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Texan's owner decides Kubiak needs to go.


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Well I see we have another owner that tweets also.   :hmm:         I personally think it's tacky to tweet this instead of having a meeting with the coach.  Nothing like seeing on Twitter that you are loosing your job.  :slaphead:     I think a lot of things that owners tweet is tacky but that is my opinion. :rollseyes:

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Uh... the minority owners' consensus was that Kubiak needs to go.  McNair's decision is the one that matters and his opinion on the subject isn't revealed by the tweet.


Just figured I should point that out...

Well it still shouldn't have been put on Twitter. Tacky

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Well it still shouldn't have been put on Twitter. Tacky

That wasnt the Texans owner. The Texans majority owner is Bob McNair. He has yet to say what his decision is on Kubiak. The minority owners just advised him to fire Kubiak and consider firing Rick Smith.

Granato is a sports radio host reporting news.

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Well I see we have another owner that tweets also.   :hmm:         I personally think it's tacky to tweet this instead of having a meeting with the coach.  Nothing like seeing on Twitter that you are loosing your job.  :slaphead:     I think a lot of things that owners tweet is tacky but that is my opinion. :rollseyes:


Granato is a radio guy.  If the information is actually good (who knows) then it was leaked by someone privy to the meeting.

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I hope they fire Kubiak now, let Wade Phillips coach the remaining games with Keenum as their QB, and then go about 4-2 to finish on a high note.  Then they decide that Phillips/Keenum is the coach/qb nucleus they'd like to build around for the next 6-8 years.


That would make a laughable franchise even more laughable & they are certainly dumb enough to do something like that.

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Kubiak is from Houston, that's the only reason why McNair held on to him this long, but there is no way Kubiak survives this season along his his other under performing seasons.

Now Rick Smith has built a good team across the board would suck if he got let go as well

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Kubiak is from Houston, that's the only reason why McNair held on to him this long, but there is no way Kubiak survives this season along his his other under performing seasons.

Now Rick Smith has built a good team across the board would suck if he got let go as well

Smith and Kubiak have been joined at the hip most of their tenure in Houston. If Kubiak goes, its not unlikely Smith, as well half the active roster are shown the door as well.
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Perhaps that was a tad overstated on my part lol. The roster could very easily be gutted though. Smith has the Texans in salary cap hell.

Ahh, true. A lot of big decisions coming up at the end of the season. With of course the biggest ones focusing on quarterback and halfback.

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The best thing the Texans could do would be to just blow up the roster and coaching staff and start over, but I'm not sure their that smart. After that they should trade Watt to the Colts straight up for Ricardo Mathews and build around him for their future. :D

If were being completely serious about what the Texans need to do

-Release Schaub. Just cut bait.

-See what you can get for Cushing. Hes still known as elite, but he hasnt played a full season in awhile and is now on his second blown knee muscle. His contract is an unwanted cap hit on a rebuild.

-Stick with JJ through his current contract and see if you can build enough confidence in your direction to get him to stick around

-re examine the o line talent. Cut bait with underperformers like Newton as soon as possible, and build again from scratch.

-Sort out the RB situation. Its unlikely Tate stays given the current mess, and Foster just had his back cut out. Fosters contract may hurt, but they need to figure out what to do with it.

And honestly, for the happiness of everyone

-Give Andre the freedom to go where he wants. Hes done more for the Texans franchise than any player could be asked, and deserves a shot at a ring in his twilight years.

Thats what I can think of off the top of my head. Im sure there is more that would need done with the roster.

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