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Peyton Expects To Be Cleared By Doctors To Play Football


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March 8th can't come soon enough. :drama:

Not just March 8th...i expect we very well may not pay the $28million option...but i also think its very likely that we sign him to a completely different contract after that, so that it's more cap friendly for the remainder of his career and if he retires early.

A lot of people will say that "that isnt very likely"....but when Irsay says its not about money, its about Peyton's health...and Peyton says he will be cleared to play and that he has always said he wants to play his entire career for one team...i think its more likely that he plays for us than it is that he plays for any other team.

Irsay has said that if the right QB was available we would select him, whether Peyton was 100% healthy and had never been hurt, or not...

The thing is, the media needs a story...so they take what they want and spin it into something they can use to get viewers and readers....

Lets not forget, they all said that Collie had to retire...they said that Polian would be retained...they said Caldwell would be retained...they said that Keith Butler would be our DC...they said that Peyton wasnt healthy and wasnt making progress and would likely retire.... what exactly have they said that they got RIGHT so far, that would make you want to believe them now?!

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Just because he is cleared doesn't mean he will be 100% effective. We already know he will be able to take a hit. That's not the issue. His arm strength might only return 70-80 percent but he could still be cleared to play. Don't ask me how that translates to game performance. You would think an 80% Manning would be better than most NFL QB's but hard to say if he has lost some zip and or accuracy. Would you rather see Manning call it a day if he can't come all the way back or come back and be a less effective version of himself?

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Just because he is cleared doesn't mean he will be 100% effective. We already know he will be able to take a hit. That's not the issue. His arm strength might only return 70-80 percent but he could still be cleared to play. Don't ask me how that translates to game performance. You would think an 80% Manning would be better than most NFL QB's but hard to say if he has lost some zip and or accuracy. Would you rather see Manning call it a day if he can't come all the way back or come back and be a less effective version of himself?

The title says that Peyton expects to be cleared to play football, but the OP provided no evidence to support:

1) the timing of when such clearance is expected to be given.

2) whether or not such clearance will be given.

If true, all it claims is that Peyton expects it.

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Man some of you have no idea how to play on the internetz....

I don't need to provide proof. Turn on your TV to that yellowed broadcast called ESPN. The only thing is they are still spinning it as he will be a FA...and not a colt.

Irresponsible journalism is one thing, but you so called fans buying into it and sending the greatest football player of all time packing is another. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

but I like to focus on teh positives...so Ill quote some of my faves on the board today...

Well if that happens I hope Irsay would bring him back and let him retire a COLT. That in my opinion would be the best way to handle the situation. JMO of course but that's what I would like to see happen if he has to retire. That would give Peyton the respect he so deserves.

I gotta say I am a little disappointed at how many people are so willing to just toss Peyton aside after all he did for this Franchise, Indianapolis, Indiana, and all of us Colts fans. I know the season sucked, i know there is no guarentee that he will be healthy. But i am almost sickened by people's readiness to just drop him off and walk away like he was on the practice squad.

Personally I am sickened by the way the man is being treated. All of this hype surrounding some rookie is just ridiculous especially when there is a real proven megastar NFL quarterback on the roster rather than the latest media mirage.

I looked it up and the NFL Combine is supposed to be the 24th and 25th in Indy. Why would they cut Manning nearly two weeks before March 8th?

And according to the article, when these GM's were being interviewed earlier in the month, Irsay supposedly said there was already a plan in place to move on from Manning? First, even without the nerve damage he'd be thinking about an eventual changing of the guard. And during the time of the GM interviews, articles were circulating that Irsay believed Manning and Luck could exist on the same team. So that was a lie and now this is the TRUTH?

When did the tone of the board turn so bleak about Manning's future. Was it Rob Lowe? Last month there was optimism about the bone healing and reports Manning was throwing the football.

For months, even years, fans have been saying Peyton's chance of getting to another Super Bowl would be replacing Chris Pollian, firing Jim Caldwell, the special teams coach, the strength conditioning staff, and getting more balance on both sides of the ball. Well, the wish list has been filled. But suddenly this spells the end of Peyton Manning as a Colt, not an Elway-like late career run for another championship ring?

During the season, people said, "Heck, 80% of Peyton Manning is better than most qbs in the league.' A few weeks ago people were saying it was the best thing for Irsay to be tight lipped about his intentions. He was playing zen poker with the other teams and if he intended to trade Luck to fill in the team's holes he had to be secretive. Now it's how Manning should be cut. No hard feelings. Buh-bye.

I hope Peyton remains a Colt. And I can still find reasons to be hopeful he does.

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Peyton is a perfectionist and a task master. He's not doing anything at less than 100%.

this is the second time I've quoted you today...you my friend are all right. I was going to add this sentiment along the way somewhere in one of the many doomsday posts, but I'm glad someone else did instead.

heres the second taken from another thread. I was going to add it to my fave quotes of the day...but the forums won't let me edit an older post so ill add it here.

What he said was, everything the doctors have been telling him is on point and he expects to be cleared and ready to go this season. He also said he and Irsay have, and will continue to have a great relationship for the rest of there lives. Following the interview Schefter completely fails in the category of comprehension and asserts something he can not possibly know. He said given the way Peyton feels and Mr. Irsay wanting to do everything possible not to put Peyton in a situation where the injury could be compromised means that Peyton will be released, even after Mort made it perfectly clear that the risk of injury is no greater for Peyton than it is his brother this weekend. Nevermind that letting him play elsewhere does nothing to reduce the risk of injury. Quote from Schefter "If you factor in the way Jim Irsay feels and the way Peyton Manning feels you can see where this is all going, it's all going to Peyton Manning being released....". So Adam knows how both men feel about Peyton continuing to play for the Colts and asserts that he will be let go, despite numerous comments by both clearly stating they both want Peyton to always be a Colts. Schefter is doing the kind of reporting that makes him a commentator not a journalist. He's having trouble separating his opinion from verifiable facts. I would suggest that any naysayer that watched that interview and is still absolutely convinced Peyton will be let go is the true denier, not those of us that believe he will remain with the team.

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Since all the "drama" and speculation is about Irsay and PM, then ESPN and NFL Network and everyone else are only guessing at best (some not even an educated guess) about what is going on. But when PM and Irsay speak on the topic at hand it is "straight from the horses mouth" so to speak. Now you can choose who to believe but I think it's obvious who should know the truth of the matter better than anyone else. ME! lol just kidding! And just for the record I would take Peyton at QB even if he was only at 80%. He will retire soon enough and I trust him to make that decision at the proper time. PM is a man of integrity!

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Since all the "drama" and speculation is about Irsay and PM, then ESPN and NFL Network and everyone else are only guessing at best (some not even an educated guess) about what is going on. But when PM and Irsay speak on the topic at hand it is "straight from the horses mouth" so to speak. Now you can choose who to believe but I think it's obvious who should know the truth of the matter better than anyone else. ME! lol just kidding! And just for the record I would take Peyton at QB even if he was only at 80%. He will retire soon enough and I trust him to make that decision at the proper time. PM is a man of integrity!

Actually, you bring up a good point. Even from the horses' mouth, you cannot expect the straight information. You have to wait until you see what actually happens on March 8, or if there is a joint statement to what will happen from both Peyton and Irsay to believe it is straight. Everything people hear before then is as Irsay commented, "campaigning", and as others have commented, "spinning".

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Actually, you bring up a good point. Even from the horses' mouth, you cannot expect the straight information. You have to wait until you see what actually happens on March 8, or if there is a joint statement to what will happen from both Peyton and Irsay to believe it is straight. Everything people hear before then is as Irsay commented, "campaigning", and as others have commented, "spinning".

Mr. Irsay clearly left himself a way out but only based on Peytons health which is understandable. But PM did say in his ESPN interview that his rehab was going good, everything the doc's have been telling him is on point and he is encouraged by the doc's and his progression. If Irsay releases PM into FA then we will still be without a good back-up QB and whoever we draft still has no NFL experience and could turn out a bust. Then we're in worse shape than before. Wouldn't make a bit of sense to release PM.
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Mr. Irsay clearly left himself a way out but only based on Peytons health which is understandable. But PM did say in his ESPN interview that his rehab was going good, everything the doc's have been telling him is on point and he is encouraged by the doc's and his progression. If Irsay releases PM into FA then we will still be without a good back-up QB and whoever we draft still has no NFL experience and could turn out a bust. Then we're in worse shape than before. Wouldn't make a bit of sense to release PM.

I'm not going to read very much into how well Peyton's rehab maybe going. The real point is if he will be considered (by the Colts) a risk worth taking come March 8. If yes, then he will get paid his bonus, and stay with the team until otherwise. If no, he will be released.

Whether the Colts will use a 100% criteria (compared to pre-injury Peyton) or something less to judge the risk, I don't know.

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The people who want Luck so bad should realize there are never any guarantees that a great college qb will succeed in the pros, and some of them who do become great later start out very slow. I would rather have a Peyton Manning who is ready to play and has proven himself one of the greatest of the greats, than an untested rookie to hang my hopes on. Wouldn't you?

I hope the Colts bring Peyton back and also draft a qb of the future. It can work.

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The people who want Luck so bad should realize there are never any guarantees that a great college qb will succeed in the pros, and some of them who do become great later start out very slow. I would rather have a Peyton Manning who is ready to play and has proven himself one of the greatest of the greats, than an untested rookie to hang my hopes on. Wouldn't you?

I hope the Colts bring Peyton back and also draft a qb of the future. It can work.

I agree 100%!
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The people who want Luck so bad should realize there are never any guarantees that a great college qb will succeed in the pros, and some of them who do become great later start out very slow. I would rather have a Peyton Manning who is ready to play and has proven himself one of the greatest of the greats, than an untested rookie to hang my hopes on. Wouldn't you?

I hope the Colts bring Peyton back and also draft a qb of the future. It can work.

I want what is best for the long term interests of the team.

I don't know if Luck or whoever the Colts pick as their #1 pick will be a bust or not. However, I do know that Luck is highly rated by the professional scouts whose job it is to rate prospects. In fact, there is consensus among them that he is the #1 pick in this year's draft. That gives me some confidence that the probability that he is a bust is lessened.

I don't know if Peyton will be healthy enough (again, define this as 100% like pre-injury Peyton, or something less) to play by March 8, when the option bonus is due. I have not heard any objective opinion from the professionals (doctors/trainers/coaches) about the projection of his abilities since his surgeries. All I have are subjective vague accounts of "progressing" and "feeling good" and "trying to get better", all of which may or may not add up to being healthy enough (as Irsay/Colts define it) to play.

Additionally, we know the financial impact that Peyton will have on the salary cap of the team.

We also have an educated guess of what Luck 's financial impact will have on the salary cap on the team.

Together, we have a projection of how Peyton, and Luck together with a #3 QB will impact that salary cap of the team.

Taking these 3 factors into consideration, I find it difficult to rationalize the keep Peyton and draft Luck scenario.

I also find it difficult to rationalize the keep Peyton if he is anything less than

a) 100% healthy compared to pre-injury Peyton, and

b) projected that he can play all 4 remaining years of his current contract at this level.

IMO, the least risky option is release Peyton, and draft Luck in terms of the long term interests of the team.

But I am not the owner of the team,

Irsay will do as he chooses.

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I'm not going to read very much into how well Peyton's rehab maybe going. The real point is if he will be considered (by the Colts) a risk worth taking come March 8. If yes, then he will get paid his bonus, and stay with the team until otherwise. If no, he will be released.

Whether the Colts will use a 100% criteria (compared to pre-injury Peyton) or something less to judge the risk, I don't know.

If Mr. Irsay determines that the risk to PM is to great based on his progression and doc's analysis I believe that PM himself will concur. It wouldn't be prudent to play for another team based on that outcome and I don't think he would jeopardize his own health. He has a wife and children to consider.
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If Mr. Irsay determines that the risk to PM is to great based on his progression and doc's analysis I believe that PM himself will concur. It wouldn't be prudent to play for another team based on that outcome and I don't think he would jeopardize his own health. He has a wife and children to consider.

I have been repeatedly told that there is no danger to Peyton's health.

The question is his arm-strength, and if it is strong enough to throw distance with NFL velocity as he has done in the past.

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Additionally, we know the financial impact that Peyton will have on the salary cap of the team.

We also have an educated guess of what Luck 's financial impact will have on the salary cap on the team.

Together, we have a projection of how Peyton, and Luck together with a #3 QB will impact that salary cap of the team.

we only know the financial impact that Peyton will have on the salary cap if we pick up the option on March 8th or if we release him outright...we do NOT know the financial impact he would have if we dont pick up the option, but work out a NEW contract with him, that will not leave us in a bad situation if he retires early.

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I don't know if Peyton will be healthy enough (again, define this as 100% like pre-injury Peyton, or something less) to play by March 8, when the option bonus is due. I have not heard any objective opinion from the professionals (doctors/trainers/coaches) about the projection of his abilities since his surgeries. All I have are subjective vague accounts of "progressing" and "feeling good" and "trying to get better", all of which may or may not add up to being healthy enough (as Irsay/Colts define it) to play.

Additionally, we know the financial impact that Peyton will have on the salary cap of the team.

We also have an educated guess of what Luck 's financial impact will have on the salary cap on the team.

Together, we have a projection of how Peyton, and Luck together with a #3 QB will impact that salary cap of the team.

Taking these 3 factors into consideration, I find it difficult to rationalize the keep Peyton and draft Luck scenario.

I also find it difficult to rationalize the keep Peyton if he is anything less than

a) 100% healthy compared to pre-injury Peyton, and

b) projected that he can play all 4 remaining years of his current contract at this level.

IMO, the least risky option is release Peyton, and draft Luck in terms of the long term interests of the team.

But I am not the owner of the team,

Irsay will do as he chooses.

I'm not going to read very much into how well Peyton's rehab maybe going. The real point is if he will be considered (by the Colts) a risk worth taking come March 8. If yes, then he will get paid his bonus, and stay with the team until otherwise. If no, he will be released.

Whether the Colts will use a 100% criteria (compared to pre-injury Peyton) or something less to judge the risk, I don't know.

so which one is it? are you "reading into his rehab" or not?

And you seem to have a short memory my friend it was only yesterday 2 sources came out and said Peyton shouldn't play again, and all espn was talking about how he has plateaued and not making any more progress, and his days in the NFL are over. I bet if I look through some threads your "reading into his rehab" then.

Bottom line is your pushing your own agenda, as am I. the only difference is I have Peyton himself saying he's progressing fine, and you only have "sources" your going off of.

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releasing manning and taking luck puts us in worse shape than we are already in. How do you all not see this?!?

I'll humor you all....with scenerios....

So we cut manning (LOL at the thought) and we somehow manage to avoid God's wrath.... Luck is decent but he gets hurt behind our spotty OL...

Enter Dan O?

Or We cut Manning, avoid God's wrath and Luck ends up being terrible. Luck ends up after two season failing to progress.

Enter Dan O?

I don't see it. I don't hink Irsay wants to be in this situation ever again, thus drafting a QB even though we sorely need other spots filled.

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so which one is it? are you "reading into his rehab" or not?

And you seem to have a short memory my friend it was only yesterday 2 sources came out and said Peyton shouldn't play again, and all espn was talking about how he has plateaued and not making any more progress, and his days in the NFL are over. I bet if I look through some threads your "reading into his rehab" then.

Bottom line is your pushing your own agenda, as am I. the only difference is I have Peyton himself saying he's progressing fine, and you only have "sources" your going off of.

I am not reading anything into the effectiveness of Peyton's rehab. That will soon be determined by the people whose matter in deciding the risk involved with paying the option bonus or not.

Yes, there are many different reports about where Peyton is in his rehab. What is common among all these reports is that they do not provide any concrete evidence to support their claims. Peyton neglected to mention in his interview that he has progressed to the point where he can throw for 40 yards with NFL velocity. The reports who claim that Peyton will retire, did not mention that Peyton cannot throw for 40 yards with NFL velocity. No details, vague answers that can be interpreted several ways do not provide me with confidence one way or the other.

You can peruse that thread all you want. I have not read into his rehab, and I won't until there is adequate detail to report.

Contrary to your claim, I have no agenda to push.

And by your comments, I very much doubt you are my friend.

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I don't need to provide proof. Turn on your TV to that yellowed broadcast called ESPN. The only thing is they are still spinning it as he will be a FA...and not a colt.

Irresponsible journalism is one thing, but you so called fans buying into it and sending the greatest football player of all time packing is another. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

but I like to focus on teh positives...so Ill quote some of my faves on the board today...

Kind of rude.

And still you don't provide any proof to your statement.

Actually, MORE are saying he's done than otherwise.

I hope he will stay and can play but NOTHING has led us to believe that, quite the contrary.

Just because people are using reason over emotion doesn't make them less of a fan.

I watch ESPN every day. They flip-flop like the weather. They have no idea either.

Theres no reason to turn on each other, this "issue" is bad enough.

And I'd consider being more "behind" the team over ANY one player a "true fan" of the Colts.

Otherwise, a person is simply a Manning fan. Which is fine but not what I would consider a "Colts fan".

To each his own.

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we only know the financial impact that Peyton will have on the salary cap if we pick up the option on March 8th or if we release him outright...we do NOT know the financial impact he would have if we dont pick up the option, but work out a NEW contract with him, that will not leave us in a bad situation if he retires early.

Yes, we know the financial impact that Peyton will have on the salary cap because we know the details of his contract that is currently in force.

Speculating if he will renegotiate a new contract that will make the Colt's salary cap look better, while being also acceptable to both the NFL and the NFLPA is speculation, and we will not know the details to formulate the impact on the salary cap, until such a deal is done, if it can be done.

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releasing manning and taking luck puts us in worse shape than we are already in. How do you all not see this?!?

I'll humor you all....with scenerios....

So we cut manning (LOL at the thought) and we somehow manage to avoid God's wrath.... Luck is decent but he gets hurt behind our spotty OL...

With manning instead, we are in SAME position. Enter Dan O.

Enter Dan O?

Or We cut Manning, avoid God's wrath and Luck ends up being terrible. Luck ends up after two season failing to progress.

Then why draft anyone? Just bring in only free agents with proven track records? That'll work real well.

Enter Dan O?

I don't see it. I don't hink Irsay wants to be in this situation ever again, thus drafting a QB even though we sorely need other spots filled.

So you want Irsay to throw all his chips in on assuming Manning will be ready to go without any reassurance?

Now THAT would be foolish.

I get it that you can't let go of manning. That fine. But I feel you are letting emotion cloud you sense of reality. (or what appears to be reality)

I'm starting to wonder if you are just trolling. I have no way of knowing, but you kinda sound like our banned "buddy" ChinaDoll. he had the same hard-nosed one-sided tone.

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Yes, we know the financial impact that Peyton will have on the salary cap because we know the details of his contract that is currently in force.

Speculating if he will renegotiate a new contract that will make the Colt's salary cap look better, while being also acceptable to both the NFL and the NFLPA is speculation, and we will not know the details to formulate the impact on the salary cap, until such a deal is done, if it can be done.

You know, you bring up an interesting thought.

I've heard that we can't restructure manning's contract due to a league rule not allowing more than 1 contract/year.

The ramifications of Manning retiring or going to another team might change the NFL's view on this.

However, why would Manning and Condon allow for a lower pay contract given the circumstances? I feel that would be warranted , but i'm not manning or Condon.

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releasing manning and taking luck puts us in worse shape than we are already in. How do you all not see this?!?

I'll humor you all....with scenerios....

So we cut manning (LOL at the thought) and we somehow manage to avoid God's wrath.... Luck is decent but he gets hurt behind our spotty OL...

Enter Dan O?

Or We cut Manning, avoid God's wrath and Luck ends up being terrible. Luck ends up after two season failing to progress.

Enter Dan O?

I don't see it. I don't hink Irsay wants to be in this situation ever again, thus drafting a QB even though we sorely need other spots filled.

Okay, using your own inimitable logic, I will put it this way:

keeping manning puts us in worse shape than we are already in. How do you all not see this?!?

I'll humor you all....with scenarios....

So we keep manning (LOL at the thought) and we somehow manage to avoid God's wrath.... he is decent, but may not be his old self, and he gets hurt behind our spotty OL...

Enter Dan O?

Or We cut Manning, avoid God's wrath and Luck ends up being great, even behind our spotty OL. Luck ends up after two season with a playoff appearance, but in the last regular season game we were so far ahead, that the HC pulled him and

Enter Dan O?

You see, I can make up stories just as well as you can.

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