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How is Next Week's Seattle/Denver Game NOT on Primetime?


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I don't think you can flex until later on in the season.


43-8 destruction could've played a part.

CBS probably didn't want to give up the game. And flexing games doesn't start until week 5

Oh. I see.  I guess not.  So we are left with Pittsburgh and Carolina Sunday night, then Bears and Jets Monday night.....on a scale of 1 to "ESPN when Manziel wins", my excitement level for primetime next week can be described as "Bill Belichick"


....which actually might not be on the scale since it could be below 1

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That's my understanding as well -I think 4 games into the season.


Can't flex until week 5.


And like others have said, Seattle has a tendency to blow out opponents at home. If you look at their schedule, their remaining primetime games are all on the road.

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Seattle, New Orleans, and New England probably have the biggest home field advantages in football or at least play the best at home. I don't have their splits but I would say it is insanely good the past 3 years or so. If you win a game in their stadium...that is something to hang your hat on. I don't see Denver going in there and coming out with a W but if they keep it close and don't get man handled that will be a good sign they are on the right track this year to getting back to the SB. I call 31-23 Seattle. I think Denver moves it but is held to fgs.

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I've assumed since the beginning of the season that this game would be on either Sunday night or Monday night. Instead, it's a 4:25 PM (EST) game. This makes no sense to me. Anybody have an explanation?


well both Seattle and Denver have 4-5 other prime time games during the season between TNF, SNF and MNF, so its only fair not to give the teams another prime time game . . .


also like the ole colts pats game, the game is on at 425 with few other games on at the same time so most will not miss much, other than those 4 cities where the other games are playing the rest of the country can focus on this game . . . so a 425 start with few others games comes as close as one can get to a solo game . .


also too as some have mentioned CBS does not want to give up the game . . .

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Can't flex until week 5.


And like others have said, Seattle has a tendency to blow out opponents at home. If you look at their schedule, their remaining primetime games are all on the road.

This, and I believe the networks also have the ability to "protect" one game each week from being flexed to primetime? or is that something I made up in my head.


Telecasting agreements are weird.

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Can't flex until week 5.


And like others have said, Seattle has a tendency to blow out opponents at home. If you look at their schedule, their remaining primetime games are all on the road.

Thaks..Vance..I was wondering that, too

These are obviously 2 of the most popular teams in the NFL...

NBC doesnt really want Pittsburgh at Carolina.....that's a sleeping pill

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