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Targets for Day 3


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Poyer is a zone corner...   I don't think he's a scheme fit...


Reddick would be lower on my list, and I've already got 10 RB's...


I don't know who Williams is...   I'll try to figure that one out...


And Jenkins would be another OLB.    And I think we'll pass on them in R's 4 and 5.


Hope that clarifies....

Jesse Williams. Reddick is an ILB, not a RB. Jenkins would be a steal and already knows what it's like to line up with Werner.
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Jesse Williams. Reddick is an ILB, not a RB. Jenkins would be a steal and already knows what it's like to line up with Werner.



Thanks!    I didn't realize Reddick was still available.   Thought he had been picked.   So, yes, I'd add him....   that's 33 players and he'd be a 4th round option.


I probably should add Jesse Williams, but to me he's more of a line of scrimmage guy.   He's not going to put pressure on the QB.   We've got lots of those types of guys....  so, personally,  while he's a decent player,  I think i'll leave him for another team.


Jenkins, while very talented,  is an OLB.   Having taken Werner,  I don't see where he gets snaps.   So, I'm also leaving him for another team.


I know some of these choices will not be well received....   but....   with about 98% of these choices I'm trying to focus on the perimeter and making the team faster and more explosive.    The exceptions are the two ILB's and the two DE's.    Otherwise, it's CB and S on defense,  RB's and WR's on offense.

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Schwenke & Bailey are still there in case they really want to make sure the line gets shored up...

& Shamarko & Rambo are still around for Safety help...

I think Shamarko performed real well at the combine & he has had a rough past losing both parents, could be hungry....

I am pulling for Shamarko, that would be a tri-fecta of drafted payers with interesting back stories, could be a bonding factor for this new rookie class...

Bjorn the German who falls in love with football & comes to America to realize the "American" dream...

Thornton lives through his family's murder & abuse, has built up anger but lands in a healthy franchise where he can succeed...

Shamarko loses both parents, feels responsible for his siblings, but stays with football...

Could make for some comraderie you just can't manufacture...

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ummm okay, is that his only offense as a college student?? he is a college kid who did something stupid. doesn't necessarily mean he is going to carry it over into the NFL....even so, NFL players get into trouble them selves for example Fred Davis, Josh Brent, Mike Vick, PLaxico Burress, Ray Lewis (even though he was not convicted). point is one mistake doesn't define someones character.

that being said, i still dont want him anyway

Ohhh I'd say one mistake defined Vick, good old Plax and Ray Lewis for a very long time. Still wouldn't want any of them personally. Perhaps Ray Lewis just because he's a goat caliber lol, that's it.

That being said those situations are much diff than a collegiate party kid.

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Quinton Patton and Barrett Jones in the 4th round would be great even if we have to give up our third for next year I think both would be worth. Barrett Jones was considered a first rounder for most of the year.


Actually,  Jones was not a first rounder for most of the year, at least, not on the vast majority of reputable websites.


Jones is a product of the hype machine.   He is a very good college player, who will be a good pro,  but not a great pro.


His NFL game has limitations.       He's a 3rd to 5th round talent.

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Actually,  Jones was not a first rounder for most of the year, at least, not on the vast majority of reputable websites.


Jones is a product of the hype machine.   He is a very good college player, who will be a good pro,  but not a great pro.


His NFL game has limitations.       He's a 3rd to 5th round talent.

I think he'll be great pro but not a great player, if you believe that's possible.

I'd definitely like both Jones and Patton in the 4th but I'm not sure I'd give up next year's 3rd to get both of them. I don't like the idea of giving away next year's picks unless we're sure we can get them back.

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ummm okay, is that his only offense as a college student?? he is a college kid who did something stupid. doesn't necessarily mean he is going to carry it over into the NFL....even so, NFL players get into trouble them selves for example Fred Davis, Josh Brent, Mike Vick, PLaxico Burress, Ray Lewis (even though he was not convicted). point is one mistake doesn't define someones character.

that being said, i still dont want him anyway

I don't know anything about this kid other than this story but to ignore the direction of an officer, tell him he will own him and the have him fired and then speeds away, shows more than just a mistake, it's a sign of total disrespect and extreme childish behavior. Now give this childish kid more money than he has ever seen an it will elevate to a level that would make the old pacers group proud. If I had a board, he would for certain be marked off for the behavior displayed alone. Chatter is one thing but at the sound of this report, this is an ingrained behavior and I'm not sure that is worth the risk. Maybe as an UDFA I would bring him in and see what his behavior is during training camp with no loss of SB and/or draft pick.
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I think we need to get that player to replace nether with next season. We have a ton of solid potential wr's already so let's see what they do this season. We are going to have to replace a Donald brown next year as well, could Lattimore be an option or is that leg too mangled. That was an ugly injury. Yuk. I think we have enough lineman now, both offense and defense. We could use another cb to groom for the 3rd or 4th spot also. Kicker will become an issue next year as well?

I'm hoping for

1. Betheas replacement

2. Donald browns replacement

3. 4th cb to groom for dime packages maybe nickel

Outside of that, we already have solid prospects throughout the team that have no different ceilings than many of these other positions. At some point you have to see if they can make the leap and its not like many have had a lot of time on the team. I sure wished training camp was here already :)

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Lets get Barclay.Good trade bait in a few years.

Nahhhhh. If you're looking for a good quarterback to be trade bait, draft Tyler Bray. I have said it before, and I will say it again. He is the only franchise quarterback in this draft. He just needs to sit behind a veteran (Andrew Luck, for all intensive purposes, is a veteran) to learn for a few years. One day, he will be someone's Tom Brady 2.0. Somebody will have themselves a franchise quarterback.

Now, does that rationalize ever drafting a quarterback when we are a young rebuilding team that has the best young quarterback and a solid pair of backups already? No it does not. I don't hope we draft him or any other quarterback by any means.

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Ohhh I'd say one mistake defined Vick, good old Plax and Ray Lewis for a very long time. Still wouldn't want any of them personally. Perhaps Ray Lewis just because he's a goat caliber lol, that's it.

That being said those situations are much diff than a collegiate party kid.

yeah now that you mention it, i wouldnt want vick or burress either lol

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If we go WR, I'd take Rodgers over Patton all day every day of the week and twice on Sunday's. Rodgers is a 1st rd. talent that had too many off the field issue's early in his college career. 


Yep and I hope that if he's there at 121 that we're sprinting up to the podium with the pick.

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If we go WR, I'd take Rodgers over Patton all day every day of the week and twice on Sunday's. Rodgers is a 1st rd. talent that had too many off the field issue's early in his college career. 


From what I've read Rodgers' off the field issues are quite extensive and more than just early in his career.


You're right,  first round talent....     but I get the feeling he's got enough baggage so that he can open up his luggage store!

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im tired of hearing we need to get a " WR ". we are set at that position. I prefer another pass rusher, and the one guy that comes to mind is the one you named right there. Alex Okafor. and if he is taken before our next pick, then try to get Baccari Rambo. 

And I'm tired of hearing people say they're tired of hearing it.

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ummm okay, is that his only offense as a college student?? he is a college kid who did something stupid. doesn't necessarily mean he is going to carry it over into the NFL....even so, NFL players get into trouble them selves for example Fred Davis, Josh Brent, Mike Vick, PLaxico Burress, Ray Lewis (even though he was not convicted). point is one mistake doesn't define someones character.


that being said, i still dont want him anyway 


If this happened a couple months ago, I'd be okay with ignoring it. But when it happens right before the draft, it's a red flag. 

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