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Spikes and Talib Say Patriots Put Out False Injury Reports


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I've talked with fans of all teams and most do not like the patriots. Sure they don't dislike them like us colts fans but they still don't like them. Actually from fans of all sports I've talked to just aren't big fans of Boston in general.


Thats because Boston wins a lot.

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I had no idea that people had such distain for a great organization like the New England Patriots or that Spygate was such a big deal. It's pretty much acknowledged across the board that BB is a rotten coach and a cheater and the Patriots unrivaled success is due purely to the said cheating. I just can't wait for the day a departed coach, player or maybe BB himself enlightens us on Spygate. 

His genius is keeping his secrets under wraps. It's hard to believe that he's so smart he knows things about football that no other coach has Yet to decode. The guy's an evil genius for sure. What a cheating SOB. He makes me sick. That goes for Krafty and Brady as well because they're in on the whole thing. Goodell to because he works for the owners and they pull the strings but he destroyed the tapes so even his bosses couldn't find out BB's secret formula. Krafty must have paid Goodell a lot of money for that little act..

It took you over a decade but finally , an accurate, factual post from you.  Congrats!

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I don't feel the need to go to any other teams forum because I couldn't care less about what non Colt fans think or have to say. Unlike some I don't troll other web sites. 


What amazes me is that you feel anyone who goes to another team's board is doing so to troll.  The idea is completely lost on you that some fans of football may enjoy the game and the rivalries so much that they choose to engage with other fans from different regions and perspectives of the country to have discussions.


I've been on these forums for 12 years now and have had a lot of great discussions with some people that also enjoy the game of football to the depths and detail that I do.  You're just trying to stir up trouble by rehashing events from SEVEN years ago and continue to vent the bitterness/jealousy that you have in your heart towards the Patriots and their fans because of the success that they've had over the years while completely ignoring any counter points or arguments that people respond with.


You refuse to acknowledge or accept anything that any Pats fan says and resort to attacking them for having the AUDACITY to come to the General NFL Section of a forum and participate in discussions.  Maybe someone of your mindset would be better suited in the Colts section of these forums where you can discuss the Indianapolis Colts to your hearts content with other posters, but this is the NFL General section and it wasn't even a Pats fan that made this thread!


Its truly amazing to see how much anger and animosity there is for a franchise and its fan base from certain people.  Don't take football so seriously, none of us actually play in these games and its not healthy to bottle up that much anger and emotion towards things that are out of your control.  


You can believe whatever you want to believe, but if you don't want to actually have a discussion with points and counter-points, then you should probably stick to the Colts only section of the forum, because obviously this stuff really upsets you.


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I wonder why there were fines. Oh and there was a fake rule called Tuck which doesn't even exist now.



Some of you are like a broken record.  The Tuck Rule was not a "fake rule" and in fact was called several times that year during the regular season and has been called against the Pats as well!  It was a real rule..  Was it a necessary rule?  That is debatable, but what is not debatable is that it was in fact an existing rule in the NFL Rule Book that was called several times before that game during the regular season and was called several times after that game in following seasons. 


That is not up for debate whether or not it was an actual rule.  It was for 100% fact an existing rule.  You can argue all day long whether it should or shouldn't have been one, but you can't argue if it was actually a rule or not.


I don't really get why people get so caught up on this stuff either, like it somehow diminishes their accomplishments.  The Patriots still had to go down the field, score a touchdown, play defense, get the ball back, go down the field and kick a field goal through a BLIZZARD to tie the game... Go to over time.. then go down the field and kick another field goal through a BLIZZARD to win it.


The Raiders were not the better team, so you can focus on a play, or rule or call etc etc all you want, but that happens in every single game in the NFL and I can point to several in the 2006 AFCCG that allowed the Colts to come back, but that is the nature of the beast that is the NFL.


Heck, because of a brand new rule the NFL made and didn't call a single time all year except against the Patriots in overtime against the Jets that cost them the game, the Broncos would have had to travel to Foxboro for the AFCCG and who knows what might have happened then.


You can cherry pick things all day long across the board for any team in the league and find something to complain about, but what matters at the end of the day is the Win or Loss column.  The ball bounces in favor of or against all teams, every single week.  That is NFL football and its never going to change, which is also why its so incredibly difficult to win so consistently and to win multiple Super Bowls.

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It took you over a decade but finally , an accurate, factual post from you.  Congrats!

I know right? How come it took me so long. I don't like the Patriots, chowder, baked beans, lobster or anything else about Boston including anyone or anything in the region. They're all lying, cleating bottom of the barrel scum. I bleed blue now and will act appropriate to Colts fan standard and be classy as well. 

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You know, there is one thing I do love about all the Patriots hate out there.


No one hated them from 1959 to 2001, except their own fans at times.  :thmup:


When any team wins for this long, no one's going to like them except their own fans. Maybe someday the "asterisk" and "tuck rule" crowd will get to experience that on their own. If the Colts go on a tear with Luck and are among the AFC powerhouses for the next decade and maybe take home two or three Super Bowl wins, they will. Everyone loves the underdog until they're the winner; then all anyone wants is to see them fail. 

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Not to mention the total rape of Colts receivers that lead to changes with the refs calling the game as the rules were written? The Pats have had the talent to win but when the refs give them the benefit of advantage over teams it is what it is. 


That was just how the rule was being called that year.  It wasn't some favoritism towards the Patriots, the Carolina Panthers were doing it as well and any team that had a bigger, more physical secondary was doing it.


That is part of football, you study how the refs call certain things and you play accordingly.  If they were breaking the rules then they should have been flagged for it, but since that is how the refs across the league all year long were calling PI and illegal contact consistently all year, they aren't going to suddenly change how they call it in an AFC Championship Game, when historically the refs tend to "let them play" even moreso than normal.


This is not some ground breaking epiphany, its merely sour grapes.   

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Some of you are like a broken record.  The Tuck Rule was not a "fake rule" and in fact was called several times that year during the regular season and has been called against the Pats as well!  It was a real rule..  Was it a necessary rule?  That is debatable, but what is not debatable is that it was in fact an existing rule in the NFL Rule Book that was called several times before that game during the regular season and was called several times after that game in following seasons. 


That is not up for debate whether or not it was an actual rule.  It was for 100% fact an existing rule.  You can argue all day long whether it should or shouldn't have been one, but you can't argue if it was actually a rule or not.


I don't really get why people get so caught up on this stuff either, like it somehow diminishes their accomplishments.  The Patriots still had to go down the field, score a touchdown, play defense, get the ball back, go down the field and kick a field goal through a BLIZZARD to tie the game... Go to over time.. then go down the field and kick another field goal through a BLIZZARD to win it.


The Raiders were not the better team, so you can focus on a play, or rule or call etc etc all you want, but that happens in every single game in the NFL and I can point to several in the 2006 AFCCG that allowed the Colts to come back, but that is the nature of the beast that is the NFL.


Heck, because of a brand new rule the NFL made and didn't call a single time all year except against the Patriots in overtime against the Jets that cost them the game, the Broncos would have had to travel to Foxboro for the AFCCG and who knows what might have happened then.


You can cherry pick things all day long across the board for any team in the league and find something to complain about, but what matters at the end of the day is the Win or Loss column.  The ball bounces in favor of or against all teams, every single week.  That is NFL football and its never going to change, which is also why its so incredibly difficult to win so consistently and to win multiple Super Bowls.

Oh boy, Mayo is hot right now.


Man, you just called me a broken record. I think highly of you. I am hurt bro.

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That was just how the rule was being called that year.  It wasn't some favoritism towards the Patriots, the Carolina Panthers were doing it as well and any team that had a bigger, more physical secondary was doing it.


That is part of football, you study how the refs call certain things and you play accordingly.  If they were breaking the rules then they should have been flagged for it, but since that is how the refs across the league all year long were calling PI and illegal contact consistently all year, they aren't going to suddenly change how they call it in an AFC Championship Game, when historically the refs tend to "let them play" even moreso than normal.


This is not some ground breaking epiphany, its merely sour grapes.   

You wouldn't be saying that if the Patriots weren't the winningest team in the NFL over the last decade plus. The Colts are cool and their fans are classy.

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You know, there is one thing I do love about all the Patriots hate out there.


No one hated them from 1959 to 2001, except their own fans at times.  :thmup:


When any team wins for this long, no one's going to like them except their own fans. Maybe someday the "asterisk" and "tuck rule" crowd will get to experience that on their own. If the Colts go on a tear with Luck and are among the AFC powerhouses for the next decade and maybe take home two or three Super Bowl wins, they will. Everyone loves the underdog until they're the winner; then all anyone wants is to see them fail. 

GoPats - I dont think anyone would talk about spyGate or anything else unless some of your guys come in here and run their mouth off.


See who provokes it.

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GoPats - I dont think anyone would talk about spyGate or anything else unless some of your guys come in here and run their mouth off.


See who provokes it.


I'm pretty sure plenty of NFL fans, not just Indy fans, are plenty butthurt about Spygate regardless of our involvement.  ;)


It's ironic, because as New Englanders, most of us are also Red Sox fans, and in a lot of ways the Patriots have become the Yankees of the NFL. They don't do business quite the same way, but there's a very similar feel to it. 

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I'm pretty sure plenty of NFL fans, not just Indy fans, are plenty butthurt about Spygate regardless of our involvement.  ;)


It's ironic, because as New Englanders, most of us are also Red Sox fans, and in a lot of ways the Patriots have become the Yankees of the NFL. They don't do business quite the same way, but there's a very similar feel to it. 

What do you think of Big Papi's extension? I say pay that man! lol. Best clutch hitter of all time.

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I'm pretty sure plenty of NFL fans, not just Indy fans, are plenty butthurt about Spygate regardless of our involvement.  ;)


It's ironic, because as New Englanders, most of us are also Red Sox fans, and in a lot of ways the Patriots have become the Yankees of the NFL. They don't do business quite the same way, but there's a very similar feel to it. 

I hear you. I am just saying atleast here there is a lot of provocation.


I love sports and i am a big sports fan. I respect and appreciate talent, competitive nature and winning no matter who wins.


In my opinion, Boston gets a rough feedback is due to the majority of the fans who are quite obnoxious not due to the players or the coaches.

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What do you think of Big Papi's extension? I say pay that man! lol. Best clutch hitter of all time.

By the way, I am a yankees fan.


I will never forget 2004 Johnny Damon. He single handedly killed us that year.


Wait was it 2007?. Sox down 0-3 and went on to win 4-3.

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I can't be bothered to read 7 pages but I'm trying to figure out how people can make a big deal out of this...it's something we've known for years that the Patriots do. Everyone knows they never give out really anything valuable in these reports. I'm sure a lot of other teams do the same thing...if it was something that would threaten a players career it would be one thing...but they basically are just trying to be as vague as possible. I know Tom has had the same injury for like his whole career lol.

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I hear you. I am just saying atleast here there is a lot of provocation.


I love sports and i am a big sports fan. I respect and appreciate talent, competitive nature and winning no matter who wins.


In my opinion, Boston gets a rough feedback is due to the majority of the fans who are quite obnoxious not due to the players or the coaches.

I just wish everyone could be classy like Colts and Yankees fans. 

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Atleast Colts and Yankees fans stay on their own forum instead of goin to their rival just to tick people off

I wouldn't know if that was true or not but I'll take your word for it because if your a Colts fan you're to classy to lie or make something up. 

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Well you are the one here being an instigator

What? I'm giving praise where praise is due and true. You guys really are the best. Winning isn't the most important thing in professional sports. People in Indiana are so much more moral than in New England. 

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What? I'm giving praise where praise is due and true. You guys really are the best. Winning isn't the most important thing in professional sports. People in Indiana are so much more moral than in New England.

What your doing is being a smart * just to cause problems. That's being an instigator.
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What amazes me is that you feel anyone who goes to another team's board is doing so to troll.  The idea is completely lost on you that some fans of football may enjoy the game and the rivalries so much that they choose to engage with other fans from different regions and perspectives of the country to have discussions.


I've been on these forums for 12 years now and have had a lot of great discussions with some people that also enjoy the game of football to the depths and detail that I do.  You're just trying to stir up trouble by rehashing events from SEVEN years ago and continue to vent the bitterness/jealousy that you have in your heart towards the Patriots and their fans because of the success that they've had over the years while completely ignoring any counter points or arguments that people respond with.


You refuse to acknowledge or accept anything that any Pats fan says and resort to attacking them for having the AUDACITY to come to the General NFL Section of a forum and participate in discussions.  Maybe someone of your mindset would be better suited in the Colts section of these forums where you can discuss the Indianapolis Colts to your hearts content with other posters, but this is the NFL General section and it wasn't even a Pats fan that made this thread!


Its truly amazing to see how much anger and animosity there is for a franchise and its fan base from certain people.  Don't take football so seriously, none of us actually play in these games and its not healthy to bottle up that much anger and emotion towards things that are out of your control.  


You can believe whatever you want to believe, but if you don't want to actually have a discussion with points and counter-points, then you should probably stick to the Colts only section of the forum, because obviously this stuff really upsets you.


I dont need you to write me a book explaining what I see and read. I am not the one who brought up the spygate issue in the first place. All I said was I dont beleive in coincidence and that the Pats have not won a super bowl since spygate.

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I dont need you to write me a book explaining what I see and read. I am not the one who brought up the spygate issue in the first place. All I said was I dont beleive in coincidence and that the Pats have not won a super bowl since spygate.

My man Mayo loves to write  :clap:  :disco:

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I dont need you to write me a book explaining what I see and read. I am not the one who brought up the spygate issue in the first place. All I said was I dont beleive in coincidence and that the Pats have not won a super bowl since spygate.

Excellent words of wisdom from a classy and honest Colts fan (Is there any other kind?). Indy's the bomb. They passed Chicago in murder rate per capita for 2013. There are no better people than the fair, honest and morally upright people of the great city of Indianapolis. Are there a lot of Colts fans in Indy?

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I know right? How come it took me so long. I don't like the Patriots, chowder, baked beans, lobster or anything else about Boston including anyone or anything in the region. They're all lying, cleating bottom of the barrel scum. I bleed blue now and will act appropriate to Colts fan standard and be classy as well. 

Much better! Love the attitude change and so will you.

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Excellent words of wisdom from a classy and honest Colts fan (Is there any other kind?). Indy's the bomb. They passed Chicago in murder rate per capita for 2013. There are no better people than the fair, honest and morally upright people of the great city of Indianapolis. Are there a lot of Colts fans in Indy?

So you are speaking for Mayo now? Typical sarcastic comments are your speciality. I will not lower myself in attacking Boston or any othe New England city. After all this is a football forum. Now that you have crossed that line we all can see you for what you are.

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