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what about that TD pass to Hilton


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THAT was a very, very good pass. THAT was the pass I wanted/expected to see to Reggie Wayne the week before.

That pass had many, many more RPM's on it.... no DB was going to be able to race over and knock it down.

THAT was much more the Andrew Luck I watched for the past 3 years!

You'll see many more passes like that in the years to come..... :thmup:

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That happened right in front of our section.

We went bananas.

haha that was awesome.. I live in Southern California and just watching it on TV and seeing the view from behind him when he was doing his "T.Y" celebration (which was awesome, TO who?!?!?!) and the fan's reaction right there had me fired up!... wish i was there

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Avery moves to #2. Hilton in the Slot (Dangerous with his Speed), Brazill or Adams will be #4.

I'm liking our WR Core even without Collie (Sad that he's Gone)

Now if we can get our O-line up to speed, we'll be Fine

Avery was the number two on Sunday guys. Collie was splitting time with Hilton on Sunday as the number three WR.
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Oh, sorry. I didn't get the Game in my Area

It's cool I just wanted to point Avery is already the starter lol. Pretty much our receiving core remains unchanged because they were just starting to figure out how to get Collie back into the mix last week so it'll go back to Wayne and Avery as the starters. Hilton the number three with Adams and Brazil battling it out for the number four spot in practice which right now is going to Adams.
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