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Luck ranked #10 by Jaws in QB rankings


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what does three or a loaded team have to do with Houston?

Well, we are a loaded team and are considered one of the SB contenders in the AFC. You'll have to figure out three for yourself. I'm sure you already have.

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you should take your own advice. you get more butt hurt than anyone here

No, I don't. I'm not one of 15 posters attacking a guy because he posted a stat showing that his QB had a better season than my own.

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but you have the most posts of anyone on this site and you're not even a colts fan

It's because of this thread and the fact that I'm commenting on other threads as well. This is basically one of the only threads that are going hard right now because of this silly debate that's spanned five pages.

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I'd put Schaub in the "Game Manager" section along with

Joe Flacco

Alex Smith

These are the quarterbacks who'll never be/been elite just have complimentary defenses to bring them along the way. Quarterbacks that when in a shootout, usually won't come out on top with a W.

That's not true both Smith and Flacco had shootouts against 2 of the top 4 qb's. Smith's came in 2011 playoff game against Brees, Smith balled out but I will say that the Saints D was garbage against the pass that day. And Flacco just had a shootout against Peyton in the playoffs, but again more a product of the pass defense taking the day off. I think Smith has the potential but we'll see what he does with the Chiefs, people forget Smith and Jason Campbell for that matter were in different offensive schemes every year for the first 4-6 years of their careers. That constant changing didn't give either qb a chance to learn the offense they were in and grow as a qb. Flacco I think has the skills to win a shootout but it doesn't make him an elite qb, he's been too inconsistent of a qb, maybe in a few years he could make that jump but I think he's going miss that defensive security blanket he's enjoy so far in his career as the ravens defense rebuilds after losing so many piece this off-season. Though I'd agree Schaub is an accomplished game manager, imo he won't bring Hou a title. But me and quizboy have had this pointless argument before so I'm staying out of it this time haha...we won't see eye to eye on this issue haha

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Why wouldn't you be comfortable being the number one poster? I have noticed my post count skyrocketing the past couple of days as well, but I think the reason is obvious. When I'm getting attacked by thirteen different posters for defending my QB and I'm constantly responding to everyone, it's no surprise I'm going to be the top poster as long as the senseless arguments continue.


I'm not comfortable being number one because I think the more I post,  the quality of my posts is not as good than if I'm more selective and pick and choose my spots.    It's a less equals more approach...


I try to offer up opinions,  and some ideas to consider,  but I try to avoid the heated internet debates over those opinions....   I'm not interested in having the last word every time...


I'm not interested in the endless "My Favorite Team/Player/Coach is better than your Favorite Team/Player/Coach" debates...      those don't interest me much.    From time to time I may offer a thought or an opinion,  but I try to steer clear of those threads....


By the way -- and not that it matters -- two of the days I was either number one, or easily in the top 3, was when you and I went back and forth after you referred to Reggie Wayne as a "journeyman" wide receiver and then defended using the word because you didn't see the insult.     Those were not fun days....


To be clear,  I'm not suggesting my way is the way for everyone, or even anyone else.....   this is just what I think works best for me....      

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I'm not comfortable being number one because I think the more I post,  the quality of my posts is not as good than if I'm more selective and pick and choose my spots.    It's a less equals more approach...


I try to offer up opinions,  and some ideas to consider,  but I try to avoid the heated internet debates over those opinions....   I'm not interested in having the last word every time...


I'm not interested in the endless "My Favorite Team/Player/Coach is better than your Favorite Team/Player/Coach" debates...      those don't interest me much.    From time to time I may offer a thought or an opinion,  but I try to steer clear of those threads....


By the way -- and not that it matters -- two of the days I was either number one, or easily in the top 3, was when you and I went back and forth after you referred to Reggie Wayne as a "journeyman" wide receiver and then defended using the word because you didn't see the insult.     Those were not fun days....


To be clear,  I'm not suggesting my way is the way for everyone, or even anyone else.....   this is just what I think works best for me....      

Yep. I'm in the same position you were in that day. I don't like these mindless debates either but the board is dead anyway right now so why not.

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Yep. I'm in the same position you were in that day. I don't like these mindless debates either but the board is dead anyway right now so why not.


As to the Why Not?    I'll offer the same thought/advice I gave to another poster who has gone quiet here for a while, but who enjoys stirring up the pot and getting people crazy (he admits it)...


And that is this....


At some point,  all of these posts have a negative impact.   If you want people to take what you say seriously and pay close attention to your point of view,  then you have to make your posts count.   They have to really mean something.


When you're posting this much,  then it simply becomes wall paper.    Look at how many of your posts are 1 or 2 line zingers as a response....      At some point,  it's just a bunch of noise.    Then,  people will start to take you less seriously.


That's my view of things.      Post less often.   Say what you mean, and mean what you say.   And then.....   let it go.......


Just something to consider from someone who I suspect is old enough to be your father....    (56)

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As to the Why Not?    I'll offer the same thought/advice I gave to another poster who has gone quiet here for a while, but who enjoys stirring up the pot and getting people crazy (he admits it)...


And that is this....


At some point,  all of these posts have a negative impact.   If you want people to take what you say seriously and pay close attention to your point of view,  then you have to make your posts count.   They have to really mean something.


When you're posting this much,  then it simply becomes wall paper.    Look at how many of your posts are 1 or 2 line zingers as a response....      At some point,  it's just a bunch of noise.    Then,  people will start to take you less seriously.


That's my view of things.      Post less often.   Say what you mean, and mean what you say.   And then.....   let it go.......


Just something to consider from someone who I suspect is old enough to be your father....    (56)

Yep. I agree. I think the majority of posters realize I'm just engaging in silly banter and will return to my self-composed, non-negative self as soon as the hype dies down. I'll be back to making jokes and other things in newly resurrected threads once this one is done. Or once it gets back on topic anyway.

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Yep. I agree. I think the majority of posters realize I'm just engaging in silly banter and will return to my self-composed, non-negative self as soon as the hype dies down. I'll be back to making jokes and other things in newly resurrected threads once this one is done. Or once it gets back on topic anyway.


I don't want this to end without one last thought.....


You're a good guy.    You know football.    You're smart and most of the time it's fun having you around.     I never think of you as the 'enemy'....    For my money,  fans of other teams are welcome here....


I don't object to you supporting your team.....


Come,  say your peace,  have some fun.....   but at some point you have to have some sense of.....  "this is no longer fun and maybe I can let this go and let it die a quiet death....."


Either way,  not a big deal....   just wanted to share some thoughts on a Sunday....


Camp opens in two weeks!!    It's all good!!      :thmup:

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I don't want this to end without one last thought.....


You're a good guy.    You know football.    You're smart and most of the time it's fun having you around.     I never think of you as the 'enemy'....    For my money,  fans of other teams are welcome here....


I don't object to you supporting your team.....


Come say your peace,  have some fun.....   but at some point you have to have some sense of.....  "this is no longer fun and maybe I can let this go and let it die a quiet death....."


Either way,  not a big deal....   just wanted to share some thoughts on a Sunday....


Camp opens in two weeks!!    It's all good!!  

Yep, hopefully seeing real live football will eliminate threads like this! Only...two...more....weeks.... :clap:

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It took Manning 9 years to get his first Super Bowl ring. Here's hoping it's the same situation for Schaub. :cheers:

It took Manning 8 years 1998-2006 to get his 1st ring and you forget Manning went to 2 AFC title games in the years before that win. The texans since Schaub was hurt in 2011 have only made it to the divisional round after bearly beating the same young team in the opening round 2 years in a row after which they were blowout 2 years in a round by the same team; similar to Indy's experience with a lot less success both in the regular and post season haha 

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Why? My team's won it the past 2 years, I'm not worried about anything. I actually look forward to the South being competitive again. I want my guys to come out on top, though, obviously lol.

In the 1st year they won the division 1st time Peyton was ever sidelined by injury and considering the state of the Colts, Titans, and Jaguars in 2011 if the Texan's didn't win the division Gary wouldn't be HC right now haha. In the 2nd year if not for a slant pass by Gabbert in week 3 I think Indy would've won the division by tiebreaker haha. So you hold on to your team's "hard won" haha division wins because we're taking our division crown back this year and putting the Texan's in their rightful place #2 in the AFC South haha

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It took Manning 8 years 1998-2006 to get his 1st ring and you forget Manning went to 2 AFC title games in the years before that win. The texans since Schaub was hurt in 2011 have only made it to the divisional round after bearly beating the same young team in the opening round 2 years in a row after which they were blowout 2 years in a round by the same team; similar to Indy's experience with a lot less success both in the regular and post season haha

....and it still took him that long to get a ring, regardless of playoff success in between.

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In the 1st year they won the division 1st time Peyton was ever sidelined by injury and considering the state of the Colts, Titans, and Jaguars in 2011 if the Texan's didn't win the division Gary wouldn't be HC right now haha. In the 2nd year if not for a slant pass by Gabbert in week 3 I think Indy would've won the division by tiebreaker haha. So you hold on to your team's "hard won" haha division wins because we're taking our division crown back this year and putting the Texan's in their rightful place #2 in the AFC South haha

Is that a challenge? If so, bring it on. :36dancing: But we're beating a dead horse here. :)

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Define "teams that we weren't supposed to beat". I mean, the Packers and Texan wins would be good examples, but other than those two, do you really think the Lions, Jaguars, Vikings, Dolphins are teams that are supposed to be so good that you weren't supposed to beat them? I agree that 12 may have had more of an impact on his team than Schaub had on his last year, but that doesn't necessarily mean he is better.


Why not just stick with the Packers and Texans? Those are the best examples. But really, most people were suggesting that the Colts were going to be terrible last year, so pretty much every win was something to be proud of.


But the way the team came from behind or squeezed out wins was significant, especially on the road against the Lions or the Titans. And Luck was big in those games, particularly down the stretch.


Doesn't necessarily mean that Luck is better, but it is a notable argument in favor of Luck over Schaub as of right now. Schaub's superior efficiency vs Luck's dynamic playmaking. 


For instance. Aaron Rodgers made more of an impact on the Packers than, say, Peyton Manning did on the Broncos. You could plug in any decent QB on the Broncos roster and I think we see double digit wins still. Put Gabbert on the Packers and their toast.


I disagree with this on two levels. 1) Blaine Gabbert isn't a decent quarterback, and 2) I don't think a decent quarterback leads the Broncos to double digit wins last season. Replace Manning with Alex Smith, and I think they struggle to win 8 games. Huge hypothetical, but the Broncos only started winning games once they really got used to Manning, and once he got used to his new circumstances.


Also, you're cross-comparing. The question really is whether Aaron Rodgers keeps the Broncos afloat, and whether Manning keeps the Packers afloat. Again, huge hypothetical, but I'm sure we all agree that any team would do great with Rodgers as the quarterback. There might be more of an argument with Manning, coming off of injury and somewhat playing himself back into shape, but Manning has been carrying his team's offense for a long time, so history is in his favor. 


None of this really has anything to do with Luck vs Schaub.


Does that necessarily make Rodgers a superior QB? I think at this point in time he is but still, it's not because he makes more of an impact on his team. 12 excelled in a stretch offense due to the fact that he had trusty and speedy receivers and the toughness to hang in the pocket and deliver even when he knew the hit was coming. That much is undeniable. But there were still mistakes, and habits that need to be cut down on. He isn't the perfect passing machine that some seem to make him out to be, and as you yourself said in another thread, those people are going to be disappointed when he doesn't live up to their standards.

As for Schaub, I saw a competitive spirit in him that we as Texans fans are not used to. Sure he cannot extend plays or run and he isn't a guy the media loves but he rose to the occasion several times during the season, and never gave up, and stayed tough even when he was licked a few times. I see promise in him as well. That's why I don't think the answer as to who is "best" is as clear cut as some seem to think it is.


You're on a Colts board, shocked that people would rather have Luck than Schaub. You yourself admit that there's an argument, pros and cons on each side. Then you come in here and tout your 'ability to be objective.' It's silly.

By the way, I have no problem with Schaub being ranked ahead of Luck right now. But I'd rather have Luck, right now. I'd have rather had Luck last season.

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You seem to think I have some sort of secret agenda, and we've had this discussion at least once before. How does me pointing out how tiresome and irritating some posters are here at times indicative of my reveling in it? I didn't say,  " You know how it is!! :yay: "

And the hypocrisy is evident all the time in guys who call other decent players garbage while at the same time hailing their own guy as the next big thing despite the flaws in his game as well, and his inferior numbers to other guys that they don't like. It's not just Schaub who is looked down on. I expect disagreements, duh. It's a football forum. But when I point out the holes in logic threads just tumble out of control and somehow the discussion is all about me. As I've said numerous times, I want this thread to go back to the top 10 thing.

I didn't say anything about an agenda. But it's obvious that you enjoy stirring up and/or being a part of the resulting madness. You're not a victim.

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Why not just stick with the Packers and Texans? Those are the best examples. But really, most people were suggesting that the Colts were going to be terrible last year, so pretty much every win was something to be proud of.


But the way the team came from behind or squeezed out wins was significant, especially on the road against the Lions or the Titans. And Luck was big in those games, particularly down the stretch.


Doesn't necessarily mean that Luck is better, but it is a notable argument in favor of Luck over Schaub as of right now. Schaub's superior efficiency vs Luck's dynamic playmaking. 



I disagree with this on two levels. 1) Blaine Gabbert isn't a decent quarterback, and 2) I don't think a decent quarterback leads the Broncos to double digit wins last season. Replace Manning with Alex Smith, and I think they struggle to win 8 games. Huge hypothetical, but the Broncos only started winning games once they really got used to Manning, and once he got used to his new circumstances.


Also, you're cross-comparing. The question really is whether Aaron Rodgers keeps the Broncos afloat, and whether Manning keeps the Packers afloat. Again, huge hypothetical, but I'm sure we all agree that any team would do great with Rodgers as the quarterback. There might be more of an argument with Manning, coming off of injury and somewhat playing himself back into shape, but Manning has been carrying his team's offense for a long time, so history is in his favor. 


None of this really has anything to do with Luck vs Schaub.



You're on a Colts board, shocked that people would rather have Luck than Schaub. You yourself admit that there's an argument, pros and cons on each side. Then you come in here and tout your 'ability to be objective.' It's silly.

By the way, I have no problem with Schaub being ranked ahead of Luck right now. But I'd rather have Luck, right now. I'd have rather had Luck last season.

Replace "started winning when they got used to Manning" with "started winning when they started playing far inferior teams". Then I agree on that point. I do think, however, the Broncos would have still gotten wins even with somebody like Alex Smith under center. And my comparison has everything to do with this discussion. Impact doesn't make a player superior to another player, even if the latter is merely a piece of an already good team. I'm not shocked at all; I read these boards basically everyday. All I did was post the stats and say that Schaub was better. It's that simple. I'm glad that you would rather have your QB and I would rather have mine, because that is the way things are just going to be.

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I didn't say anything about an agenda. But it's obvious that you enjoy stirring up and/or being a part of the resulting madness. You're not a victim.

Yeah, I definitely enjoy 15-on-1 thread-killing arguments. That's my M.O. Come on now. Of course I come across as the guy who starts these things but really I'm not. I merely asked an ill-informed poster what he thought of his QB's stats compared to the guy he called garbage and the rest is history. I've been trying to drop this whole thing for pages now but the responses keep coming, I keep replying, and somehow, again, this gets put on my shoulders. Vicious comments get vicious replies. It's just the nature of a message board. Though things have died down and there's been more razzing than anything else in the past page or so.

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Fixed that for you buddy lol.

No. I've seen you all tear each other apart on the basic premise of whether or not Donald Brown will be a contributor on the team. I'm not even the cause of 5% of the ridiculous arguments that spontaneously happen sometimes. It isn't always the whole fan v.s. fan thing.

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Replace "started winning when they got used to Manning" with "started winning when they started playing far inferior teams". Then I agree on that point. I do think, however, the Broncos would have still gotten wins even with somebody like Alex Smith under center. And my comparison has everything to do with this discussion. Impact doesn't make a player superior to another player, even if the latter is merely a piece of an already good team. I'm not shocked at all; I read these boards basically everyday. All I did was post the stats and say that Schaub was better. It's that simple. I'm glad that you would rather have your QB and I would rather have mine, because that is the way things are just going to be.


Yeah, okay. There was no difference is offensive approach, Manning didn't start playing better, none of that mattered. Come on, they won the last 11 games of the regular season. That's a feat in itself, something that most teams never accomplish. 


Impact doesn't make a player superior. I'm not talking about impact, though. I'm talking about their respective roles on the team. Luck was the primary catalyst for the Colts. Schaub was not the primary catalyst for the Texans. The stats don't make Schaub better. Some of his stats were better, some weren't. 

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No. I've seen you all tear each other apart on the basic premise of whether or not Donald Brown will be a contributor on the team. I'm not even the cause of 5% of the ridiculous arguments that spontaneously happen sometimes. It isn't always the whole fan v.s. fan thing.

See, but you sport a rival color, and that's all some need to see and don't want to hear from you anymore.

It isn't right, or tolerant, but that's how it is. And that, and your refusal to back away from these encounters, is how you keep finding yourself in these instances.

You got the odds stacked against you on a rival board, because if you mispeak, or say something incendiary, posters will pounce lol.

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Yeah, okay. There was no difference is offensive approach, Manning didn't start playing better, none of that mattered. Come on, they won the last 11 games of the regular season. That's a feat in itself, something that most teams never accomplish. 


Impact doesn't make a player superior. I'm not talking about impact, though. I'm talking about their respective roles on the team. Luck was the primary catalyst for the Colts. Schaub was not the primary catalyst for the Texans. The stats don't make Schaub better. Some of his stats were better, some weren't. 

Packers won 9 out of their last 11 games. Falcons won 7 out of last 10. It's not too uncommon. I just see the whole Manning got better thing as a cop out. The Broncos lost to superior competition and lost in the first round of the playoffs. They will have a chance to prove my skepticism unfounded this upcoming season. We simply aren't going to see eye to eye on the Andy/Schaub thing. I acknowledge that 12 was a big part of the turnaround. At the same time, let's not get ahead of ourselves. There were areas he could have improved in and there was a lot of luck involved in some of those wins. Don't flame me for that comment either because our fellow posters have said as much as well. I don't put the onus on Schaub as the primary catalyst for us either. I'm just saying looking at the raw stats, which players are judged most on, Schaub had a better year. 12 threw for more yards and I think had a higher ypa but that's about it. If 12 does better next year and leads his team to a playoff win, you know you will get credit from me. If Schaub does better, I won't have a problem acknowledging it, either.

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See, but you sport a rival color, and that's all some need to see and don't want to hear from you anymore.

It isn't right, or tolerant, but that's how it is. And that, and your refusal to back away from these encounters, is how you keep finding yourself in these instances.

You got the odds stacked against you on a rival board, because if you mispeak, or say something incendiary, posters will pounce lol.

Most new posters don't even realize who I root for, honestly. Unless they take a good look at the signature of course. I come across as a regular member here more often than not. And you're right, I'm not one to back down. I am the same way if you meet me in person as well. And I certainly don't deserve the blame for the incendiary comments you mentioned. Anywho, I don't know why this thread is still about me. I mean, I know I'm irresistible but come on. :)

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Most new posters don't even realize who I root for, honestly. Unless they take a good look at the signature of course. I come across as a regular member here more often than not. And you're right, I'm not one to back down. I am the same way if you meet me in person as well. And I certainly don't deserve the blame for the incendiary comments you mentioned.

I'm not referencing any comments in particular, just saying I would get the same treatment on a Texans, Titans, Pats, or Jags board lol.

And I'm certainly not saying your the cause of all problems, far from it, just that your one heck of a lightening rod because of your allegiances :)

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Anywho, I don't know why this thread is still about me. I mean, I know I'm irresistible but come on. :)


Well you are about 50% of the posts in this thread, so maybe all sides need to simmer.

Not me though.....I'm awesome.

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I'm not referencing any comments in particular, just saying I would get the same treatment on a Texans, Titans, Pats, or Jags board lol.

And I'm certainly not saying your the cause of all problems, far from it, just that your one heck of a lightening rod because of your allegiances :)

I can speak for the Texans board, there are a fair share of new guys there who are * but the longtime posters there are definitely respective and tolerant of other teams' fans. Not sure about the Patriots forum, you would have to ask AM about that lol.

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This is probably the third time this question has been asked and Jason addressed it greatly earlier in the thread. Right now I would take my guy. He hasn't done anything drastic to make me say anything otherwise. If we're talking about long-term, I would say 12. But at this point in time? The word I will use is potential. That's what we have to go on with 12. A guy I would take right now to lead my team is Aaron Rodgers, a proven winner and a guy who can elevate the play of the guys around him and who has great mechanics and tremendous upside, even performing at the high level he is now, which is insane.

Well, then you, Schauab and his mother would be the only 3 in the world with that view.

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