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Mike Zimmer Should Be Our Next Head Coach


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Mike Zimmer is a great coach, aggressive defensive minded coach. We should inquire at the end of the season, him and the right OC could turn this team into what it should be, a dominant force. He has the Bengals D playing incredibley well again this year even after losing there top corner.

I say this because it is obvious to me, most of you and most analysts that with the talent that we have on this team we should at least have won a game or two so far this year. Our problem this year is the same as last year COACHING and Tressler is not the answer. With Peyton out the ineptness of our coaching staff has just become much more clear.

I hate to see the coaches or anyone for that matter getting fired but that is the job they signed on for so this should be the last year we have Caldwell, Coyer, Christensen and the rest hopefully.

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I really don't see why Caldwell should be given a free pass this year. Sure PM goes down, but he has done nothing to lift this team to the situation. How about being the Head Coach. Take control and fix the situation. I'm so tired of hearing that there has been improvement. WHERE? I guess because we are only losing by a little each game. NEWS FLASH COLTS ORGINIZATION. Your offense can't convert third downs, your defense can't stop on third down and your special teams are hiding in Canada somewhere. We, Colts fans, just would like to see the team we root for show some effort in improving. And it starts at the top. PERIOD!!

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At the beginning of the season, I thought Caldwell would get a pass for not having Manning too, but the uglier this season gets and the more attention drawn to the 4th qtr. breakdowns not only from local media but also national media, Im getting more and more convinced that somebody will have to take the bullett(so to speak). Polian is not/will not be the one taking the heat in this screwed up season. People everywhere are starting to realize that Caldwell in no NFL head coach and when this team reaches 0-8 - 0-9, and very possibly worse as the season drags on, you can bet the players are going to start showing dissention in the ranks. When that happens, coaches lose the team and Caldwell will need to go.

Edited by Balzer40
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Well since Caldwell isn't going anywhere I guess they could look into bringing him on as a Def coach maybe...

how do you know he is here to stay. were you a really poor youth coach or something like that? and now you just must support a guy

maybe a little worse than you were. i can think of no other reason you treat this tool like he is gods gift to coaching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!other coaches win with 9 pro bowlers

not named manning. by the way i hate the fact your name refers to the great pete rose, because he was a leader, not a coat tail rider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sweet! I cannot wait till another college coach flames out and we screw ourselves over even more.

Hiring Tressell would just be more nepotism.

I would be all for giving Zimmer the chance. The guy has done a great job in Cincinatti and if he can build a great defense there with one of the worst front offices he should be able to wonders here. We might be frustrated with Polian and company, but our front office and owner is leaps and bounds better then the Bengals.

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Tressell is nepotism? Thanks for confirming that you have no idea what you are talking about.

You people do realize that nearly every NFL coach has some college coaching experience, right? Some guys (Harbaugh, Walsh, Carroll) seem to hop back and forth with relative ease. Tressell was massively successful in college, and while that doesn't always translate to the NFL, it certainly gives him a leg up on Caldwell.

"But he was cheating!"

No he wasn't. Neither were his players. They were selling items for money, and he pretended not to see it. It's an awful lie to commit, for sure, but everyone deserves another chance.

He's an emotional conservative in his approach. That should make the "we need a coach who yells," people happy.

The hypocrisy here is laughable. The same people who wouldn't give Tressell a shot would bring in Belichick in a heartbeat. A proven cheater who has known virtually no success outside of the years he was filming signals.

Edited by doogansquest
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Tressell is nepotism? Thanks for confirming that you have no idea what you are talking about.

You people do realize that nearly every NFL coach has some college coaching experience, right? Some guys (Harbaugh, Walsh, Carroll) seem to hop back and forth with relative ease. Tressell was massively successful in college, and while that doesn't always translate to the NFL, it certainly gives him a leg up on Caldwell.

"But he was cheating!"

No he wasn't. Neither were his players. They were selling items for money, and he pretended not to see it. It's an awful lie to commit, for sure, but everyone deserves another chance.

He's an emotional conservative in his approach. That should make the "we need a coach who yells," people happy.

If he becomes the head coach it is. The guy is chummy Polian and that is the only reason he got the gig he has now. If they turn around and fire Caldwell and then hand the job over to Tressel it screams of nepotism.

But hey lets hire the guy who routinely had his team destroyed in big games in college. Sounds like a great thing to see here in Indy.

I just do not want to see Tressel in the blue and white ever. It makes me sick that he is on the staff now.

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Sweet! I cannot wait till another college coach flames out and we screw ourselves over even more.

Hiring Tressell would just be more nepotism.

I would be all for giving Zimmer the chance. The guy has done a great job in Cincinatti and if he can build a great defense there with one of the worst front offices he should be able to wonders here. We might be frustrated with Polian and company, but our front office and owner is leaps and bounds better then the Bengals.

Well just so you know that front office wasnt scared to go out and get early round defensive players which right now is their biggest strength..... and one of the biggest wiffs i think the colts made was getting donald brown instead of Ray Maualuga who was a steal for the bengals in the 2nd round cause Ray was suppose to be a 1st rounder... the colts need the players then they can get the coach.

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Tressell is nepotism? Thanks for confirming that you have no idea what you are talking about.

You people do realize that nearly every NFL coach has some college coaching experience, right? Some guys (Harbaugh, Walsh, Carroll) seem to hop back and forth with relative ease. Tressell was massively successful in college, and while that doesn't always translate to the NFL, it certainly gives him a leg up on Caldwell.

"But he was cheating!"

No he wasn't. Neither were his players. They were selling items for money, and he pretended not to see it. It's an awful lie to commit, for sure, but everyone deserves another chance.

He's an emotional conservative in his approach. That should make the "we need a coach who yells," people happy.

The hypocrisy here is laughable. The same people who wouldn't give Tressell a shot would bring in Belichick in a heartbeat. A proven cheater who has known virtually no success outside of the years he was filming signals.

+1 on that

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Well just so you know that front office wasnt scared to go out and get early round defensive players which right now is their biggest strength..... and one of the biggest wiffs i think the colts made was getting donald brown instead of Ray Maualuga who was a steal for the bengals in the 2nd round cause Ray was suppose to be a 1st rounder... the colts need the players then they can get the coach.

The pick of Donald over Maualuga still drives me insane, but that goes back to Polian truly undervaluing the importance of LBs.

I will freely admit my disdain for Tressel is completely irrational and I will never make sense with him. The guy coached freaking Ohio St. I do not want to root for him!

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The pick of Donald over Maualuga still drives me insane, but that goes back to Polian truly undervaluing the importance of LBs.

I will freely admit my disdain for Tressel is completely irrational and I will never make sense with him. The guy coached freaking Ohio St. I do not want to root for him!

I like donald brown but that pick just ruined my day, i was fully expecting the colts to get him... right now he could have been one of the leaders on this team.

i guess you just gotta make an exception mate lol i dont like the buckeyes but they do have a good resume

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I like donald brown but that pick just ruined my day, i was fully expecting the colts to get him... right now he could have been one of the leaders on this team.

i guess you just gotta make an exception mate lol i dont like the buckeyes but they do have a good resume

I can make exception for the players, but I just have this disdain for Tressel. It is completely irrational and i freely admit it. Also, when was the last time a big name college coach actually did anything in the NFL? Pete Carrol, Nick Saban, Steve Spurrier, Bobby Petrino, Butch Davis, and Dennis Erikson were all failures in the NFL. The only college coach that really comes to my mind is Jimmy Johnson. If we get a new coach we need to bring someone from the outside that is currently in the NFL.

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I can make exception for the players, but I just have this disdain for Tressel. It is completely irrational and i freely admit it. Also, when was the last time a big name college coach actually did anything in the NFL? Pete Carrol, Nick Saban, Steve Spurrier, Bobby Petrino, Butch Davis, and Dennis Erikson were all failures in the NFL. The only college coach that really comes to my mind is Jimmy Johnson. If we get a new coach we need to bring someone from the outside that is currently in the NFL.

I think that has to do with the organization and the situation they are put in, i mean if that means less succesful coaches from college are gonna be better then whatever happened to caldwell

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Also, when was the last time a big name college coach actually did anything in the NFL? Pete Carrol, Nick Saban, Steve Spurrier, Bobby Petrino, Butch Davis, and Dennis Erikson were all failures in the NFL. The only college coach that really comes to my mind is Jimmy Johnson. If we get a new coach we need to bring someone from the outside that is currently in the NFL.

i completely agree.

i think zimmer would be a very good choice with the colts.

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I really don't see why Caldwell should be given a free pass this year. Sure PM goes down, but he has done nothing to lift this team to the situation. How about being the Head Coach. Take control and fix the situation. I'm so tired of hearing that there has been improvement. WHERE? I guess because we are only losing by a little each game. NEWS FLASH COLTS ORGINIZATION. Your offense can't convert third downs, your defense can't stop on third down and your special teams are hiding in Canada somewhere. We, Colts fans, just would like to see the team we root for show some effort in improving. And it starts at the top. PERIOD!!

Pac2 you are so right, Jim Caldwell should not get a free pass because Peyton goes down, the team just look awful. We can not finish a game out this year, even when we have a 10+ point lead. This is coaching issues, which we need to fix.

Edited by joo 2h
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my ideal new coaching staff:

HC: Brian Billick, I'd honestly prefer an experienced coach for Peyton's final years...and if there is any coach with a high enough football IQ to possibly be able to help Peyton improve his game even just a little bit I think it'd be Billick.

OC: Ken Wisenhunt, or if he either keeps his job with Ari or won't consider a OC position then Bill Callahan, the current Asst. HC and OL coach of NYJ

DC: Jack Del Rio, Leslie Frazier or Mike Zimmer. If the Rams fire Steve Spagnuolo then I'd give him strong consideration too.

DB Coach: Tim Walton, current DB coach of Detroit or Dennis Thurman, current DB coach of NYJ. May have to offer one of them some sort of promotion like Asst. DC or even Asst. HC or something like or a big raise to bring him here from their current team. If one of these 2 were to be offered DC job I'd prefer to give it to Walton because Detroit is one of the teams considered to run a variation of the cover/tampa 2 like the Colts do whereas Thurman comes from the Rex Ryan tree that has aways been a 3-4 so would have to find out if Thurman could adjust to the 4-3..

All that said, if the Colts were going to give the HC position to a current coordinator then Zimmer would definitely be at the top of my wish list. :)

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something kind of funny to consider....let's say the colts do go 0-16 and Caldwell gets fired. On paper, Rod Marinelli would be a good candidate for someone to bring in. He's a long time, successful defensive coordinator on a team that runs a very similar style of defense. However, if we were to hire him then we'd be the 0-16 team hiring a head coach who is the only coach in history to coach a team to an 0-16 record. If it weren't for that pesky year in Detroit then I'd be all for hiring the guy. lol

It also brings to front the point that you're taking much more of a risk by hiring a coordinator over an already experienced HC. Not at all to say that a coordinator shouldn't be considered...merely that there is a bit more risk involved. :)

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Just to comment on a couple of your picks.

I don't like Billick, he was an offensive coordinator genius at the Vikings and was expected to fix the offense at Baltimore and failed. He was smart enough not to mess with the Ravens defense otherwise they would have never got the Superbowl win.

Callahan was an offensive coordinator genius at Oakland and took over after Gruden left. He took the team to the Superbowl but bombed. The next year the team quit on the coach. He then went to Nebraska and almost tanked the program. Since I live in Nebraska I've seen him coach and he doesn't know how to make halftime adjustments. I've seen the Huskers go into half with the lead only to come out flat and lose games. He stands on the sideline with a deer in the headlights look. No thanks.

As far as Zimmer I can't give an intelligent response because I don't know him. I can only make general observations, just because a person makes a good coordinator doesn't mean they will make a good coach. It's a "Peter Principle" thing. Promoting a person to their highest level of incompetence. You have to look at their resume and see what kind of people they worked with before. Coming from the Bengals would be a red flag.

my ideal new coaching staff:

HC: Brian Billick, I'd honestly prefer an experienced coach for Peyton's final years...and if there is any coach with a high enough football IQ to possibly be able to help Peyton improve his game even just a little bit I think it'd be Billick.

OC: Ken Wisenhunt, or if he either keeps his job with Ari or won't consider a OC position then Bill Callahan, the current Asst. HC and OL coach of NYJ

DC: Jack Del Rio, Leslie Frazier or Mike Zimmer. If the Rams fire Steve Spagnuolo then I'd give him strong consideration too.

DB Coach: Tim Walton, current DB coach of Detroit or Dennis Thurman, current DB coach of NYJ. May have to offer one of them some sort of promotion like Asst. DC or even Asst. HC or something like or a big raise to bring him here from their current team. If one of these 2 were to be offered DC job I'd prefer to give it to Walton because Detroit is one of the teams considered to run a variation of the cover/tampa 2 like the Colts do whereas Thurman comes from the Rex Ryan tree that has aways been a 3-4 so would have to find out if Thurman could adjust to the 4-3..

All that said, if the Colts were going to give the HC position to a current coordinator then Zimmer would definitely be at the top of my wish list. :)

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Just to comment on a couple of your picks.

I don't like Billick, he was an offensive coordinator genius at the Vikings and was expected to fix the offense at Baltimore and failed. He was smart enough not to mess with the Ravens defense otherwise they would have never got the Superbowl win.

Dungy is considered a coaching genius but he failed to fix the Colts D. He's still regarded as a lock as a future HOF coach. I also feel that Billick got a bad wrap in Balt because he didn't get any help from the FO in bringing in a QB with any kind of talent. Now is that a case of Billick saying he can turn Kyle Boller into a quality QB or is that the FO saying, here's Kyle Boller...work your magic? Based on his run of success in Minnesota with several different QBs who each had very different skill sets I would personally lean more towards believing he was given guys with no talent and asked to turn them into something special.

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