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Phil B's Blog On Peyton...interesting


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  1. Agreed Tuba.

plus, if you notice, he's says he's "coming along".

This could be referring to being cleared MEDICALLY.

I find it very interesting he's avoiding the nerve issue. Which IS the issue, not the "safety" issue and being cleared to play.

Even manning said today that he doesn't know when he can play at an ACCEPTABLE level.

Heck, Joe Montana would be cleared to play, but he couldn't play at an acceptable level anyway.

Being cleared only means there is no risk for injury. it has nothing to do with REALLY being able to play . at least not the way we want.

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Child please, that interview on Tuesday w/ ESPN was contracted a long time ago, and if you actually listen to the interview all Manning wanted to talk about was the CITY. I think Kravitz is rubbing off on these other Star guys and once again they are upset that they are the locals, but the nationals get all the 1st news.

I see more and more why Polian did not like to talk to them. All they paint is a negative picture.

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I 100% agree. It's like Peyton Favre or something.

Between the comments about not liking the changes, the ESPN interview following media day and today? Good Lord.

This all could have waited until AFTER the SB. Be a gracious host.

Great article.

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lighten up Francis...its a term coined by Ocho and the "child" was Phil B

Fine, it's a term used by Ocho. I'm not Ocho. I'm 50, been a Colts fan for years, I'm a professional who manages a business, and I have formerly been a forum moderator for years. Personally, I didn't think the term "child" or "Francis" for that matter was necessary at all. It cheapens what you have to say. It's all attitude, even if meant in jest. So yes, I can lighten up, but knock off the derogatory crap.

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Fine, it's a term used by Ocho. I'm not Ocho. I'm 50, been a Colts fan for years, I'm a professional who manages a business, and I have formerly been a forum moderator for years. Personally, I didn't think the term "child" or "Francis" for that matter was necessary at all. It cheapens what you have to say. It's all attitude, even if meant in jest. So yes, I can lighten up, but knock off the derogatory crap.

Sorry, but you are way over reacting. He wasn't even saying it to you but in response to the article. He doesn't owe anyone an apology. Thought I don't know what the Francis part is referring to, I must admit.

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Fine, it's a term used by Ocho. I'm not Ocho. I'm 50, been a Colts fan for years, I'm a professional who manages a business, and I have formerly been a forum moderator for years. Personally, I didn't think the term "child" or "Francis" for that matter was necessary at all. It cheapens what you have to say. It's all attitude, even if meant in jest. So yes, I can lighten up, but knock off the derogatory crap.

Wow Tuba. Chill out. Learn to take a joke. Why so seriuos son? (Btw, from the movie batman, just so we are clear.)

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Sorry, but you are way over reacting. He wasn't even saying it to you but in response to the article. He doesn't owe anyone an apology. Thought I don't know what the Francis part is referring to, I must admit.

Is the "Francis" thing a pee-wee herman reference?

"I know you are but what am I?"

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Peyton has been tacky lately.

I know I hope this all makes Eli want to play the game of his life but if he loses or sucks Sunday night I might actually start to blame this ridiculous Peyton distraction hanging over him.

Peyton has a bigger ego then the Peyton fans realize.

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Okay, to those that think I "overreacted", I do apologize. Here is my point...I posted a link to a story that I thought brings out some interesting points that haven't really been talked about much. I presented it here to get some thoughts, both ways. If you know me on the forums, you know I have NO problem with people disagreeing with me. That is one of the fun things about forums like this. Some times I get thinking more by hearing different opinions than mine than simply by listening to people merely agreeing with me. But if I had used a term like "child" or "Francis" in my posts, I would have caught major heat, and rightfully so. It is simply unnecessary. Make your points, have fun, agree or disagree. But stuff like that is simply unnecessary. That's my opinion, whether you agree or not.

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Peyton has been tacky lately.

I know I hope this all makes Eli want to play the game of his life but if he loses or sucks Sunday night I might actually start to blame this ridiculous Peyton distraction hanging over him.

Peyton has a bigger ego then the Peyton fans realize.


i just remembered that video when he was playing football in the backyard with cooper.

Peyton "faked" crying to stop play, then when everyone else stopped, he ran for the TD.

Tuff for a "tiger" to change his stripes.

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I don't get what the rush is either with Manning here. Did Irsay say he wanted to wait until March? Then wait until March.

Why is this all so dramatic this week? Why is Manning so urgent? He is trying to get Irsay to promise to keep him or release him sooner then later?

Manning is hurting himself here IMO with all these games. He is a politician like Jim said.

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Anyone that follows Eli knows he hates the media. The more I think about it the more I lean towards Archie and Peyton coming up with this injury/Colts story to shelter Eli from the pressure of the media. Why wouldn't they try and protect Eli from the fear of the media so he can concentrate on the Giants game plan?

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Anyone that follows Eli knows he hates the media. The more I think about it the more I lean towards Archie and Peyton coming up with this injury/Colts story to shelter Eli from the pressure of the media. Why wouldn't they try and protect Eli from the fear of the media so he can concentrate on the Giants game plan?

I don't buy it.

This is ALL about peyton.

I'm not judging, just stating what i feel.

(notice how I'm trying VERY HARD to not start trouble with anyone? This board is getting VICIOUS!)

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Anyone that follows Eli knows he hates the media. The more I think about it the more I lean towards Archie and Peyton coming up with this injury/Colts story to shelter Eli from the pressure of the media. Why wouldn't they try and protect Eli from the fear of the media so he can concentrate on the Giants game plan?

If you believe that then I have a bridge to sell you..........

Eli and pressure. Is it possible? He is one of the best road playoff QBs I have ever seen and he puts up with the NY media on a daily basis.

Yeah I am sure playing the big bad Pats in the SB has really gotten to him.

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I love Peyton, but he's never struck me as a particularly humble person. I'd say most big time athletes aren't in reality. Of course he has a big ego and he's going to push back against any type of reports that he can't play.

Said this in another thread, but my guess is that the Colts don't want him to play - healthy or not - and Peyton knows/senses that. Every news media is saying that Irsay already made up his mind. You can't turn on the television without them talking about what happens once Peyton is released (not even bothering to say "if" anymore). No way Peyton can ignore all of that - he's only human. If he is convinced he's going to be released no matter what, I'm sure he'd just like to get it over with.

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As much as I want to know the answer now, I too would like to let the teams play the game without another Manning or Irsay story this week. Horrible coincendence that the SB is in Indy based on the circumstances, Manning's contractual relationship with Gatorade (and Luck's too for that matter), Irsay playing host.... but this is the biggest game in the biggest US sport, and I think it's time to have Friday and the weekend Manning-free. And Irsay-free. And Luck-free.

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I love Peyton, but he's never struck me as a particularly humble person. I'd say most big time athletes aren't in reality. Of course he has a big ego and he's going to push back against any type of reports that he can't play.

Said this in another thread, but my guess is that the Colts don't want him to play - healthy or not - and Peyton knows/senses that. Every news media is saying that Irsay already made up his mind. You can't turn on the television without them talking about what happens once Peyton is released (not even bothering to say "if" anymore). No way Peyton can ignore all of that - he's only human. If he is convinced he's going to be released no matter what, I'm sure he'd just like to get it over with.

I pretty much agree with this too.

I think silence would be the best thing this week though.

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I pretty much agree with this too.

I think silence would be the best thing this week though.

Agreed. But, I'm sure that's easier said than done with soooo much media in the city and Peyton having sponsorship obligations and so forth. Everyone with any knowledge on the subject are all in one place. "sources" everywhere are having trouble keeping quiet and everything that is said by anyone is being interpreted and misinterpreted. The Colts are guilty of letting out every chance they get that they don't think his arm is ready.

I do have to say that after the Colts lost the last game I was quite depressed and said I wasn't looking forward to all of the drama surrounding having the #1 pick. I was laughed at and told that the Colts were above the drama - lol.

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If the world wasn't in Indy these past two weeks, I don't believe all this would be going on, or such a big issue.

Problem is, there's a lot going on, a lot of stories to be had, and all the people craving that news is in your back yard.

Also, if Kravitz hadn't made something out of nothing (first Manning interview) this wouldn't have blown up to what it is.


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This just seems like the local guys trying to "one-up" the national guys.

Phil's article trashes Peyton for continuing to fan the fire...then Phil reports that Peyton's having dinner with Fitz..."Hey Phil...that's fanning the fire!"

There's NO NEED to report this, but hey, Phil had to one-up someone else.

Anyone think that Maybe Peyton's a bit tired of everyone talking about the "house he built" in the same sentence that they're saying he's done...KNOWING he's out at the complex every day busting his hump to get back, and KNOWING that he wants to be a Colt?

I'd be telling reporters what's up too! If Peyton "let out info" today, that wasn't anything new...why was it "Breaking News" on ESPN?

If he let the info out...ESPN doesn't have to make it a big deal...

Double edged sword... If you're gonna really make a difference Phil, maybe stop making it every single story you guys do...?

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Peyton said on Tues that he expected to be cleared to play. He met with his surgeons on Wed (just confirmed by phil B). They cleared him to play. Why is it such a crime that he let other people know the good news when it happened?

Is this really new? He is cleared to play but people are acting like he is 100% again. We don't even know his performance level if he does play.

And honestly who cares this time of year around the SB when he won't be playing until September anyway? Fans of other teams are even laughing and complaining about the Colts now and Peyton hogging attention.

This is embarrassing.

I am embarrassed by this week. Media day+Peyton interview I thought would be the last thing we saw/heard.

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Is this really new? He is cleared to play but people are acting like he is 100% again. We don't even know his performance level if he does play.

And honestly who cares this time of year around the SB when he won't be playing until September anyway? Fans of other teams are even laughing and complaining about the Colts now and Peyton hogging attention.

This is embarrassing.

I am embarrassed by this week. Media day+Peyton interview I thought would be the last thing we saw/heard.

Is this really new? He is cleared to play but people are acting like he is 100% again. We don't even know his performance level if he does play.

And honestly who cares this time of year around the SB when he won't be playing until September anyway? Fans of other teams are even laughing and complaining about the Colts now and Peyton hogging attention.

This is embarrassing.

I am embarrassed by this week. Media day+Peyton interview I thought would be the last thing we saw/heard.

You are already on record saying you don't want Manning back. You are as biased in the other direction as those who want Manning back are in supporting him. It would be better if things were quiet, but with every sports journalist in Indy talking to a billion sources searching for stories, it's not possible.

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You are already on record saying you don't want Manning back. You are as biased in the other direction as those who want Manning back are in supporting him. It would be better if things were quiet, but with every sports journalist in Indy talking to a billion sources searching for stories, it's not possible.

So what?

That opinion should have nothing to do with any of this. I am a die hard Colts fan since birth but I am slowly becoming more and more turned off by Manning and the Peyton homers too who act like he is God all the time even when he >>>s up.

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So again, since pre firing of the Polians....how often have the media been right so far?

I see the average fan who is taking this carp to heart as eerily similar to the piece of cloth at the end of a kite's tail....whipped around with no direction.

I stated this on another board.....

"Or they...snip at the fringes, chewing at the soul of the past in a nervous effort to hurry the present so we can get to the future"

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So what?

That opinion should have nothing to do with any of this. I am a die hard Colts fan since birth but I am slowly becoming more and more turned off by Manning and the Peyton homers too who act like he is God all the time even when he >>>s up.

And I'm turned off by the Colts' who are doing everything they can to put out the idea that Manning can't play instead of letting it play out and giving him time. I'm admittedly biased.

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And I'm turned off by the Colts' who are doing everything they can to put out the idea that Manning can't play instead of letting it play out and giving him time. I'm admittedly biased.

I thought Irsay wanted to wait until March? I think Peyton is the one who seems to be rushing the process. Peyton said on Tuesday pretty much "the sooner the better."

I am not sure I understand the mindset here with Manning.

I am thinking he might want this done sooner then later. If so, he might force himself to get cut the way things are looking.

Peyton IMO is not helping the situation at all.

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