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Congrads To Freeney, But...


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part of the reason Freeney's numbers are down is that he faces double and triple teams every play

I never said it happened EVERY play. I said it happens which it does.

Also that's like saying people only fear Peyton Manning when he throws the ball but love it when he runs. Just like we don't pay Peyton Manning to run the ball we don't pay Dwight Freeney to stop the run. He's paid to get after the QB which he does fairly good job of.

you DID say every play!

if teams only ran a handful of times a year to freeney's side (like manning's rushes), you would be correct. part of being a top (i didn't even use great) de is stopping the run. i only looked up bruce smith and reggie white, and they both averaged 5 tackles per game for their careers and they played much longer than freeney when they were much older. freeney doesn't even average 2 tackles per game, and it's going down!!!

i always liked freeney and the colt defense wasn't nearly as good without him, but when you really look at things. he just isn't close to the truly great de's.

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you DID say every play!

if teams only ran a handful of times a year to freeney's side (like manning's rushes), you would be correct. part of being a top (i didn't even use great) de is stopping the run. i only looked up bruce smith and reggie white, and they both averaged 5 tackles per game for their careers and they played much longer than freeney when they were much older. freeney doesn't even average 2 tackles per game, and it's going down!!!

i always liked freeney and the colt defense wasn't nearly as good without him, but when you really look at things. he just isn't close to the truly great de's.

your right I did say every play, it was a misspeak on my part. I meant he faces double and triple teams. Which he does, I was incorrect to say every play. Like I said mistype on my part and I apologize for it.

Just like we have running backs to run the ball when we want to run the ball on offense we have run stoppers on defense to stop the run. Those are our linebackers. Freeney does not get paid to stop the run. Again him not stopping the run is like complaning about Peyton Manning running the ball. It's not waht they are plaid to do. Freeney is paid to get after the QB and he does a very good job at it and he is the guy we have built our whole defense around and he's the guy other teams acount for every play he's on the field. Other than maybe Mathis is there another player on defense you can say that about?

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I am just so sick and tired of people who refuse to admit we have anyone else on this team that is good....

I respect you, you at least come in and post why you feel the way you do, which is all anyone can ask. Others just scoff, and pass by, but you will come in and defend.

But that little quote is what it all comes down to. I understand people want to look for a bright light in a dark season, but in everyones haste they prowl around using terms like "Great" "Top in the NFL" etc. and that label belongs to no one on this team. Regardless of how you look at it.

You cant sit here and say over and over how 'feared' these guys are, the same thing pertains to every other player in the NFL. You dont think when the Ariz Off cord. is setting up a game plan, he's not 'fearing' or 'planning' for Chris Clemons/Brock/Red when he goes to SEA? This isn't 2004 anymore, teams aren't quivering in fear of Freeney/Mathis, they are exploiting them.

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I respect you, you at least come in and post why you feel the way you do, which is all anyone can ask. Others just scoff, and pass by, but you will come in and defend.

But that little quote is what it all comes down to. I understand people want to look for a bright light in a dark season, but in everyones haste they prowl around using terms like "Great" "Top in the NFL" etc. and that label belongs to no one on this team. Regardless of how you look at it.

You cant sit here and say over and over how 'feared' these guys are, the same thing pertains to every other player in the NFL. You dont think when the Ariz Off cord. is setting up a game plan, he's not 'fearing' or 'planning' for Chris Clemons/Brock/Red when he goes to SEA? This isn't 2004 anymore, teams aren't quivering in fear of Freeney/Mathis, they are exploiting them.

I would agree that people are quick to throw those terms out and I think we have guys that fit that mold like Saturday who have slipped because they have gotten older. I don't think Reggie is in the converstiaon for the best WR in the NFL but I think he's in that next group and like Saturday has slipped because of age.

Bethea is near the top of the NFL but not great. I said in another thread he's the best of the group below guys like Reed and Troy P.

Even Mathis I would have a hard time putting in great just because when Freeney isn't there he isn't the same player. He reminds me a lot of Bratzke when played on the other side of Strahan in New York for example. A pretty good player but was inflatted a little bit by playing next to a great player.

As for truly great players I only put in that group right now are Freeney and Manning (assuming he comes back healthy). Like I said though I don't think Freeney had a pro-bowl season this year but I think that the people who are going off on him like he's no good anymore are a little miss guided such as the person who said it was a horriable season or the guy who said he wouldn't cry at all if Freeney was cut this season. Was it a subpar season compared to what we are used to out of him? Sure. Would we not miss him next year if he wasn't a Colt? That's about as likely as us not missing Peyton Manning if he wasn't a Colt next year.

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It hasn't been his best season by far or even close to what we expect out of him but it hasn't been horrible either. Probably not a pro-bowl worthy year but Freeney isn't the first and wont be the last player to be voted to the pro-bowl when he didn't really deserve to go. I am not worried about the number of tackles, we don't pay Freeney to make tackles we pay him to get sacks and while the 7.5 is about 2.5 lower than where it should be it's still not a horriable year.

Frankly I think Saturday should have gotten some pro-bowl love this year, he had one of the better years in his career. Oh well probably makes up for last year when he didn't really deserve to go. Also Conner deserved as much of a sniff as Angerer did but both are pretty young and it's hard to make the pro-bowl that young on a losing team. They always say it takes you 3 years to finally get to the pro-bowl after you should have gone and you stay 3 three years past when you should have stopped going. Bethea just doesn't get respect outside of Indianapolis and because of his nature that's probably the way it will stay. McAfee is a victum on being a really good player but in the same conference as probably the best punter in football in the Raiders guy and since they only take one punter it's going to be hard to unseed him.

Mathis is puzzling one, if Freeney went you would think Mathis should have gone oh well just boils down to he's not as big of a name as Freeney and when you are 2-13 one Pro-Bowler is about right.

Mathis is the "one" player on this team i give a pass on. He always gives MAX effort and is 30 yards down field chasing RB's down... because Freeney can't keep his "lane"... hehe..

but seriously... DFREE and Mathis have not been "good" DB's for a very "long" time.

Mathis at least runs his butt off to make a play... Freeeney..... if he whiffs on the QB.. oh well....

Dwights stats outside of sacks are quite sad. And ANY Colt fan who has watched this team the last ten years can see the "swooping" non containment of DFree and Mathis..... Containment... yes "CONTAINMENT" has cost this team dearly in the past.

Freeney is a HOF on passing downs... just watch him on the others. And tell me he is?

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your right I did say every play, it was a misspeak on my part. I meant he faces double and triple teams. Which he does, I was incorrect to say every play. Like I said mistype on my part and I apologize for it.

Just like we have running backs to run the ball when we want to run the ball on offense we have run stoppers on defense to stop the run. Those are our linebackers. Freeney does not get paid to stop the run. Again him not stopping the run is like complaning about Peyton Manning running the ball. It's not waht they are plaid to do. Freeney is paid to get after the QB and he does a very good job at it and he is the guy we have built our whole defense around and he's the guy other teams acount for every play he's on the field. Other than maybe Mathis is there another player on defense you can say that about?

that's fine, but how can you call a player great when they are a pass rush only player? he is being payed like he is a all time great player and he never really was. he isn't half the player the all time great de's were!

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I respect you, you at least come in and post why you feel the way you do, which is all anyone can ask. Others just scoff, and pass by, but you will come in and defend.

But that little quote is what it all comes down to. I understand people want to look for a bright light in a dark season, but in everyones haste they prowl around using terms like "Great" "Top in the NFL" etc. and that label belongs to no one on this team. Regardless of how you look at it.

You cant sit here and say over and over how 'feared' these guys are, the same thing pertains to every other player in the NFL. You dont think when the Ariz Off cord. is setting up a game plan, he's not 'fearing' or 'planning' for Chris Clemons/BrThis isn't 2004 anymore, teams aren't quivering in fear of Freeney/Mathis, they are exploiting them.

ock/Red when he goes to SEA?

Thank You... And @ 19m per year I would exoect a tad more than what DFREE has produced... In fact Mathis deserves the big contract. OH well.... Iraay is the genious.;.

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Congrads to Freeney for making some extra cash this year for making the Pro-bowl. He gets a nice trip to Hawaii, and gets to play around with all his NFL buddies. Fine, thats great. He doesnt deserve it. He has had a horrible year. Ok, he has 7.5 sacks. Thats not very good for an elite DE. Oh, and he has a whopping 18 tackles. Thats right, 18 tackles. Mathis is having an off year, but he has 8.5 sacks and 41 tackles at least. Freeney has become so one deminsional. He is only in the game to rush the QB anymore. I think Bethea had a heck of a year. Angerer should have also had a good look. This thing has always been a popularity contest, I understand. Its just to bad to see others players who had a good year not get the recognition they deserve.

Freeney has had an OK year. people are running the ball more against us & our offense has been terrible & we can't get a lead to force teams to pass. You can't sack a QB unless they throw the ball. They have been resting Freeney more. He made the pro bowl because he STILL is one of the best pass rushers in the league, & his peers know it. Given that I think Mathis & Bethea are more deserving. Honestly I think Mathis should be the guy I think he has played his butt off given the circumstances this year. Pollian said he thought Mathis was the only guy from the Colts that had a shot at the pro Bowl. He's got a lot of pride & is playing for that contract. I hope he is back next year!! :number1:

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