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Antonio Callaway Cited for marijuana possession


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33 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


... This post (by you) started the whole side-topic of bongs being legal...





I have seen you do this in these forums more times than I can count... When anyone replies to you with a different opinion throughout the conversation, you declare them argumentative and try to dismiss their opinion because they're "attacking" you, when all they're doing is not letting you be dismissive and invalidate their opinion...


If you are unwilling to have a conversation with people that disagree with you, then don't chime in with your opinion in the first place... and if you're done with the conversation, then just stop talking, or bow out gracefully without declaring people argumentative or ignorant.

That is nonsense. 

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13 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

That is nonsense. 


unfortunately it's not.  What he described pretty much all I've seen from you for quite a while now.  I know you took a lot of flack for defending Pagano as much as you did and that seems to have been when it really started.  

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3 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Take it anyway you care to. 


I'm not trying to attack or argue, I'm just trying to point out to you that you have a tendency to bite other posters' heads off when they disagree with you.  Your go-to reply is to call them ignorant and argumentative, which gives you the right to dismiss their opinion.


I've tried to open your eyes to this habit a number of times over the years, but you keep doing it.


Haven't you noticed that you get into back-and-forths like this with other posters as much as the rest of us combined?

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2 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


I'm not trying to attack or argue, I'm just trying to point out to you that you have a tendency to bite other posters' heads off when they disagree with you.  Your go-to reply is to call them ignorant and argumentative, which gives you the right to dismiss their opinion.


I've tried to open your eyes to this habit a number of times over the years, but you keep doing it.


Haven't you noticed that you get into back-and-forths like this with other posters as much as the rest of us combined?

I have never called anyone ignorant.  Now you are exaggerating. 

I talk straight forward and do not hide my thoughts behind word usage.

If you seem to have such a problem with how I express myself there is not much I can do. Accept it or move on is my suggestion.


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16 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

You are the one who chimed in and said if the residue found in it they couldn't prove anything.

Yeah, like that was going to happen. You are either void of the knowledge of people smoking cannabis out of bongs or just trying to instigate negativity.


This is calling Narcosys ignorant.  Ignorance is the lack (or void) of knowledge on a particular subject.  Essentially you told him he's either ignorant on the subject of bong smoking or he's just trying to instigate negativity.

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3 minutes ago, J@son said:


This is calling Narcosys ignorant.  Ignorance is the lack (or void) of knowledge on a particular subject.  Essentially you told him he's either ignorant on the subject of bong smoking or he's just trying to instigate negativity.

Now you are putting your own meaning to my words. We could all do that if we wanted to.

The subject is something I am very knowledgeable of and have been around like I said 47 years. I think that speaks for itself. 

All of us can twist words into just about anything we wanted to and you just did.

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8 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Now you are putting your own meaning to my words. We could all do that if we wanted to.

The subject is something I am very knowledgeable of and have been around like I said 47 years. I think that speaks for itself. 

All of us can twist words into just about anything we wanted to and you just did.


No sir, that is the official definition of the word ignorant:



lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned:an ignorant man.

lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact:ignorant of quantum physics.

uninformed; unaware.



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17 minutes ago, J@son said:


No sir, that is the official definition of the word ignorant:



lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned:an ignorant man.

lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact:ignorant of quantum physics.

uninformed; unaware.



Did I twist your comment to me and make you call me ignorant?  No.

You are getting past the subject that was being discussed.  When someone says they know something and I have experience in the matter for 47 years I think I have more knowledge than who made the comments made. Jeez,  enough already.

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3 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Did I twist your comment to me and make you call me ignorant?  No.

You are getting past the subject that was being discussed.  When someone says they know something and I have experience in the matter for 47 years I think I have more knowledge than who made the comments made. Jeez,  enough already.


You said you never called anyone ignorant.  I corrected you to show that you did in this thread.  


Question..do you know how old the other posters you're responding to are or how long they've been around the matter?  If not then how do you know how much more knowledge you have on the subject than they do?

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1 minute ago, J@son said:


You said you never called anyone ignorant.  I corrected you to show that you did in this thread.  


Question..do you know how old the other posters you're responding to are or how long they've been around the matter?  If not then how do you know how much more knowledge you have on the subject than they do?

Well let's take a poll and see how many bong users clean and sanitize their bongs after every use.  If 47 years of experience is wrong I would be happy to say I was wrong.

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1 minute ago, crazycolt1 said:

Well let's take a poll and see how many bong users clean and sanitize their bongs after every use.  If 47 years of experience is wrong .


really?  you're going to poll every bong smoker on the planet?  that would give more accurate results than just going by the bong users that you know and have met in your life but seems a like a bit of overkill.  



I would be happy to say I was wrong


Yeah I really don't believe that.  Just being honest.  And here's why:


you said, bong users don't clean and sterilize their bongs after use because no one that you've ever met has done so.  That's a stereotype no matter how you want to try to explain it.  You are still arguing that it's not even though that's pretty much the exact definition of stereotyping.  You could have said something like, "ok yeah I guess that is a stereotype...but in my experience, most people don't clean them every time" and this part of the discussion could have been dropped.


You said you've never called anyone ignorant.  I showed you that you have.  You argued that I was making up my own definition of the word ignorant.  I proved to you that I wasn't.  You glossed right past that.  A simple, "ah I didn't realize that was the actual definition of 'ignorant'" and this part of the discussion could have been dropped.


I've been around weed smokers the majority of my life too and I also have never seen anyone clean out their bong or pipe after every use.  So I will grant you that most probably don't.  However I can also acknowledge that saying that "none do" is stereotyping.  And even this is all completely irrelevant because even though most don't clean them after every use, they still COULD and then the cops/lawyers could not conclusively prove that that's what it was used for.  That was the only point that was trying to be made...if there's no residue on the bong then it can't be proven that it was used.  Hell I could buy a bong, put it in a Curio cabinet and never use it and I'm not breaking the law.  Instead, here we are how many posts later with you still trying to argue that you didn't stereotype bong users.  You can say "I'd be happy to say I was wrong" but your other posts show that to not be the case.

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1 minute ago, J@son said:


really?  you're going to poll every bong smoker on the planet?  that would give more accurate results than just going by the bong users that you know and have met in your life but seems a like a bit of overkill.  



Yeah I really don't believe that.  Just being honest.  And here's why:


you said, bong users don't clean and sterilize their bongs after use because no one that you've ever met has done so.  That's a stereotype no matter how you want to try to explain it.  You are still arguing that it's not even though that's pretty much the exact definition of stereotyping.  You could have said something like, "ok yeah I guess that is a stereotype...but in my experience, most people don't clean them every time" and this part of the discussion could have been dropped.


You said you've never called anyone ignorant.  I showed you that you have.  You argued that I was making up my own definition of the word ignorant.  I proved to you that I wasn't.  You glossed right past that.  A simple, "ah I didn't realize that was the actual definition of 'ignorant'" and this part of the discussion could have been dropped.


I've been around weed smokers the majority of my life too and I also have never seen anyone clean out their bong or pipe after every use.  So I will grant you that most probably don't.  However I can also acknowledge that saying that "none do" is stereotyping.  And even this is all completely irrelevant because even though most don't clean them after every use, they still COULD and then the cops/lawyers could not conclusively prove that that's what it was used for.  That was the only point that was trying to be made...if there's no residue on the bong then it can't be proven that it was used.  Hell I could buy a bong, put it in a Curio cabinet and never use it and I'm not breaking the law.  Instead, here we are how many posts later with you still trying to argue that you didn't stereotype bong users.  You can say "I'd be happy to say I was wrong" but your other posts show that to not be the case.

You are now stereotyping me because I don't think anyone cleans their bongs after use.

See how that works?


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7 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

You are now stereotyping me because I don't think anyone cleans their bongs after use.

See how that works?



lol.   You should use dictionary.com more.  That's not what stereotyping means.  

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1 minute ago, J@son said:


lol.   You should use dictionary.com more.  That's not what stereotyping means.  

My point was we can all twist and turn just about anything said and make it into our own personal meanings.   Lawyers and politicians do it all the time. If I went through all that is said in this forum and used that method it would be crazy.  You have taken something I said and took it to extreme.

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7 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

My point was we can all twist and turn just about anything said and make it into our own personal meanings.   Lawyers and politicians do it all the time. If I went through all that is said in this forum and used that method it would be crazy.  You have taken something I said and took it to extreme.



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7 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

I have never called anyone ignorant.


Ok, maybe you don't use the actual word "ignorant", but do you understand what I'm saying to you about how you interact with people that disagree with you?


7 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

Accept it or move on is my suggestion.


I've "moved on" from your antics many times in the past, but I will never accept it because you are rude and disrespectful to other forum members time and time again.  I know at least two people that stopped posting on this site because of YOU.  You almost chased me off when I first started posting as a member.  Whether you are willing to admit it or not, you are an internet bully.


I think I've seen you argue with literally EVERY regular poster on this site at some point or another.  At some point, you have to admit that the common thread in almost all of these arguments is YOU.  So maybe it's not other posters being argumentative with you, maybe you are the argumentative one.


Has that thought ever crossed your mind?


8 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

If you seem to have such a problem with how I express myself there is not much I can do.


It's a shame that I have to say this, but at your age, you should know better.  Yes, there is something you can do.  It's very simple.  You can stop being such a mean old cuss when anyone disagrees with you.


I post all of this with the best intentions.  I don't want you to quit the forum so that everyone else, especially newer members feel more comfortable.  I want you to share your opinions, just stop poo-pooing all over the opinions you don't agree with.


You can be straight-forward without being a jerk.  :thmup:

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3 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


Ok, maybe you don't use the actual word "ignorant", but do you understand what I'm saying to you about how you interact with people that disagree with you?



I've "moved on" from your antics many times in the past, but I will never accept it because you are rude and disrespectful to other forum members time and time again.  I know at least two people that stopped posting on this site because of YOU.  You almost chased me off when I first started posting as a member.  Whether you are willing to admit it or not, you are an internet bully.


I think I've seen you argue with literally EVERY regular poster on this site at some point or another.  At some point, you have to admit that the common thread in almost all of these arguments is YOU.  So maybe it's not other posters being argumentative with you, maybe you are the argumentative one.


Has that thought ever crossed your mind?



It's a shame that I have to say this, but at your age, you should know better.  Yes, there is something you can do.  It's very simple.  You can stop being such a mean old cuss when anyone disagrees with you.


I post all of this with the best intentions.  I don't want you to quit the forum so that everyone else, especially newer members feel more comfortable.  I want you to share your opinions, just stop poo-pooing all over the opinions you don't agree with.


You can be straight-forward without being a jerk.  :thmup:

Internet bully?  I am sure there is a whole bunch of forum members who are really intimidated by me. :facepalm:

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Just now, crazycolt1 said:

Internet bully?  I am sure there is a whole bunch of forum members who are really intimidated by me. :facepalm:


Way to deflect instead of considering a little personal growth...


I can see I've wasted my time here.  Again.  I don't know why I thought this time would be different. 



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2 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


Way to deflect instead of considering a little personal growth...


I can see I've wasted my time here.  Again.  I don't know why I thought this time would be different. 



It is not a deflection at all. Just a response. 

This is a public forum. There are all kinds of posters in here and not everyone is going to get along or like each other.  I am open with my opinions and don't beat around the bush when making my comments. Most of the posters I do get along with take what I say with a grain of salt. They don't let what is said personal and sure don't get their panties all in a bunch because they don't like my opinions. 

Whenever I run across someone who gets under my skin I put them on ignore.

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4 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

It is not a deflection at all. Just a response. 

This is a public forum. There are all kinds of posters in here and not everyone is going to get along or like each other.  I am open with my opinions and don't beat around the bush when making my comments. Most of the posters I do get along with take what I say with a grain of salt. They don't let what is said personal and sure don't get their panties all in a bunch because they don't like my opinions. 

Whenever I run across someone who gets under my skin I put them on ignore.


Ok, so why are you in all of these arguments in every thread every day with so many different members?

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1 hour ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


Way to deflect instead of considering a little personal growth...


I can see I've wasted my time here.  Again.  I don't know why I thought this time would be different. 




I appreciate your attempts to bring some awareness to one's behavior (argumentativeness). I agree with you. However, your efforts are clearly futile. There is no self-awareness. So, to maintain some level of civility and to enjoy the forum, it is best not to continue.


1 hour ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:

You almost chased me off when I first started posting as a member


Glad that you continued on the forum. You have contributed a lot to making this place entertaining. :thmup:

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6 minutes ago, NFLfan said:

I appreciate your attempts to bring some awareness to one's behavior (argumentativeness). I agree with you. However, your efforts are clearly futile. There is no self-awareness. So, to maintain some level of civility and to enjoy the forum, it is best not to continue.


Glad that you continued on the forum. You have contributed a lot to making this this place entertaining. :thmup:


Apparently today was my day to get into an argument with @crazycolt1 ...


I wonder who it will be tomorrow?



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Just now, crazycolt1 said:

So you are counting? :scratch:   Wow, I think I could find better things to get worried about in this mean old cruel world. :dunno:


It's impossible to ignore for anyone that visits this forum on a regular basis.


We can't escape you.  You are on here every day getting into an argument with someone...


LUCKily, I am a hardcore Colts fan that isn't going anywhere.



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8 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


It's impossible to ignore for anyone that visits this forum on a regular basis.


We can't escape you.  You are on here every day getting into an argument with someone...


LUCKily, I am a hardcore Colts fan that isn't going anywhere.



Now who is the one who is arguing?  That is 4 or 5 comments you have made to me telling me I am argumentative? :mindblow:

Over what? Bongs use. :facepalm:

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9 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


And it still isn't sinking in?


Good gosh almighty...

Look dude, you are the one who keeps posting directed to me. It is not your job to straighten me out to be who you want me to be.  I have not insulted you, I have not provoked you, I have not argued with you.  I am sure there are much more interesting things in this forum than setting me straight. 

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Actually, I'm more troubled by Callway's decision to drive a car with a suspended license vs anything else revealed in the police incident. The use of stolen credit cards I presume was back in college. Not condoning that behavior either, but I can get past it if Antonio promises never to do it again. Plus, a lot of athletes come from meager backgrounds & college can get very expensive very quickly. Again, engaging in theft of another person's plastic isn't smart, but I understand what can drive a student athlete to cut corners. Not every dude is on a full scholarship ride either. 


Yes, I know about the league's substance abuse policy, which takes money out of a player's pocket. The suspended license thing really shows poor judgement. Either you don't care or you think rules don't apply to you because of your athletic attributes. 

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I hope people will forgive me for getting back ON TOPIC and away from bongs, which I have personally never used.


But I thought this was a topic that would merit some discussion....    How Hue Jackson "punished" Antonio Galloway.     What did he do?    Did he hold him out of the game?    Make him watch from the sidelines?




He made Galloway play most of the game.    Even when the kid was tired and asked out,  the staff told him to stay out and play even when he was exhausted.     In 50 years of being a fan and in roughly 30 years of covering the NFL professionally,  this is one of the most lame * excuses for punishment I've ever heard.     Cleveland gets to benefit by seeing how the kid performs,  especially under pressure.   And the Browns claim the punishment is that the kid had to play when he was tired.    Poor baby.


Sorry,  but Hue Jackson just dropped a few notches in my book.    Total nonsense.    And I'm not impressed with John Dorsey who let him do it and get away with it.    Pure crap.      The Brown no longer stands for the family name.    It stands for the stain Jackson was allowed to put on the once proud franchise.     So disappointing.



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32 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I hope people will forgive me for getting back ON TOPIC and away from bongs, which I have personally never used.


But I thought this was a topic that would merit some discussion....    How Hue Jackson "punished" Antonio Galloway.     What did he do?    Did he hold him out of the game?    Make him watch from the sidelines?




He made Galloway play most of the game.    Even when the kid was tired and asked out,  the staff told him to stay out and play even when he was exhausted.     In 50 years of being a fan and in roughly 30 years of covering the NFL professionally,  this is one of the most lame * excuses for punishment I've ever heard.     Cleveland gets to benefit by seeing how the kid performs,  especially under pressure.   And the Browns claim the punishment is that the kid had to play when he was tired.    Poor baby.


Sorry,  but Hue Jackson just dropped a few notches in my book.    Total nonsense.    And I'm not impressed with John Dorsey who let him do it and get away with it.    Pure crap.      The Brown no longer stands for the family name.    It stands for the stain Jackson was allowed to put on the once proud franchise.     So disappointing.



If that is what Jackson's idea of punishment is I find it dumbfounding.  It's a loss of words for me.

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13 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

If that is what Jackson's idea of punishment is I find it dumbfounding.  It's a loss of words for me.


Sorry,  my bad!     I meant to include this story so you could see Jackson's own words as I did.


Dumbfounding works for me too....      here's your link....



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On 8/10/2018 at 1:21 AM, crazycolt1 said:

The thing is the players are warned before they are drug tested. They know ahead of time when the testing is and their own ignorance is what gets them caught.


Truth is, before any player gets caught, they ‘generally’ only have an idea when they will get tested. They are not pre-warned. For rooks, it is Combine.  Then for everyone, also around OTA’s / mini camp. They could test anytime through training camp.  Once the first games is played, the NFL only tests randomly for PES, not recreational (ab)use drugs. Unless, you have been caught before and are in the NFL substance abuse program.  Then you can be tested up to 10 times per month for ANY substance, not just performance enhancing substances; no warning. All year.



If they don't have sense enough to know how to beat the system it is their own stupidity.


Smart vets smoke during the season without fear of getting caught.  Because they can refrain from partaking from OTA's Through training camp.



Risking losing out on the money these players are getting paid just to get high is also IMO pretty stupid.

No matter what side of the fence you are on losing what you have worked most your life for seems pretty stupid to me anyway.


It seems to me that many teams use it as an accountability and discipline gauge and test.  Failing jeopardizes their ability to remain in the lineup without future suspensions.

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