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Rodney Harrison: "We'd have easily won three Super Bowls with Peyton Manning"


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You're exaggerating this now.


The Broncos first possession in the second half, they ran the ball five times to start, with two first downs. They ran a 5th time for 4 yards, then threw on 2nd and 6, which was fumbled. So the run was working, then they threw it and turned it over.


Their second possession went run, pass, pass (first down), run, run, sack on third down, punt.


Their third possession went run, switch sides into the wind, run (first down), interception.


Their fourth possession went run, pass, pass, punt.


Then went the touchdown drive, on their fifth possession. Up to that point, it was 7 pass plays, 11 runs, two turnovers, two punts. Not great play, obviously, but it's not like they were patently refusing to pass the ball. The fact is the run was far more effective, and they probably should have forced the run a little bit more, as it was working and the pass really wasn't. After analyzing this a bit more, it's shocking that people are suggesting the Broncos should have thrown the ball more. They should have thrown it less, at least at that point in the game.

I know they didn't run on every down but it became predictable IMO that is why they did not score more and of course the TOs by Manning and the RBs. I just think you need points at some point but maybe I am just not giving enough credit to the NE defense. THye came up with the stops they needed to end drives or the TOs.

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So you hold Peyton to such a standard that he should abandon a winning game plan, that has been winning for decades, to put everything on his shoulders. Why is it okay for other quarterbacks to try and win a game that way, but not Peyton. He ran the same type of offense last night that won the Patriots many games, an offense you said he couldn't run. Somehow this game plan is not okay when Peyton does it.

Last nights game continues to prove how Peyton can do anything he needs to win the game, but his team always finds a way to fail him.

But his plan didn't win last night and enabled the Pats to come back. That has been my whole point.


I am not sure how you can say Peyton's team failed him. They gave him 17 points to start the game and his D pitched a shut out for an entire half. His numbers were very pedestrian so the loss is on him too. Not completely but he has share of the blame pie.

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With all due respect to Brady, he can't hold Montana's jock strap in the postseason. Sorry...


Montana would not have let his team lose to two cruddy Giants teams who pretty much backed into the playoffs.

Yikes Jules. You do know that Montana lost to the Giants in the NFC champ game in 1990 to Jeff Hostetler? He managed four field goals total and the Giants beat him 15-12.


And in terms of the post-season, Joe is 4-3 in NFC champ games, Brady is 5-2 in AFC champ games. Joe went to four SBs and won them all. Brady went to five winning three. Brady has more post-season wins as well at 17 to Joe's 16. If he ever does get that fourth ring there will be no debate left. Not sure there even is now.

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No, Peyton's offensive lines were some of the greatest in the history of the NFL.  Colts fans need to stop throwing everyone under the bus for Peyton.  It's sort of like some Cowboys fans who trash everyone in the Cowboys organization except Romo.


Isn't that exactly what has happened in this thread?


Some Patriot fans were so upset at Rodney's words because they feel it somehow discredits Brady and have even gone to the point of attacking Harrison.  Or as you say, throwing him under the bus. 


And in so doing, they have kept a thread that I think would probably be buried in this forum by now with only a handful of responses into a long drawn out debate based on nothing more than a hypothetical.

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But his plan didn't win last night and enabled the Pats to come back. That has been my whole point.


I am not sure how you can say Peyton's team failed him. They gave him 17 points to start the game and his D pitched a shut out for an entire half. His numbers were very pedestrian so the loss is on him too. Not completely but he has share of the blame pie.


You keep typing pedestrian. Peyton didnt had to throw in the first half. If he did, he would have gained yards. Yards doesnt matter.


Denver WRs cost the game. Thats the difference between the 2 teams.

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You keep typing pedestrian. Peyton didnt had to throw in the first half. If he did, he would have gained yards. Yards doesnt matter.


Denver WRs cost the game. Thats the difference between the 2 teams.


Which receivers were these?  I know that Welker dropped 2 passes at least and was partly his fault on the punt fumble recovery in over time.  But the Pats had some penalties/flags thrown against them and put the ball in the Broncos' hands for them to make more plays but instead of throwing late in the 4th and in over time the Broncos decided to run.

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Which receivers were these?  I know that Welker dropped 2 passes at least and was partly his fault on the punt fumble recovery in over time.  But the Pats had some penalties/flags thrown against them and put the ball in the Broncos' hands for them to make more plays but instead of throwing late in the 4th and in over time the Broncos decided to run.

DT, Decker both dropped. They were horrible.

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But his plan didn't win last night and enabled the Pats to come back. That has been my whole point.


I am not sure how you can say Peyton's team failed him. They gave him 17 points to start the game and his D pitched a shut out for an entire half. His numbers were very pedestrian so the loss is on him too. Not completely but he has share of the blame pie.

You mean Peyton and the offense created 17 points off of turnovers. The defense "spotted" him 7 points. The defense did zero after the second quarter. Peyton had the ball twice in the third, and it was fumbled by Ball and he was sacked. So when you say he should have been throwing he was. Only to be fumbled away and sacked by a blown blocking assignment.

What do you want him to do? In those two possessions the Patriots were already back in the game.

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DT, Decker both dropped. They were horrible.


dt on one crossing route had plenty of space in front of him and Peyton threw a strike ,an  easily catch-able ball, DT dropped the first few thrown to him like he had to get use to catching in cold a harder rock

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You mean Peyton and the offense created 17 points off of turnovers. The defense "spotted" him 7 points. The defense did zero after the second quarter. Peyton had the ball twice in the third, and it was fumbled by Ball and he was sacked. So when you say he should have been throwing he was. Only to be fumbled away and sacked by a blown blocking assignment.

What do you want him to do? In those two possessions the Patriots were already back in the game.

I am not sure what to tell you but that was not a good performance by Peyton and to try to hang this loss on his team is an embarrassment. He in no way deserves all the blame but he is not absolved either. He led ZERO scoring drives in the second half except for the last one at the end of regulation while Brady led five. And you also left out his interception in the second half that accounted for the other TO and led to a Pats score. It was not his best game. Period. Find me one article that says Peyton played well.

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You keep typing pedestrian. Peyton didnt had to throw in the first half. If he did, he would have gained yards. Yards doesnt matter.


Denver WRs cost the game. Thats the difference between the 2 teams.

Brady has drops too including a TD to Vareen in the first quarter. Manning did not throw. Period. He handed if off 48 times and it led to no scores in the second half. The only score he had was at the end when he threw.

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JJ has been on here as long as Peyton has being going one and done, as long as Tom has been working his system, and as long as Jskinnz has been writing to the Almighty.

Pesky or not, this place wouldn't be the same without our Patties. JJ, GoPats and Dynasty13 have been on here for more than 10 years, and it's been a pleasure jousting with them.

PS - they are wrong about 12 > 18. Everytime.

Well said BHC. Pat sy: "a person who is easily taken advantage of, esp. by being cheated or blamed for something easily manipulated." Just Kidding! No, I wouldn't put my NE friends in that category. Thanks for making me LOL though BHC.  :thmup: I was just toying comedically with the word "patties" modifying it to "pat syies" only teasing! 


Rodney is part of the media now. I take his comments, as well as Tedy's, in that context. Even Troy Brown on CSSNE commented during halftime of the Saints game that it may be time to put Mallet in.


I never get into Manning vs Brady debates. They are both great and are both first ballot hall-of-famers.

If you backed me into a corner FE, I would say that Tedy is more honest or likely to be more critical of his former team than Rodney would be. I view Tedy as NE's version of Jeff Saturday. A man I hold in the highest regard of respect. I appreciate your comments on behalf of 18. Thank you my friend.  :hat:


Ooh you played the weather card. That's cold. haha

Well played QuizBoy. Well played.  :P

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Brady did jack squat for his last 4 possessions. Manning was the last of the two to actually drive down and do something, but most of the credit goes to Moreno.

Yup MOW, Moreno was the unsung Denver MVP last night no question.


Even Pats fans don't see him as a Bronco! haha

Montee Ball is the 1 that I don't deem a Bronco FX.  :hissy:  :flaming:  :censored2: The guy has bust written all over him to me. Sigh...

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Brady has drops too including a TD to Vareen in the first quarter. Manning did not throw. Period. He handed if off 48 times and it led to no scores in the second half. The only score he had was at the end when he threw.

AMfootball - Try to be logical for once.


I have said repeatedly, he didnt have to throw and when he throwed their WRs dropped a lot. Pats WRs were more acclimated to the weather than the Denver. No one caught the ball including defense ( Woodyard and DRC ).

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dt on one crossing route had plenty of space in front of him and Peyton threw a strike ,an  easily catch-able ball, DT dropped the first few thrown to him like he had to get use to catching in cold a harder rock

Exactly, he is over hyped. He needs to get consistent if they have to win in the big games.


I would take clutch tough catchers like Anquan Boldin, Roddy White over DT anyday.

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I've yet to see a receiver that doesn't drop a good throw sometimes. To much time to think. Tough catches are all reaction and the body's trained what to do with no thinking involved. Rice, Largent and Harrison were the three most consistent pass catchers I've ever seen. In todays game it seems at times they all get a case of the drops.  

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Exactly, he is over hyped. He needs to get consistent if they have to win in the big games.


I would take clutch tough catchers like Anquan Boldin, Roddy White over DT anyday.


realy knows how toi fight for the ball, DT good but still remember how, forgot who but on deep pass DT caught it , was in his hands , and let defender just take is away from him for an IT, he simply didnt fight to keep it though had it in his grasp first 

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realy knows how toi fight for the ball, DT good but still remember how, forgot who but on deep pass DT caught it , was in his hands , and let defender just take is away from him for an IT, he simply didnt fight to keep it though had it in his grasp first 


I remember that - De Angelo Hall. I almost throwed up. I mean ball was in his hands and he just gave it.


I am really worried for Denver just because of their WRs. They totally suck. Only guy other than Tamme who is tough is Julius Thomas.

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I've yet to see a receiver that doesn't drop a good throw sometimes. To much time to think. Tough catches are all reaction and the body's trained what to do with no thinking involved. Rice, Largent and Harrison were the three most consistent pass catchers I've ever seen. In todays game it seems at times they all get a case of the drops.  

Cris Carter was a beast

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I remember that - De Angelo Hall. I almost throwed up. I mean ball was in his hands and he just gave it.


I am really worried for Denver just because of their WRs. They totally suck. Only guy other than Tamme who is tough is Julius Thomas.


while i wouldnt say suck ,It would make me happy if Decker caught a ball at least as many times as he just quits route , raises arms, and looks for a flag ,


with Vikerson outt with dislocated hip for 6 weeks , moreno a leg / ankkle bone bruise qusetionable and no sure handed backup  ( get Lance Ball ) , CB's cromartie day to day as is bolden  etc etc offense and defense getting iffy, ( Rahim moore on IR ) JT & CHamp are good to go, Champ still Rusty and  now like starting over again


and suddenly Alex Smith is allowed to go play deep ariel, games and score 


read comments 5,6 & 8 in  Denver (- 3 1/2) at Kansas City (12-1-13)




anyway,  my turn  at IIV machine at Drs now so bye

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while i wouldnt say suck ,It would make me happy if Decker caught a ball at least as many times as he just quits route , raises arms, and looks for a flag ,


with Vikerson outt with dislocated hip for 6 weeks , moreno a leg / ankkle bone bruise qusetionable and no sure handed backup  ( get Lance Ball ) , CB's cromartie day to day as is bolden  etc etc offense and defense getting iffy, ( Rahim moore on IR ) JT & CHamp are good to go, Champ still Rusty and  now like starting over again


read comments 5,6 & 8 in  Denver (- 3 1/2) at Kansas City (12-1-13)




anyway,  my turn  at IIV machine at Drs now so bye


I hope someone talks to these WRs.


Yeah everything is falling apart. Vickerson is a bg loss for the run defense. We will see.


Good luck at Drs.

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while i wouldnt say suck ,It would make me happy if Decker caught a ball at least as many times as he just quits route , raises arms, and looks for a flag ,


with Vikerson outt with dislocated hip for 6 weeks , moreno a leg / ankkle bone bruise qusetionable and no sure handed backup  ( get Lance Ball ) , CB's cromartie day to day as is bolden  etc etc offense and defense getting iffy, ( Rahim moore on IR ) JT & CHamp are good to go, Champ still Rusty and  now like starting over again


and suddenly Alex Smith is allowed to go play deep ariel, games and score 


read comments 5,6 & 8 in  Denver (- 3 1/2) at Kansas City (12-1-13)




anyway,  my turn  at IIV machine at Drs now so bye

Yeah, Decker does whine about pass interference calls a lot instead of just competing for the ball. I agree 100% Barry & players like Vikerson on defense need to stop bumping into opposing QBs & getting a 15 yard penalty too. 


That was a good Chargers vs Chiefs game too. I was surprised to see Smith throw the ball so well. No dink & dunk short passes exclusively anymore. It should be an interesting rematch with Denver too. 

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Yeah, Decker does whine about pass interference calls a lot instead of just competing for the ball. I agree 100% Barry & players like Vikerson on defense need to stop bumping into opposing QBs & getting a 15 yard penalty too. 

'well u dont need to wwrry about Vickerson, re read all of posst u quoted comment 423 for update on Denver injuries


Vikerson dislocated hip, out 6 weeks, 


anyway caant be on computer any more BYE

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I remember that - De Angelo Hall. I almost throwed up. I mean ball was in his hands and he just gave it.


I am really worried for Denver just because of their WRs. They totally suck. Only guy other than Tamme who is tough is Julius Thomas.


What an overreaction this is. A month and a half ago, this was the best receiving corps Manning has ever played with. Now they suck? No sir.

Decker and Thomas are young and need more time, but both are very talented and gifted receivers. Welker is the best slot receiver in the league, hands down, even with the occasional mistake (which is very occasional, despite the sentiment from bitter Pats fans). Julius Thomas and Jacob Tamme are really good pass catching tight ends. 


They didn't have a great game Sunday, but they don't suck. Not even close.

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What an overreaction this is. A month and a half ago, this was the best receiving corps Manning has ever played with. Now they suck? No sir.

Decker and Thomas are young and need more time, but both are very talented and gifted receivers. Welker is the best slot receiver in the league, hands down, even with the occasional mistake (which is very occasional, despite the sentiment from bitter Pats fans). Julius Thomas and Jacob Tamme are really good pass catching tight ends. 


They didn't have a great game Sunday, but they don't suck. Not even close.

Definitely occasional but almost always in the biggest moments ....

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I am not sure what to tell you but that was not a good performance by Peyton and to try to hang this loss on his team is an embarrassment. He in no way deserves all the blame but he is not absolved either. He led ZERO scoring drives in the second half except for the last one at the end of regulation while Brady led five. And you also left out his interception in the second half that accounted for the other TO and led to a Pats score. It was not his best game. Period. Find me one article that says Peyton played well.

I'm not trying to absolve him at all.

You said Brady never handed the ball off 48 times. Which I showed you to be false.

Then you said it's Manning's fault he let them back in the game by not throwing it. Again I showed you to be false because in possessions that were fumbled away and he was sacked the Patriots were back in the game. And these LONE two possessions they were throwing the ball.

If I honestly could show you an article, that is 10000% fact and truth, that it said Peyton Manning played the greatest game of all time you would not believe it. You'd stomp your feet and change the topic. You continue to spew complete garbage here, and no matter how many times you are proven otherwise you still do it.

Did Peyton light it up? Absolutely no. What did he do? He ran a formula that wins, and has proven to win for years. I mean this same style is EXACTLY what the 3-time Super Bowl champion Patriots did, and in the same exact conditions. And when he had to he stepped up. Kind of like what Tom did early on, and you think that males him the greatest quarterback in the history of the game. So therefore Peyton ran a great game plan, but go ahead and say he doesn't have the defense to play that way. That only enforces what Rodney said. Which you swear to be so wrong.

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I'm not trying to absolve him at all.

You said Brady never handed the ball off 48 times. Which I showed you to be false.

Then you said it's Manning's fault he let them back in the game by not throwing it. Again I showed you to be false because in possessions that were fumbled away and he was sacked the Patriots were back in the game. And these LONE two possessions they were throwing the ball.

If I honestly could show you an article, that is 10000% fact and truth, that it said Peyton Manning played the greatest game of all time you would not believe it. You'd stomp your feet and change the topic. You continue to spew complete garbage here, and no matter how many times you are proven otherwise you still do it.

Did Peyton light it up? Absolutely no. What did he do? He ran a formula that wins, and has proven to win for years. I mean this same style is EXACTLY what the 3-time Super Bowl champion Patriots did, and in the same exact conditions. And when he had to he stepped up. Kind of like what Tom did early on, and you think that males him the greatest quarterback in the history of the game. So therefore Peyton ran a great game plan, but go ahead and say he doesn't have the defense to play that way. That only enforces what Rodney said. Which you swear to be so wrong.

Wow. Calm down man. I was just dissecting the game plan. Manning's effort was sub-par which you agree with. As I said to Superman on another thread, I think the Broncos went away with who they have been all season. They are a team that throws and throws when ahead. They threw when up big on the Eagles and the Redskins. The Pat SB teams were built to run more because they did not have dynamic receivers and a stout D. The Broncos are not built that way. They have arguably the best set of receivers and a terrible defense not to mention RBs that fumble. I thought they went conservative which cost them the game because their drives did not produce any points until the end of the fourth.

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Wow. Calm down man. I was just dissecting the game plan. Manning's effort was sub-par which you agree with. As I said to Superman on another thread, I think the Broncos went away with who they have been all season. They are a team that throws and throws when ahead. They threw when up big on the Eagles and the Redskins. The Pat SB teams were built to run more because they did not have dynamic receivers and a stout D. The Broncos are not built that way. They have arguably the best set of receivers and a terrible defense not to mention RBs that fumble. I thought they went conservative which cost them the game because their drives did not produce any points until the end of the fourth.


So they should stick to being a pass heavy team even in adverse conditions? Even when the run game is dominant?


That makes zero sense. The idea is nonsensical.

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Wow. Calm down man. I was just dissecting the game plan. Manning's effort was sub-par which you agree with. As I said to Superman on another thread, I think the Broncos went away with who they have been all season. They are a team that throws and throws when ahead. They threw when up big on the Eagles and the Redskins. The Pat SB teams were built to run more because they did not have dynamic receivers and a stout D. The Broncos are not built that way. They have arguably the best set of receivers and a terrible defense not to mention RBs that fumble. I thought they went conservative which cost them the game because their drives did not produce any points until the end of the fourth.

Like the above post and what everyone says, i dont think you read other people's post. You keep repeating the same thing again and again.


Peyton played according to the situation. That is not sub par. His WRs kept dropping the ball.


Brady throwed the ball because he had to.


Brady wasnt all that great. He did nothing in the last 4 possessions which is when they really needed him to close the game. And if woodyard made the interception, Pats dont score that field goal. Its a different game.

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So they should stick to being a pass heavy team even in adverse conditions? Even when the run game is dominant?


That makes zero sense. The idea is nonsensical.

Not pass heavy but they needed to score and running was not producing any points. I also think when you have the 28th ranked defense, 24 is not enough especially against Brady.

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Not pass heavy but they needed to score and running was not producing any points. I also think when you have the 28th ranked defense, 24 is not enough especially against Brady.


Do you really think running was the problem? I don't know why I'm even bothering with you. It's very obvious to everyone that you're ignoring the basic facts of the game. 


The first four possessions of the second half, they ran the ball 11 times for 47 yards and three first downs. They attempted to throw the ball 7 times, gained 15 yards, gave up a sack/fumble and an INT. You keep saying the run wasn't producing any points, but the reason is because they kept trying to pass and it was killing drives. Two TOs, and two failed third downs, all as a result of pass plays.


It's very simple: The pass was NOT working, and the run was. It's insane for you to say "but the run wasn't producing any points." The pass was sabotaging the gains of the run.


How you can continue to argue this point is beyond me. (Actually, it's not. It's very obvious what you're doing.)

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