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Tony Dungy Disappointment


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Just to be clear. If you were against something 5 years ago, you were still wrong, it doesn't diminish the wrongness. You could use that exact argument, and swap out homophobia for racism. Still dumb.

Also just to be clear, just because a certain number of people believe something to be right, does not make it right.  You could use that exact argument swap out thinking slavery is okay with thinking being gay is okay.

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That is entirely irrelevant to my point. I never said the Holocaust was not the plight of the Jews. I said that gays were also sent to the concentration camps and gas chambers by the German Government, which directly refutes your point that they've never been:

a few more (very recent) notes:

In 2013, a law was reinstated in India making it illegal to engage in any kind of homosexual act. Performing any "same sex act" could result in 10 years in prison.


Men in Jamaica have been attacked with sticks and machetes just for being perceived as being gay


Last February, the Ugandan Parliament gave serious consideration to making homosexuality punishable by DEATH. Even without this bill, Uganda still punishes homosexuals with 14 years to life in prison.


As recently as 2007, homosexuality was punishable by death (death by stoning) in Nigeria. I don't know if this law has been overturned.


The problem is you chimed and are now trying to re-define my comment, without regard for the original intent behind it. We were speaking about oppressed groups in this country. The US government has never done any of those things to the homosexual community. No one is disputing that there are still awful laws in place all over the world from corrupt governments. But don't try to say what homosexuals face in this country is anything close to true oppression. It's not. It's almost more damning to ones character to be considered a Christian in this country than it is to be considered gay. Anything that anyone says that might have even the tiniest ounce of non-support towards the homosexual community turns into an all out witch hunt. This thread is proof of that. Dungy didn't even say anything about Sam's sexual orientation as being the reason he wouldn't want to deal with him. He said the distraction attached to it would be his biggest turnoff. Yet you have people in here with pitchforks calling him a homophobe. It's ridiculous

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Not what I meant at all...     i have NO issue with ANYONE doing whatever they desire.  


I do have an issue with media, forums, ANYONE telling me I should act a certain way towards someone else because they are "different" ??


I do not care who person Z screws ..    I really don't.    I do care when I get told I am supposed to accept it.     Rregardless of race, sex whatever.  


If I don't like the union then ....   that's on me.      And I'll move on...     





Yeah I know what you mean. I hate treating other humans like they are humans. What a pain!!!

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Let me guess, America wasn't country founded on mass genocide? America killed far more Natives (and Africans considering the death tolls of slavery is in the millions) than the Third Reich could have even dreamed of murdering. And they did it so rich oligarchies could establish a country on their land.

The "norm" Anglo-Saxon's from Europe that founded your country hold the record when it comes to mass genocide numbers. Nazi's were not the only white people that tried to wipe out an entire race.

You're preaching to the choir, guy. Don't know why you think you're objecting to anything I've been saying. Lol

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I've been mentioning Lombardi as pioneer of the modern passing game lately. He was also the coach of the first openly gay football player who he told ONCE was safe from any prejudice on his team. That's my favorite part - he said it once and it was over, and not ran into the ground by the PC police and shameful sympathizers. On top of that, he coached Jerry White who hid his lifestyle about as well as Rob Halford. There have also been several lesser know gay college footba players who didn't go i to tbe draft. Michael Sam is small potatoes, no matter how much people don't like it.

That all happened with the Redskins btw, who are now being hounded for prejudice and bigotry of another type. If the PC police knew any of this crap...ugh.

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Let's just cut to the chase.


Dungy is a devoutly Christian man. His views on homosexuality are clearly influenced by the Bible. (Which also says, by the way, that you're not supposed to work on Sundays. But I guess that's not one of the important parts.) 


Dungy is well within his rights to state his opinion. That, however, does not guarantee to shield him from criticism for said opinion. That's not what "freedom of speech" is about. You're allowed to say whatever you want, and you can't be imprisoned for it. But don't start whining when people call him out on this type of nonsense. It's not about being PC. Being PC is when you say something or agree to something because you think it's the "right" thing to say and you don't believe in it. 


Really?  If you are going to quote the Bible you might want to do so in context.  Yes the Bible says that you are not supposed to work on Sundays, actually it says that if you do you should be put to death.  However, that is in the old testament not the new testament.  Christians, which Tony Dungy is, do not follow the rules of the old testament, they are predominantly influenced by the new testament and the life of Christ.

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This topic should be locked and deleted.


The plot has been lost all together anyway.


Yeah but I always knew Dungy did not love gays. I think he said as much about homosexual marriage several years back. Of course he is Christian though......but it's always cherry picking.


He had no issues even saying we should give Michael Vick a look-see years back when he was coming back in the league. So it's not about "the drama" of a player.


He just does not IMO approve of gays deep down.


And that's fine.....just say it out loud then and say what you mean.


Besides, I think our very own QB said last year or the year before he would not care at all if someone gay was on our team.

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It's not a weak argument. I don't find "moral objections" compelling. It's a fancy way of justifying something you don't like. That's my opinion.

However, you are allowed to like or dislike, believe or not believe, anything you want. None of my business.

But then using those objections to hold others down is reprehensible.


 Hold others down or disqualify?

 I guess i would wonder if GM Dungy`s scouts gave Sam a grade of 5th round or lower would he leave him off his draft board.

 Isn`t it a fine line who GM`s keep as developemental players and i would expect issues of character, morals, and distraction issues are what OFTEN determines one guy over another.

 Sam played at Missouri and was Only drafted because of that. JMO.


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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 22, 2014 - religious
Hidden by Nadine, July 22, 2014 - religious

Really?  If you are going to quote the Bible you might want to do so in context.  Yes the Bible says that you are not supposed to work on Sundays, actually it says that if you do you should be put to death.  However, that is in the old testament not the new testament.  Christians, which Tony Dungy is, do not follow the rules of the old testament, they are predominantly influenced by the new testament and the life of Christ.




Christians are way more Old Testament oriented to me in this country any day......power structure......patriarchy......the works. The old testament reads like modern day American values at times.


Then again our religion in America is MONEY first and foremost....it's capitalism (we even market religion).  Which is anti Jesus to an extent.....the man who supposedly told rich men to sell all their riches.....the man who supposedly wanted true equality even though not even he condemned slavery.

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