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Some teams may allow fans to order cheerleaders to their seats.


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Yes you do see the big deal....


Girls in cheerleaders outfits and fans who have been fueled up for hours..


..Bad, bad  idea.....the girls aren't waitresses and fans can be drunks....



Management doesn't need this headache

No, I don't see the big deal. I see people assuming the people who run the nfl are *s. Good god, you really think they are going to auction off the cheerleaders to the wealthiest drunkards in the stadium?

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Maybe the title of this is misleading

I mean it sounds like you punch a button and a cheerleader has to come to your seat.

I doubt that's the case.  They are on the field during the game so unless they can be in two places at once........the title is misleading


Some Cheerleaders already do visits on the suite level.......this is a photo op thing.......photo op is their thing with fans. So, my guess is that they come with a photographer


I think what's intended is a nice photo momento.........not a 'gameday escort"


Although the title of that article does make it sound bad.

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Maybe the title of this is misleading

I mean it sounds like you punch a button and a cheerleader has to come to your seat.

I doubt that's the case.  They are on the field during the game so unless they can be in two places at once........the title is misleading


Some Cheerleaders already do visits on the suite level.......this is a photo op thing.......photo op is their thing with fans. So, my guess is that they come with a photographer


I think what's intended is a nice photo momento.........not a 'gameday escort"


Although the title of that article does make it sound bad.


Well it's not that I was thinking that at all.  But the fact is that these women who are dressed in eye candy outfits are going up into the stands for a meet and greet.  


It just doesn't sound like a good idea to me.  


These women are gonna get groped up there.  


99% of fans may be just fine.  But if even 1% is bad, you have 50,000 to 80,000 fans in one stadium.  So that's 500 to 800 fans that this girl has to pass by just one of these guys and they will likely reach out and try to touch her someplace where she doesn't want to be touched.


Like I said, having these people for a field level meet and greet with a photo op before the game would be much better if you ask me.  

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I don't see the big deal. They would probably meet the cheerleaders pre game and snap a couple pictures and that's about it. You guys are acting like the cheerleader goes to the drunk holding up the most cash in the 4th quarter.


Umm no the article says that they basically ask for one to come to their seat during the game.  It's probably ment to be just for a short while and just for a photo op or meet and greet.  However sending the cheerleaders up there seems to be asking for trouble.  

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Well it's not that I was thinking that at all.  But the fact is that these women who are dressed in eye candy outfits are going up into the stands for a meet and greet.  


It just doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

I didn't mean you.  I meant the title of the article

NFL Cheerleaders Can Now Be Ordered To Your Stadium Seat

Read more at http://www.rantsports.com/nfl/2014/03/26/nfl-cheerleaders-can-now-be-ordered-to-your-stadium-seat/?ObH38EZs4VJ6G060.99


I think the title is intended to be 'eye brow raising' shenanigans


The cheerleaders do photo ops in those outfits all over the place.  Stadium is no different to me

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I didn't mean you.  I meant the title of the article

NFL Cheerleaders Can Now Be Ordered To Your Stadium Seat

Read more at http://www.rantsports.com/nfl/2014/03/26/nfl-cheerleaders-can-now-be-ordered-to-your-stadium-seat/?ObH38EZs4VJ6G060.99


I think the title is intended to be 'eye brow raising' shenanigans


The cheerleaders do photo ops in those outfits all over the place.  Stadium is no different to me


It's not the stadium that's the problem it's more of the fact that they are doing it in the stands.  At field level there are other cheerleaders and various staff that can kind of look out for them.  So really there likely are not many problems there.  Even with a photographer they won't have that many people around them that would prevent some unwanted touching.  


And I'm not just talking about the person who ordered them up to his seat.  I'm also thinking of every inebriated guy she'll be passing on the way there.

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I honestly am not surprised by this, nor do I care in the least bit since most arguments I am seeing against it ranges on the question of religion and morality. The obvious problem here is you should feel offended that they are rubbing it in your faces cause let's face it: the only people that will be buying strippers are the rich ones that can afford it, where the rest of us have to make a sacrifice just to buy tickets to a game cause they are so expensive


And lord forbid they ever lower prices to ANYTHING at a game cause they just can't make enough money off those over priced beers and drinks. That's something I am shocked no one really talks about. Last time I went to a game, a small bottle of water was 6 dollars.

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I honestly am not surprised by this, nor do I care in the least bit since most arguments I am seeing against it ranges on the question of religion and morality. The obvious problem here is you should feel offended that they are rubbing it in your faces cause let's face it: the only people that will be buying strippers are the rich ones that can afford it, where the rest of us have to make a sacrifice just to buy tickets to a game cause they are so expensive


And lord forbid they ever lower prices to ANYTHING at a game cause they just can't make enough money off those over priced beers and drinks. That's something I am shocked no one really talks about. Last time I went to a game, a small bottle of water was 6 dollars.

I bought a beer in the 2006 Colts superbowl, and for a 12 oz beer, it was 9 bucks...I could buy a six pack of something better htan miller lite for that!  To be honest, i'ts one of those things that it's never going to go down.  We can protest all we want, but as long as the stadium seats are being filled and people aer buying the drinks, it ain't changing.  Sad thing is, I think we the average consumer have just accepted the fact that we save up to go to one game a year and include snacks and parking as part of the costs.  It would be nice if they made concessions regular priced food, but it is what it is.

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I bought a beer in the 2006 Colts superbowl, and for a 12 oz beer, it was 9 bucks...I could buy a six pack of something better htan miller lite for that!  To be honest, i'ts one of those things that it's never going to go down.  We can protest all we want, but as long as the stadium seats are being filled and people aer buying the drinks, it ain't changing.  Sad thing is, I think we the average consumer have just accepted the fact that we save up to go to one game a year and include snacks and parking as part of the costs.  It would be nice if they made concessions regular priced food, but it is what it is.


That's about as likely to happen as theater's selling their snacks at regular price or amusement parks selling their snacks and drinks at regular price.


When you have a situation where people are gonna be in a certain building or area for a long period of time for a purpose other then eating and it's extremely inconvenient if not impossible to leave to get food then you can sell food and drinks at a price which is triple what it would cost outside of there.  


That's just the way things work and it's not going to change unless everyone stops buying the snacks and drinks.

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Maybe the title of this is misleading

I mean it sounds like you punch a button and a cheerleader has to come to your seat.

I doubt that's the case.  They are on the field during the game so unless they can be in two places at once........the title is misleading


Some Cheerleaders already do visits on the suite level.......this is a photo op thing.......photo op is their thing with fans. So, my guess is that they come with a photographer


I think what's intended is a nice photo momento.........not a 'gameday escort"


Although the title of that article does make it sound bad.

All I know is that if I hosted a late night talk show, I would have a field day with this story. It's like Christmas gold to comedians because the jokes almost write themselves & you can get a month's worth of mileage or more out of this headline: "NFL Cheerleaders Can Now Be Ordered To Your Stadium Seat." My 12 & 13 year old nephews could even write punchlines for this wide open interpretation headline. LOL! 


Ah yes, PG family NFL entertainment just went from wholesome to foggy windows. Just Kidding! 

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I bought a beer in the 2006 Colts superbowl, and for a 12 oz beer, it was 9 bucks...I could buy a six pack of something better htan miller lite for that!  To be honest, i'ts one of those things that it's never going to go down.  We can protest all we want, but as long as the stadium seats are being filled and people aer buying the drinks, it ain't changing.  Sad thing is, I think we the average consumer have just accepted the fact that we save up to go to one game a year and include snacks and parking as part of the costs.  It would be nice if they made concessions regular priced food, but it is what it is.



I haven't been to a Saints game since before Katrina but I can remember the prices of little bottles of water being through the roof.


Football games aren't the only thing though, I've been to a lot of concerts like that too Ozzfest was probably the worst when it came to prices, seems to depend on the venue though.

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Who wouldn't want to be seen on the jumbotron with a colts cheerleader on their lap and a disgusted wife staring at us with daggers in her eyes?  That's going to go over well when I get home.

I envision a Modern Family episode....kiss cam?  Cheerleaders?



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That's about as likely to happen as theater's selling their snacks at regular price or amusement parks selling their snacks and drinks at regular price.


When you have a situation where people are gonna be in a certain building or area for a long period of time for a purpose other then eating and it's extremely inconvenient if not impossible to leave to get food then you can sell food and drinks at a price which is triple what it would cost outside of there.  


That's just the way things work and it's not going to change unless everyone stops buying the snacks and drinks.


Yep, the old 'convenience' mark up.

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Umm no the article says that they basically ask for one to come to their seat during the game.  It's probably ment to be just for a short while and just for a photo op or meet and greet.  However sending the cheerleaders up there seems to be asking for trouble.

Umm, it actually doesn't say that

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I haven't been to a Saints game since before Katrina but I can remember the prices of little bottles of water being through the roof.


Football games aren't the only thing though, I've been to a lot of concerts like that too Ozzfest was probably the worst when it came to prices, seems to depend on the venue though.

Still disappointed that they stopped doing ozzfest tours and have it only in one place.

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I'm not that concerned about the cheerleaders suffering unwanted "groping" while going to anyone's seat for a visit because I would like to think that they would be accompanied by a security guard much the same as they are at Colt's fan fests.


My main concern is whether or not the cheerleaders would get a share of the income derived from this especially since so many of them work for way below minimum wage.

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This might be one of my favorite threads of the year!


I might've used up my daily amount of "likes" just in this thread alone.     I could've liked every post in it -- even the ones I disagreed with.


Personally,  because we're talking about the stadium on game day,  I'd be very, very, very hesitant to do this if I were a team owner.


The potential for something to go wrong on a game-day when many fans are boozing it up is just too great in my opinion.  I'd error on the side of caution.    Not to mention, have a security guard (or two) along with them!


Perhaps the Colts will wait a year or so and see how it goes in other venues before deciding if it's right for them.


Personally, I hope they don't....   but at least let other teams give it the test run.    I'd take a pass until then.....

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I envision a Modern Family episode....kiss cam?  Cheerleaders?



Yeah Brent, but what do you do when the kiss cam cheerleader's muscular boyfriend shows up at your doorstep & what to have a private discussion about that televised lip lock though? Does 1 kiss = 2 black eyes & a few broken ribs? Uh oh...

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I'm not that concerned about the cheerleaders suffering unwanted "groping" while going to anyone's seat for a visit because I would like to think that they would be accompanied by a security guard much the same as they are at Colt's fan fests.


My main concern is whether or not the cheerleaders would get a share of the income derived from this especially since so many of them work for way below minimum wage.

My guess would be no, but your question does make me wonder what a cheerleader's contract, job description, & payment scale look like over 16 weeks shecolt. 

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My guess would be no, but your question does make me wonder what a cheerleader's contract, job description, & payment scale look like over 16 weeks shecolt. 


Some teams pay better than others and I suppose the job description also varies per team.


In February, a Bengal's cheerleader filed a lawsuit against the team claiming that her pay worked out to $2.85/hour. 




In January, a Raider's cheerleader did the same claiming that her pay worked out to less than $5/hour.


But, the US labor department declared that the Raiders were exempt from having to pay minimum wage because cheerleaders are "seasonal amusement". 



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No, I don't see the big deal. I see people assuming the people who run the nfl are *s. Good god, you really think they are going to auction off the cheerleaders to the wealthiest drunkards in the stadium?

I think putting the cheerleaders within touching distance of the 'heavy fuel' crew who go to pro football games is asking for problems you don't have now, don't you agree?


The guys cant touch the girls the way it is now....In the skyboxes, they have servers but those ware waitresses and they're dressed a little differently.


Sending especially curvy college age girls in super mini dresses and halters tops into the stands during NFL games will spark a significant  'response' from the beer and brats boys, I'd bet

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Yeah Brent, but what do you do when the kiss cam cheerleader's muscular boyfriend shows up at your doorstep & what to have a private discussion about that televised lip lock though? Does 1 kiss = 2 black eyes & a few broken ribs? Uh oh...

Shoot him?  Trespassing Brother... :)  I have kids to protect...not worried about ME.

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I think putting the cheerleaders within touching distance of the 'heavy fuel' crew who go to pro football games is asking for problems you don't have now, don't you agree?


The guys cant touch the girls the way it is now....In the skyboxes, they have servers but those ware waitresses and they're dressed a little differently.


Sending especially curvy college age girls in super mini dresses and halters tops into the stands during NFL games will spark a significant  'response' from the beer and brats boys, I'd bet

They will be sending them to people who pay for expensive tickets very close to the field....and more than likely before the game starts. At least that is my guess anyway.

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I think putting the cheerleaders within touching distance of the 'heavy fuel' crew who go to pro football games is asking for problems you don't have now, don't you agree?

The guys cant touch the girls the way it is now....In the skyboxes, they have servers but those ware waitresses and they're dressed a little differently.

Sending especially curvy college age girls in super mini dresses and halters tops into the stands during NFL games will spark a significant 'response' from the beer and brats boys, I'd bet

the cheerleaders have been making trips to the luxury boxes for years

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Puppy pole dancing must be an epidemic catastrophe of monumental proportions Brent. SW1 had no idea. Is that why Bob Barker, the former TV game host of the "Price Is Right," always encouraged his viewing audience to get their pets spayed or neutered? Only teasing! haha

epidemic catastrophe?

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