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James Harrison to be signed by the Patriots


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On 12/29/2017 at 4:29 AM, crazycolt1 said:

I think you are over blowing this up. The fan base are not the ones going out on the field.

Tomlin will have his team ready regardless of Harrison.

Here's why I disagree:  The Steelers coaches, players and ownership have all directly responded to this drama in ways that indicate that they are heavily upset.  That is incredibly stupid.  A good coach calms and detaches himself from the drama, a good coach never, EVER EVER feeds the drama.


The upshot is the Pittsburgh Steelers are not 100% focused on the game ahead of them, because we've already observed that some portion of their attention is focused on the New England Patriots and James Harrison instead.  We don't know to exactly what extent they're distracted and what the outcome of the distraction will be, but distraction itself is virtually confirmed at this point, and in the playoffs where every last detail matters, that distraction won't fail to have some kind of impact on the game.


One thing I've always admired about the Patriots is their ability to avoid the media drama, stay on message and focus on the battle they need to win next.  Mike Tomlin is not even trying to do this, and I bet my last dollar it'll affect their performance in the divisional round, if not directly against the Pats in the CCG.

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19 hours ago, buffalo34 said:


Brady also got credit for the Falcons' playcalling (not running the clock out and kicking a FG, for example), you know.


He's also credited with holding the high-powered Rams offense to 17 points and a pick 6 on them in Super Bowl 36, while he torched the Rams for 130 yards and 10 points and got MVP because of it.


1: Brady got credit for, after the high powered Rams offense finally got in gear and tied the game up, leading a last second drive down the field for a game winning field goal.  It was an incredible performance made all the more impressive by the fact that he's at roughly the age and experience level that Jacoby Brissett is at right now.


2: Re: Falcons.  Brady got credit for being nearly flawless for the last quarter and a half and leading an offense that looked dead into the water to tie up the game and then win in overtime.  Some mistakes were required by the Falcons yes, but at the same time there is no denying that what Brady did in the last 25 minutes of that football game was legendary.  No one in the history of the NFL has ever done it before, and it may be a very, very long time before we ever see anyone do it again.

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17 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

It's simple. He was getting paid to be at those meeting and practices. He was throwing tantrums because he lost his starting job. It was not the Steelers fault he skipped out on the chances to regain his starting position. Instead of him doing the things that would have gave him a better chance or regaining his position he was too busy being a distraction.

The team repeatedly lied to him about getting him playing time.  Again, this isn't about starting, this is about getting any playing time at all and if they aren't going to do that they need to release the guy.  it reached the point where the only recourse he had in order to play was to engineer a situation that forced them to release him, so he did.  I can't fault JH too much for that, not if he still thought he had something to contribute and was getting strung along.


I mean if you're going to do that to a guy at least have the decency to tell him to his face that you don't plan to play him.  Gutless move by the Steelers organization to string the guy along like that.

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21 hours ago, BloodyChamp said:

He'll probably have a strip sack TD in the final minutes to win the Superbowl after doing nothing in the playoffs. Then Brady will get credit for it like he got credit for Malcolm Butler's INT.

To quote Yoda, "the butthurt is strong in this one."

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7 hours ago, will426 said:

Lost his job due to performance? No he was told he was gonna be demoted but was also told he’d play which was a lie. He’s throwing a tantrum because he was told he would be involved in games just to find out he wouldn’t be at all which is why he asked NUMEROUS times to be released yet why didn’t the Steelers let him go? It was never a battle for position he never said he wanted to Start he said he wanted to “play” and if you look at his snaps he certainly had not been playing Watt was guaranteed the position the moment he was drafted 

You can bet if he could have done a better job than anyone else he would have had more time on the field.

As I said before this was a two way street. Both sides had their issues with each other.

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Again though if the guy isn't playing and isn't happy with not playing do the decent thing and release him.  The Steelers were in the odd position of trying to not have their cake and not eat it too, I can't fault Harrison for forcing them to either crap or get off the pot.


The Steelers were doing him some serious damage for next year with the game they were playing with him.  He's got maybe time left in his career for one more contract. 


By plaing games and not letting nhim on Tuesday field the Steelers were preventing him from a shot at one last FA  paycheck.  If you're not gonna let him get a chance to earn it here, and he's not ready to just ride the pine and take his money, let him showcase what he has left for some other team

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13 minutes ago, George Peterson said:

Again though if the guy isn't playing and isn't happy with not playing do the decent thing and release him.  The Steelers were in the odd position of trying to not have their cake and not eat it too, I can't fault Harrison for forcing them to either crap or get off the pot.


The Steelers were doing him some serious damage for next year with the game they were playing with him.  He's got maybe time left in his career for one more contract. 


By plaing games and not letting nhim on Tuesday field the Steelers were preventing him from a shot at one last FA  paycheck.  If you're not gonna let him get a chance to earn it here, and he's not ready to just ride the pine and take his money, let him showcase what he has left for some other team

It didn't stop him from cashing any pay checks did it?

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1 hour ago, crazycolt1 said:

It didn't stop him from cashing any pay checks did it?

That’s irrelevant because bottom line he asked to be released Early in the season  and 3 times total  if he’s asking to be released do you think the money is a factor? Clearly not the play time is but sure I’d spend the money Too you’re saying you’d give it back ?

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19 minutes ago, will426 said:

That’s irrelevant because bottom line he asked to be released Early in the season  and 3 times total  if he’s asking to be released do you think the money is a factor? Clearly not the play time is but sure I’d spend the money Too you’re saying you’d give it back ?

So what?  He was under contract and was getting paid to do as the team seems fit. If players got all bent out of shape because something that could be construed as a lie or untruthful they there would be a lot of players very unhappy. Like it or not that is the way things are especially when a player gets beyond his prime. The team was covering their butts just in case of injury. He was under contract, the Steelers were paying him and didn't feel the need to cut him.

Look, I understand your point but stuff like this is nothing new in the NFL nor in the real world.

No where did I say he needed to pay anything back. If you want to make this all the Steelers fault be my guest.


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26 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

So what?  He was under contract and was getting paid to do as the team seems fit. If players got all bent out of shape because something that could be construed as a lie or untruthful they there would be a lot of players very unhappy. Like it or not that is the way things are especially when a player gets beyond his prime. The team was covering their butts just in case of injury. He was under contract, the Steelers were paying him and didn't feel the need to cut him.

Look, I understand your point but stuff like this is nothing new in the NFL nor in the real world.

No where did I say he needed to pay anything back. If you want to make this all the Steelers fault be my guest.


Then we can go back to the original point he wanted to be released multiple times because he was told he’d play and  was not used in games. They refused to let him and now everyone’s hating on him because he’s gone. He wanted to play football that’s all no discussion of money they didn’t allow him to play so can’t complain about him not wanting to attend meetings/practices when he  was gonna be inactive/on the bench the entire game in the first place..he never once stated he wanted to start he doesn’t care to start he cares about playing which they didn’t allow him to do so yes The Steelers clearly treated him like a fool regardless if they were “keeping him fresh” they never stated that and he’s stated that he was told he’d play and he didn’t the end 

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2 hours ago, will426 said:

Then we can go back to the original point he wanted to be released multiple times because he was told he’d play and  was not used in games. They refused to let him and now everyone’s hating on him because he’s gone. He wanted to play football that’s all no discussion of money they didn’t allow him to play so can’t complain about him not wanting to attend meetings/practices when he  was gonna be inactive/on the bench the entire game in the first place..he never once stated he wanted to start he doesn’t care to start he cares about playing which they didn’t allow him to do so yes The Steelers clearly treated him like a fool regardless if they were “keeping him fresh” they never stated that and he’s stated that he was told he’d play and he didn’t the end 

Look, we don't have to go back on anything. I don't care. It wouldn't upset me at all if both the Steelers and Patriots locker rooms would implode. Enough already.

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1 hour ago, buffalo34 said:

Guy comes into Foxboro and gets two sacks (one being a stripsack) on his first game.


Guess Belichick's Hogwarts spell worked.

Plus three unassisted tackles and two assisted tackles.  Does not sound like a 39 year old player.

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1 hour ago, will426 said:

The things that happen when you’re allowed to play lol

I'm sure Harrison is extra motivated to show what he can still do.  Belichick was handed a no-lose opportunity.  Harrison plays as long as he's effective. If Harrison sacks Big Ben in the AFCCG, hoodie looks like a genius once again.

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21 hours ago, buffalo34 said:

Guy comes into Foxboro and gets two sacks (one being a stripsack) on his first game.


Guess Belichick's Hogwarts spell worked.

James Harrison is hardly the worst player Belichick has found a use for in his defense this year.  Not surprised Harrison put up some good results out of the box for a guy who knows how to literally throw together a defense at the last minute.

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7 hours ago, Roger said:

I'm sure Harrison is extra motivated to show what he can still do.  Belichick was handed a no-lose opportunity.  Harrison plays as long as he's effective. If Harrison sacks Big Ben in the AFCCG, hoodie looks like a genius once again.

Got a feeling he will he knows thier Oline better than anyone and is stronger than them all for sure lol

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The 'rest of Harrison's career' started yesterday and ends when the Patriots season ends.  He is in a good position to end that career hoisting a Lombardi and a middle finger to those he feels did him wrong.  He will leave it on the field every game until they carry him off.  Perfect late season pickup for the Pats.


I am looking forward to the highlight reel.

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2 hours ago, King Colt said:

Not to this extent.

I apologize for the inconvenience.  so we can serve you better, please make your preferences clear. How much do you think we should be talking about NFL topics on an NFL forum? Since you clearly have a problem with the current quantity please be sure to provide a valid quantity in your reply. I breathlessly await your input on this subject

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5 hours ago, wizwor said:

The 'rest of Harrison's career' started yesterday and ends when the Patriots season ends.  He is in a good position to end that career hoisting a Lombardi and a middle finger to those he feels did him wrong.  He will leave it on the field every game until they carry him off.  Perfect late season pickup for the Pats.


I am looking forward to the highlight reel.

I wouldn't be quite so sure as you seem to be that Harrison is done at the end of the year. The contract he originally signed with the Pittsburgh Steelers ran through next year. I'm not saying it's definite but it don't rule out Harrison coming back in 2018. Especially if he looks good in the playoffs.

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30 minutes ago, George Peterson said:

I wouldn't be quite so sure as you seem to be that Harrison is done at the end of the year. The contract he originally signed with the Pittsburgh Steelers ran through next year. I'm not saying it's definite but it don't rule out Harrison coming back in 2018. Especially if he looks good in the playoffs.


You might be right about that.  He'll have the winter to think about another season.  Right now, though, I do not think Harrison is thinking about anything more than this one.

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2 hours ago, BloodyChamp said:


Including the TD record? The 1 guy who beat him is also right being him in INTs if you didn't know. 

That's right. Favre holds the career record for pick 6, with 35.  Ten more than Marino.  TDs for the other team.

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Is this story even remotely controversial if he signed with some other team? I doubt it. The reality is that he got released by the Steelers...they didn't have to do that...and then he signed with the only team that offered him a deal after his release. The Martellus Bennet situation was definitely shady and controversial. This is nothing of the sort. The Steelers had it completely in their power to keep this guy on the roster for a few more weeks if for no other reason than to prevent him from landing on  the roster of a team they might face in the playoffs. They chose not to do that. That's a move that says "we don't fear this guy coming back to haunt us", so good for them. Yet all of their words after he signed here tell a completely different story. And the guy looked like he has some game yesterday.

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On 1/1/2018 at 9:38 PM, BloodyChamp said:


Including the TD record? The 1 guy who beat him is also right being him in INTs if you didn't know. 


This sounded like it couldn't be right so you got me, I looked it up. :lol:


Favre's TD-to-INT is 1.51 (508 TDs, 336 picks). Manning's is 2.15 (539 TDs, and nearly 100 fewer picks than Favre at 251).


I don't know that 85 interceptions would qualify as "right behind him." If you average it out, Manning threw about 15 picks a year, so that's nearly six seasons worth of interceptions. 


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Chiming in late, but...


I don't think either side (Harrison or the Steelers) handled this real well. If the Steelers mislead him, or changed their minds along the way and weren't up-front with him, that's kind of weak, considering what he's done for their organization. I've seen Belichick ruthlessly cut and/or trade veteran players, but I can't think of any instances where they've signed a guy to play a role and sat him on the bench instead. 


Harrison, however, seems to have handled the whole thing with the maturity and aplomb of a petulant teen. I don't blame him for being upset, but I do think (and it sounds like he admitted as much) that he was a dink about it. 


I have mixed feelings about him being in NE now. He's made some very strong (to say the least) statements about the Patriots in the past! But if he puts his head down and works, and proves to be a good teammate while he's here, I guess you can't really hold the past against him. 



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20 minutes ago, GoPats said:


This sounded like it couldn't be right so you got me, I looked it up. :lol:


Favre's TD-to-INT is 1.51 (508 TDs, 336 picks). Manning's is 2.15 (539 TDs, and nearly 100 fewer picks than Favre at 251).


I don't know that 85 interceptions would qualify as "right behind him." If you average it out, Manning threw about 15 picks a year, so that's nearly six seasons worth of interceptions. 


I agree its foolish to compare the two....they barely played the same position. Any qb who's career largely came before 2004 played an entirely different position than those that played it mostly after. The protection of the qb rules and the wr contact rules changed the game. I would imagine there are many many qbs from generations ago that if played in the current NFL who's numbers would rival Manning or Brady's or Rodgers. Favre did throw quite a few picks...but he played in a different era....and really played the game differently than most qbs....a gun slinger at its finest....could win the game from any point on the field. The guy was a playmaker....where we see with Manning and Brady are more facilitators...put guys in position to make plays. Favre was a great qb....I think he could probably come back and throw for another 4000 yds and 25 tds if he was kept upright...guy is a legend...he just played the game so differently. It's impossible to say but some guys like him and Marino and Fouts and Unitas and Elway and the list goes on would put up crazy numbers...and many who's careers were ended or shortened by brutal hits could have played and won many more games. I know we love going around comparing greatest....MJvsLJ and BradyvsMontana etc etc but its almost a different game. All I do know is the guys like Manning, Brees, and Brady are the best to do it in this current generation as they have shown over the years.

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31 minutes ago, GoPats said:


Chiming in late, but...


I don't think either side (Harrison or the Steelers) handled this real well. If the Steelers mislead him, or changed their minds along the way and weren't up-front with him, that's kind of weak, considering what he's done for their organization. I've seen Belichick ruthlessly cut and/or trade veteran players, but I can't think of any instances where they've signed a guy to play a role and sat him on the bench instead. 


Harrison, however, seems to have handled the whole thing with the maturity and aplomb of a petulant teen. I don't blame him for being upset, but I do think (and it sounds like he admitted as much) that he was a dink about it. 


I have mixed feelings about him being in NE now. He's made some very strong (to say the least) statements about the Patriots in the past! But if he puts his head down and works, and proves to be a good teammate while he's here, I guess you can't really hold the past against him. 



Yeah...when dirty laundry gets aired out....everyone's skid marks are visable...and everyone should be embarrassed. It's messy and probably didn't need to be. Handled poorly by Steelers and Harrison acting like a child all year didn't help. All I know is he still has a motor....it may take time to warm up but it's powerful when it gets going. I think he will continue to make a few plays here and there for the Pats...there are few people in the NFL as strong and experienced as him. That's valuable. Belicheck will try to put him in a position to succeed....I don't think he is going to use him in a way to be exploited because he certainly could be if put out in space to cover etc. He will be a good situational player.

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2 hours ago, GoPats said:


This sounded like it couldn't be right so you got me, I looked it up. :lol:


Favre's TD-to-INT is 1.51 (508 TDs, 336 picks). Manning's is 2.15 (539 TDs, and nearly 100 fewer picks than Favre at 251).


I don't know that 85 interceptions would qualify as "right behind him." If you average it out, Manning threw about 15 picks a year, so that's nearly six seasons worth of interceptions. 



What a bunch of fluff and damage control. Favre's number 1 all time and Manning is number 9. That's all I was saying in response to somebody on this forum reverting to my avatar and interceptions every time they get sore in the butt about something totally different. The 10 most INT'd list also includes Blanda, Marino, Trakenton, Unitas and Tittle in case anybody wants to go ahead and write those guys off to. And as dg said, it was a different era. 

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22 hours ago, BloodyChamp said:


What a bunch of fluff and damage control. Favre's number 1 all time and Manning is number 9. That's all I was saying in response to somebody on this forum reverting to my avatar and interceptions every time they get sore in the butt about something totally different. The 10 most INT'd list also includes Blanda, Marino, Trakenton, Unitas and Tittle in case anybody wants to go ahead and write those guys off to. And as dg said, it was a different era. 


Damage control? I don't get it. Why would I be doing damage control? 


I thought your statement was a little inaccurate, that's all. I don't really think of Favre and Manning being in completely separate eras. 



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