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Irsay tweets Pagano Update


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Im not trying to be cliche or joking, but in all seriousness, a very demoralizing loss like this puts everyone in a bad mood/state, which isn't good for Chuck's health.

Just a theory, and I haven't thought about it too much, but perhaps the Colts need to play well so that Chuck can get healthier quicker.

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Andy, as a survivor of a life threatening illness, (Hep C, liver disease from the Hep C, a liver transplant, plus the treatment for Hep C..interferon treatments..2 different times for over 2 years total), I can honestly say that football was the least of my worries, during the time I was really ill. You have to realize, that football season, and the Colts were, at the time, one of my highest priorities..I lived the ups and downs, would get really upset when they lost, and jump for joy when they won..Football was so important to me...Then, I found out I was dying...That put a whole new perspective on life for me, one that I never dreamed would ever happen. I was literally laying around, praying that I could get a liver, but also realizing that someone had to die, so that I could live. That was the hardest part of the journey to deal with. And I honor the donor and pray for his/her family, by trying to take care of myself, because the donor, to me, is still not gone. He/she lives inside me....I was given this gift for a reason..and I want him/her to continue to live as well..

I was in the ICU when the Colts went to San Diego for the first round playoff in 2009..I made sure that I could watch the game, even though I was having transfusions, and bleeding internally. (for the 4th time in 2 months) Sure, I was a little sad when they lost, but it was no longer as important to me. The main focus was to continue to fight, do what the doctors and nurses told me to do, and try to keep a positive attitude. What was the biggest help, at least for me and for others that I got to meet and share similar experiences, was the love and support of my friends, family and co-workers. Just a little note, or email from someone, knowing that I was in their thoughts and prayers, was more of a pick-me-up, that anything else. I still have a lot of issues, due to the fact that for the rest of my life, I have to take anti rejection pills, which lower my immunity and make my very susceptible to anything that is going around, (aka, flu's etc) but I will get through this as well..

The other thing that really helped me get through so far, was comedy. I would watch tapes and CD's of comedians, like Jeff Dunham, and during that time I watched them, it was as if I wasn't ill. People say laughter is the best medicine, and from experience, it really is. I put Walter the puppet as my avatar, to honor those comedians, that helped me through the wait for a transplant, that kept my spirits up, and helped me survive a frightening experience. Coach needs a distraction like that, to help keep his mind off of the ordeal, if only for a brief time.

I do realize that Coach's life is around football, coaching, playing, etc...and its more important than it was for me only being a fan. However, I do believe that his focus is on getting better, beating down the disease, and having the faith and strength of will to get through this situation. And having fans like we have in the forum, (as seen by the many posts of well wishes and keeping him and his family in our thoughts and prayers), will do more for Coach than any of us can imagine. Treatment isn't always going to be easy, and he has a long road ahead of him. Just keep him and his family close to your heart, and continue to give them the love and support as much as we can..Together, with all of our Colts family, and people from around the world who know of Coach's fight, I'm confident that he will beat this disease, and live a long life.

I understand your thoughts behind your post, and It does have some merit. But even though football has always been a big part of Coach's life, his life has now changed in a different direction for the time being. Its up to the rest of us now, to continue to support him through this fight.


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I know people were asking about him last week so here is the latest update from Irsay on Twitter.

"Coach C doing ok but had really difficult week...he's gonna have some improvement this week...nothing unexpected has happened, just long road."

He may never be back coaching ......... I wish him well...

I know that millions get cancer

But this is such an unfair thing for him...at this point in his coaching career...when he achieved what I assume was a life's goal.

It makes me angry..to be honest...

As meaningless as I know it is.......I just hope his team wins for him...knowing he's watching..

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I've been lucky.... almost no one in my family has suffered from Cancer. But, it's just a matter of time and numbers. It will happen.

But I've heard/read that chemo is almost like being poisoned.... the doctors are trying to kill the cancer and while they do that they come close to nearly killing you. If true, that sounds as terrible as anyone might ever imagine.

I'm not surprised Coach had a bad week, and I mean far beyond his team losing a game badly. I mean a BAD WEEK.

Unfortunately, there are going to be a few more bad, bad weeks before they start to get slowly get better.

Thoughts and prayers to Coach Pagano and his family.... tough times ahead....

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Andy, as a survivor of a life threatening illness, (Hep C, liver disease from the Hep C, a liver transplant, plus the treatment for Hep C..interferon treatments..2 different times for over 2 years total), I can honestly say that football was the least of my worries, during the time I was really ill. You have to realize, that football season, and the Colts were, at the time, one of my highest priorities..I lived the ups and downs, would get really upset when they lost, and jump for joy when they won..Football was so important to me...Then, I found out I was dying...That put a whole new perspective on life for me, one that I never dreamed would ever happen. I was literally laying around, praying that I could get a liver, but also realizing that someone had to die, so that I could live. That was the hardest part of the journey to deal with. And I honor the donor and pray for his/her family, by trying to take care of myself, because the donor, to me, is still not gone. He/she lives inside me....I was given this gift for a reason..and I want him/her to continue to live as well.............


I salute you. First, thank you for taking the time to put all this down so we could share it, but also to thank you for saying what I felt, that what Chuck needs, is strength and hope, and it is love from people who give that.

I honor what you went through, I faced a month of Hep A and I it truly felt like I was dying. I can only attempt to imagine what you faced. Glad you are still here with us. Hoping Chuck will remain as well.

Go Colts!

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Andy, as a survivor of a life threatening illness, (Hep C, liver disease from the Hep C, a liver transplant, plus the treatment for Hep C..interferon treatments..2 different times for over 2 years total), I can honestly say that football was the least of my worries, during the time I was really ill. You have to realize, that football season, and the Colts were, at the time, one of my highest priorities..I lived the ups and downs, would get really upset when they lost, and jump for joy when they won..Football was so important to me...Then, I found out I was dying...That put a whole new perspective on life for me, one that I never dreamed would ever happen. I was literally laying around, praying that I could get a liver, but also realizing that someone had to die, so that I could live. That was the hardest part of the journey to deal with. And I honor the donor and pray for his/her family, by trying to take care of myself, because the donor, to me, is still not gone. He/she lives inside me....I was given this gift for a reason..and I want him/her to continue to live as well..

I was in the ICU when the Colts went to San Diego for the first round playoff in 2009..I made sure that I could watch the game, even though I was having transfusions, and bleeding internally. (for the 4th time in 2 months) Sure, I was a little sad when they lost, but it was no longer as important to me. The main focus was to continue to fight, do what the doctors and nurses told me to do, and try to keep a positive attitude. What was the biggest help, at least for me and for others that I got to meet and share similar experiences, was the love and support of my friends, family and co-workers. Just a little note, or email from someone, knowing that I was in their thoughts and prayers, was more of a pick-me-up, that anything else. I still have a lot of issues, due to the fact that for the rest of my life, I have to take anti rejection pills, which lower my immunity and make my very susceptible to anything that is going around, (aka, flu's etc) but I will get through this as well..

The other thing that really helped me get through so far, was comedy. I would watch tapes and CD's of comedians, like Jeff Dunham, and during that time I watched them, it was as if I wasn't ill. People say laughter is the best medicine, and from experience, it really is. I put Walter the puppet as my avatar, to honor those comedians, that helped me through the wait for a transplant, that kept my spirits up, and helped me survive a frightening experience. Coach needs a distraction like that, to help keep his mind off of the ordeal, if only for a brief time.

I do realize that Coach's life is around football, coaching, playing, etc...and its more important than it was for me only being a fan. However, I do believe that his focus is on getting better, beating down the disease, and having the faith and strength of will to get through this situation. And having fans like we have in the forum, (as seen by the many posts of well wishes and keeping him and his family in our thoughts and prayers), will do more for Coach than any of us can imagine. Treatment isn't always going to be easy, and he has a long road ahead of him. Just keep him and his family close to your heart, and continue to give them the love and support as much as we can..Together, with all of our Colts family, and people from around the world who know of Coach's fight, I'm confident that he will beat this disease, and live a long life.

I understand your thoughts behind your post, and It does have some merit. But even though football has always been a big part of Coach's life, his life has now changed in a different direction for the time being. Its up to the rest of us now, to continue to support him through this fight.


Bless you for sharing your story. You are one of the few to fight and win. Now you see life in a whole new perspective. There are many more important things in life than football of course, but it is a good get away from the reality of any struggle or whatever may be going on in a persons life. We get to put all that on hold and just live in the moment hoping for a touch down or a well delivered punch line or an awesome drum solo. It's the little perfect moments that make life so special. Keep on sharing your message and stay well.

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This is the part where I really like Irsay's tweets.

Cancer is a very serious thing, my father is now in remission from stage 4 throat cancer and it changes your whole outlook on life.

You also learn to appreciate the great things in your life. For Pagano, I think he will love coaching even more after he beats this.


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He may never be back coaching ......... I wish him well...

I know that millions get cancer

But this is such an unfair thing for him...at this point in his coaching career...when he achieved what I assume was a life's goal.

It makes me angry..to be honest...

As meaningless as I know it is.......I just hope his team wins for him...knowing he's watching..

Agree 100% being in football so long then given a HC job just to have it snatched away has to be hard.Minus the fight for his life Colts need to step it up leave it all on the field for chuck.God Bless Chuck
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