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7 of 11 Manning playoffs losses NOT caused by Manning

Shane Bond

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Yup - you could say exactly the same about every single quarterback, team and the playoffs. 


They are the most important member of the team, but the TEAM wins or loses.  Did Philip Rivers miss the 3 field goal attempts against the Jets in 2009?  I could run down an exhaustive list of what he DIDN'T do related to playoff games, but what is the point?


I'm personally sick to death of all the Peyton Manning legacy posts. 

I liked Peyton when he was a Colt.

He's in my division - he's an "enemy"  now ;-)

If he gets past us I'm not sure if I can root for the Broncos (just plain hate their fans)

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I dont understand why some feel like they have to validate or defend Peytons success or lack of success in the playoffs, He won a SB...end of discussion in my opinion, So what, He did not win 3-4-5 SB's that dont make him any less great, that dont take away from what he is going to accomplish if he remains healthy and thats hold the all time passing yards record and TD's, He will be statistically the greatest QB of all time, Its like the whole Kevin Greene or Charles Haley which would you pick to go into the HOF this year debate....It should not be open for discussion, one player had 60 more sacks in his career then the other (Kevin Greene) the other happen to be 1 part of a TEAM accomplishment that won 5 SB's.......Matt Millen won 4 SB's, you gonna put him in to? SB's and team accomplishments should have no bearing on a individual players success

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that nothing i had previoyusly detailed all one & done game analysis with videos that show how absurd it is to blame him and how think was 4 times he was leading with 40 seconds left and hius D couldnt hols, many he had stahed combacks


dont want to have this same argument again but here they are and will not do more here, i have said my piece on this eenough, Luckily this is just aa copy and paste 


before the articles noted above , here is this link i once stareted a post on


first there is this mathematicaly analysis that i admit is much to ho threw






Presented 2 ways for adding a comment somewhere, full articles follow

as far as 1 & dones


2 GOOD ARTICLES , ((( sorry I have no time to respond to quotes nor debate this i only have time for this as its a staright copy & Paste From my computer ))) , its been done but here is another analysis, , take the info as u wish , read the articles , very detailed & 1st after MHR summary has quite short videos as well of specific plays pointed out where team let Peyton down


MHR one is just a small summary of said articles 1st ARTICLE THAT FOLLOWS from Jan 2013, I took a few excerpts out of MHR article, more are discussed


In the eight one-and-done games in particular


As you now see, Manning has experienced just about everything in the playoffs, and it usually is something bad for his team. The combination of rare events is the reason for a 9-11.


The staggering number of drops (over 30 in the equivalent of half a season) and tipped-ball interceptions do QB numbers little justice.


One loss was by 41 points (( early in carer to jjets )), and the other seven by 26 points combined


If that is not bizarre enough, there is the fact that even when Manning and his entire offense avoids turnovers, he still loses at a most historic rate.



  • In the regular season Manning's teams are 40-2 (.952) when they have zero giveaways on offense. That is the best record in the league since 1998.
  • In the playoffs Manning's Colts were 1-5 (.167) when they had zero giveaways on offense. The rest of the league is 50-5 (.909), and that even includes two games where neither team had a giveaway.


When your defense allows a fourth-quarter comeback 60 percent of the time (6-4), you have a real problem.


It is one thing to let Drew Brees do it, but when it's Jay Fiedler, Billy Volek, Mark Sanchez and Joe Flacco? That is completely unacceptable.


Manning's had a lead in the final 0:40 of the fourth quarter and lost four playoff games.


The only four times Manning's teams have held off comeback attempts, they led to three straight wins and a Super Bowl in 2006, and a Super Bowl appearance in 2009 after holding off the Jets.




NOW the 2 articles, each quite long with many stats, short Video key play , the above MHR REVIEW based on them , same site , done a year apart



2013 9 & 11 analyzed , has moving Pictures, short videos to help with points is makes


details each playoff loss of 1 & done

ends with

throw in the ridiculous bad luck Manning has suffered through, and only then does 9-11 start to make some sense.

So 9-11 is not an accident for Manning. It’s a misfortune of unbelievable events, and it’s a call for help in what is proven to be the ultimate team game.\



ARTICLE 2 , same site / author  2012 ( 9 & 10 record ), also details each game presented a bit differently


What’s a lost comeback? It’s a game where the quarterback met all the requirements for a fourth quarter comeback, except the team still lost the game because they lost the lead again. Manning had lost comebacks against the 2007 Chargers and 2010 Jets, which may very well end up being his final game and drive for the Colts.


That was significant, because it is yet another “record” for Manning in the playoffs. Out of the 101 games won with a fourth quarter comeback, there were 34 of them where each team took the lead at least once in the final quarter. That means there are 34 lost comebacks in playoff history. It’s happened to a lot of the greatest quarterbacks once. But it’s only happened to one quarterback twice.


Peyton Manning is the only quarterback in NFL history with two lost comebacks in the playoffs.


That’s two wasted efforts the Colts had at home, and against one offense led by Billy Volek, and then after allowing that big return to Cromartie in the final minute against the Jets.


Lazy analysis


The 9-10 record is just the latest crutch for those who would rather not analyze what actually happened in the games. How will perception ever lose if reality is never even given a chance?


It’s only when you put it all together that 9-10 makes sense. If you’re just looking at the quarterback, 9-10 shouldn’t even be on your mind. That’s just being lazy.


anyway , i'm off again Go Colts, Go Peyton , Then the meeting for the championship
Edited by 21isSuperman
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IMO one player NEVER loses a game for a team....NEVER.  


Even it a player misses a field goal, drops a pass, throws an INT....etc.  What happened up to that drop...misplay?  Were there 110 penalties, was there a shanked punt, was Hank Baskett playing?   OOOOPS!


To say one person (Player or coach) looses a game with all of the strategies, rules and 'total personnel' involved?  You can say a player made some bad plays that contributed to the loss...that is it.  My opinion...


Now if you want to talk officiating, they ALWAYS cost teams the game  :funny:

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I dont understand why some feel like they have to validate or defend Peytons success or lack of success in the playoffs, He won a SB...end of discussion in my opinion, So what, He did not win 3-4-5 SB's that dont make him any less great, that dont take away from what he is going to accomplish if he remains healthy and thats hold the all time passing yards record and TD's, He will be statistically the greatest QB of all time, Its like the whole Kevin Greene or Charles Haley which would you pick to go into the HOF this year debate....It should not be open for discussion, one player had 60 more sacks in his career then the other (Kevin Greene) the other happen to be 1 part of a TEAM accomplishment that won 5 SB's.......Matt Millen won 4 SB's, you gonna put him in to? SB's and team accomplishments should have no bearing on a individual players success

I'm greedy though Gavin. SuperBowls plural matter to me. Manning has got to win a 2nd Lombardi trophy or his legacy won't be diminished, but not as great as it could be & should be considering all the praise Peyton receives as "the most cerebral QB in football." Stats as great as they are in his case mean nothing to me. Rings & bling is what I measure Greatness by especially a field general of 18's NFL stature. 


If Manning fails to win a 2nd ring before he retires, as much as it kills me to do this, Manning will not be at the top of my list anymore. A pattern of spectacular regular seasons & Playoff shortcomings is unacceptable to me. My expectations are very high for Manning & this is not his 1st big game or post season rodeo to me. Yes, I know football is a team sport but QBs in last year's playoffs can't lose a game where your special teams gets you 14 points. Show me some killer instinct Peyton. 


I am being honest here...If you get knocked out in the 1st round again, I will begin to doubt that 18 will ever win a 2nd ring. Give me the confidence to believe in you again by showing me that your Broncos can take down the hot Chargers in convincing fashion. Do that & SW1 will be reinvigorated in your mojo, skill set, & killer instinct to get the job done & cross the finish line toward the promiseland in Mile High. 


I have been a loyal & steadfast supporter of yours from day 1 when INDY drafted you, but you must demonstrate to me why you are considered the best QB in football.


Forget all the commercials, Forget all the MVP Awards, Forget all the individual accolades like passing yards per season...Just win in the post season which is what you are really paid to do. A successful season is all about the bling baby. Nothing else matters. 

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We have all heard the criticisms. Cold weather & crumbling when the moment is most intense. Will Sunday be any different? Will Peyton exorcize these demons? It just bothers me whenever 18 throws a pick his shoulders drop & he strolls over to the bench to look at camera shots of defense formations. Get ticked off, get riled up. Walk over to your own defense & say "I know I threw an interception. I'm furious about that. But get me the ball back fellas I promise I will make their secondary pay & redeem myself with a TD or 2." 


Then walk over to your offensive line & say "Boys our D is gonna get us the ball back in another minute & when they do we are going to kick some caboose." 


My point is this: I wish Manning would rally his troops more on both sides of the ball. Sometimes, Peyton is too quiet when he needs to be more vocal on the sidelines & not appear so passive in nature. I realize he is competitive, but I wanna see more anger, more fire, more your going down bro in his belly if it's the last thing I ever do in this league. 

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I guess I remember when Manning & Saturday fought on the INDY sidelines vs the Rams during their SB Championship year in 2006. The 2 leaders argued about running the ball vs passing & I loved every minute of it. That visible display of frustration on their part does 2 things: 1 It shows you give a darn about flawless play execution & 2 It actually relaxes you by letting your emotions spill out so they you can be calm, cool, & collected on the field with no sense of panic. 


I can't find this clip on You Tube either but Tom Brady threw a pick once, his team seemed discouraged, & Tom kept pacing up & down the sidelines in anger defiantly proclaiming "We're not finished! We're not finished!" 


I loved this move too because when your franchise QB is basically telling your squad "Okay, now you really ticked me off!" Your team is going to feed off that fierce anger & play like gang busters now. Nice! 


I guess I just want the Broncos to play mean & angry like the other side just said your wife was ugly & your momma was just stupid. Well channeled anger in the Playoffs is a fantastic thing IMHO. 

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I know that I always say this, but Peyton & John Fox, if you get an overwhelming lead...Take the kill shot & crush Philip Rivers & Company as soon as possible.


Maybe that's why I like espionage novels so much because when a snipper has to pull the trigger & finish the job, he never hesitates to drop his target for good. 


No more Mr. Nice Guy Peyton...You now what must be done in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Bullseye...

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We have all heard the criticisms. Cold weather & crumbling when the moment is most intense. Will Sunday be any different? Will Peyton exorcize these demons? It just bothers me whenever 18 throws a pick his shoulders drop & he strolls over to the bench to look at camera shots of defense formations. Get ticked off, get riled up. Walk over to your own defense & say "I know I threw an interception. I'm furious about that. But get me the ball back fellas I promise I will make their secondary pay & redeem myself with a TD or 2." 


Then walk over to your offensive line & say "Boys our D is gonna get us the ball back in another minute & when they do we are going to kick some caboose." 


My point is this: I wish Manning would rally his troops more on both sides of the ball. Sometimes, Peyton is too quiet when he needs to be more vocal on the sidelines & not appear so passive in nature. I realize he is competitive, but I wanna see more anger, more fire, more your going down bro in his belly if it's the last thing I ever do in this league. 

May be the * kicker had a point? :)

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I'm greedy though Gavin. SuperBowls plural matter to me. Manning has got to win a 2nd Lombardi trophy or his legacy won't be diminished, but not as great as it could be & should be considering all the praise Peyton receives as "the most cerebral QB in football." Stats as great as they are in his case mean nothing to me. Rings & bling is what I measure Greatness by especially a field general of 18's NFL stature. 


If Manning fails to win a 2nd ring before he retires, as much as it kills me to do this, Manning will not be at the top of my list anymore. A pattern of spectacular regular seasons & Playoff shortcomings is unacceptable to me. My expectations are very high for Manning & this is not his 1st big game or post season rodeo to me. Yes, I know football is a team sport but QBs in last year's playoffs can't lose a game where your special teams gets you 14 points. Show me some killer instinct Peyton. 


I am being honest here...If you get knocked out in the 1st round again, I will begin to doubt that 18 will ever win a 2nd ring. Give me the confidence to believe in you again by showing me that your Broncos can take down the hot Chargers in convincing fashion. Do that & SW1 will be reinvigorated in your mojo, skill set, & killer instinct to get the job done & cross the finish line toward the promiseland in Mile High. 


I have been a loyal & steadfast supporter of yours from day 1 when INDY drafted you, but you must demonstrate to me why you are considered the best QB in football.


Forget all the commercials, Forget all the MVP Awards, Forget all the individual accolades like passing yards per season...Just win in the post season which is what you are really paid to do. A successful season is all about the bling baby. Nothing else matters. 

I call nonsense

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I call nonsense

Gavin - I see your anger on that statement.


I dont think SW1 is meaning to discount what Peyton did. He is just sick of the fact about all the criticism and even having the discussion about who is the GOAT.


You, SW1 and I know what Peyton is all about. I know Peyton tries to do too much by himself. He perhaps need to restrict a bit himself without taking all on him ( those picks in 4th quarter trying to fit in a tight window, just take a sack or throw away ).

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Gavin - I see your anger on that statement.


I dont think SW1 is meaning to discount what Peyton did. He is just sick of the fact about all the criticism and even having the discussion about who is the GOAT.


You, SW1 and I know what Peyton is all about. I know Peyton tries to do too much by himself. He perhaps need to restrict a bit himself without taking all on him.

No anger, I just find it humorous that people want to downplay a players career all because his team could not win enough Lombardies, I agree Peyton tries to do to much....It will be his downfall again this year at some point...Brett Favre was the same way and I consider him right up there with Peyton

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I call nonsense

Hey Gavin, 


It is certainly your right to call my post above & that line of thinking complete crap. That is certainly your prerogative. QBs to me are judged ultimately on rings or Championships. It that the only criteria? No, consecutive starts matter, division titles matter, playoff seating matters, & MVP Awards are nice, but at the end of the day ask Jim Kelly or Dan Marino what they want more a SB appearance or a ring? I think we all the the answer to that question if we are being honest with ourselves. 


I respect Manning's HOF credentials & accomplishments, but given his greatness a 2nd ring really isn't too much to demand IMO. Now, if he fails to obtain that 2nd piece of jewelry, I will still respect him. However, his legacy won't be as bright as it should have been. Drop offs & early exits are just not worthy of a QB of Manning's clout, experience, & talent. 


You can call my line of thinking whatever you prefer Gavin. It's no skin off my back. You have your position on 18's legacy & I have mine. Thank you for sharing your viewpoint. Friends seldom agree on everything & that is perfectly fine. ;)  

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No anger, I just find it humorous that people want to downplay a players career all because his team could not win enough Lombardies, I agree Peyton tries to do to much....It will be his downfall again this year at some point...Brett Favre was the same way and I consider him right up there with Peyton

When media analysts refer to Peyton Manning as "the most cerebral QB in football"....When 18 is on the brink of winning his 5th MVP Award...When he wins Sportsman of the Year Award & last year "Comeback Player Of The Year Award, When he annually wins 12 games a season with a 1st round bye...Why does the face of the NFL have a habit of stumbling right when a 2nd ring is just 3 games away? 


When someone is anointed the best by your peers & you have difficulty getting that 2nd ring, it stuns me because #1 you have won 1 before & #2 I can't explain your dominance from Sept. thru December & then January rolls around & that dominance fades away like a swift breeze...Huh? What? How does extraordinary become ordinary & gone so quickly? It makes virtually no sense at all. It just baffles me personally. 


I want Manning to get past this post season road block but if he continues to repeat this familiar cycle of post season shortcomings in his over 2 decade long career that dilemma can no longer be dismissed. Facts are facts.  

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I will concede Gavin that the defense must create turnovers & stop opposing offenses on 3rd down. Special must pin your opposition deep & the punt return guy must shorten the field for your offense. True, no QB can win a game all alone, but he can limit his interceptions, control the time of possession, & keep getting 1st downs via the running backs, tight ends, & wide receivers etc. etc. 


Peyton cannot lose on Sunday without taking a serious legacy hit. Not based on his long NFL resume, but rather what the entire League expects to see from him: A win vs an all too familiar loss. Manning cannot choke on Sunday. Sad to say this, but if Denver loses no will really care the reason why just that Peyton couldn't win a game he was supposed to win. 


Good luck Manning & the Broncos. Philip Rivers can play loose because all the pressure is on Denver & heightened MVP expectations. Just emerge victorious & shut all the critics up for 1 week at least. LOL! 

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Gavin - I see your anger on that statement.


I dont think SW1 is meaning to discount what Peyton did. He is just sick of the fact about all the criticism and even having the discussion about who is the GOAT.


You, SW1 and I know what Peyton is all about. I know Peyton tries to do too much by himself. He perhaps need to restrict a bit himself without taking all on him ( those picks in 4th quarter trying to fit in a tight window, just take a sack or throw away ).

The less is more approach you say eh? React vs letting that big line of scrimmage Yoda brain get in the way Shane...There is something to be said for that once in awhile I suppose...


“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”--Yoda  [Works for me that quote does...Insert Yoda laugh from the Star Wars film trilogy.] 

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Let‘s not skew lack luster performances, just to save his face. For the most part, he‘s been average at best in the post season. Just ain‘t got the it factor.

I say its 50/50.


I mean he did have some great playoffs games. AFCCG games with both Pats and Jets were great. Broncos and Chiefs playoffs games. Beating Ravens in Ravens land.


At this point, he has enough playoffs losses, so nothing to lose. He should go for the kill. I have a feeling this post season would exactly be that.

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That article was awful.....but I extremely dislike Schefter, so there is that.... 


"Last season, had Broncos safety Rahim Moore not made what might have been the single worst defensive play in postseason history,"........I am SO SICK of this. Moore was 1in away from batting that ball down, lets not pretend he was just completely blown out of the water......And people CONTINUALLY forgive Manning for the PICK 6 he threw earlier in the game, AND the AWFUL int he threw in OT....but no blame Moore...No agenda there....


The fact of the matter is, Peyton has won multiple MVPs and been showered with praise for his offensive acumen, and is arguably the greatest offensive player of all time....


What a Peyton led offense has scored in his playoff loses: 16, 17, 0, 14, 3, 18, 24, 17, 17, 16, 35.... 


Favre also lost 11 playoff games, in losses his teams had: 17, 9, 27, 24, 27, 17, 7, 17, 17, 20, 28....


(not adjusted for ST/Def TDs, if any)



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