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3 hours ago, Jules said:


There are actually a lot of people who think the division could come down to an 8-8 winner.


But, chances are the division could get better as a whole and if it does then we might have issues. The NFC South everyone laughed at before last season seeing it on our schedule and it produced a 15-1 team last year who made the Super Bowl.


I am not a betting person though. If I was.......I would have made a killing on the Cavs. 


I think what many have to be careful of though is thinking that the AFC South around us can't improve and only we can improve. Since if Houston gets a lot better with Brock or the Jags finally live up to their potential then it won't be enough for us to just have a few rookie o lineman step up too. Our entire team is going to have to step it up greatly.......


Our defense has to improve, o line, run game, coaching.......there are a lot of things that many do have to see improve to have more faith. It's not all just about having the right predictions to brag later on. I personally do have legit worries about Andrew Luck and his health going forward...... And based on some of the games last year, recent history even with Luck outside that Denver game was shaky.


Can the Colts have a good season next year and kick butt? Absolutely. But, is it normal for some to be worried too? Yep absolutely. It's part of being a fan of the game......I do not have blinders on this year heading into the season.


I HOPE we win 10 or more games. But, I won't be shocked either if it don't happen. 


But, I absolutely have legit worries about many things regarding this team.

I would have won thousands last year betting on Broncos games so you have the Cavs and I have the Broncos. Yes I agree, a few should be worried but it should only be because of Andrew's health. If he stays healthy we will win the Division. I do not get the fascination of Brock Osweiler nor did I last season. I don't think he stinks but he is Average to Above Average just like a Fitzpatrick type. Our Defense is suspect but Andrew Luck is so much better than any other QB in our Division, that alone will win us the Division if he stays healthy. Of course to win a SB we need a better Defense but if you have a Great QB you can win most Regular Season games and the Division.

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31 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I would have won thousands last year betting on Broncos games so you have the Cavs and I have the Broncos. Yes I agree, a few should be worried but it should only be because of Andrew's health. If he stays healthy we will win the Division. I do not get the fascination of Brock Osweiler nor did I last season. I don't think he stinks but he is Average to Above Average just like a Fitzpatrick type. Our Defense is suspect but Andrew Luck is so much better than any other QB in our Division, that alone will win us the Division if he stays healthy. Of course to win a SB we need a better Defense but if you have a Great QB you can win most Regular Season games and the Division.


Problem is last season with all the Luck injuries it put a damper on how high many are going to rank the Colts until proven otherwise. And Luck got VERY banged up last year, it really did concern me...the kidney stuff worried me as well. Nothing anyone can do about this fact with the injuries and worrying about it. Also, it wasn't even just Luck who got hurt.....all our QBs got hurt pretty much. So, it leaves a bad taste in many people's mouths. And we did just pay Andrew A LOT, so a lot is banking (no pun intended) on him staying healthy and playing at a high level. I think some fans like me do get nervous a bit more now and hope like hell the o line can step it up and the run game can improve so it's not all on Luck's shoulders.


I don't even know a single fan who personally hates Luck, which includes many Pats fans. Most like to see him out there in one piece since it's a lot more fun that way. A lot of people may not like our team, but I don't know many who dislike Luck. Even Bogie loves Luck even if he can criticize other aspects of the Colts.

Luck tries very very hard......so I have no doubt he will try his best.


Brock is a bit of a wildcard. I am not sure what to quite expect. I was a bit irritated when he went to Houston since last season I did love the potential he showed in a few games.....a lot. His biggest weakness was in games vs. division rivals. If he works out well it is really going to have to make the Colts step up their game.

He's a bit odd to predict......he has quite an arm on him but has a lot of things to work out in the game to really click.


Jags are a weird one too, they have a lot of makings to be good but don't put together consistent winning streaks. 

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16 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

Injury scandal? Quite being a drama queen. You should have been a fiction writer.

What's your explanation as to why Luck doesn't deserve his contract?  Because he had one bad year?  He's still in the top 4 over his first four years in TD passes.  Only Marino Manning and Wilson have more and if he would have played the other 9 games last year he would have definitely passed Wilson.  That has to count for something.  He's also made the playoffs in 3 out of his first four years in the league and won 3 playoff games and got to an AFC title game in his 3rd year.  Not many QB's on 2-14 teams even make the playoffs for 3-4 years.  I do think he turns the ball over to much but with a consistent O-line and consistent running back play and better decision making, I think he can be better.  I get he had a bad year last year but to say he's not deserving is a little crazy. 

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59 minutes ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

What's your explanation as to why Luck doesn't deserve his contract?  Because he had one bad year?  He's still in the top 4 over his first four years in TD passes.  Only Marino Manning and Wilson have more and if he would have played the other 9 games last year he would have definitely passed Wilson.  That has to count for something.  He's also made the playoffs in 3 out of his first four years in the league and won 3 playoff games and got to an AFC title game in his 3rd year.  Not many QB's on 2-14 teams even make the playoffs for 3-4 years.  I do think he turns the ball over to much but with a consistent O-line and consistent running back play and better decision making, I think he can be better.  I get he had a bad year last year but to say he's not deserving is a little crazy. 

What are you even talking about? Where have I said that Luck didn't deserve his contract? I think you have me confused with someone else.

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18 hours ago, Bogie said:


Slightly agree.


The Colts are in very bad shape; Grigson has proven to be a mediocre GM at best and even though that injury scandal over Luck wasn't enough to get him fired, Irsay just sealed this team into mediocrity with Luck's insane contract. Look at Baltimore and how much they've struggled since they paid Flacco. I like Luck, but he's not even worth close to that kind of money and if they let him get injured again like last year, that whole contract is going to look even worse than it already does.


Irsay has learned nothing from the Manning era when he bragged about having the highest paying contracts in the league. All that big talk about how he wanted Super Bowls and not "Star Wars numbers", he's doing the same thing he did in the past, only this time around Polian and Dungy are not there to bail this team out and fix the big issues. Luck is stuck with a bad management and this will be the reason the kid never reaches a Super Bowl as long as he plays here. They are doing nothing to build a team around him, compared to Carolina and Seattle who drafted young QB's and built amazing teams around them. 


The Texans can easily win the AFC South as long as JJ Watt is healthy and they continuously improve on defense. But there is still question marks on that team. I would like to see them win 10 games next year to prove all the doubters wrong. Gone are the days of the Colts automatically going 11-5 cause the division is so bad. Jacksonville looks good on paper but it has to be seen to be believed. 

What's your explanation as to why Luck doesn't deserve his contract?  Because he had one bad year?  He's still in the top 4 over his first four years in TD passes.  Only Marino, Manning and Wilson have more and if he would have played the other 9 games last year he would have definitely passed Wilson.  That has to count for something. He also led the league in TD's in 2014.  He's also made the playoffs in 3 out of his first four years in the league and won 3 playoff games and got to an AFC title game in his 3rd year.  Not many QB's on 2-14 teams even make the playoffs for 3-4 years.  I do think he turns the ball over to much but with a consistent O-line and consistent running back play and better decision making, I think he can be better.  I get he had a bad year last year but to say he's not deserving is a little crazy. 

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On July 12, 2016 at 7:28 PM, Bogie said:




"drama queen" save the homophobic remarks for during the season when your team is getting their butts handed to them week after week, since every other NFL fan knows well enough this team isn't winning more than 8 games. Enjoy the mediocrity. 


I looked at your link Bogie. Okay sure, there is a discrepancy between demanding shield integrity during the deflate gate scandal & lying about the true nature of Luck's broken rib injuries as our GM when it comes to the matter of honest, public disclosure. Yes, it is a bit hypocritical to demand transparency in 1 instance & then ignore it totally on an injury report. 


I would ask you this though: What NFL HC or GM wouldn't fib or omit intricate details about the health & condition of their franchise QB though? Every organization is selective about how healthy their play makers truly are. Truth is a relative term because you don't want your QB susceptible to fill fledged target areas of weakness for LBs, DEs, & pass rushers to exploit & gain an unfair competitive edge to winning ball games Bogie. I'm sure Sean Payton wasn't always forthcoming regrading his franchise QB Drew Brees either. 


I get what you're saying on a big picture level sure, but creative injury reports with little detail in them is common practice across the league my friend. 

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On July 13, 2016 at 3:16 AM, Jules said:


Problem is last season with all the Luck injuries it put a damper on how high many are going to rank the Colts until proven otherwise. And Luck got VERY banged up last year, it really did concern me...the kidney stuff worried me as well. Nothing anyone can do about this fact with the injuries and worrying about it. Also, it wasn't even just Luck who got hurt.....all our QBs got hurt pretty much. So, it leaves a bad taste in many people's mouths. And we did just pay Andrew A LOT, so a lot is banking (no pun intended) on him staying healthy and playing at a high level. I think some fans like me do get nervous a bit more now and hope like hell the o line can step it up and the run game can improve so it's not all on Luck's shoulders.


I don't even know a single fan who personally hates Luck, which includes many Pats fans. Most like to see him out there in one piece since it's a lot more fun that way. A lot of people may not like our team, but I don't know many who dislike Luck. Even Bogie loves Luck even if he can criticize other aspects of the Colts.

Luck tries very very hard......so I have no doubt he will try his best.


Brock is a bit of a wildcard. I am not sure what to quite expect. I was a bit irritated when he went to Houston since last season I did love the potential he showed in a few games.....a lot. His biggest weakness was in games vs. division rivals. If he works out well it is really going to have to make the Colts step up their game.

He's a bit odd to predict......he has quite an arm on him but has a lot of things to work out in the game to really click.


Jags are a weird one too, they have a lot of makings to be good but don't put together consistent winning streaks. 

Nice post Jules. Yeah, even when Bogie points out weaknesses on INDY's roster or uncertainty about how our new sideline coaches will gel, I know he respects Luck a great deal. That's why I admire you, Bogie, & QuizBoy because all 3 of you point of vulnerabilities on the Colts I might not wanna hear, but I need to. I take it in stride. I know Bogie hates it when I go off on Favre so when he points out flaws on my favorite teams I let it go because he never goes after me like he could if he wanted to about #4. We have an understanding & mutual respect for each other. 


Yes, Brock is indeed the wildcard. I have no idea what to expect from OZ as the lone starter. Nice kid, good arm, improvises well when plays break down. JJ does deserve a legitimate QB. This season should be fun. 


I will make you this solemn pledge Bogie. Once Brett Favre goes thru his HOF induction ceremony in August, I promise to be nothing but complementary toward him during these festivities. You have my word. Brett has earned that prestigious right & treatment from all NFL fans across the globe. 


And before you doubt my sincerity, remember I was nice to Michael Irvin when he got his canary yellow jacket. Let me tell you that wasn't easy for me either. LOL! 

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On ‎7‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 5:20 PM, Bogie said:


Slightly agree.


The Colts are in very bad shape; Grigson has proven to be a mediocre GM at best and even though that injury scandal over Luck wasn't enough to get him fired, Irsay just sealed this team into mediocrity with Luck's insane contract. Look at Baltimore and how much they've struggled since they paid Flacco. I like Luck, but he's not even worth close to that kind of money and if they let him get injured again like last year, that whole contract is going to look even worse than it already does.


Irsay has learned nothing from the Manning era when he bragged about having the highest paying contracts in the league. All that big talk about how he wanted Super Bowls and not "Star Wars numbers", he's doing the same thing he did in the past, only this time around Polian and Dungy are not there to bail this team out and fix the big issues. Luck is stuck with a bad management and this will be the reason the kid never reaches a Super Bowl as long as he plays here. They are doing nothing to build a team around him, compared to Carolina and Seattle who drafted young QB's and built amazing teams around them. 


The Texans can easily win the AFC South as long as JJ Watt is healthy and they continuously improve on defense. But there is still question marks on that team. I would like to see them win 10 games next year to prove all the doubters wrong. Gone are the days of the Colts automatically going 11-5 cause the division is so bad. Jacksonville looks good on paper but it has to be seen to be believed. 

Sorry to inform you but you are dead wrong with the comment about Seattle drafting a young QB and then building a team around him. The Seahawks were well on their way to having a super bowl caliber team when Wilson was drafted. As far as Grigson being a mediocre GM that is yet to be determined. He has a better record than the HOF GM Polian did when he took the Colts over. Polian also didn't start his GM job with the Colts 39 million in dead cap space either. The Colts have a better record in their 4th year than Polian had with a healthy Manning. So all this opinion you are spewing has no merit other than your opinion. The so called injury scandal you have over blown is horse dung at best. As far as the contract is concerned it is apparent you don't have a clue as to what a team friendly contract is. With the cap space going up over the next three years Luck is going to be a bargain with the six year contract he signed. That Bogie is Irsay doing what is best for his team for the future. You may have your opinions but these are the facts.

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On 7/12/2016 at 0:11 AM, krunk said:

I just think the media is not placing the right value on what type of team the Colts have. This is due to the lack of familiarity with the players on the roster. Not knowing the capabilities of the players equals a bad team and a bad roster to them. I think many are not placing the right value. There's some pretty good football players on this team. And its backed up by people who I feel are good coaches now. I do think we need another good draft to really stand out, but this 2016 Colts team is going to be good. Mark my words.

Im with ya Krunk. The Colts will make a lot of people eat their words. I just cannot wait.

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On 7/12/2016 at 8:28 PM, Bogie said:




"drama queen" save the homophobic remarks for during the season when your team is getting their butts handed to them week after week, since every other NFL fan knows well enough this team isn't winning more than 8 games. Enjoy the mediocrity. 


You're right, the Colts won't win 8 games.


They will win more than 8 games. 


And before I forget, drama queen is not a homophobic comment. What an odd thing to say O.o

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27 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

Last year we were paper super bowl champs by nearly everybody. One year later our future is dark. Wth? Lol

Yeah, it's funny how we were destined for at least a SB appearance last season & now we are just dreadful apparently like Clevend & Detroit had an illegitimate love child named INDY. 


Keep flapping your gums pundits & sports analysts. The Colts are not the lost cause so many "experts" think we are.


Well said RTB; well said. :hat: 

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On ‎7‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 8:28 PM, Bogie said:




"drama queen" save the homophobic remarks for during the season when your team is getting their butts handed to them week after week, since every other NFL fan knows well enough this team isn't winning more than 8 games. Enjoy the mediocrity. 


The 'drama queen' comment was a figure of speech. Not a homophobic intent. You wording of a injury scandal was an over dramatic comment made up by you. The was no scandal but you just make the issues up as you go along. You act like every GM in the league don't do this to some degree. The whole article you posted was horse dung.

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On July 12, 2016 at 5:28 PM, Bogie said:




"drama queen" save the homophobic remarks for during the season when your team is getting their butts handed to them week after week, since every other NFL fan knows well enough this team isn't winning more than 8 games. Enjoy the mediocrity. 



Ahhh.....   the clueless one is back for more.....


First,  "drama queen" is a figure of speech and has nothing --- zero --- to do with being a homophobic comment.


Second,   why in the world are you linking a story that is more than 8 months old and says the Colts will be sanctioned for cheating.        Guess what?       It didn't happen.       No fine.     No loss of draft picks.     No sanctions of any kind.      Guess Mike Florio knows as much about the NFL and the Colts as you do.


In other words ---- nothing.


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On 7/11/2016 at 3:38 PM, BullsColtsFan1 said:



Texans have the brightest future in the AFC South, Colts ranked dead last.  Obviously, I think most of us are going to disagree with this but what's everyone's take and why?  I personally think the Colts are getting graded low because of a down year.  I don't think there giving Andrew Luck enough credit.  I thought the article was interesting so I decided to post!

Simple, lazy journalism.

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On 7/11/2016 at 8:44 PM, southwest1 said:

I have a slightly different take on this. Okay, a bunch of NFL pundits are saying that Houston finally got their missing piece: A franchise QB in Brock Oswieler & when you couple that with a star WR DeAndre Hopkins in the making that the Texans can take the roof off of opening defenses with the deep, vertical throw downfield. And then on defense, Wilfork, Watt, & a finally healthy Clowney could make this team dangerous. Okay sure, I'll buy that. 


Here's what the NFL pundits should be asking though: Can the Texans handle heightened expectations now & deliver a AFC South Crown against a healthy & better protected Andrew Luck? Can Bill O'Brian & his coaching staff deliver with no excuses no missing pieces left? 


To me, the burden is on Houston to close the deal not INDY. How do the Texans perform under intensified scrutiny? That's the question. 


Nobody has any idea what kind of rally the troops leader Brock really is as the guy not even Houston. They pray he's the guy, but it's still up in the air. It's 1 thing to be a qualified backup, it's another thing to be the bonafide starter. 


Excellent post SW!

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9 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

Sorry to inform you but you are dead wrong with the comment about Seattle drafting a young QB and then building a team around him. The Seahawks were well on their way to having a super bowl caliber team when Wilson was drafted. As far as Grigson being a mediocre GM that is yet to be determined. He has a better record than the HOF GM Polian did when he took the Colts over. Polian also didn't start his GM job with the Colts 39 million in dead cap space either. The Colts have a better record in their 4th year than Polian had with a healthy Manning. So all this opinion you are spewing has no merit other than your opinion. The so called injury scandal you have over blown is horse dung at best. As far as the contract is concerned it is apparent you don't have a clue as to what a team friendly contract is. With the cap space going up over the next three years Luck is going to be a bargain with the six year contract he signed. That Bogie is Irsay doing what is best for his team for the future. You may have your opinions but these are the facts.

Crazy, I totally agree on the Seattle part.  They had a ready made SB team, just add QB.  Just like the Broncos had when they got Peyton.  But the Grigson part I'm not so sure of.  Obviously he's had better W/L success than Polian had immediately but Polian was building a winning franchise culture.  Grigson came to a team with that culture and pedigree that just had one down season b/c the franchise QB was injured.  It's a lot harder to turn a say CLE into winners than to turn a down year PIT into winners again.


On 7/12/2016 at 5:20 PM, Bogie said:

The Colts are in very bad shape; Grigson has proven to be a mediocre GM at best and even though that injury scandal over Luck wasn't enough to get him fired, Irsay just sealed this team into mediocrity with Luck's insane contract. Look at Baltimore and how much they've struggled since they paid Flacco. I like Luck, but he's not even worth close to that kind of money and if they let him get injured again like last year, that whole contract is going to look even worse than it already does.


Irsay has learned nothing from the Manning era when he bragged about having the highest paying contracts in the league. All that big talk about how he wanted Super Bowls and not "Star Wars numbers", he's doing the same thing he did in the past, only this time around Polian and Dungy are not there to bail this team out and fix the big issues. Luck is stuck with a bad management and this will be the reason the kid never reaches a Super Bowl as long as he plays here. They are doing nothing to build a team around him, compared to Carolina and Seattle who drafted young QB's and built amazing teams around them.

I think Luck's contract was more based on potential than output.  Take out the injured year.  Luck has been boom or bust, feast or famine.  He did lead the team back into the playoffs three straight years but really did the team get better each year in those 3 years?  The only team that really mattered in the conference crushed us what 4 or 5 times in that span and we did advance farther into the playoffs but that had as much to do with matchups as it had to do with team improvement.


Luck deserves to be the highest paid QB right now due to his contract being extended the most recent.  But for him to have some sort of record breaking larger than life contract is bad GM'ing.  It's already proven he needs a lot more around him and if you couldn't do that when he's on a rookie deal, how are you gonna pull it off when he's making record money?

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1 hour ago, tikyle said:

Crazy, I totally agree on the Seattle part.  They had a ready made SB team, just add QB.  Just like the Broncos had when they got Peyton.  But the Grigson part I'm not so sure of.  Obviously he's had better W/L success than Polian had immediately but Polian was building a winning franchise culture.  Grigson came to a team with that culture and pedigree that just had one down season b/c the franchise QB was injured.  It's a lot harder to turn a say CLE into winners than to turn a down year PIT into winners again.


The only thing Grigson had to start with was rookie Luck and one veteran receiver Wayne. He started with 39 million in dead cap space. I cant remember the exact number of new players and rookie the Colts had in Grigsons first year. First year, playoffs and GM of the year. Farther into the playoffs the next two years and a spot in the AFC championship game. Then last year. We know what happened. You speak of Polians winning franchise culture? It took nine years to win a super bowl. Two super bowls in 19 years going 1 and 1. It has yet to be determined what Grigson will do in the future. We have 1 down year and all of a sudden it's doom and gloom? If Irsay say would to fire Grigson he would be unemployed about 10 minutes. There are a whole bunch of teams that would take Grigson over who they have at this point in a heart beat. The old saying be careful what you want comes to mind.

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2 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

The only thing Grigson had to start with was rookie Luck and one veteran receiver Wayne. He started with 39 million in dead cap space. I cant remember the exact number of new players and rookie the Colts had in Grigsons first year. First year, playoffs and GM of the year. Farther into the playoffs the next two years and a spot in the AFC championship game. Then last year. We know what happened. You speak of Polians winning franchise culture? It took nine years to win a super bowl. Two super bowls in 19 years going 1 and 1. It has yet to be determined what Grigson will do in the future. We have 1 down year and all of a sudden it's doom and gloom? If Irsay say would to fire Grigson he would be unemployed about 10 minutes. There are a whole bunch of teams that would take Grigson over who they have at this point in a heart beat. The old saying be careful what you want comes to mind.

When Polian took over in the 90's no one was expecting the Colts to make the playoffs.  The Colts were never in the national spotlight.  The Colts weren't even regarded high enough to even have a rival.  The Colts hadn't been to a Superbowl in Indianapolis.  There was zero expectation.  Zero winning culture.  Just a bunch of mediocrity and underachieving.  None of that can be said when Grigson took over.  Fans EXPECTED wins.  EXPECTED to make the playoffs.  EXPECTED Superbowl hype.  All of that was created by Polian.


I can't say whether or not Grigson is better than Polian yet, but as far as drafting goes I don't think he's on the same level.  Peyton and Luck are a wash.  They both chose the correct #1 pick QB.  After that Polian has numerous HOF'ers and standouts he's drafted.  Grigson has some decent mid round picks and early round flame outs.

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1 hour ago, tikyle said:

When Polian took over in the 90's no one was expecting the Colts to make the playoffs.  The Colts were never in the national spotlight.  The Colts weren't even regarded high enough to even have a rival.  The Colts hadn't been to a Superbowl in Indianapolis.  There was zero expectation.  Zero winning culture.  Just a bunch of mediocrity and underachieving.  None of that can be said when Grigson took over.  Fans EXPECTED wins.  EXPECTED to make the playoffs.  EXPECTED Superbowl hype.  All of that was created by Polian.


I can't say whether or not Grigson is better than Polian yet, but as far as drafting goes I don't think he's on the same level.  Peyton and Luck are a wash.  They both chose the correct #1 pick QB.  After that Polian has numerous HOF'ers and standouts he's drafted.  Grigson has some decent mid round picks and early round flame outs.

I don't know why you say no one expected the Colts to make the playoffs with his back ground? Drafted numerous HOF players? Manning and how many others?

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On 7/11/2016 at 5:35 PM, 21isSuperman said:

The AFC South will certainly be more competitive than it has been in recent years.  However, if we keep Luck healthy, the rest of the division will have a very difficult time keeping up.  I can't imagine how a team with a 25 year old Andrew Luck at QB could be ranked last in the brightest future category.

I agree to a certain extent but our biggest weakness right now is pass rush. We dont have any up and coming guys in that area and that's a pretty big flaw. Lots of questions still surround the offensive line and the aging running game. Dead last? I wouldnt say that but given the flaws we certainly arent first.

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3 hours ago, theanarchist said:

I agree to a certain extent but our biggest weakness right now is pass rush. We dont have any up and coming guys in that area and that's a pretty big flaw. Lots of questions still surround the offensive line and the aging running game. Dead last? I wouldnt say that but given the flaws we certainly arent first.

RBs are a dime a dozen, in my opinion.  We invested heavily into the OL, so that will help open up running lanes and keep Luck upright and give him time to make throws and plays.  The defense has questions, but when you have a young QB like Luck, being ranked last in "future ranking" makes no sense

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On ‎7‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 5:07 PM, TheRustonRifle#7 said:

I agree to disagree...is that allowed?

That's where I am.....

...I dont have any concerns about us offensively ....I'm eager to see us with all we have there.

I don't think questions about Andrew luck are reality-based.  What happened last year was a while ago


Houston has a strong defense...Its us and them.

Our situation among players and coaches is much more settled than it was last year

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On ‎7‎/‎15‎/‎2016 at 0:42 AM, RockThatBlue said:

Im with ya Krunk. The Colts will make a lot of people eat their words. I just cannot wait.

I'm in this club...

With an unsettled (to say the least) coaching situation....an bad QB situation (to say the least) ...and a shaky O-line (to really say the least) , we were 8-8....


..all 3 situations are better now... 10 to 12 wins

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    • Thank you. You guys are too kind, but I truly appreciate the support.    Perhaps I am being too hard on myself… But my point still stands that anyone who makes it to the NFL, whether practice squad or starter, has achieved something prestigious that only a rare few ever achieve.    Over a million high schoolers play. Of those only 7.8 percent move on to play in college.    Over 80,000 people play in college. Only 0.4 percent make it to opening day in the NFL.    Only 2,016 players make it to NFL rosters. 
    • Davis had a very good rookie season after being drafted in the 2nd round out of Ohio State (I believe).   Graded in the 70’s against both the run and pass.      But his last three years have been disappointing, as he’s graded in the mid-50’s.   The reason I’m so interested in this signing, is (A) I’m sure it was heavily influenced by the new DL coach, Partridge.   And (B) we’re paying him 2/14.  I don’t recall that kind of money ever being given to a basic backup before.   Don’t think Davis is here to push Stewart, the Colts just signed him to 3/39.  That tells me the Colts defensive staff sees him differently.   I don’t know what the plan the staff has come up with for Davis, but I’m looking forward to watching it play out. 
    • What I’m reading on him the Pacers did get good value. Looks like he will need time to develop but he is in the right situation to do that. The pacers are stacking some quality young players that will prove to be more outstanding depth or assets if they choose to make a trade. Very exciting time for the team right now.  
    • I’m not a religious person, but since you’re an educator I think you’re doing Gods work!   In these crazy insane times we’re all living in you’re doing one of the toughest jobs on earth.  And you’re teaching perhaps the most difficult generation to deal with.     From a distance it feels like you’re being very unfair to you.  I’m hoping in time you’ll see yourself in a completely different light.    Someone highly thought of.  A leader in the community.  A protector of young minds.   I couldn’t admire a teacher more.  
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