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Players That Looked Good Vs Redskins


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These are several players that impressed me:

DRAKE NEVIS!!!! - Continuous pressure on the QB, and got a sack. Good work kid

Joe Lefedged - Good coverage skills, and good tackling! Reminds me of Melvin Bullit.

Adrian Moten - Very nice pick

Delone Carter - Didn't play that much, but did well in the time that he did play

Jerraud Powers - Was all over his WR all game, and made 3 nice tackles

Anthony Castonzo - no one got around him

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TERRANCE JOHNSON did very well I thought.

Guess I'm not the only one who noticed this. He did get discarded by the big bruiser RB once, but his hustle, despite missing the tackle, stalled the RB long enough for help to arrive. In the Colts D, it doesn't take long for more men to come flying in. Yea, that kid has some hustle.

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Add John Chick to that list too...

This is going to be a special season. I know we're losing, but the guys who we really wanted to perform at a high level are doing just that. I haven't felt this good going into a season in a while.

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Add John Chick to that list too...

This is going to be a special season. I know we're losing, but the guys who we really wanted to perform at a high level are doing just that. I haven't felt this good going into a season in a while.

True that, that guys that should show some promise are and thats all that matters for the upcoming season.... the colts just have to get their Oline in check cant still be shuffling guys around in the 4th preseaon game... i cant remember seeing Ben Ijalana in the game.

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True that, that guys that should show some promise are and thats all that matters for the upcoming season.... the colts just have to get their Oline in check cant still be shuffling guys around in the 4th preseaon game... i cant remember seeing Ben Ijalana in the game.

I'm pretty sure Ijalana has been in there. It's usually a very good thing when you don't notice an offensive lineman.

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I'm pretty sure Ijalana has been in there. It's usually a very good thing when you don't notice an offensive lineman.

What bugs me a bit is the colts shuffled the line in practice putting diem at guard, my question is why not try that in the game.. if you wanna see how it goes try it against a defense, pretty much usless shuffling them in practice if your not gonna try it in a game.

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Yeah Nevis should start honestly. He will blow a few big plays but learn quickly, it's not like our other takles don't blow a few big plays and they're getting to vet status. By the end of the year he would easily have potential to be our best DT as a rookie lol.. If he continues to play the way he has been.

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McAfee and Vinatieri played well.

Nevis played well

A. Johnson played well

Powers covered well tackled bad

Delone Carter and Javarius James ran hard

Castonzo and Reitz played well (except the false start on Reitz)

Conner made some really good plays and missed tackles as well.


Brackett did not play well

All DB's struggled to tackle

Pollack at guard not good, Pollack did play well while he played center.

DeVan whiffed on 3 blocks


Painter lacks confidence in himself - He looks scared the moment he walks up to the line. He continues to 'bounce' screen passes. This is all nerves because I see him sucessfully throw this pass in camp over and over. Any pass over 5 yards seemed to go opposite of the way the receiver went.

We seem to be deep at the DL, TE and RB positions. We will cut some players in those positions that will be picked up by other NFL teams.

RB: Addai, Brown, Carter, James, Evans, Spann (probably keep 3 at max 4)

TE: Clark, Tamme, Eldridge, Devree, McNeil, Matthews, (Snow) (probably will keep 3/4 plus Snow)

DL: Freeney, Mathis, Anderson, Brayton, Hughes, Johnson, Moala, Harris, Nevis, Foster, Chick, Matthews, Ogbu, Debford, Gill

Maybe we should look into trading some of this depth for some OL/DB depth. Just a thought.

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I was at the game and I liked the value Tyson DeVree brings to the table as a quick checkdown pass catching TE and blocking TE, I did feel he blocked well. I just wish some of the TEs broke their routes quicker and looked back quicker to help out the QB. Most of our starting wideout corp was missing and thus, without our WRs generating separation, the QB should have looked for TEs more but the TEs not named Clark were not breaking fast enough for my liking, after all they are not WRs :-). Tamme normally sees a lot of time in pre-season. But now that they know what he can do, they probably want to look at the other TEs. Our TE position depth will be key as the season progresses.

Eric Foster is so underrated, he never gets enough credit from fans, IMO. Adrian Moten makes the team, no doubt in my mind. Brackett, Angerer, Conner, Wheeler, Moten, and a 6th one, that will be the final LB corp when it is all said and done. Ollie Ogbu was held a lot and he has potential for sure. I thought Chick played well last game too, this game was his best by far in pre-season. Nevis should start over Moala.

No game planning, just read and react, that is what this pre-season game was about. Next game, we will actually game plan for the Packers. So, if our starters, whoever plays, stinks it up in the Packers game, fans have a reason to be concerned, IMO. We will see.

As far as QB, I would like to see Orlovsky work with the first team offense and start the Packers game, just my personal preference.

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I was at the game and I liked the value Tyson DeVree brings to the table as a quick checkdown pass catching TE and blocking TE, I did feel he blocked well. I just wish some of the TEs broke their routes quicker and looked back quicker to help out the QB. Most of our starting wideout corp was missing and thus, without our WRs generating separation, the QB should have looked for TEs more but the TEs not named Clark were not breaking fast enough for my liking, after all they are not WRs :-). Tamme normally sees a lot of time in pre-season. But now that they know what he can do, they probably want to look at the other TEs. Our TE position depth will be key as the season progresses.

Eric Foster is so underrated, he never gets enough credit from fans, IMO. Adrian Moten makes the team, no doubt in my mind. Brackett, Angerer, Conner, Wheeler, Moten, and a 6th one, that will be the final LB corp when it is all said and done.

Hope you and Coffee break down the tape sometime, I like both of your insights. Especially the O and D linemen.

If Sims gets back, he should be #6. 4 TE's besides Snow, right?

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If Sims gets back, he should be #6. 4 TE's besides Snow, right?

Yep, Ernie Sims should be #6, if he continues his training camp ways. I think we need 2 blocking TEs besides the 2 good receiving TEs that we have. At times, I saw both the blocking TE (DeVree) and RB in for protection on either side of the QB but Orlovsky still saw pressure and that was coming from the middle and he could not step up, the TE did his part. The middle of the O-line did not have a good day, I felt. Since I was at the game, I DVRed the game, will have to look more closely (this time on my HDTV :-) unlike last time) to see how plays unfolded actually.

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I agree with SMonroe about the DL but I would say that Mathews is competing with Ogbu and Harris is safe. The Colts I believe have been long time fans of Harris and I think they will respect his past history and realize he is still young enough to at least give him 8 games on the active roster to see what he can do. Also Ogbu and perhaps Mathews can go to the practice squad, not exactly a protected location but it's better than being waived which is what would happen to Harris if he is released.

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I agree with SMonroe about the DL but I would say that Mathews is competing with Ogbu and Harris is safe. The Colts I believe have been long time fans of Harris and I think they will respect his past history and realize he is still young enough to at least give him 8 games on the active roster to see what he can do. Also Ogbu and perhaps Mathews can go to the practice squad, not exactly a protected location but it's better than being waived which is what would happen to Harris if he is released.

Yeah, that makes sense. I can't remember too many teams poaching our PS, but I could be wrong.

As far as the TE's, we carried 4 TE's at the start of last year, if I remember correctly (not counting Snow). Brody and Dijon started out as the blocking TEs.

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TERRANCE JOHNSON did very well I thought. Chick continues to be impressive (flys around well). Drake Nevis is a beast. Good things from running backs (especially that one from LSU).

Olafvsky will be the QB behind Manning (maybe we keep 3)

Terrance Johnson did well tackling but his coverage was, mediocre. I wonder how he'd do at safety?

Chcik had a good game. His sack was more fortunate than ability... I would hope a DE that does not get blocked gets the sack. But, IMO, he was the special teams MVP last night. I cannot believe how quickly he got down the field.

I'm not sure how you can say Orlavasky is behine Manning, I'm not sure how he did it but he was worse than Painter. At least Painter just make bad throws, Orlavsky stares down his receivers and then makes a bad throw. I think the Colts would be better off just saving the roster spot and, as a poster suggested the other day, just use Addai as the emergency QB. I'm not sure why Hartline has yet to see any action, maybe he's the secret weapon.

I will say this though, Orlavsky was not helped by Richard, Link or Toudouze. Teams have to cut down to 75 this week, I don't think Toudouze or Richard are going to be among those 75 and if it were up to me, Link would be gone as well. I watched the game on NFL Preseason Live. With that you have the ability to rewind 10 seconds, which is perfect for most plays. So for each play, I would rewind to watch what each lineman did on each play. I do not think these three guys won a single battle all night. And that is not an exaggeration... they were beaten on every play, whether it was a run or a pass.

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Chick surprised me and showed me something in the 2nd pre-season game. Nevis showed up for the 2nd game in a row. Carter didn't play much, but he made it count by showing his power, decisiveness, and quickness. Conner is improving each game. I can't wait for Sims to start playing for us so I can get a glimpse of what our LB core will look like. Costanzo also showed me he is very quick off of the snap, which is good for the quick DEs in the league. I think he is learning quickly from Freeney.

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