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Practice Squad


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I am always impressed with the knowledge on this forum so I thought I would ask a question about the practice squad as opposed to trying to figure it out on my own.


We have a UDFA Dalton Tucker on the OL (Guard Tackle) Currently listed as 3rd team behind Q and Stills. He is my nephew-in-law and a great young man. He is a good OL with a lot of flexibility or otherwise the Colts would not have signed him. However would be a very long shot to make the team at this time due to the returning player and two OL draft picks.  The question is how many OL do we normally keep on the Practice Squad and what are the criteria? In all my years of following the Colts have just not paid attention to the details. If it came down to Stills or Dalton for the PS is Stills or Pinter eligible and would you put a more veteran player on the PS or would you prefer a younger player assuming you thought he could develop? Pay-wise do all PS players get the same? I also understand that PS players attend home games on the sidelines and practice with the team since they are designated as practice squad. Any information is appreciated as I will be following this aspect a lot closer this fall.

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The criteria is the Colts want to keep you but you’re a fringe player. It all comes down to how much the Colts like your nephew. He could surprise and if he does they may not want to put him on the PS out of fear of losing him to another team. The good thing is the Colts love their oline players, and will keep lower level draft picks/UDFA lineman over other positions. There’s quite a few later round guys the colts have kept on that have shown to be pretty good level guys with bright futures. 

there’s not really any criteria for being signed to the PS other than they want to see how much better a guy can get over there. 

most of the time, an older guy is either ineligible for the PS because of how many games he’s started, or it’s not worth it because you see what the guy is over what he can become (as he’s been in the league a while).


odds are the younger guy gets signed to the ps over the older guy. 

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I would also say that part of the criteria for being put on the practice squad is: how much need is there for the Colts to have someone in that position on the practice squad?  If they have 10 O-linemen fully healthy, starters and backups, then there's little need for a backup swing tackle on the practice squad.  But if they have a rash of injuries, then the need is greater.

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On 6/29/2024 at 9:43 AM, JMichael557 said:

I am always impressed with the knowledge on this forum so I thought I would ask a question about the practice squad as opposed to trying to figure it out on my own.


We have a UDFA Dalton Tucker on the OL (Guard Tackle) Currently listed as 3rd team behind Q and Stills. He is my nephew-in-law and a great young man. He is a good OL with a lot of flexibility or otherwise the Colts would not have signed him. However would be a very long shot to make the team at this time due to the returning player and two OL draft picks.  The question is how many OL do we normally keep on the Practice Squad and what are the criteria? In all my years of following the Colts have just not paid attention to the details. If it came down to Stills or Dalton for the PS is Stills or Pinter eligible and would you put a more veteran player on the PS or would you prefer a younger player assuming you thought he could develop? Pay-wise do all PS players get the same? I also understand that PS players attend home games on the sidelines and practice with the team since they are designated as practice squad. Any information is appreciated as I will be following this aspect a lot closer this fall.

The biggest thing your nephew can do for now is: stay healthy, keep training and prepare for training camp. Availability is one of the most important aspects for an NFL player. 

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On 6/29/2024 at 6:43 AM, JMichael557 said:

I am always impressed with the knowledge on this forum so I thought I would ask a question about the practice squad as opposed to trying to figure it out on my own.


We have a UDFA Dalton Tucker on the OL (Guard Tackle) Currently listed as 3rd team behind Q and Stills. He is my nephew-in-law and a great young man. He is a good OL with a lot of flexibility or otherwise the Colts would not have signed him. However would be a very long shot to make the team at this time due to the returning player and two OL draft picks.  The question is how many OL do we normally keep on the Practice Squad and what are the criteria? In all my years of following the Colts have just not paid attention to the details. If it came down to Stills or Dalton for the PS is Stills or Pinter eligible and would you put a more veteran player on the PS or would you prefer a younger player assuming you thought he could develop? Pay-wise do all PS players get the same? I also understand that PS players attend home games on the sidelines and practice with the team since they are designated as practice squad. Any information is appreciated as I will be following this aspect a lot closer this fall.


Pretty much every position group shows up on the practice squad.  The team likes to have a player available at each group to cover for an unexpected rash of injuries. 

Some of the groups have at least two players and I think O-line is usually one of those.

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On 6/29/2024 at 9:43 AM, JMichael557 said:

I am always impressed with the knowledge on this forum so I thought I would ask a question about the practice squad as opposed to trying to figure it out on my own.


We have a UDFA Dalton Tucker on the OL (Guard Tackle) Currently listed as 3rd team behind Q and Stills. He is my nephew-in-law and a great young man. He is a good OL with a lot of flexibility or otherwise the Colts would not have signed him. However would be a very long shot to make the team at this time due to the returning player and two OL draft picks.  The question is how many OL do we normally keep on the Practice Squad and what are the criteria? In all my years of following the Colts have just not paid attention to the details. If it came down to Stills or Dalton for the PS is Stills or Pinter eligible and would you put a more veteran player on the PS or would you prefer a younger player assuming you thought he could develop? Pay-wise do all PS players get the same? I also understand that PS players attend home games on the sidelines and practice with the team since they are designated as practice squad. Any information is appreciated as I will be following this aspect a lot closer this fall.

Thanks for posting and letting us know.

Hopefully he can stay healthy, impress the coaches, and see some action on Sundays.

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On 6/29/2024 at 9:49 AM, Indianapolis-Colts-Fan said:

The criteria is the Colts want to keep you but you’re a fringe player. It all comes down to how much the Colts like your nephew. He could surprise and if he does they may not want to put him on the PS out of fear of losing him to another team. The good thing is the Colts love their oline players, and will keep lower level draft picks/UDFA lineman over other positions. There’s quite a few later round guys the colts have kept on that have shown to be pretty good level guys with bright futures. 

there’s not really any criteria for being signed to the PS other than they want to see how much better a guy can get over there. 

most of the time, an older guy is either ineligible for the PS because of how many games he’s started, or it’s not worth it because you see what the guy is over what he can become (as he’s been in the league a while).


odds are the younger guy gets signed to the ps over the older guy. 

One correction here.  The NFL has loosened the restrictions on veterans.  Six of the players have zero restrictions on how many NFL games a player has accrued. 

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