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Chip on the shoulder

Lucky Colts Fan

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It's time for the Colts develop a chip on their shoulder.  Hopefully our next coach can facilitate that.  Having a chip on their shoulder seems to be working wonders for the Jags (well, that and a ton of defensive talent).  Belichick is probably the best in the business at developing perceived chips on his players' shoulders, even when they're the #1 seed and SB favorites.  (I still wonder if that hit-piece that came out about the power struggle between Kraft, Belichick and Brady was all part of his master-plan to force the team to close ranks and circle the wagons just in time for a playoff-run... :thinking:)  The AFCCG should be interesting...


Have things been bad enough for long enough that the Colts can develop a serious chip on the shoulder?  Things have obviously gone down-hill the last few years.  People are starting to discount Luck, and the rest of our team (including coaches) has been painfully exposed without him on the field.  The media has raked the Colts over the coals ever since deflate-gate.  It may not be too far in the future when Jim retires and the Colts are being run by Carlie Irsay, managed by Ballard, and coached by someone that's trying to prove themselves as a HC.  There might not even be anyone left that is associated with the 2006 SB, which could lead to everyone, like literally EVERYONE in the Colts organization having a chip on their shoulder.


I can see the Colts being ranked as the worst team in the AFC South this off-season.  New coaching staff, injury-questions surrounding the team (especially Lucks' shoulder), probably a lot of new young faces as Ballard continues to turn-over the roster.  I doubt anyone will have the Colts making the playoffs, and NOBODY will have the Colts as SB-contenders.  I'd like to see everyone with a boulder-sized chip on both shoulders, so hopefully we'll need a few of those "over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders!"  :thmup:

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What a load of poppycock. Good players, better players, good coaching, better game adjustments and better play calling will make us a play-off team. Not some mystery phantom figure of speech.


Belichick after his 6th SB win....."we won it all because we had a chip on our shoulder, not because of anything else we did throughout the year....."


Sorry, not a fan of this idea.

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Jags may have a chip on their shoulders, but they’re winning because they’ve been drafting in the top 15 for the last 10 Years.  Eventually you hit on those picks. 


BTW,  before anyone wants to use them as an example on why we need to draft Chubb because defense wins championships...Ben had 5 TDs and threw for almost 500 yards.  Yes, defense got them there but their offense won the game.  

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9 hours ago, Smonroe said:

Jags may have a chip on their shoulders, but they’re winning because they’ve been drafting in the top 15 for the last 10 Years.  Eventually you hit on those picks. 


BTW,  before anyone wants to use them as an example on why we need to draft Chubb because defense wins championships...Ben had 5 TDs and threw for almost 500 yards.  Yes, defense got them there but their offense won the game.  

Yeah but can't you also say despite Ben throwing all those yards, the steelers still lost because their defense was bad? Hence - defense wins championships. 

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8 hours ago, NorthernBlue said:

Yeah but can't you also say despite Ben throwing all those yards, the steelers still lost because their defense was bad? Hence - defense wins championships. 


I know you’re joking (I hope so anyway).   Point being, except for a few rare occasions defense doesn’t win championships.  A top 16 D is fine if you have a really good offense.  


Mainly, this is me trying to convince myself that against all practical and logical sense, we should not trade the pick to shore up holes on defense, and we should take Barkley.   


I’ve used this analogy before - I’m like the guy who has a hole in the roof, leaky pipes and a furnace in need of repair.  I already have an old car that runs, and I could fix those problems and still buy a new family car.  


But, instead, I’m getting that Vette!

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