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Mike Shanahan was ready to quit the Redskins last year because of RG3-Snyder relationship.


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The backup everyone believes to be too good to be a backup languishing behind a star. They actually aren't.

See: Matt Flynn behind Aaron Rodgers

Neither of them has had a chance to play more than a few games or start a season. They both have the talent to be decent quarterbacks.

I was just saying Cousins could start on a lot of teams. He deserves a decent chance.

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this ought to be an interesting last few weeks. Going to be a lot of blame shifting from all sides I would imagine.

It is true though that Snyder likes to get close to his star players. Shawn Springs who played for both the Patriots and Redskins said that even the Brady-Kraft relationship wasn't what it was between Snyder and Portis. Hard to establish any kind of consistent authority when the owner undermines you.

eh...we'll see how it plays I guess. Heard a couple rumors that he could get fired today, but I personally think it wouldn't be till the season is over. Question is, if the report is true, what reputable coach would want to go there?

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Wait wait wait.....so Shanahan don't like the Griffin and Synder relationship even though it was his coaching that nearly got the kid killed out there last year?



It would make more sense if he wanted to quit cause the Redskins decided to throw away their entire draft for one player and not help him whatsoever.



Let's face it fellas, Shanahan is an overrated coach and always has been. What has he done without John Elway and Terrell Davis? Nothing....As soon as Elway retired and Terrell Davis was past his prime, that sank his career as a coach. He won only one playoff game since the Super Bowl and that was 2006; the last good Denver team before Manning came to town.



Dan Synder is easily the worst owner in the NFL. I don't know how many times this has been said and it's so so true. Just go through his track record blind folded and pick your poison and it's enough terrible mistakes to make even Jerry Jones look like a great GM (he does some how have 3 rings).


I've always believed Synder really lives out on Mars, and it takes years and years for him to see good players, and when he does finally see them, they are past their prime. That explains why he always built Washington on these really old teams of washed up players in the twilight of their careers and it don't work.



With Griffin, the fact is he already looked like he was going to struggle before he was even drafted. No one wants to admit it, but he didn't look like Superman to me before he was drafted. Many people predicted him to struggle and rightfully so were proven right as time goes by.

Then Washington went total Mike Ditka on it and thought he was Ricky Williams and let go of everything to get him.

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I don't like Shanahan as a HC, but I don't blame him completely for the mess in Washington. Bob3 has such a ridiculous ego that he thought he was impervious to struggles in the NFL. He came into last season believing he was already a great NFL QB, when in fact he was nothing more than a very good athlete that still don't have a clue how to be a real QB. I don't see anything changing in Washington, as far as Bob3 is concerned. From what I can see, he'll just continue to blame everybody else around him for the failure's of the team. If I was Shanahan, I would walk away before Snyder had a chance to fire me(him). Let the next guy deal with the out of control ego of Bob3.

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I don't like Shanahan as a HC, but I don't blame him completely for the mess in Washington. Bob3 has such a ridiculous ego that he thought he was impervious to struggles in the NFL. He came into last season believing he was already a great NFL QB, when in fact he was nothing more than a very good athlete that still don't have a clue how to be a real QB. I don't see anything changing in Washington, as far as Bob3 is concerned. From what I can see, he'll just continue to blame everybody else around him for the failure's of the team. If I was Shanahan, I would walk away before Snyder had a chance to fire me(him). Let the next guy deal with the out of control ego of Bob3.



He shouldn't even be starting as bad as he's been playing, that's just my opinion of course and I am very opinionated.

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Well that's exactly what Schefter's been saying all season about the Snyder/Griffin relationship. Even using the same buzz words. Now with anonymous sources jumping in and giving dear diary recounts of Shanahan's every emotion while trashing the owner... Nice.


Looks like Shanahan thinks he's toast.

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So much supposition in this thread.


If there is merit to this (likely, given who it has gone through without refutation) then it tells me that Snyder is still a humongous problem, which is a shame.  Apparently the big show that was made about him stepping back after hiring Bruce Allen was just that... a show.  Means a LOT of Redskins fans won't be renewing their season tickets or going to games for the foreseeable future unless the Redskins FO does something stupid and gimmicky like hiring Art Briles and doubling down hard on RG3.


This will probably be a real interesting week.


Let's face it fellas, Shanahan is an overrated coach and always has been. What has he done without John Elway and Terrell Davis? Nothing....As soon as Elway retired and Terrell Davis was past his prime, that sank his career as a coach. He won only one playoff game since the Super Bowl and that was 2006; the last good Denver team before Manning came to town.


Just going to point this out because it's a pet peeve of mine... you can play this same game with ANY head coach who has experienced a great deal of success at some point in time.  Great coaches are inexorably tied to the great players they worked with and it is exceedingly rare that they ever match their peak with a different group of guys.  Winning in the NFL over a period of time is a perfect storm of getting both great players and great coaches who mesh well.


The truth is that Elway had about as many playoff wins without Shanahan as Shanahan had without Elway.  Those are two guys who were both good at what they did alone but really needed each other to elevate their game... something that is often the case in the NFL.

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do you even understand what you stated at the beginning of this thread?

He isn't good enough to make them competive. The end

And you're citing this over one bad season. Look I hate rg3 as much as the next guy heck I screamed hes throwing to wide open guys a lot, but this season doesn't mean it will be the same next year

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So much supposition in this thread.


If there is merit to this (likely, given who it has gone through without refutation) then it tells me that Snyder is still a humongous problem, which is a shame.  Apparently the big show that was made about him stepping back after hiring Bruce Allen was just that... a show.  Means a LOT of Redskins fans won't be renewing their season tickets or going to games for the foreseeable future unless the Redskins FO does something stupid and gimmicky like hiring Art Briles and doubling down hard on RG3.


This will probably be a real interesting week.



Just going to point this out because it's a pet peeve of mine... you can play this same game with ANY head coach who has experienced a great deal of success at some point in time.  Great coaches are inexorably tied to the great players they worked with and it is exceedingly rare that they ever match their peak with a different group of guys.  Winning in the NFL over a period of time is a perfect storm of getting both great players and great coaches who mesh well.


The truth is that Elway had about as many playoff wins without Shanahan as Shanahan had without Elway.  Those are two guys who were both good at what they did alone but really needed each other to elevate their game... something that is often the case in the NFL.

Shanahan has won one playoff game without John Elway.....Elway went to 3 Super Bowls without Mike Shanahan. Although I do agree Elway needed a different coach other than dan reeves.

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Shanahan has won one playoff game without John Elway.....Elway went to 3 Super Bowls without Mike Shanahan. Although I do agree Elway needed a different coach other than dan reeves.


Elway has won one playoff game where Shanahan was not his HC, OC, or QB coach.  The two had good chemistry.

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Elway has won one playoff game where Shanahan was not his HC, OC, or QB coach.  The two had good chemistry.

That's going a little far to give him credit when he was an assistant. Shanahan's offense was pretty bland until he went SF after getting fired by the Raiders. I don't know if that had more to do with learning the WCO or not being handcuffed by dan reeves.

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