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Jets (+10) @ New England (10-16-14)


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nonsense I've seen enough from the pats trolls I know you use all excuses and then when another teams fans say that it don't count your buddy amfootball does it all the time



You are not even making sense and be completely unreasonable. Seriously as hard as I try I can't decipher your post. Relax.   

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You are not even making sense and be completely unreasonable. Seriously as hard as I try I can't decipher your post. Relax.

You guys will use any thing to back your point but if another fan try's it it don't count like Peyton your buddy am rips him about SBs but when we say that's a team accomplishment she denies it but she has certainly used that damn argument to back her point just like you all do it there is a reason no one likes pats fans
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I really wish Patricia or Bill or someone on defense blitzed a little more. Rushing Geno with only 3 or 4 lineman all game was a ridiculous game plan. The Chargers blitzed him at will and sent him to the bench for the second half. We have the secondary now to man up so I don't get why we are not more aggressive. It's not like the Jets have any receivers outside of Decker that strike any fear.


BB seems to have an overly-developed sense of avoidance when it comes to "the big play," lol...


I think their strategy was to give the Jets the short stuff, maybe even lay off the run game a bit, and make Geno push them downfield on long drives. I don't think they believed he was capable of doing what he did (for the most part) last night. For all the criticism of Geno (which has been earned) he really played a solid game last night. A couple of bad choices but for the most part he did well. 


I also wonder, with the murderer's row of QBs coming up, if they didn't want to tip their hand too much and put some of their blitz packages on film for the Broncos, Chargers, Lions, Bears, Packers, and Colts to see. These next six games will determine where this team is and where they're going. 

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Can we stop with the weak division thing? The Pats have already lost to Miami and played a nail biter last night. They have only ever swept their division twice in the Brady era. 10 games are played outside the division and the Pats have the same winning percentage against those teams as they do within the division. And for a Colts fan to talk about a weak division is pretty weak given the two worst teams in football currently reside in the AFC South.


I know they get two cracks at the Patriots per year, but - without doing a lick of research - those poor and putrid AFCE teams have fared a lot better against the Brady-led Patriots than Indy has with Manning or Luck. 


Some folks dismiss the nuances of divisional games. They're almost always close. Dang I mean the winless Raiders almost knocked off San Diego last weekend...

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Hey just pointing out what's been circulating. I can't tell he's 2-3 yards away on TV.


yes and "what's been circulating" with regards to people who have watched a lot of games and from the NFL itself is that what the ref did was not wrong and is something that the NFL does in relationship to the players . . . so the circulating stuff that the folks you reference are incorrect in saying that a penalty or anything else should been done beyond moving the player . . .  

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I find it curious that an official physically shoves a Pats defender just prior to the snap to avoid a penalty which would have given the Jets a second chance on the field goal attempt.

 because that is what the NFL does . . . ref do the same thing with a WR is over the ball, will tell him to move back which he does . . 

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official shouldnt have made the player move its the players that should know the rules why help them out basically is cheating i didnt really care who won just think official shouldnt have done it and if u going to do that shouldnt u be consistent with decisions like that

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You guys will use any thing to back your point but if another fan try's it it don't count like Peyton your buddy am rips him about SBs but when we say that's a team accomplishment she denies it but she has certainly used that damn argument to back her point just like you all do it there is a reason no one likes pats fans



It sounds like you have issues you need to take up with AM. I try to be cordial and factual. No one likes Patriots fans? That's what you call "Painting with a broad brush".   

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official shouldnt have made the player move its the players that should know the rules why help them out basically is cheating i didnt really care who won just think official shouldnt have done it and if u going to do that shouldnt u be consistent with decisions like that



You do know they do it for the Colts as well right?

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official shouldnt have made the player move its the players that should know the rules why help them out basically is cheating i didnt really care who won just think official shouldnt have done it and if u going to do that shouldnt u be consistent with decisions like that

Read the article on NFL.com - http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000412180/article/blandino-refs-conduct-on-jets-field-goal-not-unusual


It is not at all unusual, it's a safety measure.  The rule was instituted because of potential serious injuries, so with that class of rules, they consistently do exactly what was done last night.  The article shows footage of 2 more instances where it occurred in other games.  

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yes, i agree





The Patriots have to be near the bottom of the league. They drive me nuts with their third down ineptitude. I just heard that it was the FIRST time in NFL history that a team had 40+ minutes T.O.P., 200+ rushing yds. and no turnovers and lost.  

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The Patriots have to be near the bottom of the league. They drive me nuts with their third down ineptitude. I just heard that it was the FIRST time in NFL history that a team had 40+ minutes T.O.P., 200+ rushing yds. and no turnovers and lost.

The colts had the ball for less than 15 minutes in 2009. But we did get a pick in that game

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The colts had the ball for less than 15 minutes in 2009. But we did get a pick in that game



Funny you mention that. It must have been suppressed in my memory because last nigh I was thinking "this game reminds me of something Peyton and the old Colts would do". 

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Funny you mention that. It must have been suppressed in my memory because last nigh I was thinking "this game reminds me of something Peyton and the old Colts would do".

The clts D couldn't stop the wildcat that night. They ran it down our throat. But Manning, much like Brady last night, made big plays when they had the ball. The phins were down late and weren't built to run a two minute offense. Sparano looked like his dog had just died on the post game presser. He couldn't believe they ran the ball for 200+ and held the ball for 45 minutes and lost

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The clts D couldn't stop the wildcat that night. They ran it down our throat. But Manning, much like Brady last night, made big plays when they had the ball. The phins were down late and weren't built to run a two minute offense. Sparano looked like his dog had just died on the post game presser. He couldn't believe they ran the ball for 200+ and held the ball for 45 minutes and lost



I'm going to miss Rex when he's gone. The guy was great in his post game presser. He's a good coach IMO but his unorthodox coaching style leaves you shaking your head at times. I think he'll do well if he gets a job where he controls the personnel.  

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I'm going to miss Rex when he's gone. The guy was great in his post game presser. He's a good coach IMO but his unorthodox coaching style leaves you shaking your head at times. I think he'll do well if he gets a job where he controls the personnel.

The front office there hasn't done him any favors. Very few play makers since he has been there. The qbs are just ok at best. You have to have a very good qb if you aren't going to have play makers on offense

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We were tied with 3 other teams as of a week ago. It was apparently updated. Colts have 17, Lions & Jets have 20.



Maybe you saw that stat after the Thursday night's game ? At that point in time , the Colts would have played 1 more game then every team other than Houston.

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Sorry my team didnt just barely beat the Geno led jets and didnt get smashed by the chiefs do believe the weak teams we have faced we destroyed and pulled our starters but ok

Oh yeah can't forget getting beat by the dolphins lol

Pats may be an alright team but this crap from the media and their fans is old I'm done with the whole the pats are great because of what they've done in the past nonsense

Didn't the Dolphins beat you last year?

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BB seems to have an overly-developed sense of avoidance when it comes to "the big play," lol...


I think their strategy was to give the Jets the short stuff, maybe even lay off the run game a bit, and make Geno push them downfield on long drives. I don't think they believed he was capable of doing what he did (for the most part) last night. For all the criticism of Geno (which has been earned) he really played a solid game last night. A couple of bad choices but for the most part he did well. 


I also wonder, with the murderer's row of QBs coming up, if they didn't want to tip their hand too much and put some of their blitz packages on film for the Broncos, Chargers, Lions, Bears, Packers, and Colts to see. These next six games will determine where this team is and where they're going. 

Good point about Bill maybe not wanting to tip his hand but this was the put away game for the Jets. Geno is terrible under pressure and we never pressured him. I just don't get it. We have the secondary to man up and yet only brought an extra rusher once and got the sack.

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That's the truth, really gets old seeing the refs favor the pats year after year after year after year, etc.


What incredibly insight and wisdom you have..




Now click on that link and see how insanely wrong you are lol...


Pats = most penalized team in the ENTIRE NFL right now, in both number of penalties and yardage.



Keep on hating though!

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Still not impressed with New England's super awesome defense.


Chris Ivory ran it down their throat, as did Moreno in week 1.


Once this team runs into another team with a pass rush like K.C. and can run the ball consistently, they're toast.


Oh and Revis getting beat by Decker 1 on 1 was priceless. What I tell you kiddies over the summer? He sucked in Tampa Bay, just like he does in New England. Overrated and past his prime.


lol, Decker catches a ball against them in zone coverage and thats proof that Revis is horrible?


Revis has been locking down teams #1 receivers all season long and is playing like an elite, top paid CB. 


These posts are a great way to end a work week though, i love it!  Sipping a margarita and scrolling through all the haters comments is quite entertaining

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Leave it to the Jets to provide entertainment. I watched three quarters of the game; the Patriots couldn't stop the Jets running game. I was glad to see that the Patriots can be vulnerable, gives me more optimism when they play the Colts.


The Jets offensive line is very good, thats one of the reasons they were so effective on the ground.  The Colts are not built the way the Jets are, they won't be able to run it as effectively because their offensive line isn't as big and powerful, they're built more to pass protect for Luck.

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Division games are funny like that. All colts fans should know that. How much trouble has Jacksonville given us over the years. A win is a win.


Someone who gets it...


Jets played out of their minds last night, they treated it like it was their Super Bowl like Rex Ryan always does.. he has a huge complex when it comes to Belichick and the Patriots..   They played an incredibly good game, executed their strategy nearly flawlessly and nearly came out with a win.


The Patriots gave up a lot of yards, but they held them to field goals instead of TDs and thats often the difference in games.  This was a playoff style game and will only make the Patriots better going forward. 


It doesn't matter if you win by 1 point or 100 points.. especially in the division.. a win is a win!


On to Chicago!

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And for a Colts fan to talk about a weak division is pretty weak given the two worst teams in football currently reside in the AFC South.


Seriously, thats what blows my mind so much is Colts fans screaming about the Patriots weak division.. The AFC South is a joke right now, last year it was absolutely pitiful and this year the only team that has even remotely improved were the Texans and they're still suspect.



The hate and bitterness is overflowing on these boards, its really strange how upset and mad everyone gets whenever the Patriots win and then run to the board trying to come up with reasons why their win is meaningless and that they're not that good.


Complex much?

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Sorry my team didnt just barely beat the Geno led jets and didnt get smashed by the chiefs do believe the weak teams we have faced we destroyed and pulled our starters but ok

Oh yeah can't forget getting beat by the dolphins lol

Pats may be an alright team but this crap from the media and their fans is old I'm done with the whole the pats are great because of what they've done in the past nonsense


So you're tired of what they've done in the past, yet you use early season games that happened in the PAST as a measuring stick of them as a team. 


Dunno how long you've been following the sport of football there champ, but how you start the season is completely meaningless.. all that matters is how you FINISH.  The Patriots as an offense are getting better and better, Brady has thrown 9 TDs and 0 Ints over the last 3 games on their winning streak.


They're gaining momentum and becoming more consistent, and you're referencing their 1st game of the season and their 1 bad game on MNF..  Most teams have at least 1 bad game a year, the MNF one against the Chiefs was theirs.. They're over it.. Can't wait to face the Colts, but right now its on to the Bears!

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The ref moved Hightower to avoid the Patriots getting a 5 yard penalty and a rekick.


Under NFL rules, defenders have to line up outside the shoulders of the long snapper on a field goal attempt. It's a penalty to stand directly above the long snapper: Hightower was over the long snapper, in an illegal position, before the ref intervened.





haha here we go!


A) He was making a line call adjustment, he was not 1 yard off the LOS, he was 2-3 yards off the LOS and was only there temporarily to make a line call.

B) This is not intervening or against the rules, the Refs do this in every single game on offense, defense and special teams

C) Way to ignore the play that helped get the Jets into range where the receiver was obviously bobbling the ball with his foot out of bounds and the booth never stopped the game to review the play.. VERY, VERY ODD to not have an official review of that play given the circumstances and context of the game

D) Jets should have just made the field goal.. but instead the Patriots stuffed it in their face and then all the haters start whining and crying that the Jets should have been handed a free do-over for no other reason than their bitter hatred of the Patriots.. just like the Refs did last year for the Jets.. 


oh wait, i thought the Patriots always got ALL the calls and the refs were in their back pocket!?  Hmm..  It seems STATISTICS disagree with you:



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