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Both Grigson and Pagano at Alabama Pro Day


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Alabama has a lot of good prospects this year: Reggie Ragland, Cyrus Jones, and Ryan Kelly are my favorite.


In fact, I'd be totally down if we drafted Ragland in the 1st, Kelly in the 2nd, and Jones in the 3rd.

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6 hours ago, LJpalmbeacher said:

I have no problem with drafting  a top center with the 18th pick. I heard he's smart and Luck needs a C to help with the mental part of the line calls and reading the defense.



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29 minutes ago, danlhart87 said:

Alexander will end up being the best CB in this class 


That's extremely bold.  I'll go as far as to say he may be a pretty good nickel corner but his size I feel is just too much to overcome.

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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I've seen no write-ups that say there are any other centers as good as Kelly.    From what I read,  it's Kelly, and then a gap,  and then there's the other guys.      Kelly is heads and shoulders above everyone else.


Second,   one concern is that Kelly has been listed at roughly 285-295 for most of his senior year.     Showed up at the combine at 311 and looked great -- and tested very well.     Showed up for his Pro Day yesterday at 313 and again tested very well.    So, his weight is up 20-25 pounds and he looks great.


Interesting that you list DT and CB as the priority over center....    Because I think the top priority is....  pass rush.


And I'm fine with taking a pass rush in the 1st and looking for our next center in the 2nd or 3rd.    But we better have a plan and then a back-up plan to make sure we come away with a center that we feel great about and that hopefully can start as a rookie!



I'll start this with saying this is all my opinion.


#1 Kelly is not "head and shoulders" over everyone else.  Is he the best center in the draft? Well yea I guess you can say that but he isn't like some type of once in a decade talent.  The gap is literally not really a gap at all.


#2 the weight shouldn't have been a big issue since A he's suited for a zbs where weight isn't as important as agility and B he still didn't put up "special" once in a decade type numbers.  Good yes, but nothing that tells me draft me over multiple players that have proven they are much more talented than their peers.


#3 priority means nothing in the draft.  Absolutely nothing.  What does matter is value.  This draft has Premier talent at the DT and corner spots regardless of our team need.  For example.  Why would I take Spence at 18 who would be "marginally" better than an aged Mathis  (or at least play more snaps, not even convinced he's better) when I can take a NT sucks as Billings, Rankins, etc. That are a vast upgrade to penetrating the pocket which would then increase production for both the LBERS and the Corners...  or why would I take Kelly over a legitimate starting corner in Apple, Jackson, etc. When corners are much much harder to find than centers?  


The value isn't there to take a center.  And imo the value isn't there to take a center with the first 3 picks.


You mention pass rush.  Here is my issue with a pass rusher.  Who can we get that is actually better?  I'm a fan of Lee but not over the presumed avaliable DTs and Corners.  I'm a fan of Floyd but he's extremely raw so why take a chance on a raw player when the DT's and Corners are ready to go?  I'm also a fan of Ogbah but again value...


Your hope of getting this all pro center is going to end in sorrow.  The answer just isn't this draft.  And guess what? It doesn't have to be.  We had a certain center play here that was a UFDA and was considered one of the best centers Indy has ever had.  Not saying that happens all the time but centers  (starting caliber) don't have to be drafted in the first 3 rounds.

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2 hours ago, Surge89 said:


I'll start this with saying this is all my opinion.


#1 Kelly is not "head and shoulders" over everyone else.  Is he the best center in the draft? Well yea I guess you can say that but he isn't like some type of once in a decade talent.  The gap is literally not really a gap at all.


#2 the weight shouldn't have been a big issue since A he's suited for a zbs where weight isn't as important as agility and B he still didn't put up "special" once in a decade type numbers.  Good yes, but nothing that tells me draft me over multiple players that have proven they are much more talented than their peers.


#3 priority means nothing in the draft.  Absolutely nothing.  What does matter is value.  This draft has Premier talent at the DT and corner spots regardless of our team need.  For example.  Why would I take Spence at 18 who would be "marginally" better than an aged Mathis  (or at least play more snaps, not even convinced he's better) when I can take a NT sucks as Billings, Rankins, etc. That are a vast upgrade to penetrating the pocket which would then increase production for both the LBERS and the Corners...  or why would I take Kelly over a legitimate starting corner in Apple, Jackson, etc. When corners are much much harder to find than centers?  


The value isn't there to take a center.  And imo the value isn't there to take a center with the first 3 picks.


You mention pass rush.  Here is my issue with a pass rusher.  Who can we get that is actually better?  I'm a fan of Lee but not over the presumed avaliable DTs and Corners.  I'm a fan of Floyd but he's extremely raw so why take a chance on a raw player when the DT's and Corners are ready to go?  I'm also a fan of Ogbah but again value...


Your hope of getting this all pro center is going to end in sorrow.  The answer just isn't this draft.  And guess what? It doesn't have to be.  We had a certain center play here that was a UFDA and was considered one of the best centers Indy has ever had.  Not saying that happens all the time but centers  (starting caliber) don't have to be drafted in the first 3 rounds.


(Sorry,  but this response will be long to address all your points....)


Why is my hope of an all-pro center going to end in sorrow?


Why didn't Dallas' desire to get an all-pro center end in sorrow?      His name is Travis Frederick.    And he's an all-pro center.      People thought Dallas drafted him too high.   But no one says that now!   Dallas got the last laugh.


Taking the best center in the draft -- if he's rated as a 1st round talent -- is decent value.    And Kelly is easily the best in this class.   


I'm perfectly fine with Apple and maybe even Jackson at 18.    I'm not demanding Kelly at 18,  I'm just saying I think the guy may go in the first round and IF the Colts want him,  that's likely where they'll need to take him as I don't see him falling to pick 48.    So, if they want him,  I'd say trade back,  get another pick  and take him later in the 1st round.    I'd be fine with that if that's what the Colts do.


As to your #3,  that priority means nothing in the draft.   Sorry, but that's complete nonsense.   Absolute fiction. Teams do not always go for either "value" or "BPA".     They often go for need -- or priority.     It happens in every round of every draft since someone invented the draft.     Not every team,  but a number of them in every round of every draft.     Why you'd argue otherwise is a mystery to me?


The weight is important because many teams like a center with size,  especially when they play teams with huge DT's.      Kelly didn't put on that weight for nothing.     He's put on 25 pounds because he knows teams would prefer that he have that weight.    And his workouts showed it didn't cost him any athleticism.   It was good weight,  not bad.    Some teams will take a center at roughly 300,  but that's not all teams.   It's a preference.


As to your last paragraph....   I know that.   His name is Jeff Saturday.   I've posted dozens of times over the last few years of the story that Grigson has told many times....    that he's been a part of THREE different franchises that reached the Super Bowl with an undrafted free agent as their center.    Rams/Eagles/Colts.


But the problem is he thought he solved that when he spent a #4 on Kahlid Holmes.    I think Holmes would be  a fine center if he could stay healthy and could play more consistently better.    But the franchise has now PUBLICLY said they have to get better at C and RG.     That puts Holmes and Thornton under the microscope.


So the reality is, the Colts may want to spend a #1 on a center.    I'm not predicting it,  or telling them they should do it.     I'm only saying that IF they want him,  I think the way to do it is to trade back in the 1st and take him later.


If we don't take Kelly, I've got my eyes on other guys to take in the 2nd or 3rd round.    And I'd be fine with that.   I just want the problem at center solved once and for all.    It's year 5,  it's about damn time.


Sorry for the length of this post.



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Bleacher Report ranked Holmes as the 21st and Harrison as the 18th best center for 2015. Obviously not great but they had really good things to say about both. 


Not saying I agree with BR's rankings but it's interesting no less. 

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13 hours ago, Surge89 said:


That's extremely bold.  I'll go as far as to say he may be a pretty good nickel corner but his size I feel is just too much to overcome.

He's taller than Janoris Jenkins and Chris Ha


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15 hours ago, Nesjan3 said:

meh i am not a avid college ball fan i do watch from time to time, but one thing i know is Alabama players have a lot of success in college but overall it doesnt seem to translate to the NFL, i am geussing its a system thing, if someone who knows a lot about college ball could elaborate that would be cool?


They seem to have been doing alright lately, certainly since 2011. 



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37 minutes ago, The Lucky Neck Beard said:

If they draft someone like Ragland do you think they could move Geathers into the cover ILB role (share time with DQ? It would require us to grab yet more DBs but seems possible.

It is possible.  Cardinals and Rams did something similar with Deone and Mark.  I believe Geathers might be bigger than both of them as well.

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