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lock this...dont fix what aint broke.


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Well that would bring about a few things.

If the Broncos lose:

1) Peyton no longer has "it."

2) Steelers are going to the SB

If the Broncos win:

1) Peyton still has "it"

2) Broncos are going to the SB

Either way Irsay still stinks because he just does and he doesn't listen to anyone but the guys he works with.

You make me laugh. In regards to the Manning take, not sure if you are being sarcastic or serious. I tend to think sarcastic. As far as Irsay is concerned, I understand your sentiment and respect it. I would also say that Irsay owns the team and what he does with it is up to him. Whether we like it as fans or not doesn't really matter as he's going to do what he feels is in the best interest for the team. If you really want to get into it, be mad at him for allowing the Polian's to run our team into the ground dating back to the draft following our super bowl, paying players too much money and not allowing them to go, and having pathetic draft after pathetic draft. Had Irsay held his people more accountable, we would never have been in a position to draft Luck in the first place as our team would have been much better. Regardless, what's done is done. Broncos are now down 5 with 10 minutes left. I bet you are getting nervous:) What I've gathered from watching this game is that Manning is still Manning. I am happy for him.

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It was predicted, not only by me, but others as well, that as soon as there was a little bit of struggle from our new team that the wah wah we should have done this or done that crowd would come running in and and play the "I told ya so" nonsense. Somebody that didn't get their way during the Manning saga, so now they want to show back up after 1 game and start in with this crap already. When this team gets strong again and Luck is tearing up the league and they start winning again, these same people will pretend like they knew all along that the Colts were gonna be great again and they was onboard with the rebuilding from the beginning.

Concurrently, there would have been a group doing the same had we kept Manning and finished anywhere short of a Super Bowl. "We should have drafted Luck and moved on...wah wah!!" What I do know, is it's unrealistic to expect Luck to "tear up the league" because that just doesn't happen. It's extremely rare that a QB comes along and does it for an extended period of time. Yes, the passing rules are far friendlier now to QB's than they were when Peyton came into the league, but that doesn't mean anything if this front office and coaches can't give him something to work with.

By the way, Manning sliced the Pittsburgh defense tonight after 616 days away from the game. 19/26, 256 yards, 2 TD, 0 INT, and a win. Guess a front line does him some good. :D

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Again I think a lot of fans in the Manning camp would be really shocked if they learned who was more behind the Manning/Irsay divorce

I still fully believe it was Irsay behind the divorce. I don't hate him for it...I don't like the way he handled it but I truly believe Irsay is the reason Peyton is no longer here. As you and others have said though, it's his team and he can run it as he sees fit. I really have no problem with the decision that was made but rather how it was handled. Either way I still love and support the colts, but I also still love and support Manning. I wish it could have worked out differently but it didn't and life goes on, as you've said many times. :)

Derek Schultz of WNDE has already said so far Irsay is wrong based on how Manning is playing tonight and how Luck played today so yeah the media is loving this and over reacting. Ask me in about five years if Irsay made a mistake... If Luck is coming into his prime and Peyton is heading out of the league people might very well be singing another tune.

There's no reason to wait 5 years. No matter what happens, Irsay made a good decision. Thing is though, he could have made the opposite choice and still have made a good decision. IMO, from a "team-building" standpoint, Irsay was in a win-win situation going with either Manning or Luck (though he couldn't have gone with both, and he knew that). He could have kept one of the greatest Qb's of all time (after re-negotiating a new contract that would have been more cap friendly), traded the #1 pick and infused the team with a lot of young talent. We still should have been able to make the trade for Vontae Davis but we may not have been able to make a couple of the other FA pickups that we did but we could have gotten at least 1 or 2 additional picks from the draft (probably both for the OL) that would have been able to make a much larger immediate impact than guys like Justice or McGlynn will make. Maybe we get a Matt Kalil and Kevin Zeitler, an elite OT and OG respectively. Or perhaps a Morris Claiborn and Zeitler and then we don't need to make the trade for Vontae and instead perhaps could have made a trade for a RT or another OG.

Or, he could have gone with Luck and rebuilt the team as it is currently being rebuilt, which is also moving in a great direction though immediate success isn't expected. We won't have the immediate success that we would have had with Manning but we're still building a team that will definitely be back in contention in the near future.

Either way, whichever decision he made, he was going to be rebuilding the team stronger and faster...unless keeping Manning would have meant keeping Caldwell and the Polians, which could have been the case though I really hope not.

From the standpoint of the fans and media though, he was in a lose-lose situation. No matter which decision he made, some people were going to love him for it and others were going to hate him. He was going to get second-guessed, and even hated by some, for the next 5 years no matter which way he went.

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Concurrently, there would have been a group doing the same had we kept Manning and finished anywhere short of a Super Bowl. "We should have drafted Luck and moved on...wah wah!!" What I do know, is it's unrealistic to expect Luck to "tear up the league" because that just doesn't happen. It's extremely rare that a QB comes along and does it for an extended period of time. Yes, the passing rules are far friendlier now to QB's than they were when Peyton came into the league, but that doesn't mean anything if this front office and coaches can't give him something to work with.

By the way, Manning sliced the Pittsburgh defense tonight after 616 days away from the game. 19/26, 256 yards, 2 TD, 0 INT, and a win. Guess a front line does him some good. :D

Very true :)

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Yea yea this was only one game and its probably too early to tell...but..... Peyton looked good to me... oh you were talking about the colts. its too early to tell? LOL thats laughable. I've seen 5 games, not one. I've seen the talent and the depth. I don't see that much gelling in the areas that need work until 2014 at the earliest. Sorry, we shouldn't have to wait 4 years to go 10-6 again.

To be clear, this isn't a "I told you so thread", its a Peyton should have retired a Colt thread. We could have gotten him some weapons and he could be dicing up Pittsburgh's D for US. Dang, did you see what he did with a running game? I mean, thats what an OLine looks like folks.

Peyton only needs 35 seconds to score points. In 2010 this team was horrible. We couldn't run. We couldn't stop the run, but yet Peyton would come out and put us back in front at the last seconds time after time. Most of you probably weren't colt fans before Peyton came to town, so perhaps its hard for you to imagine exactly how bad this franchise was like before he arrived.

Yes, Polian neglected this team in the end. Yes Irsay let Polian have too much power. But that doesn't justify this. There is no doubt this man was run out of town. Everything you were told was a lie and even though its only one game, Peyton showed us this with tonites performance, and with his statements up until the press conference in March.

Irsay (and Polian) owed Peyton an Offensive Line and a running game.

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I fought endlesslessy on the forums for over a year, warning after warning tirelessly walking on eggshells to say the obvious...again and again...don't fix what ain't broken. Don't take a chance on something that we already have when we Still can't stop the run and we still can't run. 45 attempts? Really? This isn't about Peyton vs luck or rg3 vs luck this is about irsay vs the fans and you all bit his bait hook line and sinker.

It was always about the money and not what what was right. Peyton should.have retired a colt. We should have traded the pick and got a good limenacker some plume and a rb. When Cleveland and the seahwawks have better records at the end of the season It will prove I was right.

Written from Baltimore where I chisel to go see the peoples over my beloved colts

You warned me for saying things about irsay, u

can ban me for saying the obvious. I love luck and this won't be his fault...he was set up to fail by irsay.


Wait, what?

No, seriously, what in the name of god is this about? Did you just start banging on your keyboard in an alcohol fueled rage and post whatever came out or what?

What in the heck was that?

Ok, I'll bite... It was always about Irsay Vs. The Fans for the money. (However that makes sense to you...)

Can you tell me, then, how going with Luck instead of Peyton is putting more money into Irsay's pocket?

I'm gonna go waaaaaaay out on a limb here and assume you didn't get your business degree from Harvard...

Please sober up before posting again, eh?

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Yea yea this was only one game and its probably too early to tell...but..... Peyton looked good to me... oh you were talking about the colts. its too early to tell? LOL thats laughable. I've seen 5 games, not one. I've seen the talent and the depth. I don't see that much gelling in the areas that need work until 2014 at the earliest. Sorry, we shouldn't have to wait 4 years to go 10-6 again.

To be clear, this isn't a "I told you so thread", its a Peyton should have retired a Colt thread. We could have gotten him some weapons and he could be dicing up Pittsburgh's D for US. Dang, did you see what he did with a running game? I mean, thats what an OLine looks like folks.

Peyton only needs 35 seconds to score points. In 2010 this team was horrible. We couldn't run. We couldn't stop the run, but yet Peyton would come out and put us back in front at the last seconds time after time. Most of you probably weren't colt fans before Peyton came to town, so perhaps its hard for you to imagine exactly how bad this franchise was like before he arrived.

Yes, Polian neglected this team in the end. Yes Irsay let Polian have too much power. But that doesn't justify this. There is no doubt this man was run out of town. Everything you were told was a lie and even though its only one game, Peyton showed us this with tonites performance, and with his statements up until the press conference in March.

Irsay (and Polian) owed Peyton an Offensive Line and a running game.

First of all you have no way of knowing how long it will take to get back to 10-6. Remember Peyton's rookie year started very much like today did for Andrew Luck and the next year they were 13-3 and that was without having the kind of cash the Colts are going to have to spend this off-season.

Peyton probably will still retire a Colt. If you listened to them talking about him going to Denver tonight it's pretty clear his heart is still in Indianapolis and I fully expect him to sign a one day contract and retire a Colt. With that said how much good would a 34 year old QB done for a team that was going to be in a rebuilding mood no matter what? The cap issues were going to be there regardless of what we did with Peyton and infact had he stayed it might have very well been worse which could have meant no more Freenay, Wayne and maybe Mathis. They weren't going to be able to make many moves outside of the draft to make this team better so it would have been a 2-14 team now with Peyton Manning at QB. That team when those guys were two years younger went 10-6 and barely made the playoffs and were not a realistic Super Bowl contender. Keeping Peyton would have just probably meant a slow death vs. the quick one we got this off-season. Sure we might have fought to make the playoffs at the start but sooner or later father time is going to catch up to Peyton as it does everyone and frankly with a shaky o-line it would have probably caught up to him quicker. Then in about five years you'd just have Colts fans ticked that we stuck with Peyton rather than thinking about the future and drafting Andrew Luck as he was coming into the prime of his career.

Yes we all wished Peyton could have played his whole career a Colt but it didn't happen. Now as fans we have two choices we can pretty much cry over spilled milk or we can suck it up and move on and support the new guy who is here. As a fan of the Colts I have elected to do the later because you know what if I can support Curtis Painter as our QB I can handle Andrew Luck.

Also Peyton Manning was the Colts QB almost half the time the team had been in Indy so it's not shocking that a lot of fans weren't Colts fans before him. This is a very young fan base. With that said I've been a fan of this team since I first found out what they were which was in 1991. You know the Colts record that year? 1-15. Even worse than last year. If I can support them then I can handle this.

Actually there is doubt Manning was run out of town. It didn't make sense for Manning to stay other than for the feel good moment of him staying and it didn't make sense for the Colts to keep him going into a rebuilding mood. That's why so many people who were able to separate the emotions of loving Peyton Manning saw the move coming long before it did. Also just ask yourself this if you were as competitive as Peyton Manning is would you really want to stay with a 2-14 team that was about to gut a bunch of the few good players they had and that you had to carry on your shoulders that was looking rebuilding in the face at the age of 34? I know Colts fans don't like to hear that but trust me Manning didn't just leave because Irsay was kicking him out the door.

What's done is done. No amount of being upset about it is going to change it. So again it all comes down to you now have a choice. You can hold on to the anger you feel about Manning being let go or you can let go and support the team as they rebuild hopefully with another Manning type QB. Personally I find the later to be a lot more fun.

Also Jim Irsay owns the team he didn't owe anyone anything other than to make sure they were paid on time. If he wants to neglect the team and leave and pretty much just use it to rack money in for his family that's his right because it's his property. With that said I think we should be glad we don't have an owner who does that I know this will be hard for some to accept but losing and just putting product out there that will turn a profit will never be okay with Irsay. Look at his track record as owner. Losing has never been okay with him. He wants the Colts to win and that includes beyond the next five years. Irsay made the hard call on what he felt was best for the long term future of his franchise. Again if in five years Luck is coming into his prime and Manning is headed out of the NFL I think people are going to be singing a very different tune about this whole thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you tell me, then, how going with Luck instead of Peyton is putting more money into Irsay's pocket?

Consistency vs short term profit. Whatever financial burdens the Colts might go through this season, will be more than made up by having a solid product for the next decade.

I doubt that was BleedingBlue's point but even a broken clock is right twice a day

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Consistency vs short term profit. Whatever financial burdens the Colts might go through this season, will be more than made up by having a solid product for the next decade.

I doubt that was BleedingBlue's point but even a broken clock is right twice a day

And if, for whatever reason, Luck turns into the next ryan leaf?

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I fought endlesslessy on the forums for over a year, warning after warning tirelessly walking on eggshells to say the obvious...again and again...don't fix what ain't broken. Don't take a chance on something that we already have when we Still can't stop the run and we still can't run. 45 attempts? Really? This isn't about Peyton vs luck or rg3 vs luck this is about irsay vs the fans and you all bit his bait hook line and sinker.

It was always about the money and not what what was right. Peyton should.have retired a colt. We should have traded the pick and got a good limenacker some plume and a rb. When Cleveland and the seahwawks have better records at the end of the season It will prove I was right.

Written from Baltimore where I chisel to go see the peoples over my beloved colts

You warned me for saying things about irsay, u

can ban me for saying the obvious. I love luck and this won't be his fault...he was set up to fail by irsay.


Eggshells he paid Manning $26Million to rehab when he shouldn`t have paid him a Penny. Your post is goofy.

$50Million in dead money on worn out dogs to boot. Irsay gets a 10 for cleaning house and you don`t get it. GL

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, September 18, 2012 - personal shot?
Hidden by shecolt, September 18, 2012 - personal shot?

I fought endlesslessy on the forums for over a year, warning after warning tirelessly walking on eggshells to say the obvious...again and again...don't fix what ain't broken. Don't take a chance on something that we already have when we Still can't stop the run and we still can't run. 45 attempts? Really? This isn't about Peyton vs luck or rg3 vs luck this is about irsay vs the fans and you all bit his bait hook line and sinker.

It was always about the money and not what what was right. Peyton should.have retired a colt. We should have traded the pick and got a good limenacker some plume and a rb. When Cleveland and the seahwawks have better records at the end of the season It will prove I was right.

Written from Baltimore where I chisel to go see the peoples over my beloved colts

You warned me for saying things about irsay, u

can ban me for saying the obvious. I love luck and this won't be his fault...he was set up to fail by irsay.


As Fred Sanford use to say on Sanford and Son "You big dum*** "

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And if, for whatever reason, Luck turns into the next ryan leaf?

Its a low risk-high reward move. You never know the next time a prospect of Luck's caliber is going to appear again and you're in position to draft him. At the end of the day this was a safer bet than keeping Manning and seeing what becomes available after he retires.

Irsay's financial succes is tied to the product he puts on the field. It's in his best interest to take the option that will most likely allow his team to continue winning for the longest amount of time.

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