the deal that sunk the Eagles for the next decade. A deal like that for a guy who has proven to have trouble staying healthy, a trouble that will only be compounded by his age moving forward, and has been highly inconsistent at best in the 9 years he's been in the league?

Maybe Vick continues his level of play this season. (Though I HIGHLY doubt it.) if he goes back to being Michael Vick? Uh oh...

And with almost half the money guaranteed, I doubt they decide at some point "Screw it, we'll just eat the cap number" and cut him... They're going to keep putting him out there and hoping he has that magic touch again...


Oh well. At least they're going to keep that empty trophy case intact, and isn't that what's really important?

When children ask in 2020 "Why have the Eagles never won a Super Bowl?" we'll now have a definitive answer.

Keep that trophy case empty, Philly!

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Teams throwing money at free agents to win the big one doesn't seem to pan out very well in the long run. Teams like the Patriots that grow their own and find bargains they can mold seem to get to the top and stay there much longer. I just don't imagine that at the end of the season they'll end up being the "dream team" they're being hyped as right now.

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That is some crazy money to drop on a guy who has shown he has a hard time staying healthy and only showed his greatness for one year. I would have at least waited to see what he did this season and looked at extending him come the bye week or something.

Then again if Vick plays at the level he did last year and stays healthy that team will be scary good. If he puts it together he will show why he had the potential to be the best player ever.

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That is some crazy money to drop on a guy who has shown he has a hard time staying healthy and only showed his greatness for one year. I would have at least waited to see what he did this season and looked at extending him come the bye week or something.

Then again if Vick plays at the level he did last year and stays healthy that team will be scary good. If he puts it together he will show why he had the potential to be the best player ever.

As you know it's what's in guaranteed?

Still..a bit much but hey...name of the game I guess.

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Wow! Kudos to Vick on his big payday and for turning his life around. I am happy for him. I wish him the best with his career so long as he isn't facing my Colts.

As for the otherside of the coin, I don't think that is a good deal for the Eagles. That is a lot of money invested in a guy who has a propensity to get hurt due to his aggressive way of playing the QB position. It will be interesting to see how it plays out for them in the longterm.

I don't understand how Eagles can afford to sign Vick to a $100 mil contract, pick up Namdi, trade for Cromartie, and make all of their other free agent acquisitions and still remain under the cap, when Peyton takes less than his marketvalue just so the Colts can keep Addai and go bargain basement shopping for 1st round free agent washouts. Are we all operating under the same cap here?

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Wow! Kudos to Vick on his big payday and for turning his life around. I am happy for him. I wish him the best with his career so long as he isn't facing my Colts.

As for the otherside of the coin, I don't think that is a good deal for the Eagles. That is a lot of money invested in a guy who has a propensity to get hurt due to his aggressive way of playing the QB position. It will be interesting to see how it plays out for them in the longterm.

I don't understand how Eagles can afford to sign Vick to a $100 mil contract, pick up Namdi, trade for Cromartie, and make all of their other free agent acquisitions and still remain under the cap, when Peyton takes less than his marketvalue just so the Colts can keep Addai and go bargain basement shopping for 1st round free agent washouts. Are we all operating under the same cap here?

Many of the free agents we signed were signed to veteran minimum deals worth $685,000, but because they were veteran minimum deals, that allowed only $575,000 to be applied against the cap. I know that's a stipulation the league has had for many years. DRC is in the final year of his rookie deal worth less than $1,000,000, whereas Kolb's cap hit for this season would have been just under $1.4 Million, so that ended up as a small cap savings. Cullen Jenkins can actually be cut after the season, and his contract would essentially be a 1 year $4 Million deal. In fact, other than Nnamdi, none of the other players we picked up have any guaranteed money after this season.

Now with Vick, he was counting $16 Million against the cap playing on the Franchise Tag, but signing him to this deal actually dropped his cap value to about $14.4 Million, so again, that gave us some cap relief.

At the present moment, we're sitting at $3.9 Million under the cap.

Joe Banner is a guy who has gotten a lot of criticism over the years, some warranted, some not, but one thing about him, is he knows how to work a cap and not cripple the team in future seasons.

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Guest BlueShoe

Many of the free agents we signed were signed to veteran minimum deals worth $685,000, but because they were veteran minimum deals, that allowed only $575,000 to be applied against the cap. I know that's a stipulation the league has had for many years. DRC is in the final year of his rookie deal worth less than $1,000,000, whereas Kolb's cap hit for this season would have been just under $1.4 Million, so that ended up as a small cap savings. Cullen Jenkins can actually be cut after the season, and his contract would essentially be a 1 year $4 Million deal. In fact, other than Nnamdi, none of the other players we picked up have any guaranteed money after this season.

Now with Vick, he was counting $16 Million against the cap playing on the Franchise Tag, but signing him to this deal actually dropped his cap value to about $14.4 Million, so again, that gave us some cap relief.

At the present moment, we're sitting at $3.9 Million under the cap.

Joe Banner is a guy who has gotten a lot of criticism over the years, some warranted, some not, but one thing about him, is he knows how to work a cap and not cripple the team in future seasons.

I also heard on ESPN radio today that Vicks deal is really like a 5 year 35 million dollar deal or something like that. Not sure how that equates and I am actually very good with how the cap works, but the point is that it is mostly just a big number that will never pay out as most contracts are, but this one is even a bigger stretch than normal.

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I also heard on ESPN radio today that Vicks deal is really like a 5 year 35 million dollar deal or something like that. Not sure how that equates and I am actually very good with how the cap works, but the point is that it is mostly just a big number that will never pay out as most contracts are, but this one is even a bigger stretch than normal.

Like most major deals, there is a lot of "funny money" so to speak. The deal will void from 6 to 5 years if Vick plays 35% of the snaps in any of the 5 years, and the final year has $20 Million tied up, so it could go down to $80 Million as long as he stays healthy. The guaranteed money is all tied up in the first 3 years I believe so he could theoretically be let go after 3 years, and nothing more owed to him.

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Like most major deals, there is a lot of "funny money" so to speak. The deal will void from 6 to 5 years if Vick plays 35% of the snaps in any of the 5 years, and the final year has $20 Million tied up, so it could go down to $80 Million as long as he stays healthy. The guaranteed money is all tied up in the first 3 years I believe so he could theoretically be let go after 3 years, and nothing more owed to him.

the deal also has a 3.5 mill bonus for winning the super bowl in 2011 or 2012

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