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What was dumber ? The Zibkowski stiff arm or Arians throwing (3rd down play) on that last drive ?

1.) Taking his hand off the ball and throwing the stiff arm speaks for tiself.

2.) Arians gives them a long field with no timeouts and about 50 seconds if he runs the ball. If the pass is incomplete , they have 1 timeout and around 1:40 left. The first is really a tough situation while the second is very doable.

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What was dumber ? The Zibkowski stiff arm or Arians throwing (3rd down play) on that last drive ?

Taking the hand off the ball and throwing the stiff arm speaks for tiself.

Arians gives them a long field with no timeouts and about 50 seconds if he runs the ball. If the pass is incomplete , they have 1 timeout and around 1:40 left. The first is really a tough situation while the second is very doable.

He was throw because it was clear the run game was not working at all in the second half. He had faith in his QB to make a play and figured if they didn't they are punting the ball back to a team with no timeouts that needs a touchdown just to get into overtime that had only scored one TD all game long. It's not like he was playing that way against Tom Brady. Again, at the start of the year everyone was all over Arians for being too conservative now he's agresive and people are still complaining. Proof that no matter what you do and even if it works (like this one did) you can't make everyone happy.

As for the Zibs play if he breaks that tackle that play is probably a pick six. Again that's the double edged sword of being agresive sometimes it results is huge plays other times you get really burned. Personally I wished he had gone down but I can see what he was seeing too.

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It really is pointless to talk about something that cannot be changed anymore. Even more so to find out which play was dumber.

A win is a win. It happened. Move on.

Yep. I think Zibs was hurt on the play before the INT but stayed on the field the rest of the game. He may not be the best S in the league, but he is tough.

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It really is pointless to talk about something that cannot be changed anymore. Even more so to find out which play was dumber.

A win is a win. It happened. Move on.

Whatever you say boss. But this just a football forum and football forums often talk about coaching decisions.

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Not really, its more proof that, while a win is a win, there always corrections to be made, some of which however cant be made this season

When he's conservative, some aren't happy.

When he's agressive, some aren't happy.

That's all I was speaking to. No where did I say the coaching was perfect lol. Lord knows we are a work in progress.

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Not really, its more proof that, while a win is a win, there always corrections to be made, some of which however cant be made this season

or that some people will always feel the need to focus on the negative even coming off a win that gets a team to 7-4 on the season 5-1 at home and puts them in the drivers seat for the wildcard while their coach is out with cancer coming off a 2-14 season.

It's one thing to say hey things weren't perfect but as was pointed out in another thread we won today and did all those things I said before and yet just about every thread is focusing on a negative and seems to be the same people pushing their agendas that they like to push after every game.

Are the Colts perfect? Clearly no. Are they probably going to be one and done in the playoffs if they get there? Yes. With that said just the fact the Colts have a very good shot at going to playoffs after last year is remarkable. It's even remarkable when you factor in what happened with Pagano. A lot of teams would implode if they lost their coach. This extremely young Colts team has rallied around it and is having a magic season. There is nothing wrong with just enjoying that from time-to-time without feeling the need to point out every single negative thing that we can like some like to do.

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When he's conservative, some aren't happy.

When he's agressive, some aren't happy.

That's all I was speaking to. No where did I say the coaching was perfect lol. Lord knows we are a work in progress.

You have to be able to figure what is the better play . Ending the game on a completion or penalty , giving the Bills 1:40 and a timeout or giving them about 45 seconds with no timeouts. I'm of the opinion that it's a no brainer that you take 50 seconds off the clock and make them go the long field. You are just stating jibberish and making the assertion that I'm a complainer.

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What was dumber ? The Zibkowski stiff arm or Arians throwing (3rd down play) on that last drive ?

1.) Taking his hand off the ball and throwing the stiff arm speaks for tiself.

2.) Arians gives them a long field with no timeouts and about 50 seconds if he runs the ball. If the pass is incomplete , they have 1 timeout and around 1:40 left. The first is really a tough situation while the second is very doable.

Danged if you do... danged if you don't.. Had Zib stiffarmed dude into next year and scored he is the toast of the board...

But he fumbled.

Same for play calling late in games with a lead... run, too conservative... throw and make it.. GENIUS, throw and miss STUPID.

I'd rather be aggressive... and smart....

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You have to be able to figure what is the better play . Ending the game on a completion or penalty , giving the Bills 1:40 and a timeout or giving them about 45 seconds with no timeouts. I'm of the opinion that it's a no brainer that you take 50 seconds off the clock and make them go the long field. You are just stating jibberish and making the assertion that I'm a complainer.

It is all about how much confidence the staff has in their QB.

Luck has moved the chains all year.. he is clutch, and he keeps proving it game in game out. So he is not putting up Brady #'s? So what ... Just win baby. :td::blueshoe::thmup:

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You have to be able to figure what is the better play . Ending the game on a completion or penalty , giving the Bills 1:40 and a timeout or giving them about 45 seconds with no timeouts. I'm of the opinion that it's a no brainer that you take 50 seconds off the clock and make them go the long field. You are just stating jibberish and making the assertion that I'm a complainer.

Ummm no?

I was just making a joke. Hence the smiley face lol.

No need to take it personally. Apologies if I unintentionally offended you, but it was not my intent.

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or that some people will always feel the need to focus on the negative even coming off a win that gets a team to 7-4 on the season 5-1 at home and puts them in the drivers seat for the wildcard while their coach is out with cancer coming off a 2-14 season.

It's one thing to say hey things weren't perfect but as was pointed out in another thread we won today and did all those things I said before and yet just about every thread is focusing on a negative and seems to be the same people pushing their agendas that they like to push after every game.

Are the Colts perfect? Clearly no. Are they probably going to be one and done in the playoffs if they get there? Yes. With that said just the fact the Colts have a very good shot at going to playoffs after last year is remarkable. It's even remarkable when you factor in what happened with Pagano. A lot of teams would implode if they lost their coach. This extremely young Colts team has rallied around it and is having a magic season. There is nothing wrong with just enjoying that from time-to-time without feeling the need to point out every single negative thing that we can like some like to do.

The Zib play was completly ridiculous and if it could have cost the game. A player has to realize where the game was at that point in time. The Arians call was IMO a poor call that gave us a better chance to lose the game than if we just ran it. Just of the opinion that both were horrible decisions. Nothing more than that. I'm ver happy with our season and hope that this thread didn't spoil your Sunday .

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What was dumber ? The Zibkowski stiff arm or Arians throwing (3rd down play) on that last drive ?

1.) Taking his hand off the ball and throwing the stiff arm speaks for tiself.

2.) Arians gives them a long field with no timeouts and about 50 seconds if he runs the ball. If the pass is incomplete , they have 1 timeout and around 1:40 left. The first is really a tough situation while the second is very doable.

I liked the throw call....They were stacking against Donald Brown and I think our strength is a Andrew L..

as far as Tommy Z fumbling.......he got carried away..he should simply have gone down..but there a reason some guys play defense

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When he's conservative, some aren't happy.

When he's agressive, some aren't happy.

That's all I was speaking to. No where did I say the coaching was perfect lol. Lord knows we are a work in progress.

Many that pull the Conservative or Aggresssive card

1.Dont seem to understand ya cant just fling it down the field at will every game every down

2.Our O Line wont allow that and will continue to not allow that going forward

3.Arians already has done so much teams just expect it and wait for it

4.Dont understand that most of our wr's are inconsistent route runners and cant get open consistently

Football is not a wild west shootout most of the time, ya cant just walk out there draw your weapon or weapons at will and gun someone down, many time you have to be methodical about it, which is not as fun I admit but I get some sick enjoyment ig guess you can say about watching a team being dinked and dunked and ran on while the opposing team is powerless to stop it, it can still lead to ton of points to if everyone is on the same page

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The Zib play was completly ridiculous and if it could have cost the game. A player has to realize where the game was at that point in time. The Arians call was IMO a poor call that gave us a better chance to lose the game than if we just ran it. Just of the opinion that both were horrible decisions. Nothing more than that. I'm ver happy with our season and hope that this thread didn't spoil your Sunday .

If he breaks that tackle he's gone for a pick six. That's what he's thinking. As for the Arians play call again at the start of the year everyone complained that we were too conservative at the start of the season and here he is being agresive and people still compalin. You can't ask for them to be agresive then when they do it complain about it. Honestly some around here complain to complain at least that's how it seems and yes it does get a little bit old at times. It doesn't spoil my Sunday never said it did just as you were stating your view point on those calls I am just stating my view point about the amount of complaining that goes on around here for a team that is in all likely hood headed the playoffs after what has been an extremely remarkable season.
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or that some people will always feel the need to focus on the negative even coming off a win that gets a team to 7-4 on the season 5-1 at home and puts them in the drivers seat for the wildcard while their coach is out with cancer coming off a 2-14 season.

It's one thing to say hey things weren't perfect but as was pointed out in another thread we won today and did all those things I said before and yet just about every thread is focusing on a negative and seems to be the same people pushing their agendas that they like to push after every game.

Are the Colts perfect? Clearly no. Are they probably going to be one and done in the playoffs if they get there? Yes. With that said just the fact the Colts have a very good shot at going to playoffs after last year is remarkable. It's even remarkable when you factor in what happened with Pagano. A lot of teams would implode if they lost their coach. This extremely young Colts team has rallied around it and is having a magic season. There is nothing wrong with just enjoying that from time-to-time without feeling the need to point out every single negative thing that we can like some like to do.

So coaches who see corrections that have to be made even in a win, Coaches do the same thing fans do that are passionate about there team and football in general, it all comes with the territory in loving a team and a sport, I get your point and for the most part I agree, but can ya imagine if no one talked about the colts at all win or lose? some forums are like that Im sure, ya take the good with the bad just like were doing now
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So coaches who see corrections that have to be made even in a win, Coaches do the same thing fans do that are passionate about there team and football in general, it all comes with the territory in loving a team and a sport, I get your point and for the most part I agree, but can ya imagine if no one talked about the colts at all win or lose? some forums are like that Im sure, ya take the good with the bad just like were doing now

Oh stop with this passionte about there taem crud that's just another way of saying I am a better fan than someone else because I am hard on my team. That arguement is tired and old and is the go to card when someone is being overly harsh on their team. How harsh you are on the team or how many flaws you are willing to point out has nothing to do with how passionte you are. Again, people don't sign up for and become a regular poster on the Colts fan forum and call themself a Colts fan without being passionte for their team.

Yes this team has flaws I haven't seen one person say that this team is perfect. With that said flaws or not what the Colts have done this season has been nothing short of remarkable and there is nothing wrong with enjoying that without having to only highlight the negatives like some like to do.

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If he breaks that tackle he's gone for a pick six. That's what he's thinking. As for the Arians play call again at the start of the year everyone complained that we were too conservative at the start of the season and here he is being agresive and people still compalin. You can't ask for them to be agresive then when they do it complain about it. Honestly some around here complain to complain at least that's how it seems and yes it does get a little bit old at times. It doesn't spoil my Sunday never said it did just as you were stating your view point on those calls I am just stating my view point about the amount of complaining that goes on around here for a team that is in all likely hood headed the playoffs after what has been an extremely remarkable season.

I don't complain about anything around here. I was just making a point that these were two horrible decisions that could have cost us the game. I love Arians being aggresive but IMO that call gives the Bills a greater chance to win the game. I never even mentioned a batted ball int, , a strip sack a catch and a fumble.

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I don't complain about anything around here. I was just making a point that these were two horrible decisions that could have cost us the game. I love Arians being aggresive but IMO that call gives the Bills a greater chance to win the game. I never even mentioned a batted ball int, , a strip sack a catch and a fumble.

They were not horriable decisions. A horriable decision is something like going for it on 4th and 2 from your own 28 while leading the game. Frankly what Arians did today worked and is exactly what people (even if it wasn't you) were calling for them to do earlier in the year. Now they are doing it and yet people are still not happy.

The fumble yes he should have gone down but I could see what he's thinking. Great hustle play by the Bills there. If Zibs breaks that tackle though it's a pick six. Again not a horrible decision. Just a bad break. Yes it could have been avoided but if you want your team to be agressive plays like that are going to happen now and then.

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You can please some of the fans all the time and all the fans some of the time but you can't please all the fans all the time

I am thrilled we are 7-4 . I just thought those were two very lame plays and wanted to know what others thought.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 25, 2012 - responding to edited post
Hidden by Nadine, November 25, 2012 - responding to edited post

Some of you are very child like. I am thrilled we are 7-4 . I just thought those were two very lame plays and wanted to know what others thought.


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They were not horriable decisions. A horriable decision is something like going for it on 4th and 2 from your own 28 while leading the game. Frankly what Arians did today worked and is exactly what people (even if it wasn't you) were calling for them to do earlier in the year. Now they are doing it and yet people are still not happy.

The fumble yes he should have gone down but I could see what he's thinking. Great hustle play by the Bills there. If Zibs breaks that tackle though it's a pick six. Again not a horrible decision. Just a bad break. Yes it could have been avoided but if you want your team to be agressive plays like that are going to happen now and then.

Fine Also what people were complaining about earlier was thrying to run the clock out with 3-4 minutes in the game. This was a whole lot different than that. I was calling Arains to call for pases earlier in the drive.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 25, 2012 - reply to removed post
Hidden by Nadine, November 25, 2012 - reply to removed post

Fine at least you give an opinion instead of continuing that ridiculous tirade that I'm "complaining."

I gave my opinion on this subject before that the post I made about PEOPLE complaining and it wasn't in response to you in fact it was quoting another poster and speaking generally to people and never mentioned you at all. No need to try to make this personal just because you don't have to happen to like my opinion that some around here (again not saying you) are overly harsh on this team in multipal threads.
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I gave my opinion on this subject before that the post I made about PEOPLE complaining and it wasn't in response to you in fact it was quoting another poster and speaking generally to people and never mentioned you at all. No need to try to make this personal just because you don't have to happen to like my opinion that some around here (again not saying you) are overly harsh on this team in multipal threads.

For the record...

It is my opinion that

1) Luck is incredible

2) The team get's an A+ for effort and execution in the first 11 games. The schedule has been favorable but a rookie QB on a cap strapped 2-14 team figures out to maybe 3-8 not 7-4.

3) Arians and the rest of the coaching staff have done great (another A+) considering the talent level and losing the head coach.

That said I thought the two plays were worth talking about without all the complaining talk directed at me. When there are posts that pretty much say "people are never happy" , one would think that I would be included in that mix of people.

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For the record...

It is my opinion that

1) Luck is incredible

2) The team get's an A+ for effort and execution in the first 11 games. The schedule has been favorable but a rookie QB on a cap strapped 2-14 team figures out to maybe 3-8 not 7-4.

3) Arians and the rest of the coaching staff have done great (another A+) considering the talent level and losing the head coach.

That said I thought the two plays were worth talking about without all the complaining talk directed at me. When there are posts that pretty much say "people are never happy" , one would think that I would be included in that mix of people.

Sorry if my first response was insufficient, but it was;

A) Not directed at you.

B) A joke.

No need to take it so personally lol.

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For the record...

It is my opinion that

1) Luck is incredible

2) The team get's an A+ for effort and execution in the first 11 games. The schedule has been favorable but a rookie QB on a cap strapped 2-14 team figures out to maybe 3-8 not 7-4.

3) Arians and the rest of the coaching staff have done great (another A+) considering the talent level and losing the head coach.

That said I thought the two plays were worth talking about without all the complaining talk directed at me. When there are posts that pretty much say "people are never happy" , one would think that I would be included in that mix of people.

keyword PEOPLE IE I am not talking about you it's a general comment. If you want to include yourself in that list of people well that's on you. If you know you aren't one of those that likes to complain about everything then you know that wasn't directed at you.
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keyword PEOPLE IE I am not talking about you it's a general comment. If you want to include yourself in that list of people well that's on you. If you know you aren't one of those that likes to complain about everything then you know that wasn't directed at you.

Kind of me responding to your post by say that there are a lot of stupid jerks on this board and then saying if the shoe fits , wear it. But really whats the difference if you think Im a complainer or if I think you are a jerk ? Not saying that either is the case but even if true silly to carry it on .

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Kind of me responding to your post by say that there are a lot of stupid jerks on this board and then saying if the shoe fits , wear it. But really whats the difference if you think Im a complainer or if I think you are a jerk ? Not saying that either is the case but even if true silly to carry it on .

I never said you were a complainer...

In fact I keep telling you that comment wasn't directed at you...

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