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Pittsburgh Ramping Up


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Pitt can win the division. They have a tough game vs Denver next week but if they can win that then I think they can win out. Not sure how many games Cincy will win without Dalton. If Pitt does take the division by winning out they also probably take the 2 seed from Denver as they will have beaten them h-to-h. Denver looks real vulnerable right now as their offense can't score so Pitt is set up to be the 2 or 3 seed IMO.

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2 minutes ago, amfootball said:

Pitt can win the division. They have a tough game vs Denver next week but if they can win that then I think they can win out. Not sure how many games Cincy will win without Dalton. If Pitt does take the division by winning out they also probably take the 2 seed from Denver as they will have beaten them h-to-h. Denver looks real vulnerable right now as their offense can't score so Pitt is set up to be the 2 or 3 seed IMO.

I agree, Denver's O isn't so hot right now. I don't think Denver can win in Pittsburgh with Osweiler, even with a good D. Pittsburgh can score a bunch of points.

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If Pitt is the #6 seed, I'd expect the Patriots to take care of them in the divisional round. Their weakness vs TEs is exposed best by NE, IMO.


If the Bengals go 2-1 in the next 3 games vs the 49ers, Broncos and Ravens, they win the division. The #4 seeding is that of the AFC South, so only the #2 and #3 seedings are up for grabs. I do not anticipate the Patriots to lose another game, so pencil them in at #1.


If the Broncos go 1-2 and the Chiefs go 3-0 the next 3 games while the Bengals go 2-1 and the Steelers go 3-0, the Chiefs win the divison and the Broncos end up at #6 with the Steelers at #5.


If the Broncos go 2-1 and the Chiefs go 3-0 the next games, the Broncos win the division and that puts the Chiefs at #5 and Steelers at #6. I like this scenario for the Colts who match up better vs the Chiefs in the playoffs.


Broncos, Chiefs, Bengals and Steelers will decide seeds #2, #3, #5 and #6 in the AFC with the #1 belonging to the Patriots and #4 to the AFC South winner.



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1 hour ago, chad72 said:

If Pitt is the #6 seed, I'd expect the Patriots to take care of them in the divisional round. Their weakness vs TEs is exposed best by NE, IMO.


If the Bengals go 2-1 in the next 3 games vs the 49ers, Broncos and Ravens, they win the division. The #4 seeding is that of the AFC South, so only the #2 and #3 seedings are up for grabs. I do not anticipate the Patriots to lose another game, so pencil them in at #1.


If the Broncos go 1-2 and the Chiefs go 3-0 the next 3 games while the Bengals go 2-1 and the Steelers go 3-0, the Chiefs win the divison and the Broncos end up at #6 with the Steelers at #5.


If the Broncos go 2-1 and the Chiefs go 3-0 the next games, the Broncos win the division and that puts the Chiefs at #5 and Steelers at #6. I like this scenario for the Colts who match up better vs the Chiefs in the playoffs.


Broncos, Chiefs, Bengals and Steelers will decide seeds #2, #3, #5 and #6 in the AFC with the #1 belonging to the Patriots and #4 to the AFC South winner.




I disagree on the Pit/NE matchup.  Pit was at the disadvantage of a new DC breaking himself in.  They won't have that this next time.  Plus the biggest factor that will change the game will be Bryant and Wheaton's sudden rise in play.  I think Pit is the team to knock off NE.


And I'll say this.  No one forget about Indy.  Right now Indy might get the exact same (and easiest) track to the AFC championship game as last year.  The only problem is that most likely 2 teams that have Indy's number will be there... Pit and NE. lol

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5 minutes ago, Bogie said:


They got to beat down a dinosaour Hasselbeck, then a crappy QB out of Alabama, and now they get to beat down a washed up needs-to-retire Peyton Manning. 



Must be nice playing such garbage QB's. 

Not sure if Peyton is returning this weekend. But, I don't think he will be the savior people are expecting vs. good teams.

Brock did beat NE and has shown enough to me despite losing to Oakland.

Pittsburgh always gets these lucky runs though.......I can never count them out.

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7 minutes ago, Jules said:

Not sure if Peyton is returning this weekend. But, I don't think he will be the savior people are expecting vs. good teams.

Brock did beat NE and has shown enough to me despite losing to Oakland.

Pittsburgh always gets these lucky runs though.......I can never count them out.


The thought of anyone seeing him as a savoir this year lmao



Denver's offense has went down the drain this year with Kubiak's offensive style, and Manning's declined old man state. 



I think Denver would be CRAZY, absolutely CRAZY to go back to Manning, and sit Brock. Sure, he had a bad game vs Oakland but he did beat New England, and he has played so much better than Manning has.


If Manning started the Patriots game, they would have got blown out bad, since he was on pace to throw 30 interceptions before he was benched 


I know everyone still loves him and it's hard to tell them the truth, but the truth is, he's not going to save that team. They are better off with Brock, much better QB going by the results so far. 

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1 minute ago, Bogie said:


The thought of anyone seeing him as a savoir this year lmao



Denver's offense has went down the drain this year with Kubiak's offensive style, and Manning's declined old man state. 



I think Denver would be CRAZY, absolutely CRAZY to go back to Manning, and sit Brock. Sure, he had a bad game vs Oakland but he did beat New England, and he has played so much better than Manning has.


If Manning started the Patriots game, they would have got blown out bad, since he was on pace to throw 30 interceptions before he was benched 


I know everyone still loves him and it's hard to tell them the truth, but the truth is, he's not going to save that team. They are better off with Brock, much better QB going by the results so far. 


I like Brock and would like to see him keep going. Not to mention next year I would like to see Luck vs. Brock or even in the playoffs if I can dream that much.


I want to see the younger QBs with potential be out there to start and flourish. These guys are our future.


Some of the older QBs this year still show they have it though.  Brady, Palmer and even Brees has had some good games this year despite his bad team.

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1 hour ago, Bogie said:


The thought of anyone seeing him as a savoir this year lmao



Denver's offense has went down the drain this year with Kubiak's offensive style, and Manning's declined old man state. 



I think Denver would be CRAZY, absolutely CRAZY to go back to Manning, and sit Brock. Sure, he had a bad game vs Oakland but he did beat New England, and he has played so much better than Manning has.


If Manning started the Patriots game, they would have got blown out bad, since he was on pace to throw 30 interceptions before he was benched 


I know everyone still loves him and it's hard to tell them the truth, but the truth is, he's not going to save that team. They are better off with Brock, much better QB going by the results so far. 

Again..the only one with the 'truth'. Actually I understand the out-of-town point of view...but Peyton will play this week or next because he's the best QB they have .

The truth is: Folks have been trying to retire Peyton for 4 years and the words dont take

Brock has struggled for 2 games now..its time...for the Sherriff to ride again.


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14 hours ago, Bogie said:


They got to beat down a dinosaour Hasselbeck, then a crappy QB out of Alabama, and now they get to beat down a washed up needs-to-retire Peyton Manning. 



Must be nice playing such garbage QB's. 


I wouldn't categorize Hasselbeck and Manning as "garbage QBs". Beyond their peak, yes, but not garbage.

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14 hours ago, Bogie said:


The thought of anyone seeing him as a savoir this year lmao



Denver's offense has went down the drain this year with Kubiak's offensive style, and Manning's declined old man state. 



I think Denver would be CRAZY, absolutely CRAZY to go back to Manning, and sit Brock. Sure, he had a bad game vs Oakland but he did beat New England, and he has played so much better than Manning has.


If Manning started the Patriots game, they would have got blown out bad, since he was on pace to throw 30 interceptions before he was benched 


I know everyone still loves him and it's hard to tell them the truth, but the truth is, he's not going to save that team. They are better off with Brock, much better QB going by the results so far. 


IMO, assuming Manning is healthy, he would be a much better option than Osweiler. Osweiler's lack of experience is catching up to him/Denver. Denver has won a few games with him under center, but I wouldn't give him the majority of the credit for those wins. Just because Denver beat NE doesn't make Osweiler the better option. It's not like NE played lights-out and Osweiler played even better. I think Denver would be better off with an experienced, healthy back-up QB (like Hasselbeck) than an inexperienced QB like Osweiler. Denver's D is very good. An average O is all they need right now. They haven't even been average with Osweiler.

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14 hours ago, Bogie said:


The thought of anyone seeing him as a savoir this year lmao



Denver's offense has went down the drain this year with Kubiak's offensive style, and Manning's declined old man state. 



I think Denver would be CRAZY, absolutely CRAZY to go back to Manning, and sit Brock. Sure, he had a bad game vs Oakland but he did beat New England, and he has played so much better than Manning has.


If Manning started the Patriots game, they would have got blown out bad, since he was on pace to throw 30 interceptions before he was benched 


I know everyone still loves him and it's hard to tell them the truth, but the truth is, he's not going to save that team. They are better off with Brock, much better QB going by the results so far. 

There is an even bigger issue for Denver if they sit Brock now as it will be difficult to go back to him if Manning struggles or gets injured. If I was a Denver fan, I would want to roll with Brock because he is the future there (assuming Denver signs him in the off-season) and he can run the Kubiak offense better than Manning. He has played better than Manning and the run game has also been better because Brock can run things from under center. As you say, the reality is neither QB is going to lead this team by himself anywhere. Denver is predicated on their defense so at this point, Kubiak has a huge decision. Do you play a wounded Manning whose foot will not be at 100 percent this season and go back to 2 INTs per game or do you roll with Brock who is still green but can run the offense better? It is by far the most fascinating story of 2015 as we head into the post-season.

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1 minute ago, amfootball said:

There is an even bigger issue for Denver if they sit Brock now as it will be difficult to go back to him if Manning struggles or gets injured. If I was a Denver fan, I would want to roll with Brock because he is the future there (assuming Denver signs him in the off-season) and he can run the Kubiak offense better than Manning. He has played better than Manning and the run game has also been better because Brock can run things from under center. As you say, the reality is neither QB is going to lead this team by himself anywhere. Denver is predicated on their defense so at this point, Kubiak has a huge decision. Do you play a wounded Manning whose foot will not be at 100 percent this season and go back to 2 INTs per game or do you roll with Brock who is still green but can run the offense better? It is by far the most fascinating story of 2015 as we head into the post-season.

I am rolling with a healthy Peyton. He has had plenty of rest and probably is very motivated to prove people wrong that say he is washed up. He has a great Defense to help as well. Should be interesting to see how things play out.

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6 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I am rolling with a healthy Peyton. He has had plenty of rest and probably is very motivated to prove people wrong that say he is washed up. He has a great Defense to help as well. Should be interesting to see how things play out.

But he is not healthy and may not he healthy the rest of the season. It is a big gamble IMO but I do think you start him vs SD maybe and see where he is at physically.

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8 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I am rolling with a healthy Peyton. He has had plenty of rest and probably is very motivated to prove people wrong that say he is washed up. He has a great Defense to help as well. Should be interesting to see how things play out.


 He couldn`t throw it 20yds downfield worth a ____ in the 2013 Playoffs.
 It was 10 yds last season against us in the playoffs (says he was injured).
  Keep dreaming!
 If he wants to play you play him. He is Peyton ___ Manning for goodness sakes.
 He has earned that.

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18 minutes ago, amfootball said:

But he is not healthy and may not he healthy the rest of the season. It is a big gamble IMO but I do think you start him vs SD maybe and see where he is at physically.


If he's not healthy, don't start him. If he is healthy, it's ridiculous to not start him. He only needs to be effective a few games, not the entire season.

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8 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

..and the Steelers really have defensive issues....almost 280 a game allowed passing.

..facing a few backup QBs...


Des anybody think Pitt beats NE? Steelers are need a lot of help for the '2' seed so that could easily be an early matchup


The Steelers have DB issues.  But they have a great pass rush and can stop the run.  I completely think that they can beat NE.  Steelers now that they actually have every piece (except Bell), can score a ton on anyone.  And I don't think NE can keep up.  Even with Edelman/Gronk.

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