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Defining Moment for Jim Irsay - It is time to listen to the fans


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4 hours ago, BlueShoe said:


How do you get that?


I believe Irsay should listen to fans on this one decision. ONE DECISION!


How is that me speaking for everyone?


Are you drunk? :pokerface:


Dude this is ridiculous, you're out there. I am a fan, I want them both fired. Not every fan wants the same thing. It's not that hard.

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2 minutes ago, jaybird95 said:


Dude this is ridiculous, you're out there. I am a fan, I want them both fired. Not every fan wants the same thing. It's not that hard.

It would be different if the disagreement is what a majority of fans thought. But, no, it's a disagreemnet on fundamental reading comprehension principles. I don't get how in one breath the OP can say something that purports to speak on behalf of most Colts fans and then, in a few posts later say that he never said he spoke on behalf of Colts fans. You don't get much more hypocritical than that.

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8 hours ago, OffensivelyPC said:

It depends.  I don't mind if Grigs stays as he has been an effective cap manager.  If the new coach were to have personnel decisions (with input from Grigson), and Grigson basically just played the accountant, then I wouldn't care if Grigson stayed.  I don't know if Grigs would wanna stay if that were the job responsibilities, but you want coaches coaching, perhaps making personnel decisions.  Throw in too many more responsibilities, and you run the risk of stretching him too thin.

If you have to put that many restrictions on his job, when he has clearly over stretched what would be considering a GM's job, it's time to go.  Most people aren't willingly going to give up power in their job, especially someone who appears to want more power.  


A head coach should pick who on his team is starting in every game, when a GM interferes that is micro managing and interferes with the head coach's job.  Most capable and especially good head coaches don't want anyone interfering in their decisions.  Just as a GM wouldn't want a head coach telling them who to draft and how to scout.  Look at the Dallas Cowboy's Jerry Jones if you want to see the problems caused by someone over stepping their bounds and causing difficulties with their head coaches.   If you want another yes man like Caldwell coaching the team, then Grigson is your boy.  If you want a top head coach in this league, it simply won't work. 


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1 hour ago, OffensivelyPC said:



You spoke for everyone when you typed the bolded. Because the words you typed, the order you typed them in, and the typical definitions associated with the words you typed are not how the fans feel, which is what people have been trying to tell you.




Maybe you should look here:



Thank you very much.

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4 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Maybe you should look here:



Thank you very much.

LOL. This is your proof? I need to know what county you were raised in so I know where not to send my kids to school. There is nothing scientific, much less official about a poll on a forum. That's like citing some reddit opinion as proof that OJ didn't commit murder. Please. This is done. 

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3 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

LOL. This is your proof? I need to know what county you were raised in so I know where not to send my kids to school. There is nothing scientific, much less official about a poll on a forum. That's like citing some reddit opinion as proof that OJ didn't commit murder. Please. This is done. 


NFL Network has been saying it all day long.


Fans were coming out in mass support for Pagano.


Does that mean everyone was in support? No.


But the majority were.


The fan and player support combined with Chuck Pagano fighting his butt off is what kept him in Indy for years to come. 



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No owner would listen to the fans, period. Every fan on the internet thinks he's an armchair GM. 


Irsay made a big mistake today, but I'm glad. This team does not deserve Sean Payton, or any kind of big name coach since they're going to keep a horrible GM in Grigson. The way he's treated Luck this year with the injuries, and throwing him out to start while injured, I don't think they even deserve him to be honest. Luck should try to go to a team, that's going to take care of him better, and protect his health in the long run. 


I told you guys over and over Payton wasn't going to come here. I was right. I'm pretty sure Payton is staying right in New Orleans too. He didn't just build a new offense here, to abandon it in a year. 

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8 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


NFL Network has been saying it all day long.


Fans were coming out in mass support for Pagano.


Does that mean everyone was in support? No.


But the majority were.


The fan and player support combined with Chuck Pagano fighting his butt off is what kept him in Indy for years to come. 



Well I'm glad all the Colts fans all got what they wanted. The general consensus won the day. They got Pagano AND Grigson.

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1 minute ago, OffensivelyPC said:

Well I'm glad all the Colts fans all got what they wanted. The general consensus won the day. They got Pagano AND Grigson.


Anyone who does not like it can KISS IT!!


Pagano is here to stay for a long time. Grigs just got his warning shot.

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2 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


You crying?


The fans, the players, and Chuck Pagano spoke and the right decision was made. 

At what? Your incapacity to understand basic english? On the contrary, I get a good laugh at it.


Please, in your next post say "U mad bro?" But make sure it's in all caps...

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2 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

At what? Your incapacity to understand basic english? On the contrary, I get a good laugh at it.


Please, in your next post say "U mad bro?" But make sure it's in all caps...


You will get over it. 


Drink a few more. :)

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10 hours ago, chad72 said:

Pagano should be given a chance to abandon his DC and OL coaches and stick around and make it work with Grigson, IMO. Knee jerk reactions do not translate to success all the time.


Chud should be given an entire offseason to implement his whole playbook with Luck, IMO, as well. Grigson, I feel is turning the corner, and with having to pay Luck, will have to take chances on the draft more than free agency and it may not be a bad thing.


After thinking a while about it, I said the above about 10 hours ago. I did not believe it would come true. But it is true - Giants did not abandon Coughlin that easily when things were going tough a few years ago, neither did the Steelers abandon Cowher after his playoff failures, knee jerk reactions never got anyone anywhere.


I am glad it is over. The key is to focus on which coaches we can bring in for our existing DC and OL coaches, IMO.

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8 hours ago, chad72 said:


After thinking a while about it, I said the above about 10 hours ago. I did not believe it would come true. But it is true - Giants did not abandon Coughlin that easily when things were going tough a few years ago, neither did the Steelers abandon Cowher after his playoff failures, knee jerk reactions never got anyone anywhere.


I am glad it is over. The key is to focus on which coaches we can bring in for our existing DC and OL coaches, IMO.

Yes I was thinking this as well..

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