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You guys did the same thing to Tim Jennings.


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And Jason David and others.

Every game, every season...it was Tim Jennings is Awful This...Jason David is so Terrible this.

Considering we are playing man...and Jags went the whole game under 200 yards passing, I can't for the life of me understand people saying how bad Power is and Davis is because of a Play they gave up here...and a play the gave up there. They are corner backs, and this is the NFL and this is 2012 post Manning rule era, Recievers are going to catch balls

It's like saying You're a bad goal keeper because you allowed a goal...I don't care how good a goalkeeper you are, you are going to get scored on. Same goes for the NFL, I don't care if your name is Reveis or King.

Tim Jennings was defended by myself and maybe about 3 others on this board...when it was obvious any long play was the fault of Sanders or Giordano...and occasionally Bethea. Those short 8 yard slants...Jennings could do nothing about because we played Soft cover 2 all the time...but you guys destroyed him on this board.

Jason David also did a "Serviceable" job, he wasn't great, but he got blamed for every reception.

Vonte and Powers are doing an awesome job, The team gave up only 148 yards Passing, and 30% third down conversions.

Back when Jennings was playing...we were getting dinked and dunked for 8 and 9 yards with our "Bend don't break" defence...Look at him now...totally legit CB.

You guys need to watch other games and tell me where are these corners that don't allow catches and never get called for Holding or PI. Or better yet...the other team. Oh I thought Rashean Mathis was so good, but his WR caught a pass, so he must not be good. It's rediculous

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Jason David was serviceable as a zone corner, not as a man corner. No co-incidence he got toasted when the Saints came here by Peyton as a man corner. No co-incidence the first move Gregg Williams made when he became DC in 2009 was to get rid of Jason David because he did not fit in, and they won the SB. Not bashing, just pointing out the facts.

I defended Tim Jennings as a good tackler but given his 4.36 speed in the 40, never could understand why we had to play him off since he had the speed to recover even if he played a tad close, I felt. A big victim of terrible scheme and coaching too, IMO.

Vontae and Powers are doing a fantastic job. But, if our run D does what it has been doing over the last decade or so, our DBs and safeties will be less available than available and that needs to be fixed ASAP.

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Tim Jennings, no doubt, suffered from the extemely soft Cover-2 the Colts ran, as opposed to the more aggressive version the Bears use. However, in the 3 years here he just never seemed to adjust and was constantly picked on.

Jason David was GARBAGE, lain and simple. He's one of the few that I have EVER seen get beat deep playing off the ball like he did. Undersized and wasn't fast at all. There was no surprise who Peyton targeted David when they played the Saints in 07', David's first year with them, and David got burnt for 3 long TD's by Harrison and Wayne.

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Tim Jennings, no doubt, suffered from the extemely soft Cover-2 the Colts ran, as opposed to the more aggressive version the Bears use. However, in the 3 years here he just never seemed to adjust and was constantly picked on.

Jason David was GARBAGE, lain and simple. He's one of the few that I have EVER seen get beat deep playing off the ball like he did. Undersized and wasn't fast at all. There was no surprise who Peyton targeted David when they played the Saints in 07', David's first year with them, and David got burnt for 3 long TD's by Harrison and Wayne.

Yeah, David got burned, wasn't physical, but this board toasted him on plays that were obviously Bob Sanders fault or another healthy FS and no one every spoke up for David.

I'm speaking up for the Corners, because they are doing a great job, 148 Yards passing, you can't beat that with a stick.

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I undertand where you're going. However, Vontae and Jerraud are actually good corners. Tim was ok and Jason was just plain bad. Those that are bashing our corners from todays game OBVIOUSLY didn't watch the game. Had Bethea played the middle of the field like he was supposed to on that 80 yard play, this wouldn't even be a discussion.

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And Jason David and others.

Every game, every season...it was Tim Jennings is Awful This...Jason David is so Terrible this.

Considering we are playing man...and Jags went the whole game under 200 yards passing, I can't for the life of me understand people saying how bad Power is and Davis is because of a Play they gave up here...and a play the gave up there. They are corner backs, and this is the NFL and this is 2012 post Manning rule era, Recievers are going to catch balls

It's like saying You're a bad goal keeper because you allowed a goal...I don't care how good a goalkeeper you are, you are going to get scored on. Same goes for the NFL, I don't care if your name is Reveis or King.

Tim Jennings was defended by myself and maybe about 3 others on this board...when it was obvious any long play was the fault of Sanders or Giordano...and occasionally Bethea. Those short 8 yard slants...Jennings could do nothing about because we played Soft cover 2 all the time...but you guys destroyed him on this board.

Jason David also did a "Serviceable" job, he wasn't great, but he got blamed for every reception.

Vonte and Powers are doing an awesome job, The team gave up only 148 yards Passing, and 30% third down conversions.

Back when Jennings was playing...we were getting dinked and dunked for 8 and 9 yards with our "Bend don't break" defence...Look at him now...totally legit CB.

You guys need to watch other games and tell me where are these corners that don't allow catches and never get called for Holding or PI. Or better yet...the other team. Oh I thought Rashean Mathis was so good, but his WR caught a pass, so he must not be good. It's rediculous

Out of likes. Davis and Powers will continue to improve.
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And Jason David and others.

Every game, every season...it was Tim Jennings is Awful This...Jason David is so Terrible this.

Considering we are playing man...and Jags went the whole game under 200 yards passing, I can't for the life of me understand people saying how bad Power is and Davis is because of a Play they gave up here...and a play the gave up there. They are corner backs, and this is the NFL and this is 2012 post Manning rule era, Recievers are going to catch balls

It's like saying You're a bad goal keeper because you allowed a goal...I don't care how good a goalkeeper you are, you are going to get scored on. Same goes for the NFL, I don't care if your name is Reveis or King.

Tim Jennings was defended by myself and maybe about 3 others on this board...when it was obvious any long play was the fault of Sanders or Giordano...and occasionally Bethea. Those short 8 yard slants...Jennings could do nothing about because we played Soft cover 2 all the time...but you guys destroyed him on this board.

Jason David also did a "Serviceable" job, he wasn't great, but he got blamed for every reception.

Vonte and Powers are doing an awesome job, The team gave up only 148 yards Passing, and 30% third down conversions.

Back when Jennings was playing...we were getting dinked and dunked for 8 and 9 yards with our "Bend don't break" defence...Look at him now...totally legit CB.

You guys need to watch other games and tell me where are these corners that don't allow catches and never get called for Holding or PI. Or better yet...the other team. Oh I thought Rashean Mathis was so good, but his WR caught a pass, so he must not be good. It's rediculous

I agree... I think fans are so critical without understanding the big picture, and I try not to be like "he should do this, he should do that" because shoot I've played with and against some guys in the Pro's today and them making it to the league wasn't a fluke you know?... I know I can't do what these guys are doing, but i do understand the fans that have something to say, because after all, we are the ones who "make the game go round" if you will, without us there is no NFL.. so they can have their opinion.. now when I see like a 300 pound man yellin at the TV sayin a WR should have caught up to an overthrown ball, best believe i have to bite my tongue lol..

Tim Jennings is a buster, Jason David was pretty bad lol

But I think if we keep these guys a while I think I will be happy with them as our CB's, especially with what we have had before these 2 lol

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I'm sorry, but I think Vonatae and Powers are doing pretty good jobs out there! Most of the hateration is being directed towards Vontae with the haters pointing out the completion percentage against him but that stat is so overblown. The only things I see being completed against him are little short passes in the flat in which he immediately comes up and snuffs them out. I'm not getting mad at any cornerback for letting those little dinks and dunks up. I could see if they were catching those passes on him and then proceeding to get 10 to 20 yards of RAC afterwards, and scoring touchdowns left and right. Then I would start to say he stinks! I like where Vontae is at right now, he just needs to clean some things up discipline wise with those PI calls and he'll be good. The guy is aggressive, a great open field tackler, good in run support, he's usually right there with his man except for in the Chicago game which I'm not even counting against him.

I really can't get too irrate with him considering how CRAZY that officiating was yesterday!!!! Those referees left a bad taste in my stomach. It was just unbelievable to say the least......

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And Jason David and others.

Every game, every season...it was Tim Jennings is Awful This...Jason David is so Terrible this.

Considering we are playing man...and Jags went the whole game under 200 yards passing, I can't for the life of me understand people saying how bad Power is and Davis is because of a Play they gave up here...and a play the gave up there. They are corner backs, and this is the NFL and this is 2012 post Manning rule era, Recievers are going to catch balls

It's like saying You're a bad goal keeper because you allowed a goal...I don't care how good a goalkeeper you are, you are going to get scored on. Same goes for the NFL, I don't care if your name is Reveis or King.

Tim Jennings was defended by myself and maybe about 3 others on this board...when it was obvious any long play was the fault of Sanders or Giordano...and occasionally Bethea. Those short 8 yard slants...Jennings could do nothing about because we played Soft cover 2 all the time...but you guys destroyed him on this board.

Jason David also did a "Serviceable" job, he wasn't great, but he got blamed for every reception.

Vonte and Powers are doing an awesome job, The team gave up only 148 yards Passing, and 30% third down conversions.

Back when Jennings was playing...we were getting dinked and dunked for 8 and 9 yards with our "Bend don't break" defence...Look at him now...totally legit CB.

You guys need to watch other games and tell me where are these corners that don't allow catches and never get called for Holding or PI. Or better yet...the other team. Oh I thought Rashean Mathis was so good, but his WR caught a pass, so he must not be good. It's rediculous

Tell'em. He only coverage I have a serious problem with was the long TD pass, where were the safeties at!?

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Tim Jennings was horrible, and so was Jason David. The latter is out of the league, as a matter of fact, and has been for three years. He was not good.

Tim Jennings is now playing really well in Chicago, and good for him, but he just wasn't making plays when he was here. Maybe it's all the coaching staff's fault; I can buy that one, after seeing what our coaches did last season, defensively speaking. But there was nothing about his play while he was here that suggested that he would be a major contributor for a good defense. To say, retroactively, that we were too hard on him is revisionist.

As for our current corners, they're actually playing well, with the exception of a few plays. I thought the penalties on Davis yesterday were ticky-tack, at best. But he's billed as a physical cornerback, but he doesn't have the reputation of the top notch guys, so he's going to draw some flags. That comes with the territory. But there's no correlation between them and Tim Jennings, and certainly not Jason David.

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Sometimes guys just need a change of scenery.


yep let's be real about this Jennings did not play nearly as well here as he has in Chicago for whatever reason but it's not like fans were ripping him and he was playing well. You said it best sometimes guys just need a change of scenery and that seems to be the case for Jennings.
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And Jason David and others.

Every game, every season...it was Tim Jennings is Awful This...Jason David is so Terrible this.

Considering we are playing man...and Jags went the whole game under 200 yards passing, I can't for the life of me understand people saying how bad Power is and Davis is because of a Play they gave up here...and a play the gave up there. They are corner backs, and this is the NFL and this is 2012 post Manning rule era, Recievers are going to catch balls

It's like saying You're a bad goal keeper because you allowed a goal...I don't care how good a goalkeeper you are, you are going to get scored on. Same goes for the NFL, I don't care if your name is Reveis or King.

Tim Jennings was defended by myself and maybe about 3 others on this board...when it was obvious any long play was the fault of Sanders or Giordano...and occasionally Bethea. Those short 8 yard slants...Jennings could do nothing about because we played Soft cover 2 all the time...but you guys destroyed him on this board.

Jason David also did a "Serviceable" job, he wasn't great, but he got blamed for every reception.

Vonte and Powers are doing an awesome job, The team gave up only 148 yards Passing, and 30% third down conversions.

Back when Jennings was playing...we were getting dinked and dunked for 8 and 9 yards with our "Bend don't break" defence...Look at him now...totally legit CB.

You guys need to watch other games and tell me where are these corners that don't allow catches and never get called for Holding or PI. Or better yet...the other team. Oh I thought Rashean Mathis was so good, but his WR caught a pass, so he must not be good. It's rediculous

I agree that Davis has done alright considering how long he has been withthe team. Also the two PI's he was called for can't even be considered as an issue with these "replacement guys " screwing up evry game. However , giving a lot of credit for the first 59 minutes of the Jag game to our CB's , is equally misleading. If Gabbert wasn't firing some of the most inaccurate passes I've ever seen , the WR's were dropping the ball. That game was just a pile of garbage . Colts give up two Td's for the day and both are 1 play drives. Besides both the O and D both stinking , we have a coaching staff that is fine with giving the ball back with a minte left with them needing a FG to win. Crazy bad conservative when you consider we have two of our 3 top CB's out of the game. Might be different if the bench guys had been in most of the game.

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