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With the additions of Nelson and Slauson have we changed the persona of our O-Line?


Both have been involved in scrums and don't take any slack. Kelley has that same mean streak inside him.


I think by mid-season the league is going to recognize that we are no longer a "cake walk". Hearing about these two getting physical in camp makes me giddy like a little girl.

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Still trying to fathom what was going through TJ Green’s head when he tried to push Nelson 


I know the rumors are floating that he’s on the chopping block this season, but trying Nelson isn’t gonna secure your roster spot. It may secure you a trip to the trainers table haha


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1 minute ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


I think our QB will remain a nice guy, but if the OLine keeps Luck clean, then we won't really see any more nice-guy-Andrew after a big hit by a defender...



I will gladly let that go.. I think Andrew would as well.  I just hope to see Nelson level Clowney or Watt one on one, that'd be epic.

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I also really like the fact that, even when Nelson got stiffed by Autry (although Matt Danely intimated it was a "penalty" type move), that he didn't react at all, just went onto the next play and beat the D-line up all over again.


That's the kind of culture you want, strong mean streak and have each other's backs, but not hot-heads who will give away retaliatory penalties and the like.


Hopefully the new O-line sets the tone for the rest as well.

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Yeah I 100% agree and have been thinking the same. With a full new coaching staff and the way Ballard has been addressing the O-Line for top talent guys, I think we're a force to be reckoned with. Something Luck hasn't really had since being here. Nelson, although a rookie, he's not going to take any crap. Slauson does appear to be the same way which I'm digging that. I just hope injuries don't blow us away because I want to see this team remain healthy at some point.

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I'm all good for it. Can't beat a team if you aren't touching the QB. Hopefully, they take it personally when someone does sack Luck. Personally, I may wince the first few times he takes a hit, but hopefully with this new line,hits will be few and far between

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This is a work in progress But for now it' looks promising for our line. Let's see how this works for us. This is a better beginning than we have had in the past , so let's in brace it guys. Let's embrace it for this season and see how it develops before we ridicule the process . 

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I just listened to the 1070 fan replay, and someone was telling grady and big joe that both Slauson and Nelson are bullies and for lack of a better word, dicks.  I love it.  Two nasty guards and a healthy Kelly will be sooooo nice.  I'm thinking Kevin Gogan, and that Dolphin guard who was too mean lol. 

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When I played in high school, we had a nasty OL, and I used to love away games.  We would get off the bus and look at the other team and give them a look.   It was always a thrill to see the other team give you the holy crap look.  Now, when the Colts come to town, the other team will know they are going to get hit so hard their helmets will spin around backwards.

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3 hours ago, Coltscrazy said:

I just listened to the 1070 fan replay, and someone was telling grady and big joe that both Slauson and Nelson are bullies and for lack of a better word, dicks.  I love it.  Two nasty guards and a healthy Kelly will be sooooo nice.  I'm thinking Kevin Gogan, and that Dolphin guard who was too mean lol. 

Richie Incognito is who you are thinking of.

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12 hours ago, csmopar said:

I think the nice guy persona is gone.

I pray you're a prophet with those words CSPR. Nuthin' would make me happier.


I believe we can instill fear in other organizations. I just need to see it consistently week to week.


Just keep talking naysayers...We will see who is cringing once the dust settles...Enough said.

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7 hours ago, IndyD4U said:

I dig that the staff decided to keep the boys out in the rain yesterday.

Playing under any less than perfect conditions is always an asset. I agree completely ID4U.


Dome teams need to show the league that they can win anywhere, anytime, regardless of what mother nature throws your way. Nice.

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