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Unsung Hero award


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My vote goes to coach manusky so far. Switching to a 3-4 alone was a tall order but getting guys to buy in and perform is an accomplishment in itself. My hat goes off to him for hanging in games a allowing our offense to make plays. It has not been pretty at times but he's getting it done. Have not herd him get much credit. Keep up the good work. Let us celebrate some player/coaches making a difference.

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I personally don't think he deserves very much credit. There have been a couple of good performances, maybe a good half here and there, but overall, the defense has been the definition of average. That's better than god awful, so I guess that's something. But our defense still has a long way to go. Health will likely make a difference; if we can ever get our top five defenders all on the field at the same time, at 100%, maybe we'll start performing better.

But it's been a month since we've forced a turnover. The last four quarterbacks we've played have been mediocre at best, and we've allowed a 63% completion rate against them, and given up 20 points per game. We're slowly getting better on third down, but we're still giving up too many yards per play. The defense has a long way to go.

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Unsung Hero well three jump out to me:

Moala who has been much better now that he is back at his 3-4 end spot vs. the DT the Colts had him at before.

Fokou. He's not the best linebacker we have but he's been very solid when he's played and frankly was worth Kevin Thomas that we gave up for him.

Arians. Okay he's sung a bit but frankly people went into panic mood when he took over and were very harsh on him after the first three games. I don't think many people saw us being 4-1 under him after five games.

okay I lied I have a fourth.

Butler came in and played very well in his first action with the Colts. Honestly after Powers went down the Colts corners seemed to get better without their top two guys out there but then again come to think of it Tannelhill started playing like a rookie towards the end of the game so that might have been more of the factor.

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Moala - way better in the 3-4 and playing solidly all season.

Fokou - Very solid at ILB

Hilton - Terrific security blanket receiver, will be even better when he can sort some of his drops out.

Allen - Excellent receiver and great blocker, played excellently all season.

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Justin Hickman

Guy has proven to be an asset as a pass rusher. He had a couple of plays where he man-handled Jake Long yesterday. He could turn into something major for us down the line (he's only 27.) Hickman is another former CFL standout that Grigson picked up. I'm really liking our GM more and more with every game that goes by. He nailed his 1st draft, has made some solid trades (Justice, Fokou, Vaugn) and has found a couple of diamonds in the rough already in Freeman and Hickman.

I guess, our ultimate unsung heroe is Grigson, so far

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