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Sam drafted by the Rams...

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No disrespect, but who really cares!!  I am so sick and tired about hearing about Michael Sam.  I just got off work and want to hear news about the NFL draft.  Every station talking about the draft is actually talking about Michael Sam being the 1st openly gay player to be drafted or be in the NFL.  The media is so pathetic these days they will try to get ratings from anything.  There was 255 other players drafted, feel free to share somebody else's story. 

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The Rams had without doubt the BEST draft of any NFL team....


and it is all Michael Sam right now..  


This is the PC world we live in.     ....     ESPN was MS and "boyfriend" from the second dude was drafted.



Sigh..............   If you don't want "attention"   and you want to play football ...   don't stand in front of an ESPN camara and make out with your "mate" ....     for 10 minutes.   that is flaming...       He got EXACT:LY what he wanted.


roster spot or not.....  he will get paid.



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No disrespect, but who really cares!!  I am so sick and tired about hearing about Michael Sam.  I just got off work and want to hear news about the NFL draft.  Every station talking about the draft is actually talking about Michael Sam being the 1st openly gay player to be drafted or be in the NFL.  The media is so pathetic these days they will try to get ratings from anything.  There was 255 other players drafted, feel free to share somebody else's story. 


Did you even watch the first round???? it was all about jonhhy football everytime he didnt get picked

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The Rams had without doubt the BEST draft of any NFL team....


and it is all Michael Sam right now..  


This is the PC world we live in.     ....     ESPN was MS and "boyfriend" from the second dude was drafted.



Sigh..............   If you don't want "attention"   and you want to play football ...   don't stand in front of an ESPN camara and make out with your "mate" ....     for 10 minutes.   that is flaming...       He got EXACT:LY what he wanted.


roster spot or not.....  he will get paid.



Unless there is some extended clip I didn't see, the display of affection between Sam and his boyfriend was not much different than that between some of the other players and their girlfriends.  I get that you probably have some agenda..but you should really consider laying off the hyperbole if you want to be taken seriously.  Also, not really appreciating the use of "flaming".  I'd like to think that using slurs and insults would be beneath you..but clearly I don't know you.  Btw, welcome to the twenty first century.  Progress only moves in one direction.

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Whatever;...    national media should NOT be trying to dictate how everyone out there "should" feel about issue X... Everyone's sexuality is their biz....  and nobody else.  MS just let EVERYONE know what his is.


Michael Sam " I just want to play football" ...        Ok...  


Oh and .....  Cake in the face and then the long googly eyes and WHAMMY KISS...      that is flaming.


ESPN is not the Ophra show  ...    or rather it never use to be.  It's only going to get more interesting.... 

Unless there is some extended clip I didn't see, the display of affection between Sam and his boyfriend was not much different than that between some of the other players and their girlfriends.  I get that you probably have some agenda..but you should really consider laying off the hyperbole if you want to be taken seriously.  Also, not really appreciating the use of "flaming".  I'd like to think that using slurs and insults would be beneath you..but clearly I don't know you.  Btw, welcome to the twenty first century.  Progress only moves in one direction.

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Whatever;...    national media should NOT be trying to dictate how everyone out there "should" feel about issue X... Everyone's sexuality is their biz....  and nobody else.  MS just let EVERYONE know what his is.


Michael Sam " I just want to play football" ...        Ok...  


Oh and .....  Cake in the face and then the long googly eyes and WHAMMY KISS...      that is flaming.


ESPN is not the Ophra show  ...    or rather it never use to be.  It's only going to get more interesting.... 

And his boyfriend is white. So really this guy has us covered - gay and interracial. :td:

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Why does this camp fodder deserve his own thread? What has Michael Sam EVER DONE, other than be gay? I hate the media for pushing this story. Every team that plays the Ram's this year will have to deal with this media freakshow. I bet Ram fan's are hoping he gets cut in the first round of cutdowns.

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Whatever;...    national media should NOT be trying to dictate how everyone out there "should" feel about issue X... Everyone's sexuality is their biz....  and nobody else.  MS just let EVERYONE know what his is.


Michael Sam " I just want to play football" ...        Ok...  


Oh and .....  Cake in the face and then the long googly eyes and WHAMMY KISS...      that is flaming.


ESPN is not the Ophra show  ...    or rather it never use to be.  It's only going to get more interesting.... 


Or maybe they are just recognizing a milestone day and trying to break down the discrimination directed toward gays.  If ESPN had been around when Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball, it probably would have been a huge story all over the news as well.  

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Why does this camp fodder deserve his own thread? What has Michael Sam EVER DONE, other than be gay? I hate the media for pushing this story. Every team that plays the Ram's this year will have to deal with this media freakshow. I bet Ram fan's are hoping he gets cut in the first round of cutdowns.


Well he was the defensive player of the year in the SEC which happens to be the best conference in college football, a conference which also included Jadeveon Clowney.  He is also the first openly gay player in the history of the NFL, so yeah, I'd say that's something and kind of a big deal.  


It's amazing how scared people are of gays.  

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No disrespect, but who really cares!!  I am so sick and tired about hearing about Michael Sam.  I just got off work and want to hear news about the NFL draft.  Every station talking about the draft is actually talking about Michael Sam being the 1st openly gay player to be drafted or be in the NFL.  The media is so pathetic these days they will try to get ratings from anything.  There was 255 other players drafted, feel free to share somebody else's story. 


If you don't care then why did you take the time to comment on it?  

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No disrespect, but who really cares!!  I am so sick and tired about hearing about Michael Sam.  I just got off work and want to hear news about the NFL draft.  Every station talking about the draft is actually talking about Michael Sam being the 1st openly gay player to be drafted or be in the NFL.  The media is so pathetic these days they will try to get ratings from anything.  There was 255 other players drafted, feel free to share somebody else's story. 

ColtStronger, THAT'S exactly my point! It will be, "Sams breaks his first NFL sweat." "Sams talks to his first NFL coach." "Sams just sneezed his first NFL sneeze!" Etc...

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Well he was the defensive player of the year in the SEC which happens to be the best conference in college football, a conference which also included Jadeveon Clowney.  He is also the first openly gay player in the history of the NFL, so yeah, I'd say that's something and kind of a big deal.  


It's amazing how scared people are of gays.  



I thought Kordell Stewart was, or am i mistaken?

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Or maybe they are just recognizing a milestone day and trying to break down the discrimination directed toward gays.  If ESPN had been around when Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball, it probably would have been a huge story all over the news as well.  



Don't compare this to Jackie Robinson or the color barrier . I personally find it highly offensive.

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Not scared of them, but i don't want this type of lifestyle (yes, it's a choice) pushed down my throat and influencing my young children. Enough is enough already.


BTW: I played in the SEC.


So you are saying that you are equally attracted to men and women, but you choose to only act on your attraction to women?  When did you chose to be attracted to women?

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Not scared of them, but i don't want this type of lifestyle (yes, it's a choice) pushed down my throat and influencing my young children. Enough is enough already.


BTW: I played in the SEC.


If something your children see on TV has more of an influence on them than their own father, their problems will run a lot deeper than being homophobic.  

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Not scared of them, but i don't want this type of lifestyle (yes, it's a choice) pushed down my throat and influencing my young children. Enough is enough already.


BTW: I played in the SEC.

When you point out (again) that you played in the SEC, are you doing so to explain your football expertise or give us all insight into how a sub par education can result in backwards beliefs? 

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Posted · Hidden by MTC, May 11, 2014 - inappropriate
Hidden by MTC, May 11, 2014 - inappropriate

If something your children see on TV has more of an influence on them than their own father, their problems will run a lot deeper than being homophobic.  


Peytonmanning18, leave it alone! You can't make anyone believe what they don't want to believe. This forum is about football. Go spread your "Homophobic" propaganda somewhere else!

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Posted · Hidden by MTC, May 11, 2014 - post w/ hidden quote
Hidden by MTC, May 11, 2014 - post w/ hidden quote


Peytonmanning18, leave it alone! You can't make anyone believe what they don't want to believe. This forum is about football. Go spread you "Homophobic" propaganda somewhere else!



I'm not the one that made this thread about homophobes.  Burl's Kid's and John Dee handled that.  I'm just against bigots and discrimination.   

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Posted · Hidden by MTC, May 11, 2014 - inappropriate
Hidden by MTC, May 11, 2014 - inappropriate

No disrespect, but who really cares!!  I am so sick and tired about hearing about Michael Sam.  I just got off work and want to hear news about the NFL draft.  Every station talking about the draft is actually talking about Michael Sam being the 1st openly gay player to be drafted or be in the NFL.  The media is so pathetic these days they will try to get ratings from anything.  There was 255 other players drafted, feel free to share somebody else's story. 


It's called marketing. That's capitalism for ya.


They are going to exploit this kid's sexuality to the extremes to sell to the LGBT crowd, and they already were doing it before the draft.

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Not scared of them, but i don't want this type of lifestyle (yes, it's a choice) pushed down my throat and influencing my young children. Enough is enough already.


BTW: I played in the SEC.



Dude, come on. If you think what your kids see on TV is going to turn them into murderers or freaks, you need to be spending more time with them. People always want to blame everything on Hollywood or mean music, or violent video games when the main factor is always something else. Social alienation is one of the biggest problems in our society and is also the most ignored of all the issues surrounding our kids. No one wants to admit it so they rather blame it on what is on the TV or the music.


Tebow's religion got shoved down my throat and everytime someone said the obvious about it, we were silenced by that "Don't talk bad about him, he's a good kid!". If we can put up with Tebow, I don't have a problem with this guy. His lifestyle means absolutely nothing to me.



And so what if you played in the SEC? I grew up in the bible belt, and let me tell ya, we have enough insane people that like burning records and accusing music of being Satanic devil worship whatever crap that brainwashes the kiddies. The ones that point the finger at entertainment tend to be more insane than who they are accusing of influencing our kids.


Besides, we need to stop acting so scared of the world around our kids and wanting to shun them from everything in fear that it may influence them to become a freak. If the entire world was not scared at all to be who they really were and open about it, we would have a world full of odd balls and unique people. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that except for marketing and exploiting it, like they do are going to do with Michael Sam's sexuality and the same thing that happened with Tebow's religious dedication.


The NFL is a very barbaric league. Afterall it's just men throwing a stupid ball up and down the field and then slamming their bodies into each other for tackles. I often like to use the league as an example to counter all that violent music and video game talk that I hear around communities, cause the league is pretty violent and everytime someone wants to improve it, they get shot down with the argument that it's not real enough. Enough of this "real men act like this" and "real men are tough and not sissies" talk.

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No you didn't.



I feel no need to justify myself or even reply to that. He mentioned the SEC and that happened to have special meaning to me. I never said i was a good guard. I was never drafted, but i was an U.D.F.A., that did land on an NFL team's P.S. for a year...after that i was done, due to alcoholism (which happens to be another personal topic for myself) .

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When you point out (again) that you played in the SEC, are you doing so to explain your football expertise or give us all insight into how a sub par education can result in backwards beliefs? 



He mentioned the SEC...i played in the SEC. That's all. I found the rest of his remarks about jackie robinson and the color barrier offensive, because i'm bi-racial. The black community is highly offended by this comparision.

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I don't really care about SAM either way...personally. I feel he used his sexuality to obtain a draft selection, because he knew that he wasn't very good to begin with. Then he could run and scream that the NFL's homophobic, if not selected.  I wish him the best, but he's camp fodder and will be gone before final cutdowns.

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I don't really care about SAM either way...personally. I feel he used his sexuality to obtain a draft selection, because he knew that he wasn't very good to begin with. Then he could run and scream that the NFL's homophobic, if not selected.  I wish him the best, but he's camp fodder and will be gone before final cutdowns.


SEC defensive player of the year = not very good

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