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Bill Belichick goes on "tirade" to NFL ...


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omg...  I just went back and read this entire thread,  and laughed, and laughed.   Hilarious.


some of the comments are priceless, but I think my favorite was Corgi's  about the pot being stirred :stir: while someone was out of the kitchen.  Priceless.


I needed a good laugh.  

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I don't dislike anyone....except my ex. But that's a different story. I just don't understand why people who are fanatics of other teams, go onto other teams sites and pick fights. Waste of time. Have a beer, eat a cookie, just don't poke at a bees nest then shame shame the bees for entertainment.


I've been lucky . Same mate for almost 40 years and she even still looks good. Anyway , your logic is always spot on.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 27, 2015 - and again
Hidden by Nadine, March 27, 2015 - and again

I am glad you are finding happier pastures up here but I do miss your spice.


 I was too close to getting banned , so I decided to bite my tongue . At least for a while....

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And I really hope this thread title gets modified giving all the discussion recently about editorializing titles to paint a certain picture ....


What are you 6 years old....


If you don't see the difference between "Peyton Manning to be benched for Brock Osweiler" for an article/comments that did not suggest that in the slightest and "Bill going on a tirade in NFL meeting" for an article about Bill yelling at NFL officials for not wanting to put cameras in the pylons then God help you.


You better than that, and you know you're acting like a child.

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lol. It was not mis-leading based on the story. People on that thread had an issue with Klis not me. I just posted what he wrote based on his convo with Kubiak.

And I just posted what I saw based on ESPN's scroll line at the bottom of the screen while watching "First Take" this afternoon.

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I've read thru this thread now & what's the issue exactly? Whether Bill swore or not...The delay tactic by owners to evaluate the affordability of placing more cameras in the endzone...Or just that Bill Belichick wants it adopted ASAP? 


Okay, the affordability question from a multi-billion dollar league seems crazy to me, but this is the same league that refuses to pay referees as a full time 12 month a year position so nothing surprises me anymore. 


But, Bill wanting more cameras around is just bizarre to me given SpyGate. I'm not blaming anyone here, but did Belichick really think that he of all people speaking on this issue of additional electronic eyes on the field was going to motivate other owners to pass it? He had to know what kind of cold reception his proposal would receive right? He has every right to make his case sure, but he had to know it would get no traction whatsoever. Okay, yes it was probably tabled for the next meeting, but delay is often another word for bury or kill a proposal quickly. This happens a lot in D.C.  

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 27, 2015 - quoting removed posts
Hidden by Nadine, March 27, 2015 - quoting removed posts

 I was too close to getting banned , so I decided to bite my tongue . At least for a while...

I hear you. How do you feel about Pagano and the no extension? You like him, right? I think he is a good coach and should get extended.

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I read a article not so long ago about the internet of things. the next latest and greatest tech. happening right now.  Its all about a tiny chip that will be or could be  put in almost anything being made.  So in the near future footballs will have this tiny chip inside and will confirm if a football indeed cross the goal line.  So really no need for these cameras soon.

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I've read thru this thread now & what's the issue exactly? Whether Bill swore or not...The delay tactic by owners to evaluate the affordability of placing more cameras in the endzone...Or just that Bill Belichick wants it adopted ASAP? 


Okay, the affordability question from a multi-billion dollar league seems crazy to me, but this is the same league that refuses to pay referees as a full time 12 month a year position so nothing surprises me anymore. 


But, Bill wanting more cameras around is just bizarre to me given SpyGate. I'm not blaming anyone here, but did Belichick really think that he of all people speaking on this issue of additional electronic eyes on the field was going to motivate other owners to pass it? He had to know what kind of cold reception his proposal would receive right? He has every right to make his case sure, but he had to know it would get no traction whatsoever. Okay, yes it was probably tabled for the next meeting, but delay is often another word for bury or kill a proposal quickly. This happens a lot in D.C.

THANK YOU, SW1! :) This was exactly one of different kinds of responses I thought this thread would receive in the 1st place went I put it on the boards. So, thank you AGAIN, for being forthright about THE TOPIC and not engaging "TIRADE" mode by other contributors.

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I don't dislike anyone....except my ex. But that's a different story. I just don't understand why people who are fanatics of other teams, go onto other teams sites and pick fights. Waste of time. Have a beer, eat a cookie, just don't poke at a bees nest then shame shame the bees for entertainment.


:spit::lol::funny:     Don't poke this lil Queen Bee if ya know whats good for ya ..  :scoregood:

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I was watching Mike & Mike the other morning they were talking about the Gates lol , and said the tapes from spygate were burned. NFL coverup , so the media doesn't get the evidence and let us all know what really happened ? It might damage the ole rep , however IMO the rep is already tainted. As Forest said that's all ive got to say about that !

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I don't dislike anyone....except my ex. But that's a different story. I just don't understand why people who are fanatics of other teams, go onto other teams sites and pick fights. Waste of time. Have a beer, eat a cookie, just don't poke at a bees nest then shame shame the bees for entertainment.

I need to know where you come up with this stuff.....I happen to know you love me, beer, do not eat cookies, and are allergic to 'said' bees.  :)  Dem bees have mean stingers!!  :)

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I need to know where you come up with this stuff.....I happen to know you love me, beer, do not eat cookies, and are allergic to 'said' bees.   :)  Dem bees have mean stingers!!   :)

Just like to shake things up a bit!  And, I love snickerdoodles, oatmeal raisin cookies,  and no bake cookies.  I just don't eat them.  Have to keep my figure to keep my husband happy!

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Just like to shake things up a bit!  And, I love snickerdoodles, oatmeal raisin cookies,  and no bake cookies.  I just don't eat them.  Have to keep my figure to keep my husband happy!

He must be a very happy man :)  


Your man got fat reading about snickerdoodles.   :spit:

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This is a different proposal than the past proposals. And it was tabled to the May meeting. Some expect it to be passed then. 


Let's get outraged if it gets voted down then. For now, it's premature.


I think part of BB's problem is that he has been after the league to place cameras on the goal line for well over decade.  So as he sees it is something they could of looked into a long long long time ago.  First, just from a common sense standpoint; and second, from the fact that BB has been after them to do it.  


BB was after them even before the Champ Bailey pick six in 2005 playoffs. 


Given that the NFL is closely related to NFL Films, the best imo of film companies of any major sport, the NFL of any league should be least uncomfortable about using cameras in a stadium. 


We are talking about a camera here folks, and a camera tied in some way, wirelessly or hard wired, to a monitor in the NFL refs review office or the tent on the field. It is not that complicated.  And we are talking about 4-6 cameras per stadium and so with 32 of them its under 200 cameras.    Not sure why this is so complicated.


Its not like the stadiums do not have security cameras tide to a room that they don't know how to set this up.  If you have security cameras, are well versed in filming your sport, and have the funfs, have the room where the review ref is, or tent on the field, not sure what the problem is in this matter.  

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