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Knee Jerk Reactions...


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Gimme a break man with all the "bandwagon" crap. That has been so over used in the last week its ridiculous. I've been a fan for 27 yrs. and have seen so many bad seasons its not even funny, but I will not pretend that what I seen today was just an abberation and everything is going to suddenly be fixed next week. Being a fan does not mean endlessly kissing butt and fooling yourself into believing everything the organization does is perfect.

This team has serious problems right now and no amount of pretending it don't will not help and just because people are pointing out what the blind homers refuse to see does not mean they are bandwagon fans.

Very true,just seems year after year it is the same old defense,I dont think there was much improvment in the second half,Houston stopped its self with turnovers and being more conservative with the lead.Also wondering how many QB rollouts does it take for a D end to stay home or the coaching staff to adjust?

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Since apparently it needs to be said: I am a Colts fan. There. Ok, this is not a good team. We have never really been a great team. The combination of athletic receivers and a quarterback that intimidated almost every defense is the reason for our success. The Texans took their foot off the pedal in the second half cause they were up by 34. They could have dropped 60 on us. I love the Colts but people have to stop pretending we are something we are not. People are saying we rushed well...64 people. That's not good. At all. And don't give me this thing about ypc average. That may make sense with Peyton Manning but Kerry Collins is not Peyton Manning. Kerry Collins is sub-par at best. We're going to lose a bunch of games this year. Like a lot. So, just breathe. And enjoy football.

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Since apparently it needs to be said: I am a Colts fan. There. Ok, this is not a good team. We have never really been a great team. The combination of athletic receivers and a quarterback that intimidated almost every defense is the reason for our success. The Texans took their foot off the pedal in the second half cause they were up by 34. They could have dropped 60 on us. I love the Colts but people have to stop pretending we are something we are not. People are saying we rushed well...64 people. That's not good. At all. And don't give me this thing about ypc average. That may make sense with Peyton Manning but Kerry Collins is not Peyton Manning. Kerry Collins is sub-par at best. We're going to lose a bunch of games this year. Like a lot. So, just breathe. And enjoy football.

lol 64 yards, people.*

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Take into consideration, Kerry Collins hasnt been with this team for a full month yet, and being able to go out there and deliver a win is asking alot out of a new player that is aging and possibly doesnt have the timing down with the recievers...This is not the end of the colts. I mean you have 2 teams going head to head someone has to lose...unfortunately we lost in a bad way( giving up the ball, and lack of D for the first half). Just look at the saints, steelers, and the falcons...All playoff teams that also got stomped today...its just week 1 guys so lets put our big boy pants on and rally behind this team stop crying the season is over when we have 15 weeks left and a chance to get peyton back into the line up before this seasons over.

The Saints didn't come close to "getting stomped."

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As fans we have been spoiled for the last decade... Theres no need to freak out, it wasnt an earthquake it was just all the bandwagon fans falling off!

The d played fairly well for as many times as our offense turned the ball over on downs or fumbles. And we created turnovers!

The offense showed signs of finding a rythm late in the 3rd and into the 4th, give these guys sometime all is not lost!

There you go again with the " Bandwagon Fan " calling again. People have a right to criticize their team. This team is in a shambles and was not built properly after they drafting of Manning IMO. One guy should not make this kind of difference on a team. We are seeing the product of the way the front office has been doing things for years. Manning has been carrying this team for a long time. I have been very critical of our D scheme and our coaching for years now and all I do is get called a band wagon fan by people who want to sit around a camp fire and sing Cume by ya. Unbelievable.

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Since apparently it needs to be said: I am a Colts fan. There. Ok, this is not a good team. We have never really been a great team. The combination of athletic receivers and a quarterback that intimidated almost every defense is the reason for our success. The Texans took their foot off the pedal in the second half cause they were up by 34. They could have dropped 60 on us. I love the Colts but people have to stop pretending we are something we are not. People are saying we rushed well...64 people. That's not good. At all. And don't give me this thing about ypc average. That may make sense with Peyton Manning but Kerry Collins is not Peyton Manning. Kerry Collins is sub-par at best. We're going to lose a bunch of games this year. Like a lot. So, just breathe. And enjoy football.

Good post

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We ARE truely spoiled. We ALL knew what would happen with Peyton out. Our "hopeful expectations" artoe too high.

We are SO used to winning that we can't accept the loss. True, I dont think that we helped ourselves. I dont

think our effort was fully there. I dont think that "the next man up" showed up. It looked like we really

struggled to do much of anything.

It is so easy to blaim this person or that person. The fact is, we just need to regroup, use this as a motivation

to execute the things we know, and play some football.

EFFORT, ENTHUSIASM, and PASSIONATE play would be a great start. We CAN do this.

Just my thoughts,


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First let me say I have been Die hard colts fan even when they were in Baltimore! I will be 4 ever. Peyton has spoiled us but rememeber last year with Peyton we lost at Houston and you know why ? We have got to change our defense period. We cannot stop anyone How many times have you said Hope we get the ball last at the end of a game? I say it all the time. I really don't think its our players its the schemes we run. MO PRESSRE ON OPPOSING QB at all. How many times did Matt roll out yesterday and our ends came crashing down instead of staying home and running his slow butt down. I think Collins will be ok but can we score enough points to win is the question and I think the answer to that is no. You know I watch all these other teams pressure the qbs and we don't get there half the time when we blitz. Its our biggest problem to fix and if we don't we will be in 4 a long year. I just don't understand why our front office can't see it is not working!!!!

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Excellent anaology. We were on a roll and right in the thick of it in 1975, 76 and 77 with some really good Bert Jones teams.....then he got hurt. We started the 1978 season (had to look it up) with a 0-38 loss to the Cowboys & wound up 5-11 that year.

Very True. And that was a lot more painful personally because I was a teenager at the time, and because Bert hadn't even entered his prime yet. The YEARS spent hoping/expecting things to "return to normal" while the front office floundered, the owner lost what was left of his marbles, and the fans left the building were agonizing.

Then they moved to Indy :D

I'm not sure if thoughts of that sequence will make people feel better or worse, but at least Peyton has had an incredibly fulfilling career regardless of what happens from here, the medical care is dramatically improved, the front office is dramatically sounder, and the Irsay in the luxury suite is dramatically more rational - so I'm dramatically more optimistic. Of course I'm also dramatically older, which while unpleasant also means that I know better than to lose too much sleep over this. I have to try and keep that in mind while reading some of the other fan reactions. I honestly have no recollection of whether or not back then I was equally - well - dramatic!

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Very True. And that was a lot more painful personally because I was a teenager at the time, and because Bert hadn't even entered his prime yet. The YEARS spent hoping/expecting things to "return to normal" while the front office floundered, the owner lost what was left of his marbles, and the fans left the building were agonizing.

Then they moved to Indy :D

I'm not sure if thoughts of that sequence will make people feel better or worse, but at least Peyton has had an incredibly fulfilling career regardless of what happens from here, the medical care is dramatically improved, the front office is dramatically sounder, and the Irsay in the luxury suite is dramatically more rational - so I'm dramatically more optimistic. Of course I'm also dramatically older, which while unpleasant also means that I know better than to lose too much sleep over this. I have to try and keep that in mind while reading some of the other fan reactions. I honestly have no recollection of whether or not back then I was equally - well - dramatic!

Some of the games from that era were absolutely epic. Joe Washington single-handedly beating the Pats on MNF; ghost to the post double OT loss to the Raiders in the playoffs; a 9 game win streak after starting 1-4, I think it was, to finish one of those years. Many others. Good times.

Regarding Manning, I spent ten years in litigation and saw many cases where folks underwent vertebrae fusion surgeries. It's different for everyone, but for the average person you could be looking at a vocational change if working in construction or something else physically demanding. There's always an impairment rating after undergoing this type of surgery, which could be a minimal 5% with little effect on normal daily activites or on up to 20-30% or more. Again, every situation is different. Things included in prognosis could typically be pre-disposition to degenerative changes and/or arthritic changes, decreased range of motion, intermittent pain, weakening of injury area. Working on Manning's side is his good physical conditioning and access to excellent medical care. We'll see how he comes out of this but if it's more toward the ify risk/reward end of the spectrum I'd not be shocked to see him consider retirement while keeping his wife and new family in mind. Could happen. But like you said, he's had one heck of a career to this point.

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Sometimes this new software is buggier than a bait store although when it works it is by far the best they have ever used

I've double posted. I think at least for me it's been when the site is slow. If the post doesn't get entered immediately upon clicking "Add Reply" than I'm liable to click it a second time, or click "back" to see if the site is responding without risking losing what I wrote, then click "add reply" again. When it posts things promptly I've never had a problem.

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Some of the games from that era were absolutely epic. Joe Washington single-handedly beating the Pats on MNF; ghost to the post double OT loss to the Raiders in the playoffs; a 9 game win streak after starting 1-4, I think it was, to finish one of those years. Many others. Good times.

"Ah yes, I remember it well". I'm pretty sure that the 1-4 was the first of the three years. One moment we're in the middle of another crappy season, the next moment we have one of the best and most exiting teams in the league with stars at QB, RB, WR, and DL amongst others. It was tremendous, but over way too quick.

Regarding Manning, I spent ten years in litigation and saw many cases where folks underwent vertebrae fusion surgeries. It's different for everyone, but for the average person you could be looking at a vocational change if working in construction or something else physically demanding. There's always an impairment rating after undergoing this type of surgery, which could be a minimal 5% with little effect on normal daily activites or on up to 20-30% or more. Again, every situation is different. Things included in prognosis could typically be pre-disposition to degenerative changes and/or arthritic changes, decreased range of motion, intermittent pain, weakening of injury area. Working on Manning's side is his good physical conditioning and access to excellent medical care. We'll see how he comes out of this but if it's more toward the ify risk/reward end of the spectrum I'd not be shocked to see him consider retirement while keeping his wife and new family in mind. Could happen. But like you said, he's had one heck of a career to this point.

I had a cervical fusion. It's limited my range of motion a little and with every little ache or pain I can't stop wondering if further damage has taken place. I don't know how you play football with that, but then again I'm no athlete. I just hope that he listens to his doctors and doesn't take any foolish risks.

More importantly, do you think that I should sue my doctor? haha

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"Ah yes, I remember it well". I'm pretty sure that the 1-4 was the first of the three years. One moment we're in the middle of another crappy season, the next moment we have one of the best and most exiting teams in the league with stars at QB, RB, WR, and DL amongst others. It was tremendous, but over way too quick.

I had a cervical fusion. It's limited my range of motion a little and with every little ache or pain I can't stop wondering if further damage has taken place. I don't know how you play football with that, but then again I'm no athlete. I just hope that he listens to his doctors and doesn't take any foolish risks.

More importantly, do you think that I should sue my doctor? haha

Sheesh, didn't realize. Sorry to hear you're having those problems. Gonna need a lot of specifics before we can initiate suit, haha.

As a side - where I am step one for malpractice is to have an expert (ortho Dr., neuro Dr., etc.) in the field ready to hold the other Dr.'s feet to the fire for breaching standard of care. Have to basically prep case inside-out to avoid frivilous suits, which is good.

Jones era Colts over too quickly......you ain't never lied.

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High Expectations? Bandwagon fans?

Whats next?

I dont think anyone really believed the Colts with a new O-line and Kerry Collins would tear it up, but I think more than a few of us thought we would at least see some competitive play.

When it didnt happen, anywhere, some of us got a bit upset.

I for one did. Today I feel a bit better about it, but not much. I think the players are good, but the coaches dont adjust like they need to. There are issues. Some big, some small.

I know people point to the players saying things about positive plays etc, but does anyone think they will call out the coaches? They would never do that, no matter how they felt. They didnt do it when they were pulled with a chance for an undefeated season and they wont do it now.

Do they feel that way? I dont know, and neither do you. I sure hope not.

As far as bandwagon fans, well, I cant say Ive seen too many. Ive seen people being vocal about what they saw, and yes, most has been bad, but, well, a lot of the game was bad.

And, the way to get better is to fix the bad. We dont care about Wayne and Addai playing very well. We know they can. We know they do it all the time. We also know they arent the problem...so some of us talk about what we see as a problem.

I also dont see why someone cant only talk about the good things they saw for the same reasons. Maybe they want to focus on the good.

Its a forum. People discuss ideas. Good and bad, and there is nothing wrong with any of it.

You want to call someone a bandwagon fan, fine. Find the person who was going to give up their season tickets if Manning was out, and call them one.

On second thought, find them and get their tickets for when he comes back!

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Sheesh, didn't realize. Sorry to hear you're having those problems. Gonna need a lot of specifics before we can initiate suit, haha.

As a side - where I am step one for malpractice is to have an expert (ortho Dr., neuro Dr., etc.) in the field ready to hold the other Dr.'s feet to the fire for breaching standard of care. Have to basically prep case inside-out to avoid frivilous suits, which is good.

Jones era Colts over too quickly......you ain't never lied.

:D Ohhhh so so tempting.

I'm not a particularly litigious person, and this was six years ago, but I still enjoy complaining about it (and dreaming of vengeance). It's not that the surgery was botched, it's that it became pretty clear that it should have been postponed indefinitely. The neurosurgeon scared me into it using my pain/numbness/weakness to motivate me ("you need surgery within 90 days or you risk permanent nerve damage). But the neurologist (who had SENT me to the surgeon) actually appeared to be angry with ME upon followup because she had never intended nor expected that the surgery would be done. Me: "But you told me that it was going to have to come out", Doctor: "I meant eventually, not now".

The worst part was that by the morning of the surgery the symptoms were gone. I'm mostly just mad at myself for not having to courage to get up and walk out.

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High Expectations? Bandwagon fans?

Whats next?

I dont think anyone really believed the Colts with a new O-line and Kerry Collins would tear it up, but I think more than a few of us thought we would at least see some competitive play.

When it didnt happen, anywhere, some of us got a bit upset.

I for one did. Today I feel a bit better about it, but not much. I think the players are good, but the coaches dont adjust like they need to. There are issues. Some big, some small.

I know people point to the players saying things about positive plays etc, but does anyone think they will call out the coaches? They would never do that, no matter how they felt. They didnt do it when they were pulled with a chance for an undefeated season and they wont do it now.

Do they feel that way? I dont know, and neither do you. I sure hope not.

As far as bandwagon fans, well, I cant say Ive seen too many. Ive seen people being vocal about what they saw, and yes, most has been bad, but, well, a lot of the game was bad.

And, the way to get better is to fix the bad. We dont care about Wayne and Addai playing very well. We know they can. We know they do it all the time. We also know they arent the problem...so some of us talk about what we see as a problem.

I also dont see why someone cant only talk about the good things they saw for the same reasons. Maybe they want to focus on the good.

Its a forum. People discuss ideas. Good and bad, and there is nothing wrong with any of it.

You want to call someone a bandwagon fan, fine. Find the person who was going to give up their season tickets if Manning was out, and call them one.

On second thought, find them and get their tickets for when he comes back!

well said

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Yeah, kinda like the did in the Super Bowl, right? Brees was cutting us up underneath because our corners were playing 10 yards off, and we came out and........ Wait a minute... We kept playing 10 yards off....


And what happens when our DBs play straight-up man to man? They get burned for TDs.... When we got as little pressure as we did in the SB, Brady, Brees, Rogers will make you pay; the question is how much time will it take.

High Expectations? Bandwagon fans?

Whats next?

I dont think anyone really believed the Colts with a new O-line and Kerry Collins would tear it up, but I think more than a few of us thought we would at least see some competitive play.

When it didnt happen, anywhere, some of us got a bit upset.

I for one did. Today I feel a bit better about it, but not much. I think the players are good, but the coaches dont adjust like they need to. There are issues. Some big, some small.

I know people point to the players saying things about positive plays etc, but does anyone think they will call out the coaches? They would never do that, no matter how they felt. They didnt do it when they were pulled with a chance for an undefeated season and they wont do it now.

Do they feel that way? I dont know, and neither do you. I sure hope not.

As far as bandwagon fans, well, I cant say Ive seen too many. Ive seen people being vocal about what they saw, and yes, most has been bad, but, well, a lot of the game was bad.

And, the way to get better is to fix the bad. We dont care about Wayne and Addai playing very well. We know they can. We know they do it all the time. We also know they arent the problem...so some of us talk about what we see as a problem.

I also dont see why someone cant only talk about the good things they saw for the same reasons. Maybe they want to focus on the good.

Its a forum. People discuss ideas. Good and bad, and there is nothing wrong with any of it.

You want to call someone a bandwagon fan, fine. Find the person who was going to give up their season tickets if Manning was out, and call them one.

On second thought, find them and get their tickets for when he comes back!

A coach isn't going to change mis-communication between a veteran center and a veteran QB who is a bit green to the system. You could have Tom MFin Coughlin screaming in Saturday's and Collin's ears about it, and it wouldn't have made one iota of a difference. A thing such as intangibles exist..which cannot be coached up. That's exactly what happened with Painter...do you really think he's muffed every opportunity given to him because he wasn't coached?? Really?? The guy has YEARS to learn under the best QB and STILL fails at the intangibles on a consistent basis. That is NOT a coaching error; that's a player who has not and probably won't adjust to the NFL level of play.

You can have George S. Patton give you the speech of his life just before he sends you off to the killing fields. No matter what he says or what he does will make a difference if your gun jams when you get into a point-blank duel; you're just toast.

People's perception of coaching here is hilarious. It's like it's coaching is some crazy voodoo, Illuminati ritual that makes magical coaching fairy dust that makes all of the intangibles work. Absolutely hilarious.

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Im a true colt fan ever since they have been here. the main problems are with the defense, special teams,Oline running game and coach. the defense never stopped the run and was never in the picture when a reciever caught a pass I dont see how anyone could think they played even ok let alone well. the special teams play was just pitaful gave up one td and almost two. Jim Caldwell is no coach he inherited dungys team or he would have been fired after his first two seasons. the Oline and Dallas clark didnt block anyone hardly. blocking is more than watching guys run by you and yelling to the qb hey my bad but hes going to hit and probably hurt you.

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And what happens when our DBs play straight-up man to man? They get burned for TDs.... When we got as little pressure as we did in the SB, Brady, Brees, Rogers will make you pay; the question is how much time will it take.

A coach isn't going to change mis-communication between a veteran center and a veteran QB who is a bit green to the system. You could have Tom MFin Coughlin screaming in Saturday's and Collin's ears about it, and it wouldn't have made one iota of a difference. A thing such as intangibles exist..which cannot be coached up. That's exactly what happened with Painter...do you really think he's muffed every opportunity given to him because he wasn't coached?? Really?? The guy has YEARS to learn under the best QB and STILL fails at the intangibles on a consistent basis. That is NOT a coaching error; that's a player who has not and probably won't adjust to the NFL level of play.

You can have George S. Patton give you the speech of his life just before he sends you off to the killing fields. No matter what he says or what he does will make a difference if your gun jams when you get into a point-blank duel; you're just toast.

People's perception of coaching here is hilarious. It's like it's coaching is some crazy voodoo, Illuminati ritual that makes magical coaching fairy dust that makes all of the intangibles work. Absolutely hilarious.

You must have meant to quote a different post other than mine...where did I say the coaches were to blame for the muffed snap?

I DID say they were responsible for making sure the team was ready...and they werent. If you think they came out ready to play and fired up for the game, you might want to re-watch the game.

Since you brought up Painter, whos fault is it he is STILL on the team? He has not impressed at all, yet he is still there. Coaches or Front Office personnel?

In either case, it needs to be fixed...

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As fans we have been spoiled for the last decade... Theres no need to freak out, it wasnt an earthquake it was just all the bandwagon fans falling off!

The d played fairly well for as many times as our offense turned the ball over on downs or fumbles. And we created turnovers!

The offense showed signs of finding a rythm late in the 3rd and into the 4th, give these guys sometime all is not lost!

Really??? Colts stink in every aspect of the game--blocking, tackling, covering!!!!!!!!! not quite time to panic since Collins probably needs a few more weeks to get comfortable with the new offense. Front office keeps making questionable move after questionable move....going into the game with only 3 WRs is just foolish!!!!!

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Really??? Colts stink in every aspect of the game--blocking, tackling, covering!!!!!!!!! not quite time to panic since Collins probably needs a few more weeks to get comfortable with the new offense. Front office keeps making questionable move after questionable move....going into the game with only 3 WRs is just foolish!!!!!

Actualy its not since the game plans was to run a 2 TE set most of the game...I don't think the game plan was to fumble the center/QB exchange twice.

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I don't know if anyone else noticed or has posted about this,which is frustrating for me because it's significant, but unless we change our SOFT attitude which was clarified by going for a field goal on 4th and 4 on the Texans 28 or so when we were toasted at 34 to nothing, I don't think we have a chance. What does 34-3 do to instill confidence? I do not care if Viniteri made it or missed it, it was the most chicken squat call i've seen in awhile. Totally embarrassing! Collins was OK for the game considering the circumstances, but the coaching staff now has to earn their keep. GET CREATIVE FOR YOUR OWN SAKE!!!

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I don't know if anyone else noticed or has posted about this,which is frustrating for me because it's significant, but unless we change our SOFT attitude which was clarified by going for a field goal on 4th and 4 on the Texans 28 or so when we were toasted at 34 to nothing, I don't think we have a chance. What does 34-3 do to instill confidence? I do not care if Viniteri made it or missed it, it was the most chicken squat call i've seen in awhile. Totally embarrassing! Collins was OK for the game considering the circumstances, but the coaching staff now has to earn their keep. GET CREATIVE FOR YOUR OWN SAKE!!!

Lots of people noticed it and a couple of other Caldwell haters brought it up, but you're the only person to use the word significant. I didn't consider it remotely significant, and in my opinion using it to define a "soft" attitude is an illogical leap.

I'm sure they were just trying to break the ice and put some points on the board. It's not that 34-3 would instill confidence, it's that it would avoid a shutout - about the most humiliating thing that can happen to a team. They weren't winning the game regardless. If you noticed they later DID go for it on fourth down instead of attempting a field goal when the shutout was off the table.

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Lots of people noticed it and a couple of other Caldwell haters brought it up, but you're the only person to use the word significant. I didn't consider it remotely significant, and in my opinion using it to define a "soft" attitude is an illogical leap.

I'm sure they were just trying to break the ice and put some points on the board. It's not that 34-3 would instill confidence, it's that it would avoid a shutout - about the most humiliating thing that can happen to a team. They weren't winning the game regardless. If you noticed they later DID go for it on fourth down instead of attempting a field goal when the shutout was off the table.

Hey Mac, I appreciate your logical sedate response. The fact Viniteri missed wasn't an issue until you brought it up to "break the ice" and score. I guess it's a sign of the times to get "some" points any (Mod Edit: Not appropriate!) way you can instead of asserting yourself and putting it all on the line. 34-0 or 34-3; that makes a diffrence? I would rather be shutout trying to maximize my efforts than score 3 points by flinching. Don't try to make this game cerebral, because it's not! Go sit in the stands and knit some booties while we try to understand the marshmallow mentality of this organization that I have watched and exalted and cursed since 1984!

PS Don't pigeonhole me as a Caldwell hater. I've pulled for him the last couple of years, but it's time to put the "deer in the headlights" presentation aside and get creative.

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Hey Mac, I appreciate your logical sedate response. The fact Viniteri missed wasn't an issue until you brought it up to "break the ice" and score. I guess it's a sign of the times to get "some" points any (Mod Edit: Not Appropriate!) way you can instead of asserting yourself and putting it all on the line. 34-0 or 34-3; that makes a diffrence? I would rather be shutout trying to maximize my efforts than score 3 points by flinching. Don't try to make this game cerebral, because it's not! Go sit in the stands and knit some booties while we try to understand the marshmallow mentality of this organization that I have watched and exalted and cursed since 1984!

PS Don't pigeonhole me as a Caldwell hater. I've pulled for him the last couple of years, but it's time to put the "deer in the headlights" presentation aside and get creative.

If I've unfairly pigeonholed you as a Caldwell hater I sincerely apologize. I can't imagine how I might have come to the conclusion that someone who exudes dignity with every word such as yourself would hold such an irrational belief.

But then again I also thought that you would accept a cerebral approach. Clearly that's not in the cards, so what do I know.

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Im a true colt fan ever since they have been here. the main problems are with the defense, special teams,Oline running game and coach. the defense never stopped the run and was never in the picture when a reciever caught a pass I dont see how anyone could think they played even ok let alone well. the special teams play was just pitaful gave up one td and almost two. Jim Caldwell is no coach he inherited dungys team or he would have been fired after his first two seasons. the Oline and Dallas clark didnt block anyone hardly. blocking is more than watching guys run by you and yelling to the qb hey my bad but hes going to hit and probably hurt you.

Well dang that's the entire team.

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I have to admit I have been spoiled over the past 12 years which was only to make up for the 70,s 80.s and 90,s. Fan in good times and bad. Am I disappointed

yea big time. Is the team playing poorly and are we being outcoached I think so. I live in atlanta but still watch every game and will the rest of the season. Do I plan on taking down the Colts big flag in my yard No Way. Made my first trip to Lucus for the Jets game last year with my brother and my son. Didn't turn out the way we were hoping after driving all night through a snow storm but we had a great time and made some great memories. Love the Colts and always will but I like them better when they win. GO COLTS

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