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Why do we look so unprepared at times?


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This is happening at an alarming rate. We will not win many playoff games coming into games where we look like we have no clue what we are doing. Did we have really not expect them to do this to us? I love Pagano but something is seriously wrong with our preparation and yes I'm very concerned about it.

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We definitely looked un-prepared.  For some reason, the bye week has been a death sentence, and New England makes us look abysmal.  Even more unfortunately, they happened on the same week.  


I too, like Pags, but I really am starting to wonder about his coaching skills.  For a defensive minded coach, our defense has really stunk over the past two years.  I have felt the Pep has been improved since week two, but he likes to keep me guessing.

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Pagano is one of those coaches that is the very definition of conservative. He's also a big defensive minded guy. Pagano would love it if every game we played ended 13-7. Luck's abilities are not being fully utilized. We can't establish a run game with Richardson and an o-line that can't make holes. It's bad news man. This team as a whole would have to play above and beyond what they're actually capable of for a short time in the playoffs to win the Superrbowl. 

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Today was not about being prepared. We handled Brady but the defense just didn't want to tackle. We're a young team.. it'll take a while to beat New England. Took Peyton a LONG time and he still is having problems with them.

We clearly werent prepared for their run game.

But I'm not just talking about against NE. We have had too many stinkers every year under Pags. I realize we are a young team but when we play bad we play absolutely horrendous. We will not win many playoffs games like this. Its super concerning.

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We definitely looked un-prepared.  For some reason, the bye week has been a death sentence, and New England makes us look abysmal.  Even more unfortunately, they happened on the same week.  


I too, like Pags, but I really am starting to wonder about his coaching skills.  For a defensive minded coach, our defense has really stunk over the past two years.  I have felt the Pep has been improved since week two, but he likes to keep me guessing.

 pass 3 years stunk  takes 5 years get a defense   think bad dc need is a rex ryan type of dc.

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This game is indicative of one thing that remains constant in Colts/Patriots matchups. Its belief. The Patriots just believe that they will work harder, hit harder, outplay the Colts every time they play. Even in the Colts victories, they usually come very hard fought, and very SELDOM do the Colts just kick the Patriots butt like the Patriots always seem to do to the Colts. Its mental now. No matter who lines up against the Colts, they turn into world beaters and look like Walter Peyton against this team because of a belief system that Bill B. instills in his team. There is NO way that this team should systematically destroy ANY Colts team, no matter who's playing every year unless its mental. The Colts hope they'll beat the Patriots, while the Patriots BELIEVE they will always beat the Colts. And that's on the coaching staff. Every time I see this going on, I realize that Bruce Arians is the ONLY coach that the Colts have had in recent years that can change their BELIEF system. Chuck P is a nice guy and all, but he has NO clue about motivation outside of the usual cliches. Hes trying his best and I wish him well, but he has failed miserably to motivate this team properly to perform at the level of greatness required to change the mindset of this team, The same teams that have owned us in the past STILL own us. Steelers, Patriots, etc. And these are the teams we have to go through. Trust me, the Steelers will be there at the end. And we aren't even competitive with these teams on the road and against the Patriots, at home either. So, although I see whats happening, if the team can understand that they don't have to fire any body or do anything drastic, this wasn't about preparation or the lack thereof. They have to understand the power of the mind to do great things. Because that's the only solution to this beat-down the Patriots consistently give the Colts. The mental determines the physical. Just like Morpheus said to Neo in the Matrix....you cant think you are the best, you have to KNOW you are...believe. The Colts have got to let go of fear, doubt and disbelief. Only great coaching can do that and unfortunately, the guy that can do that, in my opinion, is now in Arizona.

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This game is indicative of one thing that remains constant in Colts/Patriots matchups. Its belief. The Patriots just believe that they will work harder, hit harder, outplay the Colts every time they play. Even in the Colts victories, they usually come very hard fought, and very SELDOM do the Colts just kick the Patriots butt like the Patriots always seem to do to the Colts. Its mental now. No matter who lines up against the Colts, they turn into world beaters and look like Walter Peyton against this team because of a belief system that Bill B. instills in his team. There is NO way that this team should systematically destroy ANY Colts team, no matter who's playing every year unless its mental. The Colts hope they'll beat the Patriots, while the Patriots BELIEVE they will always beat the Colts. And that's on the coaching staff. Every time I see this going on, I realize that Bruce Arians is the ONLY coach that the Colts have had in recent years that can change their BELIEF system. Chuck P is a nice guy and all, but he has NO clue about motivation outside of the usual cliches. Hes trying his best and I wish him well, but he has failed miserably to motivate this team properly to perform at the level of greatness required to change the mindset of this team, The same teams that have owned us in the past STILL own us. Steelers, Patriots, etc. And these are the teams we have to go through. Trust me, the Steelers will be there at the end. And we aren't even competitive with these teams on the road and against the Patriots, at home either. So, although I see whats happening, if the team can understand that they don't have to fire any body or do anything drastic, this wasn't about preparation or the lack theerof. They have to understand the power of the mind to do great things. Because that's the only solution to this beat-down the Patriots consistently give the Colts. The mental determines the physical. Just like Morpheus said to Neo in the Matrix....you cant think you are the best, you have to KNOW you are...believe. The Colts have got to let go of fear, doubt and disbelief. Only great coaching can do that and unfortunately, the guy that can do that, in my opinion, is now in Arizona.

Nicely put

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This game is indicative of one thing that remains constant in Colts/Patriots matchups. Its belief. The Patriots just believe that they will work harder, hit harder, outplay the Colts every time they play. Even in the Colts victories, they usually come very hard fought, and very SELDOM do the Colts just kick the Patriots butt like the Patriots always seem to do to the Colts. Its mental now. No matter who lines up against the Colts, they turn into world beaters and look like Walter Peyton against this team because of a belief system that Bill B. instills in his team. There is NO way that this team should systematically destroy ANY Colts team, no matter who's playing every year unless its mental. The Colts hope they'll beat the Patriots, while the Patriots BELIEVE they will always beat the Colts. And that's on the coaching staff. Every time I see this going on, I realize that Bruce Arians is the ONLY coach that the Colts have had in recent years that can change their BELIEF system. Chuck P is a nice guy and all, but he has NO clue about motivation outside of the usual cliches. Hes trying his best and I wish him well, but he has failed miserably to motivate this team properly to perform at the level of greatness required to change the mindset of this team, The same teams that have owned us in the past STILL own us. Steelers, Patriots, etc. And these are the teams we have to go through. Trust me, the Steelers will be there at the end. And we aren't even competitive with these teams on the road and against the Patriots, at home either. So, although I see whats happening, if the team can understand that they don't have to fire any body or do anything drastic, this wasn't about preparation or the lack thereof. They have to understand the power of the mind to do great things. Because that's the only solution to this beat-down the Patriots consistently give the Colts. The mental determines the physical. Just like Morpheus said to Neo in the Matrix....you cant think you are the best, you have to KNOW you are...believe. The Colts have got to let go of fear, doubt and disbelief. Only great coaching can do that and unfortunately, the guy that can do that, in my opinion, is now in Arizona.




Paragraphs are your friend!


Make it easier to read.   Easier on the eyes.


Paragraphs -- multiple would really help!


Apologies for being a grammar Nazi.......        :peek:        :giveup:

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That's not unprepared. It's only a few ways to run the ball. Colts just got manhandled up front and most of the time Pats were running the same three run plays

The Pats always use no name backs to run against us. I feel like our linemen are undersized against the Pats line. Where are 7 foot 400lbs linemen when you need them. 

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