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joe vellano tripping

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Sweet holy mother of sour grapes. We got soundly beaten. By a game plan everyone on here agreed we had to implement. It sucks, we are out, but whinging about the refereeing is sad.

It's not sad. It's fact. I don't think anyone is saying they're the sole reason we lost, but it doesn't take an excuse maker to acknowledge the refs dropped the ball a few times last night.

Mike Pereira agrees.

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That was not a penalty. Vellano was clearly engaged and was then pushed, which caused him to take that step.

Luck chose to ran where Velano was stepping.

If anyone wants to use Dierdorf's misconception of true, by all means, have at it.




"Yes officer, I was swinging my fist and he chose to put his face were I was swinging."

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Bradshaw is my vote for our beast back right now not Richardson. 


I gave full credit to the Patriots under that Luck topic in Jules thread. However, that won't stop me from highlighting horrible calls ever. I also acknowledged how proud I was of our INDY squad too. 


You are right though TYG the Colts have some good experience, talent, & momentum to build on. I agree 100%. I expect good things from Ballard next year too. We do need to generate a better pass rush though especially right up the middle in an opposing QB's face. I love Mathis & Redding & take no issue with either one BTW. Your man Hilton played fantastic too IMHO.  :thmup:


I hadn't seen Jules's thread until way after I wrote this. My intent was not to, per say, in no way diminish anyone's thoughts or comments on bad calls, breaks etc. I just was pointing out the obvious...and, from my perspective, we got a lesson on what football used to be like...They ran it down our throats relentlessly, and wore the Colts down physically and mentally. Plain and simple old school football.Some of the younger people got to see an offense one hasn't seen but rarely since the "passing Era" began.But what we witnessed last night, is, what I believe Coach Pagano wants us to become...And it works IF you have the right personnel  to execute to the level NE did last night. It also proved that the Colts have a long way to go, but I am so proud of how our team did, and how they conducted themselves, when few believed that we could be contenders again.


There were some good positives...TY showed he can still produce at a high level, even when double teamed and was the focal point of NE's strategy to stop him... 4/104 yards..What impressed me was the play of both Whalen and Fleener. The showed me a lot of heart, and gave us a great game..they left everything on the field.


My comment on the comparison with Blount and T-Rich was that what Blount did to the Colts tonight, was what we thought we were getting in acquiring T-Rich this year. I feel, that if Ballard can come back to his pre-injury" form, he could be our "Blount"..


As for the "comment" from a certain poster..Its not even worth a response...but a famous quote comes to mind. "Sometimes, it is better to be thought of as a fool, than to open your mouth, and remove all doubt"


But to me, the breaks we got in the KC game, like the fumble recovery barely saved, bounces going our way for the past few games, they just didn't go our way. We could easily have had a TD,, instead of a safety for example.. Games can be like this..


But there were a lot of horrible calls as well, that went more towards the NE side, and I agree that it could have affected the final outcome, I just don't know if, even with them, we could have pulled this game out...Then again, I guess we'll never really know..That was basically the premise in which I made this post..


Take care my friend..

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Sweet holy mother of sour grapes. We got soundly beaten. By a game plan everyone on here agreed we had to implement. It sucks, we are out, but whinging about the refereeing is sad.

So you have never complained about a refs call or felt that officiating contributed to a teams win or loss? If you say no than I say you're a liar.

It's more than whining about the refs. We were the recipients of bad officiating all season. You will find zero posts by me complaining about it. I am fully aware that the zebras make mistakes. This is about a team that consistently receives preferable calls from officials. Tuck rule anyone?

What's sad is that their fans are trolling our boards for who knows what reasons.

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Vellano did intentionally trip Luck. It was the only way he could get to him - he was being HELD and prevented from tackling him. Watch the replay. Ninkovich was also held.on the same play. That caused the gap that Luck was running thru.


I agree LD. It was a violation that should have been called no question. It was not accidental at all. It was deliberate. That fact was made abundantly clear on replay.  


Joe Vellano was petrified that Luck was going to scramble for the 1st down. Anyone who thinks otherwise is in complete & utter denial. Not a river in Egypt here ladies & gentlemen. 

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They were caught violating rules and video taping other teams signals. The team and the coach were fined and lost a draft pick as a result. How is there no basis in fact? If you're gonna call somebody out than just do it and don't try to disguise it in a "I'm better than my fellow fans" comment. But when you do at least know what you're talking about.

First of all, I have no wish to relitigate Spygate. Second of all, this is my point of view Lance. I don't tell you who to believe & what to think. Please grant me the same courtesy. Thank you. 


You appear the one being presumptuous here not me. Have a nice day. 

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Sweet holy mother of sour grapes. We got soundly beaten. By a game plan everyone on here agreed we had to implement. It sucks, we are out, but whinging about the refereeing is sad.

Just tired of seeing the Patriots get every call. Happened all season and happened last night too. There were some huge calls/non calls in the game favoring the Pats that completely changed the flow of the game. You can't deny that.

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It's not sad. It's fact. I don't think anyone is saying they're the sole reason we lost, but it doesn't take an excuse maker to acknowledge the refs dropped the ball a few times last night.

Mike Pereira agrees.

A C grade from Mike is realistically an F and that's unacceptable in the playoffs.

There's no accountability for the refs in the NFL. For christ's sake they gave Jeff Triplette a playoff game.

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They were caught violating rules and video taping other teams signals. The team and the coach were fined and lost a draft pick as a result. How is there no basis in fact? If you're gonna call somebody out than just do it and don't try to disguise it in a "I'm better than my fellow fans" comment. But when you do at least know what you're talking about.

The same year they were caught Belichick won coach of the year too.
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First of all, I have no wish to relitigate Spygate. Second of all, this is my point of view Lance. I don't tell you who to believe & what to think. Please grant me the same courtesy. Thank you.

You appear the one being presumptuous here not me. Have a nice day.

Who are you to litigate Spygate in the first place? The NFL done that and found the preponderance of the evidence to show that NE cheated. Period. End of subject.

Don't expect a courtesy from me after using some poorly disguised attempt on a comment that was obviously meant for me. I didn't need to be presumptuous about that.

Also, what's that they say about opinions and points of view? Something about an anal cavity I think...

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Who are you to litigate Spygate in the first place? The NFL done that and found the preponderance of the evidence to show that NE cheated. Period. End of subject.

Don't expect a courtesy from me after using some poorly disguised attempt on a comment that was obviously meant for me. I didn't need to be presumptuous about that.

Also, what's that they say about opinions and points of view? Something about an anal cavity I think...

Whatever helps you sleep at night sir. I am done with this exercise in futility. You saw this destroyed evidence did you? And here I thought only Roger Goodell had outside of the Patriots organization...Interesting...


Colorful metaphors about anal cavities are so sophisticated & mature on your part lance....

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Look at Ninkovich being held there! AND Vellano!

Okay, Colt fans! Admit it!!! Textbook hold on Ninkovich there.

Posting the gif made just caused this thread to end. Two obvious holds on the Colts in that one play.

Two penalties make the trip not a penalty?

Interesting philosophy.

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Look at Ninkovich being held there! AND Vellano!

Okay, Colt fans! Admit it!!! Textbook hold on Ninkovich there.

Posting the gif made just caused this thread to end. Two obvious holds on the Colts in that one play.

I'd hate to break it to you, but holding like that never gets called in the NFL. The Patriots' line did the same thing all game. Being engaged under the shoulder pads has long been considered a legal block since the NFL swung towards the big offenses.
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Pretty sure that they would be off setting.

However, logic tells me that if Vellano hadn't be held, he would have simply tackled Luck.

Would offsetting penalties not give us another shot at converting? Think please.

I do like how quickly you spun your narrative though.




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Headbutting a player who has his helmet off with Waldens helmet on is leaps and bounds different then a player trying to make a tackle on a player by using his foot to make a tackle

That headbutt was overblown. He barely touched the guy. If he really wanted to be dirty, he would have really headbutted him and knocked the guy out. The guy did not have a scratch, not a concussion, nothing. I'm not condoning what walden did, but I think trying to portray walden as a dirty player is unfounded. And he sure as hell didn't go to the sidelines and high-five his teammates like this new england cheater did.

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Vellano did intentionally trip Luck. It was the only way he could get to him - he was being HELD and prevented from tackling him. Watch the replay. Ninkovich was also held.on the same play. That caused the gap that Luck was running thru.

Nice try troll. Redding and Mathis were being held all night. 

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No doubt the Pats were the better team and outplayed us, that ignored call really had an impact on our chances.  As far as any other holding that may have occurred on the play goes, that happens on practically every play - Robert Mathis probably is held 20 times plus per game.

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It was obvious the refs were paid off this game to not call anything on the Patriots. There were at least 4 or 5 pass interferences on the Patriots CB's for holding but they didn't call it. Whalen was held on 3rd, Fleener was held twice, and so was T.Y and Brazil. Even though they were on the Patriots side we still had opportunities to win but the 5 and 6 man blitz was giving Luck problems all night. Whalen and Fleener was open on 3rd downs in the 4th when we were down by 7 Luck just couldn't see them. 

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There's no doubt that PI call on Gordy really hurt though. Gave the Pats a touchdown.


Sure. I agree the Pats had a 12th man last night, and they were dressed in black and white. But despite the poor officiating we still pulled within 7 in the third quarter. Then our offense sputtered, and our defense eventually just gave up.

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I'd hate to break it to you, but holding like that never gets called in the NFL. The Patriots' line did the same thing all game. Being engaged under the shoulder pads has long been considered a legal block since the NFL swung towards the big offenses.

No, the moment that a defender moves in such a way that the his jersey is pulled, that usually IS called.

After seeing this angle, I'm willing to admit that Vellano tripped Luck.

But Colt fans need to admit at the only reason he did was because he was illegally held. Otherwise, either Ninkovich or Vellano or both sack Luck for a loss.

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Sure. I agree the Pats had a 12th man last night, and they were dressed in black and white. But despite the poor officiating we still pulled within 7 in the third quarter. Then our offense sputtered, and our defense eventually just gave up.

I guess I'll just leave at this point, but dear god.

The Colts were not called for a penalty until the third quarter.

The referee group last night are known for swallowing their whistles and letting them play. Chandler Jones was held all game long.

The PI play with Edelman was ridiculously obvious.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night sir. I am done with this exercise in futility. You saw this destroyed evidence did you? And here I thought only Roger Goodell had outside of the Patriots organization...Interesting...

Colorful metaphors about anal cavities are so sophisticated & mature on your part lance....

No I didn't see it. But come to think of it I have not seen 99.999999% of the evidence on any crime that has ever been committed either. But just because I did not personally see the evidence does not mean that it didn't happen.

My color metaphors and perceived immaturity don't change the fact that I am still correct.

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No, the moment that a defender moves in such a way that the his jersey is pulled, that usually IS called.

After seeing this angle, I'm willing to admit that Vellano tripped Luck.

But Colt fans need to admit at the only reason he did was because he was illegally held. Otherwise, either Ninkovich or Vellano or both sack Luck for a loss.

That was not a penalty. Vellano was clearly engaged and was then pushed, which caused him to take that step.

Luck chose to ran where Velano was stepping.

If anyone wants to use Dierdorf's misconception of true, by all means, have at it.

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I guess I'll just leave at this point, but dear god.

The Colts were not called for a penalty until the third quarter.

The referee group last night are known for swallowing their whistles and letting them play. Chandler Jones was held all game long.

The PI play with Edelman was ridiculously obvious.


I'm talking about several interference calls that should have been called on New England that were not.

I never said, or even insinuated what officiating errors were made. So why you think I meant the Colts were unnecessarily flagged is beyond me, Reading is a skill. 


You know what they say, "When you assume"...

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I'm talking about several interference calls that should have been called on New England that were not.

I never said, or even insinuated what officiating errors were made. So why you think I meant the Colts were unnecessarily flagged is beyond me, Reading is a skill. 


You know what they say, "When you assume"...

You said that the refs were helping the Patriots out.

Yet they didn't call a penalty on the Colts until the 3rd quarter.

Specious logic.

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That was not a penalty. Vellano was clearly engaged and was then pushed, which caused him to take that step.

Luck chose to ran where Velano was stepping.

If anyone wants to use Dierdorf's misconception of true, by all means, have at it.

I said that based on the behind-the-line view that I saw.

I admitted that I was wrong.

Now, let's see you be reasonable and admit that Vellano was held.

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That was not a penalty. Vellano was clearly engaged and was then pushed, which caused him to take that step.

Luck chose to ran where Velano was stepping.

If anyone wants to use Dierdorf's misconception of true, by all means, have at it.

Your ******* Blind or just an * pats fans,  he deliberately tripped Luck and then celebrated getting away with it.

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