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Cory Redding Reaches Deal With Colts


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1. Colston took less because of injuries & to stay home. I don't think IMO people were going to pay him like that! Also a good agent would know the market. Heck Garcon turned down a contract with us, that HAD to tell him the market was at least that.

So Garcon got a good contract, but Colston couldn't have waited 24 hours and gotten more? Have you looked at how much money the other receivers have been getting? He could have gotten more.

2. You are Talking about the OLD Wash. regime, You have already stated Allen is a good GM.

But they're still doing the same silly things they've always done. I think Bruce Allen is a good GM, but that doesn't mean his decisions are above reproach. The RGIII trade is very high risk, and so is the Garcon signing. If the thinking is that Garcon is a good deep receiver, and RGIII throws a good deep ball, I saw a stat yesterday suggesting that that might be misguided. Garcon only catches about 15% of the balls he's thrown deep, so it's arguable that he's NOT a good deep receiver. He's fast, but he doesn't have the size guys like Vincent Jackson and Colston have, and he's not as explosive as Desean Jackson. The RGIII to Garcon Express might not even make it out of the station.

By the way, Polian was a good GM, but he made mistakes. Sometimes, the bloom falls off the rose.

And again, there's no indication that the Colts aren't as good a destination as the Redskins. You think Garcon would be itching to play with RGIII, but not Luck?

Come on, HSH. He left for the money. Everyone sees it.

3. Heres the pros & cons as I see it regarding Bucs & most teams as compared to the Colts.

Bucs, have a good QB, A good running back, picking high in the draft, you said it gobs of cap space, they had a good OL, NOW a very good OL a nice receiver & TE, very talented young players on defense a stud CB, Dombrsaki a talented football guy as a GM,an fine weather & night life.New head coach from Rutgers who has been a Head coach before & is respected. They haven't been to the playoffs, in awhile, but I think MOST would say they are a team on the rise.

I like how you hid the "gobs of cap space" in there. "Gobs of cap space" equals MONEY. The overriding factor. Carl Nicks said expressly that his objective was to be the highest paid guard in the NFL. He never mentioned playing for a good quarterback, going to a team with good draft position, playing in good weather, etc. He said he wanted to be paid, and now he is. That's the bottom line. If he was concerned with the state of the franchise, he'd have stayed in New Orleans.

Oh, and add another money-chaser to the mix, now that Laurent Robinson has signed with the Jaguars for big money. Now preach the Jaguars up as being a better destination than the Colts.

Colts, have no QB right now

Again, you're giving the Redskins credit for RGIII, but you're not giving the Colts credit for Luck?

no back up QB right now, OL is HORRIBLE, WR core in flux, no TE to speck of, RB who knows A Head coach who has NEVER been a head coach, A GM who most have never heard of will see, a sieve of a defense other than Bethea, Mathis, Nevis, Powers, Freeney if he stays, & maybe Angerger. Which is going to a new scheme, We may draft Luck, who knows after that, & a slightly crazy owner. I have been a Colts fan back to the early 70's I have seen FIRST HAND when Irsay gets involved & most of the time there was MANY bad moves. Its cold &not much night life for young player. The Tradition we have & playoffs etc, went out the door with Peyton & Pollian. The Colts are no where near the playoffs & a team in decline.

You can pretend that the Colts roster as it stands now is what it's going to be in six months, but it's better to acknowledge that, while the roster is in flux, we're not as bereft of talent as people make us out to be. We signed a coach and GM with a great reputation, and even though they're new, the blueprint we're following is very similar to other teams who have retooled their franchise and gotten right back into contention. Like the Falcons, for instance.

As for Irsay, all he's done is fire his GM and hire a new one. Then he allowed his new GM to fire the head coach and hire a new one. He was involved in the Manning decision because it was his $28 million, and he'll be involved in the decision to draft Andrew Luck. He was involved in those decisions because they're big picture, and he's the owner. He was also involved in the decision to hire Polian, draft Manning, re-sign him to record contracts twice, and the decision to hire Tony Dungy. You're acting like he's running the draft or something.

As for us being in decline, that's not true. What goes up must come down. Since we just went 2-14, we might as well not be holding onto the seven straight years of 12 win seasons, or the nine consecutive playoff appearances. We might as well accept the fact that we need to overhaul the roster, and make significant steps in that regard. That's what the moves are about, and, IMO, they are the right moves. If that was Irsay's decision, it was the right one. And if his guys do it right, we can be back in contention in a season. It's not unprecedented. Again, I point you to the Falcons.

I don't get why people are so down on the state of the franchise. We're actually not in bad shape, big picture.

4. Williams will leave Buffalo without a contract, mark my words, Money is nice at first, especially for a guy why didn't get payed say like Nicks who had to wait 2 years to be a free agent. OH and I said Nicks did follow the money. Williams got paid frist RD money already, he wants money, but I think he wants to win more. Buffalo SHOWED HIM THE MONEY, he wants to know how they are going to WIN! They are still tring to show them how they are in a tough division.

He's been there since yesterday; he'll be there til tomorrow, at least. He's taking them seriously, and that's the point. If it wasn't about the money, he wouldn't have taken their call. Unless you're going to preach the Bills up.

I'm not trying to paint NFL players as being greedy money-grubbers. But they realize that NFL stands for Not For Long, so they grab whatever they can when they can grab it. In most cases. Some will leave money on the table for what they think is a better situation for them, especially when they're older and thinking more about their quality of life than their bank account. But overall, it comes down to what team is offering the most.

And my point is really that the Colts aren't in such poor shape that no one wants anything to do with them. I think the Redding signing proves that really well.

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Your notion needs to be proved. I'm not interested in disproving it anymore than I already have. History shows that NFL free agents follow the money, to good teams, bad teams, teams in between, teams with history of poor management, etc.

It's about the money, and that's actually a good reason to be reserved in free agency. Look at the Garcon contract and how the Redskins had to overpay to get him. And that's the Redskins, one of the most dysfunctional teams in the NFL.

Now, we sign a key free agent to a sensible contract, and now your "no free agents want to go to the Colts" idea becomes conditional. It never had any sound foundation, and the Redding signing is just further evidence that it's not true.

I don't think anyone thinks we can't sign anyone or even good players but I think what people are believing is that it will be more difficult to sign big name FA without overpaying. Other than money Indy won't have as much to offer players until we show we are back to a winning organization. I like this signing but it is hardly earth shattering. Redding wasn't even on many TOP 50 FA lists. Good deal but time will tell if we can attract premiere FA without over paying. In the past this is something that has always occured. At least the new stadium and stimulus that Peyton and the Colts success has given us a better shot than we once had...but having a proven winner and leader like Peyton or Ray Lewis or coach like Andy Reid or Tomlin or Belichek gives other teams a leg up. We can over come it...and hopefully Luck leads us back there.
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i agree got to have overpowering lines to win

With the NEW NFL you have to win at the line of scrimmage. If you can't pressure a qb there is no defense and no corners in the league that can stop an offense with even simply an adequate passing game. Look at the Eagles vaunted secondary last year. Didn't matter because they got gashed by not just the run but pass too. Even the Jets can't stop the passing game when they get no pass rush. The Giants weren't even a playoff team until both the defensive and offensive lines got healthy....no better point can be made. Elite offensive teams like NO and New England had o lines that gave their qb time and defenses like 49ers and Giants nutrialized that by having pass rushers.
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I don't think anyone thinks we can't sign anyone or even good players but I think what people are believing is that it will be more difficult to sign big name FA without overpaying. Other than money Indy won't have as much to offer players until we show we are back to a winning organization. I like this signing but it is hardly earth shattering. Redding wasn't even on many TOP 50 FA lists. Good deal but time will tell if we can attract premiere FA without over paying. In the past this is something that has always occured. At least the new stadium and stimulus that Peyton and the Colts success has given us a better shot than we once had...but having a proven winner and leader like Peyton or Ray Lewis or coach like Andy Reid or Tomlin or Belichek gives other teams a leg up. We can over come it...and hopefully Luck leads us back there.

For the most part, you always overpay in free agency, especially in the first two or three days when the big names go. I don't get why you say that we could always attract premiere free agents in the past; we never played free agency. Biggest free agent we ever signed was probably Adam Vinatieri.

And no, the Redding signing isn't going to right the course in and of itself. And I really don't mean to make a big deal about it. But people have spent the last week pretending like the very idea of a free agent coming to Indy is as absurd as God going to a BBQ in he-ll. I never understood it, and the Redding signing proves that it isn't true.

Now, we just went 2-14. We've got a lot of work to do. I'm not pretending that players are itching to come play for the Colts. I'm just saying that NFL free agents follow the money, and if we have cap space, we'll be able to sign free agents when we want to.

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For the most part, you always overpay in free agency, especially in the first two or three days when the big names go. I don't get why you say that we could always attract premiere free agents in the past; we never played free agency. Biggest free agent we ever signed was probably Adam Vinatieri.

And no, the Redding signing isn't going to right the course in and of itself. And I really don't mean to make a big deal about it. But people have spent the last week pretending like the very idea of a free agent coming to Indy is as absurd as God going to a BBQ in he-ll. I never understood it, and the Redding signing proves that it isn't true.

Now, we just went 2-14. We've got a lot of work to do. I'm not pretending that players are itching to come play for the Colts. I'm just saying that NFL free agents follow the money, and if we have cap space, we'll be able to sign free agents when we want to.

I think what most people think is that we have no leverage other than money to convince people to sign with us. I agree we never really tried (that I am aware of ) to sign many top notch FA. Sometimes when the money is equal teams can lean on things to help convince people to come there. Sometimes its being a contender, having a franchise qb, having a great coach, being in a big market where you can get lots more endorsements, some times its the weather or night life, facilities and so on. We used to have some of those things when we had the new stadium and dungy and peyton and our success but now we have to rebuild our image. Our image now without Peyton...is a losing franchise. We were before and we were last year. FA still go to those franchises but if you want an advantage other than money..well we don't have many of those so I think that is what we are saying. Interesting Polian always built through the draft I think it would be nice to see us be active in FA for known comodities also.
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I think what most people think is that we have no leverage other than money to convince people to sign with us. I agree we never really tried (that I am aware of ) to sign many top notch FA. Sometimes when the money is equal teams can lean on things to help convince people to come there. Sometimes its being a contender, having a franchise qb, having a great coach, being in a big market where you can get lots more endorsements, some times its the weather or night life, facilities and so on. We used to have some of those things when we had the new stadium and dungy and peyton and our success but now we have to rebuild our image. Our image now without Peyton...is a losing franchise. We were before and we were last year. FA still go to those franchises but if you want an advantage other than money..well we don't have many of those so I think that is what we are saying. Interesting Polian always built through the draft I think it would be nice to see us be active in FA for known comodities also.

Even if our image without Peyton is that of a losing franchise (which I think is a little more pessimistic than how I feel, but I get why you say that), that still doesn't preclude us from being able to lure free agents. It's obvious from looking at free agent signings over the last decade that free agents do in fact sign with bad teams, even teams that are perennial door mats, even teams with awful management (usually the teams overspending in free agency), and so on.

We still have a new, state of the art stadium, if a player cares about such things.

Advantages other than money don't usually come into play. I'd love to hear about the advantages the Bills offered Mario Williams. I believe they begin and end with cap space they had and a willingness to drop $50 million in his bank account. All things being equal, it's all about the money. And all things not being equal, it's still mostly about the money.

I was never interested in seeing the Colts spend a bunch of money in free agency, like other teams do. But there have been several key players that we could have made bids on that would have worked in our favor. We always valued our own free agents more than those from other teams, and I get why. But the potential flaws in that were really exposed the last couple of years as we overpaid guys like Gary Brackett and Joseph Addai instead of getting better players in free agency for the same price, or less (Will Witherspoon, Donte Whitner). And now, Addai and Brackett are gone. So Polian kind of messed up with his rigid philosophy at times.

That's why I really like the Redding deal. He's a veteran with accomplishments who can play an integral role as we overhaul our defense, and he came at a good and safe price. If he doesn't pan out, we didn't pay much money and can release him with minimal impact. But he should pan out, and should play at a high level for the life of his contract. I like the Justice trade for many of the same reasons. But mostly, those moves signal that our front office doesn't adhere to one rigid philosophy on how to build a team. They'll attack this thing from whatever angle makes the most sense, in order to add talent and get better.

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Even if our image without Peyton is that of a losing franchise (which I think is a little more pessimistic than how I feel, but I get why you say that), that still doesn't preclude us from being able to lure free agents. It's obvious from looking at free agent signings over the last decade that free agents do in fact sign with bad teams, even teams that are perennial door mats, even teams with awful management (usually the teams overspending in free agency), and so on.

We still have a new, state of the art stadium, if a player cares about such things.

Advantages other than money don't usually come into play. I'd love to hear about the advantages the Bills offered Mario Williams. I believe they begin and end with cap space they had and a willingness to drop $50 million in his bank account. All things being equal, it's all about the money. And all things not being equal, it's still mostly about the money.

I was never interested in seeing the Colts spend a bunch of money in free agency, like other teams do. But there have been several key players that we could have made bids on that would have worked in our favor. We always valued our own free agents more than those from other teams, and I get why. But the potential flaws in that were really exposed the last couple of years as we overpaid guys like Gary Brackett and Joseph Addai instead of getting better players in free agency for the same price, or less (Will Witherspoon, Donte Whitner). And now, Addai and Brackett are gone. So Polian kind of messed up with his rigid philosophy at times.

That's why I really like the Redding deal. He's a veteran with accomplishments who can play an integral role as we overhaul our defense, and he came at a good and safe price. If he doesn't pan out, we didn't pay much money and can release him with minimal impact. But he should pan out, and should play at a high level for the life of his contract. I like the Justice trade for many of the same reasons. But mostly, those moves signal that our front office doesn't adhere to one rigid philosophy on how to build a team. They'll attack this thing from whatever angle makes the most sense, in order to add talent and get better.

Oh...I like the Redding signing as well. Good solid, productive player that knows the system and is paid reasonably. He is perfect type to help us transition. We aren't signing long-term big contracts because it would be wasting money. We aren't close and won't be for several years. Draft well and surround that with leaders to teach and set an example and be productive. I don't know much about Justice I have to admit so I'm clueless about him. It looks like we will have a lot of people to rotate in at the offensive line if someone goes down or doesn't pan out. FULLY IN SUPPORT of that. Don't want our huge investment in Luck getting damaged. Very satisfied with Redding. Quality player.

I agree money trumps all. Just when you have some people that money isn't the number 1 option like with Peyton or a wideout looking to have a big year to set themselves up for FA or guys looking at similar money/years and deciding...well usually the large market wins because the off the field things lure them in. Things like in TX, FL, TN that have no state income taxes or having off the field things like a NY market or Miami or LA type night life can be very appealing. Playing for a player coach like Andy Reid or charismatic like Jim Harbaugh or for a team like the Patriots does give those teams advantages. We have seen players take discounts to go there so it is true. All that said Money 9 times out of 10 wins so cap space will be our biggest advantage going forward. I do agree. We are attacking this the right way being 100% committed to this. I may have not agreed with the plan but I do feel we are implementing and following the plan we have correctly.

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The Ravens fans who I have spoken with indicate Redding was hyped up but never panned out ... not sure if those comments are because they are upset he left and went to the Colts of all places or if those comments hold some truth. Either way I'll be skeptical until I see him perform.

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So Garcon got a good contract, but Colston couldn't have waited 24 hours and gotten more? Have you looked at how much money the other receivers have been getting? He could have gotten more.

But they're still doing the same silly things they've always done. I think Bruce Allen is a good GM, but that doesn't mean his decisions are above reproach. The RGIII trade is very high risk, and so is the Garcon signing. If the thinking is that Garcon is a good deep receiver, and RGIII throws a good deep ball, I saw a stat yesterday suggesting that that might be misguided. Garcon only catches about 15% of the balls he's thrown deep, so it's arguable that he's NOT a good deep receiver. He's fast, but he doesn't have the size guys like Vincent Jackson and Colston have, and he's not as explosive as Desean Jackson. The RGIII to Garcon Express might not even make it out of the station.

By the way, Polian was a good GM, but he made mistakes. Sometimes, the bloom falls off the rose.

And again, there's no indication that the Colts aren't as good a destination as the Redskins. You think Garcon would be itching to play with RGIII, but not Luck?

Come on, HSH. He left for the money. Everyone sees it.

I like how you hid the "gobs of cap space" in there. "Gobs of cap space" equals MONEY. The overriding factor. Carl Nicks said expressly that his objective was to be the highest paid guard in the NFL. He never mentioned playing for a good quarterback, going to a team with good draft position, playing in good weather, etc. He said he wanted to be paid, and now he is. That's the bottom line. If he was concerned with the state of the franchise, he'd have stayed in New Orleans.

Oh, and add another money-chaser to the mix, now that Laurent Robinson has signed with the Jaguars for big money. Now preach the Jaguars up as being a better destination than the Colts.

Again, you're giving the Redskins credit for RGIII, but you're not giving the Colts credit for Luck?

You can pretend that the Colts roster as it stands now is what it's going to be in six months, but it's better to acknowledge that, while the roster is in flux, we're not as bereft of talent as people make us out to be. We signed a coach and GM with a great reputation, and even though they're new, the blueprint we're following is very similar to other teams who have retooled their franchise and gotten right back into contention. Like the Falcons, for instance.

As for Irsay, all he's done is fire his GM and hire a new one. Then he allowed his new GM to fire the head coach and hire a new one. He was involved in the Manning decision because it was his $28 million, and he'll be involved in the decision to draft Andrew Luck. He was involved in those decisions because they're big picture, and he's the owner. He was also involved in the decision to hire Polian, draft Manning, re-sign him to record contracts twice, and the decision to hire Tony Dungy. You're acting like he's running the draft or something.

As for us being in decline, that's not true. What goes up must come down. Since we just went 2-14, we might as well not be holding onto the seven straight years of 12 win seasons, or the nine consecutive playoff appearances. We might as well accept the fact that we need to overhaul the roster, and make significant steps in that regard. That's what the moves are about, and, IMO, they are the right moves. If that was Irsay's decision, it was the right one. And if his guys do it right, we can be back in contention in a season. It's not unprecedented. Again, I point you to the Falcons.

I don't get why people are so down on the state of the franchise. We're actually not in bad shape, big picture.

He's been there since yesterday; he'll be there til tomorrow, at least. He's taking them seriously, and that's the point. If it wasn't about the money, he wouldn't have taken their call. Unless you're going to preach the Bills up.

I'm not trying to paint NFL players as being greedy money-grubbers. But they realize that NFL stands for Not For Long, so they grab whatever they can when they can grab it. In most cases. Some will leave money on the table for what they think is a better situation for them, especially when they're older and thinking more about their quality of life than their bank account. But overall, it comes down to what team is offering the most.

And my point is really that the Colts aren't in such poor shape that no one wants anything to do with them. I think the Redding signing proves that really well.

Hey Superman, had to get back to you.

1. Congratulations on Williams he did sign Shocked, but heard Bills GM on Sirus radio how they got him & he said the first question Williams asked was who plays on the line next to him Kyle Williams & Marcel Darius An All pro & close to an all pro. They sold him on being part of the best DL in football & alot of money, but you win this one :whiteflag: Heard today Evan Mathis Philly guard talking about signing & they asked him was he close to signing anywhere & he said lots of teams talked to him, but first & foremost was the teams ability to WIN & GET to a Super bowl. He said it came to Bal Or Philly & he stayed home. Honestly it gos both ways.

2. Colston taking or getting less money had NOTHING to do with 24 hours. Thats what he was offered & honestly he took it for one or both of 2 reasons. 1 Thats all he could get, or he wanted to stay home & took less. If that is the case, he was not out for the money. He & his agent had to know what Pierre turned down!

3. The rosters are what they are today. No one knows what they are 6 Months from now. The Colts roster is not good.

4. Irsay was the GM before and not good at it & I get the feeling he wants to play GM some more. Not good as he has a rookie GM to boss around now.

5.Garcons lack of deep balls is because our QBs & OL sucked no time to throw & poor throws.

6. You bring up the Falcons The Falcons sucked because they lost Michael Vick They had a decent supporting cast though. We Don't now. I would have rather had rebuilt with Peyton like are arch rivals the Patriots who rebuild win there division & get to an almost win a Super bowl. We HAVE MANY HOLES now with the cutting of these player, as well as the Colts being talent thin at some positions not to mention & overhaul on Defense. You say we are not BEREFT of talent "Hey that's Pollians word by the way" I beg to differ I think we are.

7.Hidden gobs of cap space? If I wanted to HIDE IT I would have put it smaller print!! rotflmao

8. Your right on Luck Yes w :worthy: e almost have him!

9. Jags are a better place right now. They have a heck of a Defense & they had to OVER PAY to get a WR because they suck offensively, no QB although Henne is there now?

10. The Redding deal proves nothing. I can tell you with certainty that Grissom went after Evans an got NOWHERE. & he knows him. He had better options. Players who don't have to take what they can. It bothers me every guy we have gotten so far is connected to the coach or they GM. Get someone good NOT associated to them. Honestly the rookie GM scares me. & I am hopping the coach does well. I like him & we have the same birthday!! :rock: But being respected isn't always enough. Steve Sagnolea was respected & you saw how that train wreck ended. I love the Colts always will but 12 wins seasons are gone for now. I HOPE the return with time & good guidance!! :coltslogo:

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Hey Superman, had to get back to you.

I didn't notice this. Just wanted to respond.

1. Congratulations on Williams he did sign Shocked, but heard Bills GM on Sirus radio how they got him & he said the first question Williams asked was who plays on the line next to him Kyle Williams & Marcel Darius An All pro & close to an all pro. They sold him on being part of the best DL in football & alot of money, but you win this one

It's still the Bills, a perennial loser, a team that's averaged 6.5 wins over the last ten years, that went 6-10 last season after starting 5-2. And they still offered him a record breaking amount of money. The first question he asked them may have been about the other players on the line, but that q&a session came after they told his agent they were offering $50 million guaranteed. Wake me when he's not going with the highest bidder.

Heard today Evan Mathis Philly guard talking about signing & they asked him was he close to signing anywhere & he said lots of teams talked to him, but first & foremost was the teams ability to WIN & GET to a Super bowl. He said it came to Bal Or Philly & he stayed home. Honestly it gos both ways.

Lip service. The Eagles were the highest bidder, they paid more than the Ravens were offering. I believe that Evan Mathis wants to win a Super Bowl, and I believe that it's important to him. And I'm not necessarily saying that he wouldn't have stayed in Philly for slightly less money, but he didn't. He took MORE money to stay in Philly. It speaks to my argument.

2. Colston taking or getting less money had NOTHING to do with 24 hours. Thats what he was offered & honestly he took it for one or both of 2 reasons. 1 Thats all he could get, or he wanted to stay home & took less. If that is the case, he was not out for the money. He & his agent had to know what Pierre turned down!

He got more than what Garcon initially turned down. And maybe he did want to stay in New Orleans and took less than he could have made elsewhere. But he still got a whole lot of money. And I still believe that he could have gotten more if he'd waited 24 hours. That's just based on where the market went after he signed.

3. The rosters are what they are today. No one knows what they are 6 Months from now. The Colts roster is not good.

No it's not. We don't have a quarterback under contract. We have 18 empty roster spots. It's not finished, it's a work in progress. Let's talk about the roster in July, after the draft, after we fill the roster out. But we're better off now than we were two weeks ago, and that's including The Purge.

4. Irsay was the GM before and not good at it & I get the feeling he wants to play GM some more. Not good as he has a rookie GM to boss around now.

Your feeling notwithstanding, he's not playing GM. He made one major decision that he's entitled to make as the owner, seeing as how it involved his $28 million. Other than that, Grigson has been making the decisions. Irsay will likely weigh in on the #1 pick, as that's another major, big picture decision. But he's not playing GM.

And even if he has more influence on personnel matters than he has in recent years, comparing 52 year old Jim Irsay to 35 year old Jim Irsay seems kind of absurd. He was not a good GM, but having been around guys with a knack for putting together a team for the last 15 years would likely have given him a lot of insight he didn't have all those years ago when he was trying (and failing) to run a good team. He did make the decisions that led to the Colts making the playoffs in consecutive years and going to the AFCCG with Jim Harbaugh.

5.Garcons lack of deep balls is because our QBs & OL sucked no time to throw & poor throws.

Garcon's deep ball numbers are substandard throughout his career, including the two years he was working with Manning. He's fast, and he can get past a corner, but he's not a good deep ball receiver, and never has been. Being fast does not equal being a good deep ball receiver.

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6. You bring up the Falcons The Falcons sucked because they lost Michael Vick They had a decent supporting cast though. We Don't now. I would have rather had rebuilt with Peyton like are arch rivals the Patriots who rebuild win there division & get to an almost win a Super bowl. We HAVE MANY HOLES now with the cutting of these player, as well as the Colts being talent thin at some positions not to mention & overhaul on Defense. You say we are not BEREFT of talent "Hey that's Pollians word by the way" I beg to differ I think we are.

The Falcons overhauled their roster when Dimitroff and Smith took over. They got rid of Alge Crumpler and Warrick Dunn on offense, several players on defense... they even changed their kicker. And that 4-12 team that just had their coach walk out on the team with three games left in the season managed to sign the best running back on the market that year. They were right back in the playoffs with a rookie GM, rookie head coach, and rookie quarterback.

We need a nose tackle, a safety, a corner, a guard, maybe a linebacker. Could use some depth at five-tech end. We don't have as many holes as you seem to think. We'll just have to disagree. I see it a lot differently than you do.

7.Hidden gobs of cap space? If I wanted to HIDE IT I would have put it smaller print!!

That was the overriding factor. They showed him the money, and he took it.

9. Jags are a better place right now. They have a heck of a Defense & they had to OVER PAY to get a WR because they suck offensively, no QB although Henne is there now?

Chad Henne is there, and they still don't have a quarterback. It's absolutely incredible that you think the Jaguars are in better shape than the Colts. And like you said, even with a ton of cap space and a better defense than us, they had to overpay to get a receiver. So a receiver with options went to a bad team because of the money. I'm noticing a trend here...

10. The Redding deal proves nothing. I can tell you with certainty that Grissom went after Evans an got NOWHERE. & he knows him. He had better options. Players who don't have to take what they can.

Again, Mathis went to the highest bidder. Doesn't matter that Grigson knows him. The Eagles offered more money.

It bothers me every guy we have gotten so far is connected to the coach or they GM. Get someone good NOT associated to them. Honestly the rookie GM scares me.

Samson Satele is not connected to the coach or the GM. Just a good signing at a position of need, and without breaking the bank. Reggie Wayne took less to stay.

I understand being nervous about a rookie GM. But Grigson has nailed every decision he's made so far. Without the unfair benefit of hindsight, I'm right in lockstep with Grigson. Everything I hoped he'd do, he's done, or has indicated that he will do. Our roster is better and more balanced now than it was two months ago, and we're still a month away from the draft. His common sense approach and clear gameplan are refreshing.

& I am hopping the coach does well. I like him & we have the same birthday!! But being respected isn't always enough. Steve Sagnolea was respected & you saw how that train wreck ended.

That's very true. Nothing is guaranteed when it comes to a new coach, respected or not. But the choice Irsay and Grigson made is understandable, and endorseable.

I love the Colts always will but 12 wins seasons are gone for now. I HOPE the return with time & good guidance!!

12 win seasons were gone in Week 5 of last season. We're now trying to get back there, and the roster that produced a 2 win season needs to be retooled. Grigson is well on his way.

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The Falcons overhauled their roster when Dimitroff and Smith took over. They got rid of Alge Crumpler and Warrick Dunn on offense, several players on defense... they even changed their kicker. And that 4-12 team that just had their coach walk out on the team with three games left in the season managed to sign the best running back on the market that year. They were right back in the playoffs with a rookie GM, rookie head coach, and rookie quarterback.

We need a nose tackle, a safety, a corner, a guard, maybe a linebacker. Could use some depth at five-tech end. We don't have as many holes as you seem to think. We'll just have to disagree. I see it a lot differently than you do.

That was the overriding factor. They showed him the money, and he took it.

Chad Henne is there, and they still don't have a quarterback. It's absolutely incredible that you think the Jaguars are in better shape than the Colts. And like you said, even with a ton of cap space and a better defense than us, they had to overpay to get a receiver. So a receiver with options went to a bad team because of the money. I'm noticing a trend here...

Again, Mathis went to the highest bidder. Doesn't matter that Grigson knows him. The Eagles offered more money.

Samson Satele is not connected to the coach or the GM. Just a good signing at a position of need, and without breaking the bank. Reggie Wayne took less to stay.

I understand being nervous about a rookie GM. But Grigson has nailed every decision he's made so far. Without the unfair benefit of hindsight, I'm right in lockstep with Grigson. Everything I hoped he'd do, he's done, or has indicated that he will do. Our roster is better and more balanced now than it was two months ago, and we're still a month away from the draft. His common sense approach and clear gameplan are refreshing.

That's very true. Nothing is guaranteed when it comes to a new coach, respected or not. But the choice Irsay and Grigson made is understandable, and endorseable.

12 win seasons were gone in Week 5 of last season. We're now trying to get back there, and the roster that produced a 2 win season needs to be retooled. Grigson is well on his way.

Agreed. We are not as far off as others seem to think. Need a CB, NT, WR, TE, and Coverage LB. Plus it's not like there's a single team out there without holes. The fact that Atlanta rebuilt in such a short time, with Matt Ryan, to me means we can do the same with a superior QB, Andrew Luck.

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