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What, No - Let's Bring in Kiffin Thread?


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i dont get why people dont like our d coordinator. i actually have never seen our defense play better. sure id like more turnovers, but the defense has kept us in games.

Some people want more, always. I think he's done a remarkable job with what he's had to work with.

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Some people want more, always. I think he's done a remarkable job with what he's had to work with.

I agree. we're starting guys like freeman and butler and hes making it work. most of these guys have never played a 3-4 and their doing imo a great job

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I'd take his dad. He knew defenses.

Their talking about the dad.(Monte Kiffin) and he's been downright horrible this yr..

If they even entertained the idea of bringing in another cover 2 guy, I would probably go on a rampage this City has never seen the likes of.

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Their talking about the dad.(Monte Kiffin) and he's been downright horrible this yr..

If they even entertained the idea of bringing in another cover 2 guy, I would probably go on a rampage this City has never seen the likes of.

bring the torches and pitchforks haha

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Their talking about the dad.(Monte Kiffin) and he's been downright horrible this yr..

If they even entertained the idea of bringing in another cover 2 guy, I would probably go on a rampage this City has never seen the likes of.

I thought this thread was about Lane lol.

My lack of college football knowledge is showing........:(

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Kiffin was giving up 50-60 points to folks, LOL. He ruined hisself. I must admit I've had a change of heart about Manusky.....He's really done a great job with a patchwork D

Well I agree that Manusky is doing great, I don't blame all of USC's woes on Monte. There's a severe lack of discipline in that school. I don't think Kiffen will have a problem getting an NFL job but I'm satisfied with our coach. Pagano will improve the D even more when he gets back, not to mention that we should be bringing in more talent next season.

The future's so bright we have to wear shades.

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I think our defensive coordinator is not very good. There is a reason he flamed out on two other teams. For one thing, hiis blitzs are very obvious. Secondly, he runs too many stunts with players who excel at straight ahead pass rushing (Freeney, Mathis). That said, Kippen is traditionally a 4-3 coordinator. I don't see Pagano going back to 4-3, so it is a bad fit I actually wished Keith Butler from Pittsburgh had taken the job. I do hope we can get a better coordinator in. He was obviously not the first choice and not someone I view as a long term solution.

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We are 7-4 coming off a 2-14 season probably heading to the playoffs. I highly doubt any of our coaches are getting fired after this season to make an opening.

Honestly I think our DC has done a good job with the peaces he has had to work with. He's really only had two players in his front seven that are true 3/4 players that have played most of the year and that's Moala and Redding. The other guys are learning new poistions even an MLB like Angerer has had to adjust to being a 3/4 MLB vs. a 4/3 MLB.

This is step one in a rebuilding process and while the Colts are over achiving in a major way it doesn't change the fact this is a rebuilding process that is going to take more than one season to complete.

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Earlier in the year I had the impression (maybe because of how the draft went down) that Manusky was basically going to be a mouthpiece for the real D-coordinator, Pagano, but I have to say that I've been impressed with how the defense has played with Chuck out. I think that we can really be something to watch with a couple pieces added....

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I think our defensive coordinator is not very good. There is a reason he flamed out on two other teams. For one thing, hiis blitzs are very obvious. Secondly, he runs too many stunts with players who excel at straight ahead pass rushing (Freeney, Mathis). That said, Kippen is traditionally a 4-3 coordinator. I don't see Pagano going back to 4-3, so it is a bad fit I actually wished Keith Butler from Pittsburgh had taken the job. I do hope we can get a better coordinator in. He was obviously not the first choice and not someone I view as a long term solution.

I think it's been shown that Manusky was't the problem San Diego's D.

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No, no, no, no, NO! Anyone with the last name of Kiffin should not be allowed in the STATE, let alone the locker room. Monte Kiffin is not a good coach. I've watched all the USC games in person. He does not coach well at all. Manusky is doing fine. The team is adjusting well to his defense. It's different than what they were use to. They will get better with more experience and game play. It would be a disaster to bring in Monte.

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I was skeptical of Manusky, didn't think he was the best choice.

I must say, I've been pleasantly surprised with him. He's done a pretty good job with not too many good guys, and what also should be considered it's that it's his first year in Indy and trying to switch the defense to a 3-4.

Coaching replacements shouldn't even be brought up.

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We are 7-4 coming off a 2-14 season probably heading to the playoffs. I highly doubt any of our coaches are getting fired after this season to make an opening.

Honestly I think our DC has done a good job with the peaces he has had to work with. He's really only had two players in his front seven that are true 3/4 players that have played most of the year and that's Moala and Redding. The other guys are learning new poistions even an MLB like Angerer has had to adjust to being a 3/4 MLB vs. a 4/3 MLB.

This is step one in a rebuilding process and while the Colts are over achiving in a major way it doesn't change the fact this is a rebuilding process that is going to take more than one season to complete.

I think people forget this because of our record. Technically, this is still a rebulding year, especially on D where pieces just don't fit well. I can't wait to see who Grigs brings in once we have a little more cap room.

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Manusky has been ok so far.

The problem is the talent not the scheme.

He's doing great for what he has to work with. We don't have a legit NT, one decent 3-4 DE, average 43 DTs at best, and a D backfield that changes every week.

I know every team in the league has injury issues this time of year. When you start out with a sub par D, it's even worse, but he's making the best out of it.

Oh, let's not forget how one of the best D's in the league did against this same Lions team last week. They were one stupid coach move from winning.

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I was thinking about it today and I wouldn't be surprised to see Monte wind up in Philly. not that it would be the greatest move for them (I'm against the tampa 2 in general) but they will, imo, be looking for a big name at DC next year and he could fit the bill. They already run a lot of zone and do actually have a lot of pieces to run Kiffin's defense. I'd just not want to see them run it like we did last year, essentially playing prevent in pass coverage on almost every play. Kiffin did run the D much better in tampa though so who knows...maybe it would work out for them.

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