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Bill Belichick goes on "tirade" to NFL ...


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If you want to discuss moderation, you need to PM a mod or report an issue.


As for the subject of the thread, the initial report is in dispute, just like other reports are. Nothing has been proved, either way, and it likely won't be. We're not changing the title of the thread because you don't like it. Sorry.



I have PM'd a mod.

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OMG a pot was stirred while you were out of the kitchen.

Nope just wanted to ensure the same opinions expressed on the Mike Klis thread were being applied to this one. That evidently is not the case and Klis' story was actually true whereas this one is in dispute and has an inflammatory thread title to boot ...

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Nope just wanted to ensure the same opinions expressed on the Mike Klis thread were being applied to this one. That evidently is not the case and Klis' story was actually true whereas this one is in dispute and has an inflammatory thread title to boot ...

actually, klis has changed the title of his article.

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Nope just wanted to ensure the same opinions expressed on the Mike Klis thread were being applied to this one. That evidently is not the case and Klis' story was actually true whereas this one is in dispute and has an inflammatory thread title to boot ...


That's patently false.


I disagreed with your title. I didn't change it. It wasn't a moderator issue.


You disagreed with this title, and are now on a crusade to get it changed because it makes you feel bad. You really should just get over it. If you can't do that, feel free to express why you disagree with it, but you should save the accusations of hypocrisy. You're making yourself look really ridiculous.


And this is like the third thread today that you've decided to make a big fuss over. How many threads are you going to call to be locked because you just don't like them?

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Nope just wanted to ensure the same opinions expressed on the Mike Klis thread were being applied to this one. That evidently is not the case and Klis' story was actually true whereas this one is in dispute and has an inflammatory thread title to boot ...

No, you are upset because this thread was about Belichick  allegedly (I made sure to type allegedly in bold because I know that's the word you will pick out to aide your agenda) acting a fool when he didn't get his way (shocker). It was all fair game and pure intentions when you started a thread trying to knock Manning and talk about the possibility of him sitting on the bench.

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Yes he has. And that title was never used in the thread as I knew it was inflammatory ...

Although you are providing for some good afternoon entertainment you should remember this is a colts forum. If you get upset every time a Colts fan posts a Patriots article maybe you should find a different forum. People Post things about a lot of teams. Sometimes it's negative. Doubt being a huge Pats fan qualifies you to control content on a colts fan site. Just sayin.....

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Yes he has. And that title was never used in the thread as I knew it was inflammatory  ...

If you find a thread you don't like just don't go to it. This is a forum where opinions and different web sites are used. What gives you the right to dictate what is in this (Colt) forum? So you have never posted something that could be considered inflammatory? You are so possessed with the Patriots and any negative comment made you cant see reality. So a non-Patriot fan is suppose to cater to your wishes? Sorry, I don't think that is going to happen.

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Although you are providing for some good afternoon entertainment you should remember this is a colts forum. If you get upset every time a Colts fan posts a Patriots article maybe you should find a different forum. People Post things about a lot of teams. Sometimes it's negative. Doubt being a huge Pats fan qualifies you to control content on a colts fan site. Just sayin.....


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Who cares?


This is DRAMA. He said this, he said that male soap opera drama. 


The NFL needs their own "Soap Digest" magazine to be sold at the counter. I know everyone would buy it to read the OMG HE SAID THIS AND HE SAID THAT stories in it. This is why I quit watching General Hospital years ago. This is the same thing...without all the baby drama. 

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Who cares?

This is DRAMA. He said this, he said that male soap opera drama.

The NFL needs their own "Soap Digest" magazine to be sold at the counter. I know everyone would buy it to read the OMG HE SAID THIS AND HE SAID THAT stories in it. This is why I quit watching General Hospital years ago. This is the same thing...without all the baby drama.

You used to watch general hospital?

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Actually the original link the OP posted from ESPN was tirade. Then supposedly they had it wrong. No reason to change the title. since it was originally correct. Adults will know the difference and the others....well............


Actually I hope he cussed them all out.  Tirade away Bill :D

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Is it really a big deal...??? really gonna pitch a fit over a thread title...wow!!!

She is angry because she started a thread yesterday, and changed the title of the thread to a misleading title, and everyone called her on it.


The thread title in this thread is okay because the thread title is in reference to an article in which the title is:

Report: Bill Belichick ‘Went Off’ On Profane Tirade Over NFL’s Stinginess

Read more at: http://nesn.com/2015/03/report-bill-belichick-went-off-on-profane-tirade-over-nfls-stinginess/

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Although you are providing for some good afternoon entertainment you should remember this is a colts forum. If you get upset every time a Colts fan posts a Patriots article maybe you should find a different forum. People Post things about a lot of teams. Sometimes it's negative. Doubt being a huge Pats fan qualifies you to control content on a colts fan site. Just sayin.....

Uugghh ohhh reality...just what some people don't like apparently!!!

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She is angry because she started a thread yesterday, and changed the title of the thread to a misleading title, and everyone called her on it.

The thread title in this thread is okay because the thread title is in reference to an article in which the title is:

Report: Bill Belichick ‘Went Off’ On Profane Tirade Over NFL’s Stinginess

Read more at: http://nesn.com/2015/03/report-bill-belichick-went-off-on-profane-tirade-over-nfls-stinginess/

Yeah because it's the Patriots.... they are Gods, never wrong, never do anything bad or questionable. They are perfection, to some people.

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Reports from ESPN now confirm that Bill Belichick went on a "tirade" to the NFL committee regarding end zone cameras. The cameras were to be implemented by the NFL and monitored. It was turned down by the league.

Thoughts? ...


 Bill & Cameras :scratch:haha    Let me guess his fav video guy who was caught filming a practice from a end zone was turned down for the job .

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Yeah because it's the Patriots.... they are Gods, never wrong, never do anything bad or questionable. They are perfection, to some people.

Most of the Patriots fans think the Patriots cant do no wrong as you say. Our Mods have done a lot better job of filtering the ones who bait just for an argument. I have 4 known Patriot posters on ignore and don't give them the time of day. Maybe there needs to be more of that? We all need to keep in mind that "fan" is slang for fanatic. Some go over the top with not facing reality that their team is not perfect.

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The NFL didn't say they won't do it because it's too expensive. They said they want to research the cost before they commit to it. I don't see what's unreasonable about that.


There's another league meeting in two months. I'm sure it will be voted on then. Just relax.


He's brought this up for years and years now, so they've had plenty of time to research the costs.. they just simply don't want to and its very bizarre.

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He's brought this up for years and years now, so they've had plenty of time to research the costs.. they just simply don't want to and its very bizarre.


This is a different proposal than the past proposals. And it was tabled to the May meeting. Some expect it to be passed then. 


Let's get outraged if it gets voted down then. For now, it's premature.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 27, 2015 - talking a bout me
Hidden by Nadine, March 27, 2015 - talking a bout me

God, that's rich.



I've found the secret to enjoying this forum.


I just ignore all the ridiculous posts and ridiculous threads. So instead of me getting into can't win arguments with knuckleheads that I can't possibly win , I just read through this stuff and actually really do laugh out loud. Plus I don't get those annoying warnings with a "point" from a certain moderator . It's great and these threads are actually very humorous if you can just refrain from getting involved in them.

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Although you are providing for some good afternoon entertainment you should remember this is a colts forum. If you get upset every time a Colts fan posts a Patriots article maybe you should find a different forum. People Post things about a lot of teams. Sometimes it's negative. Doubt being a huge Pats fan qualifies you to control content on a colts fan site. Just sayin.....


You're pretty smart for a girl.


Not that I dislike AM but she would be better served to just back off on all the protecting "Bill" stuff she often goes off on.

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She is angry because she started a thread yesterday, and changed the title of the thread to a misleading title, and everyone called her on it.


The thread title in this thread is okay because the thread title is in reference to an article in which the title is:

Report: Bill Belichick ‘Went Off’ On Profane Tirade Over NFL’s Stinginess

Read more at: http://nesn.com/2015/03/report-bill-belichick-went-off-on-profane-tirade-over-nfls-stinginess/

lol. I never changed the thread title Gramz. The reporter changed his title though but my title never changed.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 27, 2015 - quoting removed posts
Hidden by Nadine, March 27, 2015 - quoting removed posts

I've found the secret to enjoying this forum.


I just ignore all the ridiculous posts and ridiculous threads. So instead of me getting into can't win arguments with knuckleheads that I can't possibly win , I just read through this stuff and actually really do laugh out loud. Plus I don't get those annoying warnings with a "point" from a certain moderator . It's great and these threads are actually very humorous if you can just refrain from getting involved in them.

I am glad you are finding happier pastures up here but I do miss your spice.

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lol. I never changed the thread title Gramz. The reporter changed his title though but my title never changed.

Correct.  Your title never changed, but it was misleading.  You took the title of the article and changed it to your own misleading title of the thread.    I mis-spoke.

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You're pretty smart for a girl.


Not that I dislike AM but she would be better served to just back off on all the protecting "Bill" stuff she often goes off on.

I don't dislike anyone....except my ex. But that's a different story. I just don't understand why people who are fanatics of other teams, go onto other teams sites and pick fights. Waste of time. Have a beer, eat a cookie, just don't poke at a bees nest then shame shame the bees for entertainment.
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I don't dislike anyone....except my ex. But that's a different story. I just don't understand why people who are fanatics of other teams, go onto other teams sites and pick fights. Waste of time. Have a beer, eat a cookie, just don't poke at a bees nest then shame shame the bees for entertainment.

:agree:  I have tried to "like" your last 3 posts....  but I am out right now.

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