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Manning And Clyde...


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the highlights of the game on nfl.com, manning is basically saying 'whaaaaaaaat are you doing', pointing on the field and gives him a look that says it all. I would have grabbed the headset off him and said 'Clyde, go get a gatorade and hit the bench'.

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Clyde was horrible in Tampa, and he has been bad here. With that said, Manning has had nothing but glowing comments about him and while that was still with Moore here, he stressed that while Moore was still here, that Christensen was concentrating on the red zone and was key.

Of course that might be Manning just being a professional, just as he has been with when he's discussed Caldwell. We will likely never know how he truly feels about these two jokes. I'm sure he likes them as men but his reactions to some of their choices says other wise when it comes to each of them as coaches.

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Clyde was horrible in Tampa, and he has been bad here. With that said, Manning has had nothing but glowing comments about him and while that was still with Moore here, he stressed that while Moore was still here, that Christensen was concentrating on the red zone and was key.

Of course that might be Manning just being a professional, just as he has been with when he's discussed Caldwell. We will likely never know how he truly feels about these two jokes. I'm sure he likes them as men but his reactions to some of their choices says other wise when it comes to each of them as coaches.


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I've noticed it too. Even last year. Peyton always looks constipated when he talks to Clyde. I NEVER saw that with Tom Moore.

When Peyton was on the field, he could audible out of Clyde's calls. Painter and Danny O don't have that level of ability.

Clyde always looks stressed and confused. I don't know, maybe he's doing a good job, but it seems apparent to me that he aggravates Peyton.

He perhaps is more responsible for the poor offense than Caldwell. When Peyton went down, Clyde should have rallied his offense. Perhaps the loss of peyton has exposed Clyde.

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no doubt what i saw, was Peyton pointing out something in the defense to Clyde as if to say he was blind. Its like in that video of Colts audibles, when Moore is on the field when they are warming up, and says il just give you a play and you do what you want with it, as hes better than anyone at sorting out the defense. So Clyde maybe doing a good job by general standards, but i dont think by Peytons, Plus he must know the pats D well by now, all those games, all the different looks, the wins the losses, all while Clyde was chillin in the box upstairs

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People are making a big deal out of this exchange. I noticed it also, and was ready to pounce on it. But we converted a third down on that play by running the ball up the middle. This is a non-issue. Either Manning was wrong and Clyde was right, or it wasn't a conflict at all and we're reading waaaay too much into it. I'm leaning toward the latter.

Not a defense of Clyde Christensen. I think our defense has been much more problematic than our offense this season, though he's certainly not getting a free pass from me. Still, this was nothing to mention.

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I've heard Clyde is a good coach but then I see the plays he calls(like 3 runs in a row) and he seems terrible. Maybe he's just used to a different offensive system.

I've noticed Peyton arguing with him on the sidelines alot last year and they seem to be at odds, not personally but tactically. We didn't see alot of that with Moore. Manning and Moore complemented each other.

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People are making a big deal out of this exchange. I noticed it also, and was ready to pounce on it. But we converted a third down on that play by running the ball up the middle. This is a non-issue. Either Manning was wrong and Clyde was right, or it wasn't a conflict at all and we're reading waaaay too much into it. I'm leaning toward the latter.

I guess you missed all the awkward moments last season!

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I guess you missed all the awkward moments last season!

You mean when Manning attempted and completed more passes than any other quarterback in the history of the NFL?

I don't think the relationship between coordinator and quarterback should be totally without conflict. A lot of people think that if Manning and Christensen disagree about something, Christensen should just acquiesce and give Manning his way. I call hogwash. A coach has the responsibility to make sure his players execute his gameplan. Manning is heavily involved in the gameplanning, and has considerable leeway when it comes to changing plays and calling his own number, but if Clyde says "we're running here," then that's that. He's the coach, Manning is the player.

Thing is, Clyde trusts Manning enough to never have to give that kind of dogmatic directive, and he should. Still, the two of them should challenge each other and make sure each knows where the other is coming from. A little disagreement here and there can help get the best idea out there and implemented successfully. You run all the angles, and at the end of the day, you have a plan that everyone is on board with. A lot of coaches won't even do that.

I just think it's hilarious that people are pointing to a supposed disagreement with Manning and Christensen in a game that Manning isn't even playing in, on a play that was successful, and saying that it's proof Manning has no confidence in Christensen. End of the day, whatever happened before that play doesn't really matter, because the play worked.

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I just think Manning needs a OC that compliments Manning's tactics.

IMO it not very constructive to bring in a run first OC for a pass first QB, they will not meld to form some balance effect. Instead they will just do what's working, in our case, passing works.

They need to bring in a pass first OC that will get the most out of what this team does best. Clyde on the other hand only marginally improves the running game while hindering the pass offense somewhat.

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