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Chuck Pagano Hire Means......peyton Is Staying


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Irsay saying Peyton will be back if healthy and taking a QB with first pick is his decision. He says money isn't an issue. He knows more about where he is salary cap wise than we do. All the rumors will cease by Mar. 8th. Whatever the decision is, I have no problem with it. I don't think the new head coach has anything to do with it.

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Public perception of "both" sides is a huge factor right now. Irsay does not want to be known to the "Phanbase" as the owner who got rid of the GOAT. Manning has a huge public image to protect, he does not want be viewed as a "greedy, win at all cost player" who bailed on his former team when the going got rough. (ie Kravitz article)

Both sides will work out the "smoothest" parting plan possible for both sides. The only way I see Manning returning is if he moves the March 8 deadling back. And even then the draft is still only a month and a half away. Is that enough time to get a proper diagnosis of PM's neck?

I don't know, every sign point to a parting of ways. And neither side wants to look like the bad guy. If Manning doesn't move that March date back then we will all know his "intentions" Manning holds all the cards here regardless of his sappy interview with Kravitz. A very good PR move by the way. Manning is no dipstick.

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These contracts and bonus money are pro rated throughout the remainder of these contracts... This is why the Manning decision is so big. If Indy pays Peyton they are pretty much stuck with him for the entire contradt.

If Manning is kept then the 28 m is divided between the 4 remaining years on the contract. If he is released or traded after the 2012 season then the pro rated bonus is accelerated to that year. Trade Manning in 12, then Indy is stuck with a 28m cap hit, trade or release him in 13, then a 21 m cap hit.... Very expensive if Manning's health fails.

This is just the bonus, it doesn't count his regular salary. This March 8 deadline is a huge decision for this team.

There is no reason why they cannot restructure his contract again after the start of the 2012 official NFL year. If they pay him the bonus on March 8th because Irsay believes he will be good to go in 2012, then the cap hit will be set for 2012.... but the future cap hits can be re-worked and in my mind I think Peyton will be open to that.

So no, he doesn't have to cripple them for the next 4 years. Also, if he does return and play like his old self, who cares? I mean Irsay was fine to pay it for his services before. We will not have to worry about big cap $ from Luck until his rookie contract is done.... and it is very very likely Peyton will be retired by then anyway.

Once again I think people are making bigger issues out of things than they really are.

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Great Hire!!! Now, maybe the Colts will recognize fast defense in the NFL is a waste of money. Now there will hire BEEF.

Manning is out... I guarantee this. He may get offered a position in the offensive coordinator type spot. Face it- this is a "project" and the name of the project is "rebuild this team". You will come to love this hire and I smell great defense coming and with a respectible offense this team will be back where they belong...........on top! Remember, it takes money to rebuild and giving an ageing, injured QB $28,000,000 is rediculous. If you don't believe me, ask Irsay. I have been a Colt fan since 956 and this will be a good move.

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Chuck Pagano hiring today means in my opinion that Manning (if healthy and cleard to play) is staying in Indy.

Why you ask

1 all experts said to groom a rookie QB you need a offensive type of coach- Pagano is not

2 the defense needs upgrade, with a healthy Manning the offense has no major issues

Pagano is a good defensive coach, the Ravens fan board is upset of the hire by the Colts

3 Pagano-will hire a defensive assistant from Baltimore or someone he trusts and worked for in the past

to bring in the smash mouth defense that the Ravens had for the last 10 yrs

4 Clyde Christian was the only guy not fired by Irsay-hint-so the offense can stay the same for Manning

so it doesn't miss a beat in 2012

You are 100% right.....

..and this guy has faced Manning and Wayne and Clark..trying to defense them,/.

he respects them..even if he does not know them...

///If Manning is healthy...Pagono will want him..he wont want a rookie who will suffer for 2 years...

..He doesn't have more than 2 years to win....

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Guys I don't know, I personally wish Manning would be released if he is healthy, and go to a team that is a QB away from a championship. (would love to see him as a 49er next season. Now don't crucify me, I just don't see us being a Championship team with or without Manning in the next few seasons. I would really like to see Manning get another super bowl before he retires, and I just can't see us being the place he can do that in the short term. Maybe I am wrong. I am a true Colt fan, but also a Manning fan. We could use the cap space to get some better players quicker, and after 2 or 3 seasons for Luck or whomever to get use to, and adjust to playing QB at the NFL level we could make a run at a Chamionship. In the meantime maybe Manning if healthy (A big If) he can make a SuperBowl run with another team. I just don't see Manning as a Colt the next few seasons making his legacy any better, and If luck was sitting on the bench behind Manning for a few seasons, I just think he will be behind the 8 ball when Manning did retire, then we would have to wait for him to develop. Manning leaving is better for him in the short term, and better for us as well because Luck will develop quicker. JMO no death threats needed LOL !

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I do not understand why some people keep thinking having both manning and luck = 50m cap hit.

The cap hit for both in 2012 is like 21-22m.

Also, if manning is trending to being healthy, Irsay will keep him. He has stated this many times. I have no idea where all this speculation comes in. I think people just feed off drama.

Probably more like 23.5 million - 24.5 million, but I want to trade the #1 picks so their wouldn't be a problem with the cap space.

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Probably more like 23.5 million - 24.5 million, but I want to trade the #1 picks so their wouldn't be a problem with the cap space.

Unfortunately Irsay has already said in his own words they are taking a QB at the #1 spot

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No he hasn't...?

maybe not entirely the way I said it my bad but he has said they are not passing up on a franchise QB


In an interview with ESPN’s Hannah Storm, Irsay was asked if the Colts could pass up a new franchise quarterback, and he answered, “I don’t see that.”

And according to Irsay, the Colts want Luck or Griffin first overall regardless of whether Manning’s neck injury will prevent him from playing football in 2012.

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We have ZERO evidence that his nerves are regenerating unless you count the fact that he can throw some short to intermediate passes in practice, but I bet he can do that w/o being fully healed. It is almost February...1 month away from the deadline. Do you really think in 1 month's time that his nerves will all of a sudden be ready to go? He needs to have 100% fully healed nerve regeneration or you can't possibly pay him and count on him. This is professional football. You have to throw 40-60 yard passes on the money if the guy is open. I want him back, too, but I don't think he'll be able to play next season with anyone. This stuff is slow going.

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As my first ever post... I just wanted to say that if management gets rid of Peyton and he's still healthy enough to play... I will likely be done with the Colts as a fan...and I have been loyal my entire life...which would be a shame as I truly enjoy Colts football... but to display such ingratitude would be something I could not get over...

It comes down to respect for what the guy has done for The Colts organization and the city of Indianapolis as a whole... you can talk about money all you want... but ask yourself this question... how much money has Peyton Manning brought into the Colts organization overall due to his high level of play and high level of character? It makes 26 million look like a drop in the bucket... In fact, you could argue that in the last 14 years, every dime that has come in is partially due to #18....

If there was no Peyton... there would be no Lucas Oil Stadium...and certainly no Super Bowl... don't you guys remember how it was before? The Colts were the laughing stock of the NFL save for a year or two here and there... heck the Colts organization might even be in L.A. if it wasn't for Manning.

Seriously, there are people who want to gamble away a guy who is arguably one of the best QB's to ever play the game on an unproven draft pick? Peyton Manning is one in a million...just look at what happened this past season without him. With Luck, it is doubtful lightening is going to strike twice... he of course could be great... but the same thing was said about guys like Brady Quinn, Vince Young, Matt Leinart, and JaMarcus Russell.

Peyton Manning is the foundation of the Indianapolis Colts... with him (granted he is healthy enough to play) we still have a few chances at a playoff run... without him...and you get grueling rebuilding years that may or may not pay off...

You owe it to the man, regardless of money, to at least give him another year or two and let him go out how he wants... or I fear we will find ourselves in a situation where Peyton walks into Lucas Oil wearing another team's jersey...destroys us...then walks off wearing a satisfied smile... and if that's how it goes down... I will be smiling right along with him...

Love it! I am with you.

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Love it! I am with you.

It's football. People get cut all the time. If u r done just because one player leaves or gets released good for you. Go be a fan of pm new team. I love pm and an thankful for all he has done but he's had 3 neck surgeries and will be 36. We will be the colts in 10 years when pm is gone and we were the colts before pm. The show goes on

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It's football. People get cut all the time. If u r done just because one player leaves or gets released good for you. Go be a fan of pm new team. I love pm and an thankful for all he has done but he's had 3 neck surgeries and will be 36. We will be the colts in 10 years when pm is gone and we were the colts before pm. The show goes on


No problems with being a fan of Manning but if Manning not playing for the Colts makes you not want to be a Colts fan anymore then it's almost like you are stating you are a bandwagon fan. Why do some fans assume the Colts will suck after Manning leaves? Qbs come and go.

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It's football. People get cut all the time. If u r done just because one player leaves or gets released good for you. Go be a fan of pm new team. I love pm and an thankful for all he has done but he's had 3 neck surgeries and will be 36. We will be the colts in 10 years when pm is gone and we were the colts before pm. The show goes on

Yeah I am a Peyton manning fan, and will cheer for his success regardless of where he goes. I don't care if he had 10 neck surgeries, if he is healthy he will play 4 years minimum, he came off of a career year, with a terrible o line, injured wr's, and pain in his neck. If he is healthy he is a sure thing, don't be mad when ur boy luck rides pine or requests a trade, let's see u cheer for the redskins or browns, or whoever could end up with luck. Same smart comment applies to you...

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No problems with being a fan of Manning but if Manning not playing for the Colts makes you not want to be a Colts fan anymore then it's almost like you are stating you are a bandwagon fan. Why do some fans assume the Colts will suck after Manning leaves? Qbs come and go.

Let's see if ur around next year if luck isn't here... Ur name says it all lover boy.

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Let's see if ur around next year if luck isn't here... Ur name says it all lover boy.

What a well thought out rebuttal, really I must commend you. Whether Luck becomes a bust, we take RG3 instead or Manning never plays again I will still continue to cheer for the Colts because I am not blinded by ignorance nor do I believe one player is the messiah of the NFL despite him coming off surgeries, him not being healthy, and him getting older.

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What a well thought out rebuttal, really I must commend you. Whether Luck becomes a bust, we take RG3 instead or Manning never plays again I will still continue to cheer for the Colts because I am not blinded by ignorance nor do I believe one player is the messiah of the NFL despite him coming off surgeries, him not being healthy, and him getting older.

Actually my posts are well thought out with logic even if they are against others beliefs. Peyton is the messiah of the colts, this year proves that. He is one year smarter, one year rested, one year more determined to prove himself.

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Yeah I am a Peyton manning fan, and will cheer for his success regardless of where he goes. I don't care if he had 10 neck surgeries, if he is healthy he will play 4 years minimum, he came off of a career year, with a terrible o line, injured wr's, and pain in his neck. If he is healthy he is a sure thing, don't be mad when ur boy luck rides pine or requests a trade, let's see u cheer for the redskins or browns, or whoever could end up with luck. Same smart comment applies to you...

I'm not the one saying if luck goes to another team I'm not a Colts fan. I will be a Colts fan no matter who is behind center. Was a fan before pm and will be after. And pm is far from a sure thing lmao. Career year last year???

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Actually my posts are well thought out with logic even if they are against others beliefs. Peyton is the messiah of the colts, this year proves that. He is one year smarter, one year rested, one year more determined to prove himself.

lmao he couldn't do it in his prime with a better team so what makes u think he will at the age of 36 after neck surgery that has to do with his tricep muscle. This isn't just a knee injury where we know what the timetable for return is or we know how other people have came back from it. It's diff for every person.

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, January 27, 2012 - personal shot
Hidden by shecolt, January 27, 2012 - personal shot

I'm not the one saying if luck goes to another team I'm not a Colts fan. I will be a Colts fan no matter who is behind center. Was a fan before pm and will be after. And pm is far from a sure thing lmao. Career year last year???

Yes, yardage, tds.. This season isn't over, referring to the one he didn't play in. Peyton isn't a sure thing? You are so pathetic, why don't u message me about how ur upset with my posts little cry baby.

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Actually my posts are well thought out with logic even if they are against others beliefs. Peyton is the messiah of the colts, this year proves that. He is one year smarter, one year rested, one year more determined to prove himself.

Of the Colts sure but not the NFL. He is one year more rusty, one year older, one year with another surgery under his belt, one year still not healthy. Great logic.

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Yes, yardage, tds.. This season isn't over, referring to the one he didn't play in. Peyton isn't a sure thing? You are so pathetic, why don't u message me about how ur upset with my posts little cry baby.

There is no need for name calling. Whether you agree or disagree with someone you should still maintain some respect for their opinions.

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Yes, yardage, tds.. This season isn't over, referring to the one he didn't play in. Peyton isn't a sure thing? You are so pathetic, why don't u message me about how ur upset with my posts little cry baby.

He threw 33 td far from his career best. He threw 17 int he had a 91 qb rating lowest since 2002 I believe. I'm not the cry baby saying oh booo who if Peyton leaves I'm done just done with the big bad mean colts and Irsay waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. Get over yourself and get ur stats right.

And this season is over for 30 nfl teams.

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There is no need for name calling. Whether you agree or disagree with someone you should still maintain some respect for their opinions.

You don't know anything about the history of comments between mp and myself, so take ur opinion which I don't have to respect elsewhere.

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He threw 33 td far from his career best. He threw 17 int he had a 91 qb rating lowest since 2002 I believe. I'm not the cry baby saying oh booo who if Peyton leaves I'm done just done with the big bad mean colts and Irsay waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. Get over yourself and get ur stats right.

And this season is over for 30 nfl teams.

I said I would cheer for his success, get ur facts straight. I'm done with you, you are a waste of time and breath.

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I said I would cheer for his success, get ur facts straight. I'm done with you, you are a waste of time and breath.

Not true. A guy posted saying if manning leaves Indy he is done with the colts. U said "I'm with you" so it seems my facts are straight

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What haven't we heard? Anything from Manning or Irsay on the matter.

Well, that's not entirely true.

Irsay said in an interview that if Manning is healthy, he'll be a Colt. Until he gives me reason not to, I believe him. Which of course leads us to:

What does it all mean? Everything will be based on Manning's health.

Which is the correct answer to this riddle.

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There is no reason why they cannot restructure his contract again after the start of the 2012 official NFL year. If they pay him the bonus on March 8th because Irsay believes he will be good to go in 2012, then the cap hit will be set for 2012.... but the future cap hits can be re-worked and in my mind I think Peyton will be open to that.

So no, he doesn't have to cripple them for the next 4 years. Also, if he does return and play like his old self, who cares? I mean Irsay was fine to pay it for his services before. We will not have to worry about big cap $ from Luck until his rookie contract is done.... and it is very very likely Peyton will be retired by then anyway.

Once again I think people are making bigger issues out of things than they really are.

The 28m is "bonus" it cannot be restructured. Only delayed (and I'm not positive about that) Just heard something interesting on 1070. DD just said on air "Manning will not be back" and gave the usual reasons plus .... "I know of a couple more, but I have told these individuals I will not turn them loose (what he heard) on radio"....

JMV and DD have been spot on about "rumors" they hear from inside 56th street.


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The 28m is "bonus" it cannot be restructured. Only delayed (and I'm not positive about that) Just heard something interesting on 1070. DD just said on air "Manning will not be back" and gave the usual reasons plus .... "I know of a couple more, but I have told these individuals I will not turn them loose (what he heard) on radio"....

JMV and DD have been spot on about "rumors" they hear from inside 56th street.


Didn't Soda Pop Curtis say something like that too? This is gonna come down to March 7th @ 11:59. Period.

I'm gonna win a million dollars tomorrow. I have reasons that I can't say.. I promised certain people I wouldn't post them....but I am, I swear.....C'mon....really? Thats what radio is like out there?? Silly...

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Chuck Pagano hiring today means in my opinion that Manning (if healthy and cleard to play) is staying in Indy.

Why you ask

1 all experts said to groom a rookie QB you need a offensive type of coach- Pagano is not

2 the defense needs upgrade, with a healthy Manning the offense has no major issues

Pagano is a good defensive coach, the Ravens fan board is upset of the hire by the Colts

3 Pagano-will hire a defensive assistant from Baltimore or someone he trusts and worked for in the past

to bring in the smash mouth defense that the Ravens had for the last 10 yrs

4 Clyde Christian was the only guy not fired by Irsay-hint-so the offense can stay the same for Manning

so it doesn't miss a beat in 2012

Peyton will be released before March 13, 2012 :panic:
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Peyton will be released before March 13, 2012 :panic:

In your opinion.

I for one am waiting until March 8th for the deciding factor. If he is not capable of playing anymore ok. Thank you Peyton for the endless hours of enjoyment you have given me. I've loved every minute of it.

If he is capable of playing with no risk to his health and well-being he is my guy. Ageing or not he is still the best of the best. You don't throw that away.

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In your opinion.

I for one am waiting until March 8th for the deciding factor. If he is not capable of playing anymore ok. Thank you Peyton for the endless hours of enjoyment you have given me. I've loved every minute of it.

If he is capable of playing with no risk to his health and well-being he is my guy. Ageing or not he is still the best of the best. You don't throw that away.

Yeah it only my opinion, but I think I'm right. :sorry:
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I never thought I would see Joe Montana leave the 49ers either, but that just how it goes in the NFL.

Yeah. I know what you mean and you could absolutely be right in the outcome of this. We really don't know.

It's amazing the emotional connections we make with someone we probably have never met but who have made so much of a change in our lives isn't it?

I'm just waiting and hoping for the best because I do love Peyton.

If he is not medically capable of playing anymore so be it. I wish him only the best.

If he is cleared to play with no risk to his health I want him back. Lots of :cheer::cheer::cheer: left in me for him! :)

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