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Rich Eisen call Colts win with Stuart Scott catch phrases!


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This is a great highlight snippet of Colts - Bengals game action where Rich Eisen describes almost every play with a catch phrase from the Late (RIP) Stuart Scott.


It was nice to see a tribute to him before the game as well.





Thank you!   Thank you!     And a Big THANK YOU!!!     That link was just what I needed tonight! 


There's a smile on my face and a tear in my eye....     


Rich Eisen and Stuart Scott were a late night team when they were both young and up and coming.   They did the 1am ET SportsCenter.     Management wanted them to appeal to a whole new and younger generation of viewers and they did.


Out here on the West Coast,   that's 10pm and so that's right in my wheel house!     I saw many of show of theirs!


That was a great tribute that Eisen paid to his late dear friend!


Props to Rich Eisen,  and RIP Stuart Scott on a life very well lived!     :thmup:      :worthy:      :thmup:      :worthy: 

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No surprise the two big mouths on NFL Network do their best to ruin it....even when they know what Rich was trying to do.  Let the man do what he's doing and shut your big mouths, Deion and Irvin.  It's like they have to say something just to hear their own voices.  Boneheads

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No surprise the two big mouths on NFL Network do their best to ruin it....even when they know what Rich was trying to do.  Let the man do what he's doing and shut your big mouths, Deion and Irvin.  It's like they have to say something just to hear their own voices.  Boneheads

What? That's how NFLN always structures their highlights. If you click any highlight clip its all the same. Eisen or another broadcaster type does the play by play and former players pipe in with their "insights" and conversations. That's why he pauses to give them space to jump in.
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No surprise the two big mouths on NFL Network do their best to ruin it....even when they know what Rich was trying to do.  Let the man do what he's doing and shut your big mouths, Deion and Irvin.  It's like they have to say something just to hear their own voices.  Boneheads





That's what everyone at the network wants....     That's what Rich Eisen wants and what the executives want.


They want that interaction....   and especially when guys like Deion and Michael loved what Eisen was doing....


That was deliberate....

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That's what everyone at the network wants.... That's what Rich Eisen wants and what the executives want.

They want that interaction.... and especially when guys like Deion and Michael loved what Eisen was doing....

That was deliberate....

I get that's the way the show is structured and all, but in this case, considering the close relationship between eisen and Scott, I think they should have kept quiet and let rich pay his tribute. Just my 2 cents

I also think it's rather presumptuous to say that is what rich wanted....at least in this particular situation.

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Sorry to hear about the passing of Stuart Scott. He seemed like a loving husband & father. My sincerest condolences to his family & loved ones. 


As far as the tribute goes, it was okay I guess. I just associate Scott doing NBA highlights best not the NFL. 


Stuart was a genuine, kind, & self deprecating guy to me. Sorry to see you leave this world so young & full of life. 

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Since I never watch NFL pregame stuff on gameday, I thought ESPN did some nice reflections on him. Play the 1st video clip here...




Um Hannah Storm, the best way to beat cancer is to not die vs living courageously during the whole daunting ordeal. I get what see meant, but she's way off there. 


I think Stuart's wife & daughters would still love to hug him in in the flesh. Noble memories about his legacy mean absolutely nothing now; You can't hug a memory. 


Okay, maybe she meant that there is peace & comfort in the fact that Scott is no longer suffering in physical pain & misery. It just came out strange to me I guess. 


Yeah, I know people grieve on their own timetable in their own unique way & sometimes it is impossible to collect one's thoughts in a profound & yet logical manner on the fly. It's understandable. 

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No surprise the two big mouths on NFL Network do their best to ruin it....even when they know what Rich was trying to do.  Let the man do what he's doing and shut your big mouths, Deion and Irvin.  It's like they have to say something just to hear their own voices.  Boneheads

Aren't they the worst? I realize that the producers want an energetic, "fun" cast of commentators, but these two knuckleheads routinely carry on (loudly) while another broadcaster is trying to speak. Of course they do the same when Rich is trying to pay tribute. 

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This is a great highlight snippet of Colts - Bengals game action where Rich Eisen describes almost every play with a catch phrase from the Late (RIP) Stuart Scott.


It was nice to see a tribute to him before the game as well.



I thought it was great they held a moment of silence for him before the National Anthem too.  I got to meet him once when I worked security for the Final Four at the old RCA dome.  Super nice guy, he was sitting with the guys from the Budweiser "Whassup" commercials.  


Not trying to characterize all Bengals fans, but the one standing behind me let out a 'Who Dey" during the moment of silence.  I let him know just how classy he was for that.  I never will understand what goes through people's heads at times.  I was thrilled when the Colts took control in the second half and shut him up for the rest of the game.

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This is a great highlight snippet of Colts - Bengals game action where Rich Eisen describes almost every play with a catch phrase from the Late (RIP) Stuart Scott.

It was nice to see a tribute to him before the game as well.


Thank you for sharing this. It is good to see such outpouring of respect for Stuart Scott. I remember years ago when people did not appreciate his style. One sports personality in particular, Chet Coppock, would make such disparaging comments about Stuart on the now defunct Sporting News Radio. He would advocate for Stuart's firing, ridiculing his now legendary expressions. I am pleased that ESPN did the right thing and allowed him to be himself.

RIP Stuart.

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Since I never watch NFL pregame stuff on gameday, I thought ESPN did some nice reflections on him. Play the 1st video clip here...


Um Hannah Storm, the best way to beat cancer is to not die vs living courageously during the whole daunting ordeal. I get what see meant, but she's way off there.

I think Stuart's wife & daughters would still love to hug him in in the flesh. Noble memories about his legacy mean absolutely nothing now; You can't hug a memory.

Okay, maybe she meant that there is peace & comfort in the fact that Scott is no longer suffering in physical pain & misery. It just came out strange to me I guess.

Yeah, I know people grieve on their own timetable in their own unique way & sometimes it is impossible to collect one's thoughts in a profound & yet logical manner on the fly. It's understandable.

She is referring to his speech after accepting the ESPY award.....

“When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live.”

He fought a courageous battle and held on as long as he could 7 years, but a lot of times no matter how tough a fight you put up, cancer wins, I see it on too constant of a basis. Live everyday like it your last.

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Thank you!   Thank you!     And a Big THANK YOU!!!     That link was just what I needed tonight! 


There's a smile on my face and a tear in my eye....     


Rich Eisen and Stuart Scott were a late night team when they were both young and up and coming.   They did the 1am ET SportsCenter.     Management wanted them to appeal to a whole new and younger generation of viewers and they did.


Out here on the West Coast,   that's 10pm and so that's right in my wheel house!     I saw many of show of theirs!


That was a great tribute that Eisen paid to his late dear friend!


Props to Rich Eisen,  and RIP Stuart Scott on a life very well lived!     :thmup:      :worthy:      :thmup:      :worthy:


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That's what everyone at the network wants....     That's what Rich Eisen wants and what the executives want.


They want that interaction....   and especially when guys like Deion and Michael loved what Eisen was doing....


That was deliberate....

I get that executives want an energetic team.  It makes complete sense.  I even find myself laughing sometimes when Deion and Irvin say some of the things they do (sometimes laughing with them, sometimes at them....).  But that was really disrespectful in my opinion.  Eisen is trying to pay tribute to a close friend and Irvin feels the need to end every sentence by repeating what Rich says.  If they're adding some commentary or some notes on a player's performance, I get it.  But when you just repeat what he says or you're being a loudmouth, that's disrespectful in my opinion

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I get that's the way the show is structured and all, but in this case, considering the close relationship between eisen and Scott, I think they should have kept quiet and let rich pay his tribute. Just my 2 cents

I also think it's rather presumptuous to say that is what rich wanted....at least in this particular situation.


If you notice the pauses....   Rich is leaving room for the guys to interact with him.     If he didn't want that,  he would not have left room for anyone to join in....


If Rich didn't want it,  he would've politely said something to the guys off air before the segment began.

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If you notice the pauses....   Rich is leaving room for the guys to interact with him.     If he didn't want that,  he would not have left room for anyone to join in....


If Rich didn't want it,  he would've politely said something to the guys off air before the segment began.


Yes, but I imagine he was hoping they would something containing at least a miniscule amount of insight, and not just  parroting him.  LOL



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Yes, but I imagine he was hoping they would something containing at least a miniscule amount of insight, and not just  parroting him.  LOL





It was all done with love and affection,  warmth and respect.....


When you're in the middle of high-lights there isn't the time for real insight...


It's like being in church....   the Preacher (Eisen) says something and the congregation shouts out "amen!"


Hey,  what can I tell you,  it is what it is.....

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If you notice the pauses....   Rich is leaving room for the guys to interact with him.     If he didn't want that,  he would not have left room for anyone to join in....


If Rich didn't want it,  he would've politely said something to the guys off air before the segment began.


that's one possibility for sure, and probably the more likely explanation...but it's also possible the pauses and lack of saying anything before hand were due to the overwhelming emotions he was experiencing. 

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that's one possibility for sure, and probably the more likely explanation...but it's also possible the pauses and lack of saying anything before hand were due to the overwhelming emotions he was experiencing. 


The segment we're discussing came much later in the day....   after a game....


But, earlier in the day,  during the pre-game,  a few minutes after the news got out,  here is Rich Eisen's personal tribute to Stuart Scott.....    his goodbye to his dear friend.    It's 2:30 of Eisen getting choked up on air.   And no one says a word.




THAT'S the time to be silent.


The other thing,  the playful comments during high-lights, is a celebration Stuart Scott.   It's a joyful time.   A fun tribute.

You want involvement from those on the set.    You want them engaged.    This is the time to lighten the mood,  not keep it heavy.


I give you my word,  if Eisen didn't want them to join in,  they wouldn't have.    You may not have liked how it played out,  but I promise you this is how Eisen and the NFL Network wanted it to play out.

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The segment we're discussing came much later in the day....   after a game....


But, earlier in the day,  during the pre-game,  a few minutes after the news got out,  here is Rich Eisen's personal tribute to Stuart Scott.....    his goodbye to his dear friend.    It's 2:30 of Eisen getting choked up on air.   And no one says a word.




THAT'S the time to be silent.


The other thing,  the playful comments during high-lights, is a celebration Stuart Scott.   It's a joyful time.   A fun tribute.

You want involvement from those on the set.    You want them engaged.    This is the time to lighten the mood,  not keep it heavy.


I give you my word,  if Eisen didn't want them to join in,  they wouldn't have.    You may not have liked how it played out,  but I promise you this is how Eisen and the NFL Network wanted it to play out.


I also saw the tribute in the link you posted.  As for the highlight segment...we disagree and that's fine.  But, you give me your word? Lol  Sorry man, but your word doesn't mean anything here. ;)

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This is a great highlight snippet of Colts - Bengals game action where Rich Eisen describes almost every play with a catch phrase from the Late (RIP) Stuart Scott.


It was nice to see a tribute to him before the game as well.



Love that thanks for posting!

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Here's Keith Olbermann telling a couple of great Stuart Scott stories.     I happen to love all the "inside baseball" type stories...  the story BEHIND the story -- if you will.


Few people in broadcasting are as good at telling stories as Olbermann and these are great stories.   They're flattering to Scott and Keith pokes fun at himself at the same time.    Just great.


The tape is 7:00 long....   it flies by and I think you'll really enjoy this....




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