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Maybe We Should Go After This Guy....

The Peytonator

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Not jumping the gun here but like Vance87 said he has been injured the past two seasons and coincidentally put on a lot of muscle

Gee what could that mean? I don't understand what he could be doing that both adds tremendous amounts of muscles and could weaken the integrity of his musculoskeletal system? Hmmmmmmm? Hmmmmmm?


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The issue with Laron Landry is the same ankle injury. They wanted him to undergo surgery which would have had him sitting out a whole other season. He chose both times to pass on the surgery. The first time he just rested and tried to play on the injury, this time he had rehabbed by having his blood spun and injected into his ankle. So I wouldnt say he is injury prone per say...

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Maybe the Colts should try to get Arild “Hulk” Haugen. He is the strongest guy in Norway, is 6 ft 2 in tall and weighs approximately 320 lb. He is capable of squatting 880 lb, a deadlift of 880 lb and a bench press of 550 lb. Haugen has now retired from strongman, to seek a future in boxing. In his first career fight in 2009 he won by knockout 45 seconds into the first round.


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Maybe the Colts should try to get Arild “Hulk” Haugen. He is the strongest guy in Norway, is 6 ft 2 in tall and weighs approximately 320 lb. He is capable of squatting 880 lb, a deadlift of 880 lb and a bench press of 550 lb. Haugen has now retired from strongman, to seek a future in boxing. In his first career fight in 2009 he won by knockout 45 seconds into the first round.


That guy is waaaaaay to ripped to be 320 lbs.

Possible DE in the new 3-4????

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All muscles

That is what makes him so sick. The other guys in strongman are often “fat”, but he looks more like a body builder.

Yeah that's what I'm sayin'. For only being 6'2 and having probably like 5% body fat, I would think he'd have to look like some Super Street Fighter character or some s*** to weigh 320.

You'd also think a guy who can squat what he can would have some good explosion off the snap. Put him at NT and see what happens......lol.

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Yeah that's what I'm sayin'. For only being 6'2 and having probably like 5% body fat, I would think he'd have to look like some Super Street Fighter character or some s*** to weigh 320.

You'd also think a guy who can squat what he can would have some good explosion off the snap. Put him at NT and see what happens......lol.

I have also read that his weight might differ a lot depending on what he is doing (boxing, strongman). From 260 – 340 lb, don’t know what is more normal, but he was heavier as a strongman. He is massive.


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Gee what could that mean? I don't understand what he could be doing that both adds tremendous amounts of muscles and could weaken the integrity of his musculoskeletal system? Hmmmmmmm? Hmmmmmm?


Steroids do not weaken the musculoskeletal system, thats just not true. What they DO sometimes do, is allow the muscles to become stronger at a faster rate than the tendons and ligaments. It doesnt make the tendons or ligaments any weaker, they just dont always gain strength as fast as the muscles do, which can sometimes cause injury due to the fact that youre "strong enough" to lift heavier weights than your tendons/ligaments are prepared for.

Most endocrinologists will tell you that in "healthy adult men", some steroids, when used appropriately, will actually IMPROVE your quality of life. Its those who start too young, or already have underlying healthy problems that are at risk for adverse outcomes.

Fact is, until the early 1990s, steroids for ANY reason, were legal with a doctor's prescription. You could actually go tell your doctor that you wanted to get into bodybuilding, and that was a good enough reason for him to prescribe. The funny thing is, the "reason" for making them illegal is because the gov't deemed them "an unnatural form of cosmetic enhancement", but apparently plastic and silicone parts arent? The FBI, DEA, FDA etc all suggested to let them remain legal with a doctor's supervision, too, by the way. And women's estrogen drugs are basically the female equivalent to a man taking testosterone, but that's ok?

I'm not saying that everyone should go out and take steroids, i'm just saying that the vast majority of the population is so greatly uninformed and uneducated about the reality of them, that they are better served just not saying anything.

Since the 1950s, when steroids became available in the U.S., EVERY Mr Olympia winner (the biggest contest in modern bodybuilding) had taken some form of steroids, yet every single one is still living, or did live a very long and healthy life!

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Hey I found it informative.

glad that someone did! lol

Also, the actual steroids tests that are used in sports, is pretty laughable and easy to cheat/pass. It really doesnt matter how high your testosterone count is, you still pass as long as the ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone is within the set guidelines...therefore, you could inject some test today, and as long as you inject the proper agents to make your epitestosterone count within the set ratio, you pass the test! The only people who get caught in sports with failed PED tests are those who are either careless or uninformed...or have trainers who are careless/uninformed.

Most steroids clear your system pretty quickly, also. The two most common injectable steroids, Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate, clear your system within 2 weeks...Testosterone Propianate clears within a few days...and Testosterone Suspension clears within a day. Most of your oral (pill form) steroids have a half life (the time it takes for half of the dose to clear your system) of only a few hours and therefore would clear your system in a day or two. One of the more common steroids that most athletes test positive for is Nandrolone Deconate or "Deca" as most call it...which makes you wonder if they are dumb or dont know what they are taking...Nandrolone/Deca can remain in your system at levels high enough to fail a test, for up to and sometimes over a full year!

Also, especially with baseball, a lot of the players live/spend the off season at "home" in foreign countries...and in almost all of those countries, you can literally walk up to the counter at your walmart/walgreens/cvs pharmacy and tell the clerk that you want some Testosterone or Dianabol and how much you want, and they will ring it up and sell it to you, no questions asked. So really, unless they want to do year round testing, it is pretty much impossible to catch most players. And as long as diet and workout are kept up in the right manor, you will maintain a vast majority of the new muscle you build, unless you just go WAY beyond your natural genetic potential...and most people's genetic potential is a LOT higher than you would think, it would just take YEARS to reach it, and most people dont want to put in that kind of time, or dont have that much time to wait, because at that age, their careers would likely be over or about over anyhow.

Another misconception spread by the media, and the one that is very frustrating to see/hear, is that its "taking the easy way" or "cheating because they arent willing to put in the time and work that everyone else does" etc.... This couldnt be any further from the truth, and if they even had a CLUE as to how most steroids work, they would quickly see how *ic they are making themselves seem.

There are a few ways that different steroids work. The most common two are decreased recovery time and increased nitrogen retention in the body. What this means is that, by decreasing your recovery time, you are able to WORK HARDER AND LONGER than someone who is NOT taking steroids. That's right, one of the main reasons to take them is so that YOU CAN WORK HARDER. You put your body through a hard workout and push yourself to your limits, and it recovers and repairs itself faster, allowing you to hit it hard again SOONER than a natural athlete.

By "increased nitrogen retention", that means that your body is better able to break down and use higher amounts of protein to make those repairs/improvements to your body. That means that you have to work HARDER on your diet, also, than a non steroid user. A non user can eat all the protein he wants, but his body has a limit to how much it can use to repair and build muscle tissue and the rest is either used for energy or stored as fat...a steroid user taking a drug that raises his nitrogen levels, can eat that same amount of protein as the other guy, but his body is able to utilize far more of it, and thus can make bigger and better repairs to their muscle tissue.

To listen to the media, you would be led to believe that steroid users can workout less and lay around eating cheetos all day, and are all of a sudden a super athlete...this is about the farthest thing from the truth as you can be.

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glad that someone did! lol

Also, the actual steroids tests that are used in sports, is pretty laughable and easy to cheat/pass. It really doesnt matter how high your testosterone count is, you still pass as long as the ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone is within the set guidelines...therefore, you could inject some test today, and as long as you inject the proper agents to make your epitestosterone count within the set ratio, you pass the test! The only people who get caught in sports with failed PED tests are those who are either careless or uninformed...or have trainers who are careless/uninformed.

Most steroids clear your system pretty quickly, also. The two most common injectable steroids, Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate, clear your system within 2 weeks...Testosterone Propianate clears within a few days...and Testosterone Suspension clears within a day. Most of your oral (pill form) steroids have a half life (the time it takes for half of the dose to clear your system) of only a few hours and therefore would clear your system in a day or two. One of the more common steroids that most athletes test positive for is Nandrolone Deconate or "Deca" as most call it...which makes you wonder if they are dumb or dont know what they are taking...Nandrolone/Deca can remain in your system at levels high enough to fail a test, for up to and sometimes over a full year!

Also, especially with baseball, a lot of the players live/spend the off season at "home" in foreign countries...and in almost all of those countries, you can literally walk up to the counter at your walmart/walgreens/cvs pharmacy and tell the clerk that you want some Testosterone or Dianabol and how much you want, and they will ring it up and sell it to you, no questions asked. So really, unless they want to do year round testing, it is pretty much impossible to catch most players. And as long as diet and workout are kept up in the right manor, you will maintain a vast majority of the new muscle you build, unless you just go WAY beyond your natural genetic potential...and most people's genetic potential is a LOT higher than you would think, it would just take YEARS to reach it, and most people dont want to put in that kind of time, or dont have that much time to wait, because at that age, their careers would likely be over or about over anyhow.

Another misconception spread by the media, and the one that is very frustrating to see/hear, is that its "taking the easy way" or "cheating because they arent willing to put in the time and work that everyone else does" etc.... This couldnt be any further from the truth, and if they even had a CLUE as to how most steroids work, they would quickly see how *ic they are making themselves seem.

There are a few ways that different steroids work. The most common two are decreased recovery time and increased nitrogen retention in the body. What this means is that, by decreasing your recovery time, you are able to WORK HARDER AND LONGER than someone who is NOT taking steroids. That's right, one of the main reasons to take them is so that YOU CAN WORK HARDER. You put your body through a hard workout and push yourself to your limits, and it recovers and repairs itself faster, allowing you to hit it hard again SOONER than a natural athlete.

By "increased nitrogen retention", that means that your body is better able to break down and use higher amounts of protein to make those repairs/improvements to your body. That means that you have to work HARDER on your diet, also, than a non steroid user. A non user can eat all the protein he wants, but his body has a limit to how much it can use to repair and build muscle tissue and the rest is either used for energy or stored as fat...a steroid user taking a drug that raises his nitrogen levels, can eat that same amount of protein as the other guy, but his body is able to utilize far more of it, and thus can make bigger and better repairs to their muscle tissue.

To listen to the media, you would be led to believe that steroid users can workout less and lay around eating cheetos all day, and are all of a sudden a super athlete...this is about the farthest thing from the truth as you can be.

Just from my interpretation, it seems a lot like Creatine or other drugs/supplements with the same purpose. Gives you a lot of energy to be able to work out more and for longer durations. I mean, I could take steroids all day, but if I don't hit they gym, it would do nothing for me. I've always kinda figured that's how they work. Whether or not there are 'long term' effects of using it I don't know, but I honestly don't have a problem with people using.

Back in the day, like the 50's, it was against the rules for athletes to work out, or so I've heard. Now it just sounds like they don't want them to use supplements to help them work out harder. Maybe in the future athletes won't be able to practice their sport, because it might give them an unfair advantage.

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Steroids do not weaken the musculoskeletal system, thats just not true. What they DO sometimes do, is allow the muscles to become stronger at a faster rate than the tendons and ligaments. It doesnt make the tendons or ligaments any weaker, they just dont always gain strength as fast as the muscles do, which can sometimes cause injury due to the fact that youre "strong enough" to lift heavier weights than your tendons/ligaments are prepared for.

Most endocrinologists will tell you that in "healthy adult men", some steroids, when used appropriately, will actually IMPROVE your quality of life. Its those who start too young, or already have underlying healthy problems that are at risk for adverse outcomes.

Fact is, until the early 1990s, steroids for ANY reason, were legal with a doctor's prescription. You could actually go tell your doctor that you wanted to get into bodybuilding, and that was a good enough reason for him to prescribe. The funny thing is, the "reason" for making them illegal is because the gov't deemed them "an unnatural form of cosmetic enhancement", but apparently plastic and silicone parts arent? The FBI, DEA, FDA etc all suggested to let them remain legal with a doctor's supervision, too, by the way. And women's estrogen drugs are basically the female equivalent to a man taking testosterone, but that's ok?

I'm not saying that everyone should go out and take steroids, i'm just saying that the vast majority of the population is so greatly uninformed and uneducated about the reality of them, that they are better served just not saying anything.

Since the 1950s, when steroids became available in the U.S., EVERY Mr Olympia winner (the biggest contest in modern bodybuilding) had taken some form of steroids, yet every single one is still living, or did live a very long and healthy life!

I did say "the integrity of the musculoskeletal system". As you continued on, you validated what I said perfectly. As in if you built a brick house on a frame of popsickle sticks, the house is ill supported.

PS: In the 1950's, it was common for your doctor to smoke tobacco in the examination room. It wasn't exactly an era of medical awareness at it's best. Just because these Mr Olympians didn't die a terrible death doesn't suggest that their abuse of AAS did not have an ill effect on their health.

What you did ommit entirely was the effects of steroid abuse on the human mind.


Research shows that abuse of anabolic steroids may lead to aggression and other adverse effects, including manic-like effects that produce a propensity for violence, paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, and impaired judgment stemming from feelings of invincibility.

Steroid abuse can lead to serious, even irreversible health problems. Some of the most dangerous among these include liver damage; jaundice (yellowish pigmentation of skin, tissues, and body fluids); fluid retention; high blood pressure; increases in LDL (“bad” cholesterol); and decreases in HDL (“good” cholesterol). Other reported effects include renal failure, severe acne, and trembling. In addition, there are some gender- and age-specific adverse effects:

  • For men—shrinking of the groin, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts, increased risk for prostate cancer
  • For women—growth of facial hair, male-pattern baldness, changes in or cessation of the menstrual cycle, enlargement of the clitoris, deepened voice
  • For adolescents—stunted growth due to premature skeletal maturation and accelerated puberty changes; risk of not reaching expected height if AAS is taken before the typical adolescent growth spurt

The reasoning for them having deemed illegal is yet another case of people proving they cannot be trusted to moderate a substance that when abused can have a very detrimental effect on people physically and mentally. Indeed AAS are very much not like fake boobs, as you seemed to subversively indicate.

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I did say "the integrity of the musculoskeletal system". As you continued on, you validated what I said perfectly. As in if you built a brick house on a frame of popsickle sticks, the house is ill supported.

PS: In the 1950's, it was common for your doctor to smoke tobacco in the examination room. It wasn't exactly an era of medical awareness at it's best. Just because these Mr Olympians didn't die a terrible death doesn't suggest that their abuse of AAS did not have an ill effect on their health.

What you did ommit entirely was the effects of steroid abuse on the human mind.


The reasoning for them having deemed illegal is yet another case of people proving they cannot be trusted to moderate a substance that when abused can have a very detrimental effect on people physically and mentally. Indeed AAS are very much not like fake boobs, as you seemed to subversively indicate.

which is exactly why the FDA FBI DEA etc all suggested to keep them legal with a doctor's supervision! there are far more cases of abuse and injury now that people are buying lord knows what on the black market, with no doctors to monitor what they do.

As for the health risks, if you read, i said they are fine for HEALTHY ADULT MEN...your "health risk" part mentioned women and adolescents which are NOT healthy adult MEN. What most people know about them is what the govt and media tell you to know about them. Explain to me why the actual medical use for them is fine for an AIDS patient or a severe burn victim...or an old man like you see on the tv commercials who get them from anti aging clinics...its absolutely fine for old men/aids patients/burn victims, but its bad for healthy adult men? does that even make sense?

It does cause testicular shrinkage while you're on them, because the funcion of the groin is to produce those same hormones...when you supply the body with an outside source of those hormones, the testes shrink and stop producing...but within a couple weeks after you quit taking the drugs, the testes come back to their normal size and function as they did before.

Some men who are prone to male pattern balding will lose their hair quicker while on DHT based drugs because DHT is the CAUSE of male pattern balding in the first place.

The elevated blood pressure is caused by fluid retention caused by some drugs, and also because it will raise the blood cell count with the use of certain drugs...which is why cyclists of all people often get busted for using...the extra blood cells allows better oxygen utilization during endurance activities.

as for the "roid rage" or temper problems, if youre a nice guy you're still a nice guy...if your a pain in the butt, you're just a bigger pain in the butt.

The biggest risk with users isnt the steroids themselves, but the OTHER drugs that many athletes take with the steroids. many of them are hooked on pain killers, coke, amphetamines etc...

when someone like chirs benoit kills his family and then himself, or when a wrestler dies of a heart attack, the media is fast to blame steroids...but they always fail to mention the recreational drugs, alcohol, antidepressants, pain killers etc that are also found in high amounts in the blood stream. And with most bodybuilders, their greater health risks come from the use and abuse of INSULIN, not steroids.

When i associated steroids with fake boobs, its because of the REASON that the Govt gave for making them illegal, that "they are an unnatural form of cosmetic enhancement"...to which i pointed out that they are more natural than plastic and silicone parts...because they are hormones found in the human body, unlike plastic/silicone.

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also, think back to the late 1990s and early 2000s...creatine was being demonized in the media and they claimed that it would damage and even shut down your kidneyes etc...and now, any kid with a drivers license can legally purchase it at any health store/gnc etc...creatine is a substance that is found in meats, naturally occuring. I can think of FAR worse things for a person to do than to take creatine.

I have never once used steroids, but i dont think its "wrong" from a moral or from a health standpoint, as long as you're willing to put in the work and as long as you're a healthy adult male.

as far as the "mental/mood" problems that your statement made earlier, you can find those same warnings on your 5 hour energy, red bull, jolt, monster etc energy drinks...but any kid who can get one up to the counter at their local gas station is more than welcome to buy and use those.

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sorry, didnt mean to sound like a rant lol i was an exercise science/human physiology major in college and we studied that stuff pretty extensively!

As for the pictures of the bodybuilder/strongman, lets see how fast he is...he may be a good LBer in our D! lol

I'm not exactly sure if all that is true and that it doesn't cause health concerns. Doctors refer to HGH as the forever young fountain of youth, and sure steroids can have some positives , but I dont think they have been around long enough to know what they actually do over someone's lifetime. Also like anything of course if you abuse anything it's not good for you. I don't think the government wants to deal with a bunch of gorillas running around in the streets all juiced up! lmao

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I have also read that his weight might differ a lot depending on what he is doing (boxing, strongman). From 260 – 340 lb, don’t know what is more normal, but he was heavier as a strongman. He is massive.


Hey....what's Jim Everett doing there?!


I guess he felt superior after pimp-slapping Jim Rome. :D

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As for the health risks, if you read, i said they are fine for HEALTHY ADULT MEN...your "health risk" part mentioned women and adolescents which are NOT healthy adult MEN. What most people know about them is what the govt and media tell you to know about them. Explain to me why the actual medical use for them is fine for an AIDS patient or a severe burn victim...or an old man like you see on the tv commercials who get them from anti aging clinics...its absolutely fine for old men/aids patients/burn victims, but its bad for healthy adult men? does that even make sense?

You seem to want to champion the alteration of ones own body through steroids? Much of what you say flies in the face of knowledge handed down by the FDA, as well as prominent medical doctors. The article I posted doesn't specify women and children as being the only demographic that could be negatively affected by steroid use/abuse. Healthy men are subject to adverse side-affects, and this is clearly noted.

When i associated steroids with fake boobs, its because of the REASON that the Govt gave for making them illegal, that "they are an unnatural form of cosmetic enhancement"...to which i pointed out that they are more natural than plastic and silicone parts...because they are hormones found in the human body, unlike plastic/silicone.

You're taking their comments out of context, I am sure of that. The inherent differences between silicone embellishments and powerful intravenous drugs that alter the physiological function of the body are quite clear.

as far as the "mental/mood" problems that your statement made earlier, you can find those same warnings on your 5 hour energy, red bull, jolt, monster etc energy drinks...but any kid who can get one up to the counter at their local gas station is more than welcome to buy and use those.

Now you're comparing intravenous steroid use to Monster energy drinks (B-12, caffeine and sugar)?

I will agree that the media hypes up cases and presents a dramatically overblown account of the effects. Where we see issues arising is by way of abuse, poor sanitary practice and the trend of purchasing illegal steroids from Mexico, where quality and control aren't the norm.

As to the merits of allowing the use in the NFL, for example. I feel it is best this is never allowed. It would become the norm and players whom wish not to partake in the risks of AAS would become obsolete in the face of monstrously pumped up freaks that took a short-cut to bodybuilding. As a fan, I don't want this.

....i dont think its "wrong" from a moral or from a health standpoint, as long as you're willing to put in the work and as long as you're a healthy adult male.

Thats so wrong bro. "Willing to put in the work". Wow, that sounds noble. Steroids are a short-cut, cheating, an EASY way to gain muscle by sticking a needle in your butt twice a day between workouts. lol...."willing to put in the work". Seriously?

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You seem to want to champion the alteration of ones own body through steroids? Much of what you say flies in the face of knowledge handed down by the FDA, as well as prominent medical doctors. The article I posted doesn't specify women and children as being the only demographic that could be negatively affected by steroid use/abuse. Healthy men are subject to adverse side-affects, and this is clearly noted.

You're taking their comments out of context, I am sure of that. The inherent differences between silicone embellishments and powerful intravenous drugs that alter the physiological function of the body are quite clear.

Now you're comparing intravenous steroid use to Monster energy drinks (B-12, caffeine and sugar)?

I will agree that the media hypes up cases and presents a dramatically overblown account of the effects. Where we see issues arising is by way of abuse, poor sanitary practice and the trend of purchasing illegal steroids from Mexico, where quality and control aren't the norm.

As to the merits of allowing the use in the NFL, for example. I feel it is best this is never allowed. It would become the norm and players whom wish not to partake in the risks of AAS would become obsolete in the face of monstrously pumped up freaks that took a short-cut to bodybuilding. As a fan, I don't want this.

Thats so wrong bro. "Willing to put in the work". Wow, that sounds noble. Steroids are a short-cut, cheating, an EASY way to gain muscle by sticking a needle in your butt twice a day between workouts. lol...."willing to put in the work". Seriously?

everything you've said is just wrong. For one, i'm not saying that anyone SHOULD use them, and i most certainly never have...i'm just stating that the media/govt' have way over blown the "dangers" etc....

secondly, you keep calling them intravenous drugs...they are NOT intravenous, they are to be injected into deep muscle tissue...doing so into a vein would likely kill you, just like shooting most other drugs in a doctor's office would kill you if shot into a vein.

you said yourself that the problems arise from mexico, unsafe blah blah blah...thats WHY the FDA/FBI/DEA all suggested to keep them legal...so that your doctor would be the one giving/administering/monitoring, not you going to mexico and buying lord knows what and stickin' a needle in your butt at home.

and the "hard work" comment that you find so funny....well it just shows that you've not read all of what i've posted...because the whole point of taking them is so that you CAN work much harder than if you were natural...if you DONT work harder while taking them, it would not do anything for you.

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everything you've said is just wrong. For one, i'm not saying that anyone SHOULD use them, and i most certainly never have...i'm just stating that the media/govt' have way over blown the "dangers" etc....

Thats a bit of an overstatement, ain't it?

Personally I don't think it's the governments business if people want to shrink their nads and pump up their biceps at the risk of their own health. Some of the crap that fast food joints are peddling is likely far more dangerous, and people haven't been so responsible with their consumption of that stuff either. Personally, I don't want that crap (steroids) being involved in the NFL. For this, I am glad.

secondly, you keep calling them intravenous drugs...they are NOT intravenous, they are to be injected into deep muscle tissue...doing so into a vein would likely kill you, just like shooting most other drugs in a doctor's office would kill you if shot into a vein.

Bad terminology, same idea. Sticking a needle in you body is sticking a needle it your body. It screams of desperation and is a pathetic act unless you're diabetic and you have to inject.

and the "hard work" comment that you find so funny....well it just shows that you've not read all of what i've posted...because the whole point of taking them is so that you CAN work much harder than if you were natural...if you DONT work harder while taking them, it would not do anything for you.

It's still a short-cut buddy, c'mon. You can't achieve such results "naturally", that's the point. Yes, you have to work hard for steroids to have the desired affect. The point being, it gives you an advantage over people whom don't use them. Thus why they are banned from all professional sports. It's cheating.

I appreciate your knowledge and input, but I don't like the way you downplay the negative.

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Thats a bit of an overstatement, ain't it?

Personally I don't think it's the governments business if people want to shrink their nads and pump up their biceps at the risk of their own health. Some of the crap that fast food joints are peddling is likely far more dangerous, and people haven't been so responsible with their consumption of that stuff either. Personally, I don't want that crap (steroids) being involved in the NFL. For this, I am glad.

Bad terminology, same idea. Sticking a needle in you body is sticking a needle it your body. It screams of desperation and is a pathetic act unless you're diabetic and you have to inject.

It's still a short-cut buddy, c'mon. You can't achieve such results "naturally", that's the point. Yes, you have to work hard for steroids to have the desired affect. The point being, it gives you an advantage over people whom don't use them. Thus why they are banned from all professional sports. It's cheating.

I appreciate your knowledge and input, but I don't like the way you downplay the negative.

well like i said, in HEALTHY ADULT MEN, there isnt much of a negative, as long as the person knows what they're taking and how much. Its the fact that most of the users today are either not in good enough shape at the starting point, are too young or already have other health issues. I'm not advocating anyone to use them, just saying that its not as bad for you (if youre a healthy adult male) as a lot of other things...like you said, McDonalds etc actually IS far worse for a healthy adult man than MOST steroids...but since they're "illegal" and people turn to the black market instead of their doctor, there is no one to monitor what they take or how much...thats why, like i said earlier, the FBI/DEA/FDA all suggested to keep them legal with doctor's supervision, like they were for the first 50 + years that they had been around at that time.

I know a lot of people dont want them in sports, so they're glad that they are banned...but the truth is, in MOST sports, the overwhelming majority of players are using various banned substances...especially in the NFL. The testing procedure is a complete farse, used to give the illusion that players arent using... you are allowed to have as much testosterone in your system as you like, and as long as you make sure that the testosterone ratio to epitestosterone is within the set guidelines, you pass the test. So you could actually have 20x the amount of testosterone in your system as you or i do, and still pass, as long as you take something to bring up your epitestosterone level to match the set ration that they want. Its a joke. When any athlete who is suspected of using says "i have never failed a test", while that may be true, it means very little as far as if they were using something or not.

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Thats a bit of an overstatement, ain't it?

Personally I don't think it's the governments business if people want to shrink their nads and pump up their biceps at the risk of their own health. Some of the crap that fast food joints are peddling is likely far more dangerous, and people haven't been so responsible with their consumption of that stuff either. Personally, I don't want that crap (steroids) being involved in the NFL. For this, I am glad.

Bad terminology, same idea. Sticking a needle in you body is sticking a needle it your body. It screams of desperation and is a pathetic act unless you're diabetic and you have to inject.

It's still a short-cut buddy, c'mon. You can't achieve such results "naturally", that's the point. Yes, you have to work hard for steroids to have the desired affect. The point being, it gives you an advantage over people whom don't use them. Thus why they are banned from all professional sports. It's cheating.

I appreciate your knowledge and input, but I don't like the way you downplay the negative.

am i the only one who thinks it is ironic that you can buy cigarettes, chewing tobacco, alcohol etc that kill a LOT of people every single day...yet something that you take to get into better shape is deemed illegal? far more people have made emergency room visits as a result of vitamin c than they have for steroids.

alcohol and tobacco cause an estimated 75,000 and 435,000 deaths per year, respectively...while steroids are suspected to have caused 3 deaths since the late 1940s when they were made available, and of those 3, they were due to people who had pre existing liver damage and still used high dosages of oral steroids that carry warnings about liver risks at high doses. They also rank 142 on the list of "most common reasons for emergency room visit" much farther down the list than MULTIVITAMINS.

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am i the only one who thinks it is ironic that you can buy cigarettes, chewing tobacco, alcohol etc that kill a LOT of people every single day...yet something that you take to get into better shape is deemed illegal? far more people have made emergency room visits as a result of vitamin c than they have for steroids.

alcohol and tobacco cause an estimated 75,000 and 435,000 deaths per year, respectively...while steroids are suspected to have caused 3 deaths since the late 1940s when they were made available, and of those 3, they were due to people who had pre existing liver damage and still used high dosages of oral steroids that carry warnings about liver risks at high doses. They also rank 142 on the list of "most common reasons for emergency room visit" much farther down the list than MULTIVITAMINS.

You're correct sir. It's about money and established multi-billion dollar industry colluding with lobbyist powered by money money money.

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am i the only one who thinks it is ironic that you can buy cigarettes, chewing tobacco, alcohol etc that kill a LOT of people every single day...yet something that you take to get into better shape is deemed illegal? far more people have made emergency room visits as a result of vitamin c than they have for steroids.

alcohol and tobacco cause an estimated 75,000 and 435,000 deaths per year, respectively...while steroids are suspected to have caused 3 deaths since the late 1940s when they were made available, and of those 3, they were due to people who had pre existing liver damage and still used high dosages of oral steroids that carry warnings about liver risks at high doses. They also rank 142 on the list of "most common reasons for emergency room visit" much farther down the list than MULTIVITAMINS.

Yeah, but would be as much fun popping out to the local Steroid Cafe to have a round of pills with your mates? It would take about 3 months for any decent discussion to develop....

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Yeah, but would be as much fun popping out to the local Steroid Cafe to have a round of pills with your mates? It would take about 3 months for any decent discussion to develop....

hopefully youre not being serious? are you trying to portray the "dumb jock" stereotype? A lot of your bodybuilders, both professional and recreational, have attained PHDs from some pretty highly touted universities.

Your analogy towards a "steroid cafe" as compared to a local bar or pub does have some similarities between the two...the guys in both would likely have sex with any girl who would let them! One group would be so drunk that they would do anything...the other would have the testosterone level of a 16yr old male who gets hardons if the wind blows the right direction! lol

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