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Doom says,. Its not the money now, He just wants to feel wanted


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Elvis Dumervil doesn't want this to be about money.


An NFL source familiar with the Dumervil free-agent proceedings said the pass rusher's primary consideration in picking between the Broncos, the Baltimore Ravens and possibly another team or two: He wants to feel wanted.


And what Dumervil has been trying to wrestle with in recent days is the fact that the Broncos cut him

, even though there may have been a series of bizarre events that led to his release.

 Regardless of what led to it, in Dumervil's mind, the Broncos cut him. Peyton Manning had the same feelings last year with the Indianapolis Colts. It may have been a no-brainer decision for the Colts to release Manning in lieu of paying him $35 million after he missed an entire season because of four neck surgeries — while at the same time, Indianapolis had a ready, younger replacement in Andrew Luck available with the No. 1 draft pick.


It still took Manning a few days to deal with the fact he essentially was fired.


Dumervil is experiencing similar feelings. That's not to say he won't choose to re-sign with the Broncos, the only team he has played for in his seven-year NFL career. But the source said Dumervil wanted to pray and sleep on his decision Friday night.


If it was about money, the source said, Dumervil already would have re-signed with the Broncos because through most of the week in which he has been a free agent, his former team still had the best offer on the table.\


The Ravens have since come close to matching the Broncos' three-year offer, according to an NFL source. Dumervil's camp has said at least one more team is involved in discussions.

Read more:Elvis Dumervil determined to feel wanted wherever he lands in NFL - The Denver Posthttp://www.denverpost.com/broncos/ci_22853669/elvis-dumervil-determined-feel-wanted-wherever-he-lands#ixzz2OMCNIwXo


The dark horse here is the Dolphins, they have the money and Miami is where Dumervil spends his off seasons.




The Denver Post reports the Dolphins have "jumped into discussions" for free agent Elvis Dumervil.

Dumervil has been weighing offers from the Broncos and Ravens. The Dolphins have more salary cap room than both of those clubs, though Denver beat writer Mike Klis acknowledges that the extent of Miami's Dumervil interest is "unclear." Dumervil, 29, is the premier free agent remaining on the open market. Mar 22 - 2:24 PM

Source: Mike Klis ( Denver Post Columnist )  on Twitter



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Sure it's not.


in another posted i noted



Andhe has told the Broncos the problem with their latest three-year proposal to Dumervil is year two. He has asked them to tweak it but as of Wednesday night the Broncos had not budged.



Edited by Nadine
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Its a business, Elvis, and if the Broncos did not want you, they would not have offered you the money that they offered, still better than what most teams offered.


This is about your pride, admit it!!! Much like Jake Scott did with the Colts albeit he did not have a faxgate and the Titans offered him the same amount of money that the Colts did and his pride was hurt knowing that it was the best that the market was offering for his services and the Colts were right all along.

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Well I think this officially means he will not be a Bronco next year. Interesting that the writer compares it to Manning given the two situations could not be any different. Sometimes I really think reporters are just plain lazy and look to insert a name like "Manning" to get their page views to go up...

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one thing i've learned throughout the years- if a player publicly says it is not about the money, it is totally about the money!


Weird season this year. Foot ball is a business and decisions are business decisions. But a lot of players are doing business with strong emotions and some spite.  Hmmmm.....

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Well I think this officially means he will not be a Bronco next year. Interesting that the writer compares it to Manning given the two situations could not be any different. Sometimes I really think reporters are just plain lazy and look to insert a name like "Manning" to get their page views to go up...


I diont think the writer, though i can be wrong was directly comparing the circumstances but simply as noted he writea


It still took Manning a few days to deal with the fact he essentially was fired.


and saying it will for doom too as I am sure it would for anyone, though I never had that experience luckily


Both are currently on same team so why not use the 2 , i dont think , and again I canm be wrong he is simply inserting Manning for media attention but simply saying when u r fired , ones feelings are hurt, and takes time to heal, just like being dropped by a boyfriend / girlfriend ettc, where u though the relationship was going well, now that I have experienced & yes as they saay   time   heals all wounds

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he will supposedly decide today or Monday, Broncos or ravens


Written  supposedly  early Sunday AM  SEE COMMENT BELOW , 1st 1 to article



Dumervil to wait one more day




Elvis Dumervil to wait at least one more day before deciding between #Broncosand #Ravens.

But here is 1st comment  to tweet --- where in the world is KLis its 11:30 on the 23rd. Eastern
Where in the world is Klis?

I am East coast time and it is only 11:30 on the 23rd.

Go Broncos!

Where in the world is Klis?

I am East coast time and it is only 11:30 on the 23rd.

Go Broncos!

2011-12 AFC West Champions




Peter King says Elvis is"trying hard to find a team to outbid Denver." I'd tell you exactly what Elvis is thinking if he'd answer my texts.




gary miller @thegarymiller

TV sportscaster.



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Dumervil "trying hard" to find a team to outbid Denver

posted by kmontyMar 24, 2013

RT @Lank_B: Where will Elvis Dumervil end up? ... He is trying hard to find a team to out-bid Denver. Don't know if Balt will.

My take: This isn't personal against Denver, he just wants his first taste of free agency to be a little sweeter.
Dumervil isn't singing, "I want you to want me," he's shouting, "Show me the money."[H/T vburkhart]
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lmao... sure Doom... spin that horse apple. If it wasnt about the money, he would have taken the lower offer to stay. He wasnt playing 12M per year worth. He knows it and so does Denver.


He did take the lower offer to stay before his agent screwed it up.

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