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Bears management meeting


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but overall offense is down from last year. that's the point he was making. I personally don't like trestmans offense. But his point about Denver is correct

But not in the run game 'J' ....and we go back to the discussion...

NO part of the Bears game is better in Trestman's 2nd year. None. Rushing. Passing. Scoring. None.

The point was to compare (not seriously, according to GM) Trestmasn to Gase.

Trestman, whiole a decebnt guy, is not an offensive genius. All aspects of the Bears offense have slipped.

..and keep in mind..he was specifically brought to Chicago (which interviewed Bruce Arians) to improve Jay Cutler and that simply

hasn't happened. He is not 'more efficient'

..But you'd have to watch the Bears a lot to know that..I cant honestly ask anyone to do that

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But not in the run game 'J' ....and we go back to the discussion...

NO part of the Bears game is better in Trestman's 2nd year. None. Rushing. Passing. Scoring. None.

The point was to compare (not seriously, according to GM) Trestmasn to Gase.

Trestman, whiole a decebnt guy, is not an offensive genius. All aspects of the Bears offense have slipped.

..and keep in mind..he was specifically brought to Chicago (which interviewed Bruce Arians) to improve Jay Cutler and that simply

hasn't happened. He is not 'more efficient'

..But you'd have to watch the Bears a lot to know that..I cant honestly ask anyone to do that

actually, the broncos are down in rushing as a whole this season compared to last yearb.

They have turned it on since the pats game though

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Call plays that are going to work. Real hard. That's not where the work goes on on a football field. I don't know why it's an exclusive job really, especially in this era where many quarterbacks either call the plays or know what play the OC is going to call next. I would think a guy whose team had Charlie Weis would know this.


I'm even more confused with your posts now....   The era where many QB's called their plays died sometime I would guess in the 1980's.    Coaches started calling more plays then.


And now days,  all QB's have speakers in their helmets where the OC can send in the next play via wireless.   I'm not away of any QB's who call their own plays.     They have the ability to audible to a better play,  but that's not the same as calling their own plays.     That, an OC does.


Why you think the OC's job is easy is a complete mystery to me.   It's a very tough job and the proof is that there are so few who are exceptionally good at it.  

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Look at all the * who have been OCs...Morninweg, Bevell, Haley, Weis, etc.


All those guys are considered average to better OC's.    And Weiss has 3 super bowl rings as an OC. 


Haley was the OC when the Cardinals lost to Pittsburgh in the Super Bowl.


Bevell won a Super Bowl with Seattle doing a nice job with their offense.


And Mohrningwig has been successful as well.


Not sure what point you're trying to make,  but it's not getting you very far......

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Look at all the * who have been OCs...Morninweg, Bevell, Haley, Weis, etc.

Um, if you're trying to argue that being an OC is so easy, wouldn't logic suggest that you wouldn't be highlighting any failures at all, but only successes that give credence to your original post that "OC is the easiest job in football?"


Generally, when a person makes a statement like that they usually only promote what furthers their original thesis rather than detracts from it or severely weakens it. 


Unless you wanna pull a Bill Clinton & say it depends on what your definition of "easy" is...Either way, your argument is sinking faster than a torpedo that just struck an aircraft carrier. 

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Tell that one to Josh McDaniels who got fired in Denver & Marty Mornhinweg about to be let go in NY. Easy? Enlighten me BC, what's so simple about it? I'm all ears...

You just mentioned 1 guy who cost his team a game because he didn't know the rules about timeouts. The other guy was firesld as a HC and has only been a good OC under Tom Brady and Bill Belichik. So let me clarify...it's simple if you're not a *.

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All those guys are considered average to better OC's. And Weiss has 3 super bowl rings as an OC.

And about as many .500 seasons elsewhere under all of his job titles since combined, including the 1 he was just fired from.

Haley was the OC when the Cardinals lost to Pittsburgh in the Super Bowl.

Warner. Ben.

Bevell won a Super Bowl with Seattle doing a nice job with their offense.

Favre. Holmgren. AP. Lynch. etc.

And Mohrningwig has been successful as well.

Favre. Homlgren. Rice. Young.

If you still don't see the point I can't help you.

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And about as many .500 seasons elsewhere under all of his job titles since combined, including the 1 he was just fired from.

Warner. Ben.

Favre. Holmgren. AP. Lynch. etc.

Favre. Homlgren. Rice. Young.

If you still don't see the point I can't help you.


Are those same players doing as well without those OC's?


If you still don't get it,  I can't help you either.

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I don't get why team's fire head coaches mid season.  Season is lost anyways, what point or purpose does it serve other then to vent your anger over losing??


Serves Chicago right though.  Dumped a consistent winner in Lovie Smith for some unknown guy out of the CFL.  

Marc Trestman an unknown in the NFL???


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In 989..Tertsman was OC and QB coach in Detroit and Scott Mitchell passed for 3,500 yards.He declined the next year under Marc T..and changes were made..In 1995, Marc Trestman's first year..as OC..SF led the NFL in offense but they tailed off the next year and coaching changes were madeIn 1998..Jake Plummer threw for 3800 yards in Marc Tressman's first year in Denver...He tailed off badly after that and Trestman moved on.In 2002, Marc Trestman's offense (he was the OC) was No.1 in the NFL in his first year in Oakland.the offense tailed off the next year..and declinedHe went to Canada and wont the Grey Cup....as a head coachand now in 2013..Marc T's team was excellent offensively ...but they finished 8-8..the next year...2014... all skill players except fro Martellus Bennett have declined.....and the team is headed for the basementThat, in a nutshell, is Marc Trestman's track record.You have 3 choices with him (not anybody else)...fire him...demlote him as OC...or make no changes at all.the Bears, if what I'm hearing is correct, want Trestman to get the 3 years they signed him for.And keep in mind its very hard to bring in quality coordinators for a losing head coach who has one year left on his deal.

Trestman was never the OC for the Lions. He was the QB coach under Tom Moore.

Trestman coached Plummer in AZ, not Denver.

Oakland's offensive decline prob had more to do with Rich Gannon getting injured in game 7 and missing the rest of the season.

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And about as many .500 seasons elsewhere under all of his job titles since combined, including the 1 he was just fired from.

Warner. Ben.

Favre. Holmgren. AP. Lynch. etc.

Favre. Homlgren. Rice. Young.

If you still don't see the point I can't help you.


Upon further review,  did I miss a headline here?


Who is the coach who is winning without good players?    Seriously,  go back as far as you need,  who is winning without good players. 


Your argument appears to be the OC's weren't good,  they had good players and HC's around them.


Expand that if you need beyond football.    Which coaches are winning without good players?


Your logic is mystifying....

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@dan_bernstein: Source: #Bears ownership met last night. Trestman likely fired at season's end, Emery's fate still undecided.

Not a real Dan Bernstein fan, but yeah, if they had to meet about this again in a month's time, I'd guess Trestman is gone. You can't fire the players, so......

Would be sufficiently shocked if Emery isn't gone also.

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Upon further review, did I miss a headline here?

Who is the coach who is winning without good players? Seriously, go back as far as you need, who is winning without good players.

Your argument appears to be the OC's weren't good, they had good players and HC's around them.

Expand that if you need beyond football. Which coaches are winning without good players?

Your logic is mystifying....

It's not all that mystifying to suggest that certain OCs suck when their only success has been when they were on the same sideline as Big Ben, Kurt Warner and Brett Favre.

Obviously Bevell just got a ring but he'd been living off of Brett Favre for years, then had to be bailed out by him again in 2009. Meanwhile I bet any Seattle fan would rather keep Lynch than Bevell.

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Are those same players doing as well without those OC's?

If you still don't get it, I can't help you either.

Aren't they? I think that Brett Favre guy did alright before 2000 and I know Brady hasn't won a ring in a while but Weis is who has been fired more times than Brady has had pass attempts since his last ring.

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So, Jay Cutler is the equivalent of Kim Kardashian SDS? Top dollar trash...Yeah, I get what your sayin' man. Good call on that one BTW. 


Jay reminds me of Jeff George. A rocket for an arm who always came up far short of expectations. The kind of QB who gets head coaches fired because he never wins division titles or championship games. 

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You just mentioned 1 guy who cost his team a game because he didn't know the rules about timeouts. The other guy was firesld as a HC and has only been a good OC under Tom Brady and Bill Belichik. So let me clarify...it's simple if you're not a *.

Technically, Bill Belichick got fired in his 1st head coaching gig in Cleveland & now he is universally respected as a darn good coach in NE since 2000 with 3 SB rings & 5 SB appearances as head coach in his 2nd coaching job. Pete Carroll also a SB Champion got fired in NE too & he's doing nice things in Seattle. 


I don't really count Bill Belichick's 1 day as the Jets head coach succeeding Bill Parcels BTW. 


Regarding Josh McDaniels, he started out alright in Denver. Yes, he got fired by Pat Bowlen, but you try winning without a franchise QB & don't throw Tim Tebow & Mike McCoy at me either. That season was pure lightning in a bottle. 


Marty was a disgrace as an OC. No argument there. Even I can't defend his tenure in NY. 


A ton of good coaches get the axe in this league, get a 2nd chance, & do great things. Getting fired doesn't automatically mean you suck at what you do. Sometimes, failed opportunities make you a better teacher with a change of franchise scenery. 

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Cutler isn't a bad QB...He is not a QB I'd trust to carry the load but its worth noting he has not had a good O Line since coming to Chicago...and prior to that he never took as many sacks as he has been taking now...Keep in mind this is the same QB who threw for 4526 yards in 2008. I think the Bears have failed to provide him with adequate protection among the O Line, Couple that with injuries to Marshall......A LB corps that's been awful and a secondary that's been awful

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Cutler isn't a bad QB...He is not a QB I'd trust to carry the load but its worth noting he has not had a good O Line since coming to Chicago...and prior to that he never took as many sacks as he has been taking now...Keep in mind this is the same QB who threw for 4526 yards in 2008. I think the Bears have failed to provide him with adequate protection among the O Line, Couple that with injuries to Marshall......A LB corps that's been awful and a secondary that's been awful


We can agree or disagree about just how good Cutler is or isn't.


But for me,  I would NEVER, EVER want Jay Cutler to the be the Quarterback of my favorite team.     That team would quickly stop being my favorite team.


Thanks,  but I'll pass.   (pun may or may not have been intended!  :thmup: )

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Harbaugh will be coaching the Raiders next year , maybe in LA in a couple I think. I jusst dont think he would ever have any interest in coaching college football again and all the extra headaches of dealing with teenagers determining your fate.Thats a step back.


I still think it's hard to rule out Michigan at this point. I think Michigan is going to go all-in on Harbaugh and make him a "godfather" offer, so to speak. I think Michigan and college football have to be attractive to him for a number of reasons. He would be back at his alma mater, he gets to pick his players, would be one of the highest paid coaches and the Big Ten isn't that good. He could come in and make them a contender in the Big Ten overnight. I don't think being at one of the top 10 jobs in college football is a step back by any means. Just ask Nick Saban.

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We can agree or disagree about just how good Cutler is or isn't.


But for me,  I would NEVER, EVER want Jay Cutler to the be the Quarterback of my favorite team.     That team would quickly stop being my favorite team.


Thanks,  but I'll pass.   (pun may or may not have been intended!  :thmup: )

Nah I would not want him as my QB either, He is a decent QB, there are much much worse but some that are much much better of course, I was just pointing out that the Bears organization has done an awful job of providing him with suitable protection then couple that with a defense that has been absolute garbage this year then ya have a mess

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Technically, Bill Belichick got fired in his 1st head coaching gig in Cleveland & now he is universally respected as a darn good coach in NE since 2000 with 3 SB rings & 5 SB appearances as head coach in his 2nd coaching job. Pete Carroll also a SB Champion got fired in NE too & he's doing nice things in Seattle.

I don't really count Bill Belichick's 1 day as the Jets head coach succeeding Bill Parcels BTW.

Regarding Josh McDaniels, he started out alright in Denver. Yes, he got fired by Pat Bowlen, but you try winning without a franchise QB & don't throw Tim Tebow & Mike McCoy at me either. That season was pure lightning in a bottle.

Marty was a disgrace as an OC. No argument there. Even I can't defend his tenure in NY.

A ton of good coaches get the axe in this league, get a 2nd chance, & do great things. Getting fired doesn't automatically mean you suck at what you do. Sometimes, failed opportunities make you a better teacher with a change of franchise scenery.

Bill and Pete are actually old DCs, 2 of the few old DCs who don't suck at offense. Besides, I clearly didn't lump those 2 guys in with Weis and company.

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