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Brady: Peyton Has 2 Years Left

Andrew Luck's Beard

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It is a shame that a portion of Brady's personal life is on display for everyone to see but at least this glimpse is more flattering.



That was really great to read. And of course this story has not gotten nearly the play as the harmless Manning comment. Still, always great to see parents working together for the benefit of their kids.

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Oh, right, people just keep their phones. Please. It's well-known that many people break their phones .

Brady had on his phone numbers of celebrities, politicians, etc. of course he would take every measure to make sure that no one else could possibly access that phone.



Not strange at all that he didn't destroy the one before that. Plus it's not strange that he destroys it just when the NFL is asking for some texts off it ? LOL

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I have never destroyed my phone, but if I had Brady's celebrity I would smash, set on fire and bury it.



My question to him was where did he get the info that "most people destroy their phones." I happen to think it's another embellish job by him. 

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In my opinion Tom Brady and Joe Montana have made the most of their chances in the playoffs. They typically play at an elite level at the biggest moments. However, I wouldn't consider either the best qb of all time in my humble opinion. They have both benefited from INCREDIBLE teams. Tom specifically in his early years when they went back to back and in 07...those were loaded teams. Joe was on many many loaded teams as well. The 49ers were stacked too. I look at guys like Dan Marino and Johnny Unitas and certainly to some extent Peyton that either played in a different era or played on lesser teams that when they got to the playoffs that they had the whole game plan thrust on their shoulders. Certainly Tom and Joe both have that killer instinct..that cool, calm and collected persona but there have been a LOT of great qbs that just couldn't get to that stage or as often because they didn't have the teams to help them or to share the load. I will say that I very well see why you feel that way about Tom and I'm not going to take that away. I just try to look objectively at what surrounded some other guys and given what they had sometimes just winning a playoff game or getting there is just as much as an accomplishment as making it to the AFC title game or SB...because they had to scratch, claw, and carry a wounded or lackluster team through 16 game season. That means a lot to me. I don't discount the regular season just because someone fails in the post-season. To be fair what I think puts Tom ahead of Joe ironically could be his regular season numbers not so much his post-season ones....and its funny because we often hear people dismiss Peyton because his regular season numbers are what puts him in such a loftey category as well. All said people think what they think...Tom is certainly on a short list of all time great qbs...that ISN'T debatable.

For sure it is subjective which is why I focused more so on accomplishments than saying the greatest QB of all time.


I think what is interesting about Montana and Brady is the fact that they play the game the same - take what the defense gives you, don't turn over the ball, play your best football in the biggest moments. I was saying to my brother after the Super Bowl that the last two drives by Brady could have been Montana on the field. He looked just like him, calm, taking small chunks at a time, converting key third downs and then before you know it he is in the end zone.


It has always made me wonder why more coaches don't tutor their QBs to be more like Brady and Montana. I mean 8 SBs between them means it is a pretty good formula. :)


I have watched so many QBs since I started watching football in 1982 and IMO the best pure passer I ever saw was Marino. As much as I hated the Dolphins, I loved watching him throw the ball. I really liked Warren Moon for the same reason even though he was not on par with Marino. I always felt that if you were going to design a QB you would pick Elway as he had all the tools - strong arm, athletic, tough, and clutch/smart. But when I watched Montana, I always thought that is who you want when you want to win. The guy just played so well in the biggest moments and that is what I see with Brady even more so because Brady's teams have not been as good as Montana's and he never had a receiver like Rice for half his career or an offensive mastermind like Walsh for his head coach.


Anyways, as always it is fun to discuss and share our opinions.

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In my opinion Tom Brady and Joe Montana have made the most of their chances in the playoffs. They typically play at an elite level at the biggest moments. However, I wouldn't consider either the best qb of all time in my humble opinion. They have both benefited from INCREDIBLE teams. Tom specifically in his early years when they went back to back and in 07...those were loaded teams. Joe was on many many loaded teams as well. The 49ers were stacked too. I look at guys like Dan Marino and Johnny Unitas and certainly to some extent Peyton that either played in a different era or played on lesser teams that when they got to the playoffs that they had the whole game plan thrust on their shoulders. Certainly Tom and Joe both have that killer instinct..that cool, calm and collected persona but there have been a LOT of great qbs that just couldn't get to that stage or as often because they didn't have the teams to help them or to share the load. I will say that I very well see why you feel that way about Tom and I'm not going to take that away. I just try to look objectively at what surrounded some other guys and given what they had sometimes just winning a playoff game or getting there is just as much as an accomplishment as making it to the AFC title game or SB...because they had to scratch, claw, and carry a wounded or lackluster team through 16 game season. That means a lot to me. I don't discount the regular season just because someone fails in the post-season. To be fair what I think puts Tom ahead of Joe ironically could be his regular season numbers not so much his post-season ones....and its funny because we often hear people dismiss Peyton because his regular season numbers are what puts him in such a loftey category as well. All said people think what they think...Tom is certainly on a short list of all time great qbs...that ISN'T debatable.


To be humbly honest, Eli Manning is perhaps one of the most clutch playoffs QBs of all time.


Out of 8 playoffs victories, 7 of them are on the ROAD. That is a phenomenal feat.


2 of them against Tom Brady.

1 against Brett Favre in Green Bay.

1 against Aaron Rodgers in Green Bay.

1 against a Jim Harbaugh's 49ers.

1 against Tony Romo in Dallas.

1 against Matty Ice at home.

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Phone .

Why do we keep ignoring this salient point? Wells in their interview did not want his phone . End of story.


Devious Pats fans always snip and twist things to look in their favor.  Why not tell the whole story when you spout that admission form Ted Wells?


"I told Mr. Brady and his agents I was willing to not take possession of the phone, I don’t want to see any private communications, I said, ‘You keep the phone, you give me documents that are responsive to this investigation and I will take your word for it’ and they still refused.”



That is what Wells told Brady and Yee, etc...

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Devious Pats fans always snip and twist things to look in their favor.  Why not tell the whole story when you spout that admission form Ted Wells?


"I told Mr. Brady and his agents I was willing to not take possession of the phone, I don’t want to see any private communications, I said, ‘You keep the phone, you give me documents that are responsive to this investigation and I will take your word for it’ and they still refused.”



That is what Wells told Brady and Yee, etc...

This is what Wells said during the appeal. This is direct from the transcript:


Although Wells asked repeatedly for Brady's cellphone, the investigator also testified: "I did not tell Mr. Brady at any time that he would be subject to punishment for not giving -- not turning over the documents. I did not say anything like that."

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Is there a company out there that would support an "Asterisk" designed light bulb? Got wind of this yesterday. It appears that the New England Patriots want to "illuminate" their Super Bowl trophies in a better light.

Seems as though the competition for this would be staggering!

(just kiddin', don't try to find a link!)

haha ... :)

btw ... I'm with you, GC8818! ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?

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This is what Wells said during the appeal. This is direct from the transcript:


Although Wells asked repeatedly for Brady's cellphone, the investigator also testified: "I did not tell Mr. Brady at any time that he would be subject to punishment for not giving -- not turning over the documents. I did not say anything like that."



Question?  What is the point of this post?  It has nothing to do with my point. Not a bit!  And my point has nothing to do with the appeal. Nada. We could have just moved on beyond this off topic end around.  So let me commence the destruction of yours and ViriLudants' postings-


Wells told him that he didn't need his phone .

The CBA says nothing about consequences for breaking personal phones.


along with yours.


Your quote form the appeal has no application here.  You and other Patriots fans often jump in to threads and address specific posts with comments not directly associated with the main point and lead everyone on wild rabbit chases away from the truth.  This 'deflection defense' people refer to is exactly the behavior All Colts fans here  have now recognized and are utter sick and tired of.  In that vein, let' us get back on (yet still off topic in this thread! ) point. We'll deal with your appeal 'rabbit hole' later.


Fact, Brady's appeal was in June, but this was reported by Michael David Smith of Pro Football Talk on May 12, 2015.


“Mr. Brady, the report sets forth, he came to the interview, he answered every question, he did not refuse to answer any questions in terms of the back and forth between Mr. Brady and my team — he was totally cooperative,” Wells said. “At the same time, he refused to permit us to review electronic data from his telephone or other instruments. Most of the key evidence in this case as in most cases comes from people’s cell phones and he refused to let us review the phone. And I want to be crystal clear, I told Mr. Brady and his agents I was willing to not take possession of the phone, I don’t want to see any private communications, I said, ‘You keep the phone, you give me documents that are responsive to this investigation and I will take your word for it’ and they still refused.”


Turns out, he could never comply anyway!  Even if he had a change of heart.  Brady destroyed the phone with 10,000 texts right before Ted Wells interviewed him!!


“On or shortly before March 6, the day that Tom Brady met with independent investigator Ted Wells and his colleagues, Brady directed that the cell phone he had used for the prior four months be destroyed. He did so even though he was aware that the investigators had requested access to text messages and other electronic information that had been stored on that phone. ‘During the four months that the cell phone was in use, Brady had exchanged nearly 10,000 text messages, none of which can now be retrieved from that device. The destruction of the cell phone was not disclosed until June 18, almost four months after the investigators had first sought electronic information from Brady.”


Wells wanted the pertinent records from the phone (and other electronic devices) and not necessarily the device itself.  Just relevant contents.  So stop with comments about the device! (Wells said he didn't want the phone!  waaa, sniffle)   It is not about the device (phone, etc...), it is all about the contents on the device(s) that were now no longer retrievable from that device, because Brady had the device destroyed. Capiche?



OK, now what about your appeal remark...


"Although Wells asked repeatedly for Brady's cellphone, the investigator also testified: "I did not tell Mr. Brady at any time that he would be subject to punishment for not giving -- not turning over the documents. I did not say anything like that."


Wells is not the commissioner, nor a police officer.  It's not his responsibility to announce 'Miranda Rights of the NFL'.  He doesn't arrest nor administer punishment.  He just reports his findings.  If it is required, that is a League issue, not a Wells issue.  and Kessler brings those items up in his complaint.  Trying to dig on Wells here won't get you far.  Besides, What was Wells to say?  "If you don't turn over the device or at least what I want, the relevant contents of that device, you could get, well something! You're already suspended 4 games but you'll be in big trouble buddy!  They might even, like, uphold your appeal!"  {Groan}  That whole line of reasoning is beyond me.


On another note, If Brady and his team ever even thought they would go to Court, destroying that was bad in and of itself.  But it also lessened Brady's credibility in his denials to Wells, and hints at elimination potentially incriminating evidence.  Ever hear of the Laws of Spoilation of New York?  Brady should have 'read the rulebook' before thwarting Wells inquiry  into his cell phone device and its contents.  Or Maybe Minnesota and judge Doty don't have nor recognize that.  Oh well, First to File was in NY, so it applies.  Here's a whole 20 million dollar suit thrown out via Spoilation Sanctions due to some elimination of electronic information that may have had relevance to the case.




It's sad to see the NFL and Brady at this stage.  They should compromise and move on.  Judge Berman is right. Settle this minute. Otherwise, no matter what decision Judge Berman ultimately decides to make, it will be worse for the NFL overall than a compromise deal done now.


Forthwith, I urge all posters to no longer post deflategate items in threads outside of the official Deflategate thread.  Future posts of such will be removed.

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