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Jerry Richardson selling the Carolina Panthers....


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Caught up in a series of scandals where he's written checks to women who used to work for him for sexual harassment and other inapprorpirate behavior,  plus writing a check to a former African-American scout who he used a racial slur against,  Richardson has announced he's selling the team.     This all came to light in the past few days.   


Think he paid a around $200 Mill when he bought it in the early 90's.      Think he will get a nice return on his investment?     How about 10 times?!


I think it's time for JR to leave....   he's well past his prime....



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Sad story. The guy is an ex-football player and clearly he LOVES the game. Seems horrible to take something away from a guy that has given so much back to the game.....on the field..off the field...even founding a team. Not going to excuse his comments and actions....and clearly he has made some mistakes but taking a guys lifelong hard work and dream away from him for such things seems harsh....but that is the time in which we are. If you have a skeleton in your closet....well your career will be a skeleton very soon. Again...not saying the right thing HASN'T happened but man that's a very high price to pay for someone.


Bonus: I can't see how many other owners don't have things of their own....can't tell me Jerry Jones has no sexual harassment or used racially insensitive language...just the tip of the iceberg for any man in authority....its like whaling season right now...and everyone wants to land their moby dick.

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1 hour ago, dgambill said:

Sad story. The guy is an ex-football player and clearly he LOVES the game. Seems horrible to take something away from a guy that has given so much back to the game.....on the field..off the field...even founding a team. Not going to excuse his comments and actions....and clearly he has made some mistakes but taking a guys lifelong hard work and dream away from him for such things seems harsh....but that is the time in which we are. If you have a skeleton in your closet....well your career will be a skeleton very soon. Again...not saying the right thing HASN'T happened but man that's a very high price to pay for someone.


Bonus: I can't see how many other owners don't have things of their own....can't tell me Jerry Jones has no sexual harassment or used racially insensitive language...just the tip of the iceberg for any man in authority....its like whaling season right now...and everyone wants to land their moby dick.

yep completely agree.  

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2 hours ago, pgt_rob said:

P Diddy wants to buy. He calls for "black ownership". Why's everything about color? Geez... Good luck to that franchise.

he wont be able too.  his total asset value per cnn is several hundred million too short for the kind of capital it'll take to get them.

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8 minutes ago, csmopar said:

he wont be able to.  his total asset value per cnn is several hundred million too short for the kind of capital it'll take to get them.


They will take closed bids. Unless a guy like Magic Johnson or Michael Jordan step in, it would be difficult to gather that kind of capital like you said. But both of them have ownership stakes in MLB and NBA franchises respectively.


A guy like Dr. Dre would be able to, for sure. I would not be shocked if Apple or Google or Microsoft wants in. Since Steve Ballmer already has an NBA team, it is likely that Apple or Google may want to use this opportunity.


Money talks!!! Capitalism over socialism.

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Just now, chad72 said:


They will take closed bids. Unless a guy like Magic Johnson or Michael Jordan step in, it would be difficult to gather that kind of capital like you said. 


A guy like Dr. Dre would be able to, for sure. I would not be shocked if Apple or Google or Microsoft wants in. Since Steve Ballmer already has an NBA team, it is likely that Apple or Google may want to use this opportunity.


Money talks!!! 

yep, it'll take a billionare to pull it off........ You know, If I was Donald Trump, I'd buy the franchise.  could you imagine the uproar that'd produce?! :lol:

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1 minute ago, csmopar said:

yep, it'll take a billionare to pull it off........ You know, If I was Donald Trump, I'd buy the franchise.  could you imagine the uproar that'd produce?! :lol:


Somebody will overpay and it will sell for $1.5 billion, trust me, it is bound to happen!!! :) 


That is what happened with the Clippers, when Microsoft former CEO Steve Ballmer stepped in and gave far more than it was valued. 

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15 minutes ago, csmopar said:

yep, it'll take a billionare to pull it off........ You know, If I was Donald Trump, I'd buy the franchise.  could you imagine the uproar that'd produce?! :lol:

Won't happen....Rush Limbaugh attempted to be part of an ownership group to buy a team and they wouldn't accept him. I'm not going to get into Politics but a large political figure like that....very unlikely to happen unless no one can tell if your a liberal or conservative....enter the Bush family.

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23 minutes ago, dgambill said:

Won't happen....Rush Limbaugh attempted to be part of an ownership group to buy a team and they wouldn't accept him. I'm not going to get into Politics but a large political figure like that....very unlikely to happen unless no one can tell if your a liberal or conservative....enter the Bush family.

Rumor has it that the dude who is selling the panthers is a long time trump friend......

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1 minute ago, csmopar said:

Rumor has it that the dude who is selling the panthers is a long time trump friend......

Yeah it definitely ain't happening....imagine his whole team taking a knee....he wouldn't have any players! That said he almost got a whole league off the ground in the mid 80s....so he definitely could run a team imo....but it wouldn't fly in modern America. Fun info though!

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42 minutes ago, dgambill said:

Yeah it definitely ain't happening....imagine his whole team taking a knee....he wouldn't have any players! That said he almost got a whole league off the ground in the mid 80s....so he definitely could run a team imo....but it wouldn't fly in modern America. Fun info though!

Oh I know.  But it would be hilarious to see the reactions

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38 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

No I've had to feel too sorry for Richardson.     The NFL is not taking the team away from JR.


Richardson us selling and will likely get roughly 1.5 to 2 BILLION dollars.    He will be fine.


I don't think owning the team is about money to ANY of the owners....especially a former NFL player who worked his way up in life and founded his own team. He is a self made man....even used his Championship bonus to help found Hardees. Not here to say the man is perfect or even a good man because I don't know him like that...but I do know that football team probably means more to him than anyone else that is going to buy it. He loves the game...he founded that team and when he died he wanted to sell it to an owner that would keep it in Carolina. Clearly he made some insensitive remarks and comments and that is not defensible. That said to give up your life dream and something you worked so very hard to achieve can't be easy and for that I'm sorry he is losing his team. There are real consequences to his actions...but I don't think anyone will pay a bigger price for their comments than Jerry. I know we recently seen issues with Sterling in LA with the Clippers but there was a lot more history then just a couple insensitive comments to support his removal...maybe there is more to this one too...time will tell...but Jerry loved his team and was very proud of what he built...sad to see him have to give it up. Some things are more important than money...family of course...and I think the team was like that to him.

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3 hours ago, csmopar said:

yep, it'll take a billionare to pull it off........ You know, If I was Donald Trump, I'd buy the franchise.  could you imagine the uproar that'd produce?! :lol:

He already tried to buy into the NFL.

I wonder if the other owners have changed their minds about him

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57 minutes ago, dgambill said:

I don't think owning the team is about money to ANY of the owners....especially a former NFL player who worked his way up in life and founded his own team. He is a self made man....even used his Championship bonus to help found Hardees. Not here to say the man is perfect or even a good man because I don't know him like that...but I do know that football team probably means more to him than anyone else that is going to buy it. He loves the game...he founded that team and when he died he wanted to sell it to an owner that would keep it in Carolina. Clearly he made some insensitive remarks and comments and that is not defensible. That said to give up your life dream and something you worked so very hard to achieve can't be easy and for that I'm sorry he is losing his team. There are real consequences to his actions...but I don't think anyone will pay a bigger price for their comments than Jerry. I know we recently seen issues with Sterling in LA with the Clippers but there was a lot more history then just a couple insensitive comments to support his removal...maybe there is more to this one too...time will tell...but Jerry loved his team and was very proud of what he built...sad to see him have to give it up. Some things are more important than money...family of course...and I think the team was like that to him.


Good post.   I agree with a fair amount of it, but not all.


One area where we strongly disagree is money.    I think with the 32 owners every decision they make is about money.    It's all about the $$$ for them.    Who gets to buy a team?    What city?   Who pays for a new stadium?   TV ratings.   Selling jerseys, hats and other gear.    Why would you consider putting a team in places like London and Mexico when you don't have teams in cities like Portland, San Diego, St Louis and San Antonio?    Why do they play games on Thursday might when players and coaches HATE them?   Why do they want to expand to 18 game seasons?    Money.    It's all about the money.   It's always about money.


Yes, it's disappointing that the man can't continue with his life's work...    but I suspect there more to this than meets the eye.   This is a big deal and it has all happened so fast.   I suspect the team and the league are trying to get in front of this before something worse leaks out.   


I can empathize for Richardson but that only goes so far as he brought this upon himself.     

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


Good post.   I agree with a fair amount of it, but not all.


One area where we strongly disagree is money.    I think with the 32 owners every decision they make is about money.    It's all about the $$$ for them.    Who gets to buy a team?    What city?   Who pays for a new stadium?   TV ratings.   Selling jerseys, hats and other gear.    Why would you consider putting a team in places like London and Mexico when you don't have teams in cities like Portland, San Diego, St Louis and San Antonio?    Why do they play games on Thursday might when players and coaches HATE them?   Why do they want to expand to 18 game seasons?    Money.    It's all about the money.   It's always about money.


Yes, it's disappointing that the man can't continue with his life's work...    but I suspect there more to this than meets the eye.   This is a big deal and it has all happened so fast.   I suspect the team and the league are trying to get in front of this before something worse leaks out.   


I can empathize for Richardson but that only goes so far as he brought this upon himself.     

Of course many decisions are financial....he was crucial in the 2011 holdouts in holding fast for the NFL. That said he is also the owner that said he wouldn't bring back Greg Hardy during that incident. It is a business so I understand its run as a business but most sports teams in small markets aren't money making projects. They are either a status thing or I think in Jerry's situation a product of love for the sport. I think if it meant losing money but keeping the team or winning a SB he would gladly lose money. There are certainly others that are the opposite and look to milk it (Stan Kroenke)...but I think for many they get into it because they are fans of the game and really do care about the product. I do think there is a lot more to it...probably some really course language that will probably shock and disgust people so they want to be out in front of it. I certainly understand where your coming from...nobody feels sorry for a rich guy....but I don't see $$$ when I look at people....and rich people can hurt too. The old adage money can't buy happiness.....I don't think any amount of money will make him happier than when he was the owner of the Carolina Panthers...and that's why I feel bad he lost his team. But don't get me wrong...I see your point...and clearly he has done wrong doings and there are consequences. It's just stuff like this....nobody wins....it's sad to see the accusers get hurt and sad the owner lose his passion.

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14 hours ago, pgt_rob said:

P Diddy wants to buy. He calls for "black ownership". Why's everything about color? Geez... Good luck to that franchise.


Everything is about color because the only color in the NFL executive suite that matters is....    White.


It's the same problem in all sports.


And I say that as a white man.    I'd love to see more people of color in positions of power and influence.


Not P. Diddy,  I would think he's got no chance.    The NFL doesn't want a hip-hop artist as an owner.    But I think they'd love to have Steph Curry.     Smart, classy, sharp.    He'd be an asset to any league or company he'd join.


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15 hours ago, pgt_rob said:

P Diddy wants to buy. He calls for "black ownership". Why's everything about color? Geez... Good luck to that franchise.


You know, he said if he buys the franchise that he is going to sign and make Colin Kaepernick his starting QB. I am NOT making this stuff up.

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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

Everything is about color because the only color in the NFL executive suite that matters is....    White.

I'd believe that to wrong I think its GREEN. You know the color of MONEY and also pretty much the root of all evil. 

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27 minutes ago, strt182 said:

I'd believe that to wrong I think its GREEN. You know the color of MONEY and also pretty much the root of all evil. 


Well....   31 of 32 owners are white.


The 32nd is the owner of J'Ville who is Indian-Asian from Pakistan.


Otherwise, I agree with you and went into the breakdown of all the decisions that are made on the basis of money.


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The NFL will get minority ownership the same way the NBA (Michael Jordan in Charlotte) did.

When a former player with the financial backing and connections commits to owning a team over a period of years, he'll eventually get there.


But it will have to be a special situation. The Halas family will own the Bears long after we're all gone. The Ford family will own the Lions deep into the 21st Century.  You cant get those teams.

The Packers cant be owned by any one person.


But it will happen. I don't think the other owners would 'black ball' a minority candidate (excuse the pun)

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4 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

The NFL will get minority ownership the same way the NBA (Michael Jordan in Charlotte) did.

When a former player with the financial backing and connections commits to owning a team over a period of years, he'll eventually get there.


But it will have to be a special situation. The Halas family will own the Bears long after we're all gone. The Ford family will own the Lions deep into the 21st Century.  You cant get those teams.

The Packers cant be owned by any one person.


But it will happen. I don't think the other owners would 'black ball' a minority candidate (excuse the pun)

Well, it's not likely to be Curry, Kaep or Diddy, none of them, even combined, come even close to the asset value required to buy the Panthers, valued at 2.3 billion, combined, those guys don't even reach half that.  And we all know the asking price is gonna be a LOT more than 2.3 billion. It's likely to be a Saudi Prince or European Billionaire to put up that kind of money, long before it'll be a former player or rapper. It wont be about ethnicity, it'll be about the money.

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9 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Everything is about color because the only color in the NFL executive suite that matters is....    White.


It's the same problem in all sports.


And I say that as a white man.    I'd love to see more people of color in positions of power and influence.


Not P. Diddy,  I would think he's got no chance.    The NFL doesn't want a hip-hop artist as an owner.    But I think they'd love to have Steph Curry.     Smart, classy, sharp.    He'd be an asset to any league or company he'd join.



I'd love to see more people of color in positions of power and influence too. But his statements make it seem like it's your fault that him or another black person isn't in that position. 

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23 hours ago, pgt_rob said:

P Diddy wants to buy. He calls for "black ownership". Why's everything about color? Geez... Good luck to that franchise.

The identification of color has been seeping into the NFL for sometime now.   Its why viewership and attendance is down.  If you increase the importance of color when you market your product, customers will see your product through that lens too and begin to identify your product has color important.  And if they are made to feel they are the wrong color, those customers won't show up.

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21 hours ago, chad72 said:


Somebody will overpay and it will sell for $1.5 billion, trust me, it is bound to happen!!! :) 


That is what happened with the Clippers, when Microsoft former CEO Steve Ballmer stepped in and gave far more than it was valued. 

Nah, the overpay was a payoff to that old unpopular dude who wouldn't go quietly.  He was perceived as being a bad image for an up and coming franchise, so I wouldn't doubt that NBA owners collectively agreed to find a buyer to meet the sellers price and then quietly reimbursed Ballmer under the table for his overpay.  I wouldn't doubt that the Simon's sent him a personal check for their portion of the payoff just to help get that old dude out of the NBA.  Ballmer's real cost was probably less than a billion.

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6 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Sorry....    whose statement?



Just a generality for his statement of "calling for more black ownership". 


Other than money. What is the issue at hand here for black ownership? Could the other NFL owners say no to him or other black people from buying the team? Possibly. If not a money issue. Could the reason to turning P. Diddy or Steph Curry down be based solely on skin color? I think not. Just my opinion.

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33 minutes ago, pgt_rob said:


Just a generality for his statement of "calling for more black ownership". 


Other than money. What is the issue at hand here for black ownership? Could the other NFL owners say no to him or other black people from buying the team? Possibly. If not a money issue. Could the reason to turning P. Diddy or Steph Curry down be based solely on skin color? I think not. Just my opinion.


One person doesn't have to come up with 2 billion dollars.    Some teams have multiple owners.    You just don't hear about it.    Whoever the first black majority owner is might only come up with one Billion and the other 5-10 owners come up with the other billion collectively.    That's my guess for how it would happen.


Diddy would be turned down due to "fit" though they might not publicly say so.   But someone classy like Curry would be valued.    When he retired, there was a lot of buzz around Walter Payton becoming a secondary or minority owner of some team.    The NFL reportedly wanted that to happen.    Don't know why it didn't?   Same with Jerry Rice.   But that didn't happen either.


Hopefully someday soon.


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12 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


One person doesn't have to come up with 2 billion dollars.    Some teams have multiple owners.    You just don't hear about it.    Whoever the first black majority owner is might only come up with one Billion and the other 5-10 owners come up with the other billion collectively.    That's my guess for how it would happen.


Diddy would be turned down due to "fit" though they might not publicly say so.   But someone classy like Curry would be valued.    When he retired, there was a lot of buzz around Walter Payton becoming a secondary or minority owner of some team.    The NFL reportedly wanted that to happen.    Don't know why it didn't?   Same with Jerry Rice.   But that didn't happen either.


Hopefully someday soon.


Honestly, I think the chances are higher of a Peyton Manning buying it than any other player or group of players. We shall see though.  Its also entirely possible that Jerry decides not to sell.

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11 hours ago, ReMeDy said:


You know, he said if he buys the franchise that he is going to sign and make Colin Kaepernick his starting QB. I am NOT making this stuff up.

If he said that then he obviously should be disqualified from owning the team. He has a BLACK qb already in Cam Newton....but I understand he was just being provocative. I see no reason outside finances that we should not see a minority owner. The NFL is probably the most expensive of all professional sports teams so there is a finite number of possible owners but I see no reason the NFL would stop a minority from owning a franchise whether that is Lebron James or a current player or Oprah Winfrey. I'm sure there are some standards that they want but if they let drug addicts and alcoholics and fraudsters and swindlers then I'm sure it would be difficult to not meet the low bar most leagues have set for their owners.

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39 minutes ago, csmopar said:

Honestly, I think the chances are higher of a Peyton Manning buying it than any other player or group of players. We shall see though.  Its also entirely possible that Jerry decides not to sell.


No question.....    I think Peyton could easily be an owner before a person of color becomes one.      I was only addressing the minority issue.


As for Richardson?     Why do you think it's "entirely possible"?


I think that would only open him to more public scrutiny and I think he's made it clear that he doesn't want that.    He wants to leave as close to his terms as possible.      If he stays,  this gets more public and more ugly and there will be more skeletons to fall out of the closet.      I don't think JR wants that.  


This may not be ideal for him,  but it's the best senario Richardson is going to get....


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40 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


No question.....    I think Peyton could easily be an owner before a person of color becomes one.      I was only addressing the minority issue.


As for Richardson?     Why do you think it's "entirely possible"?


I think that would only open him to more public scrutiny and I think he's made it clear that he doesn't want that.    He wants to leave as close to his terms as possible.      If he stays,  this gets more public and more ugly and there will be more skeletons to fall out of the closet.      I don't think JR wants that.  


This may not be ideal for him,  but it's the best senario Richardson is going to get....


because I think it's possible, likely, no, but there's always a chance he changes his mind.  That said, could you imagine the uproar if Diddy did get it and then sign Kaep and bench Newton?! 

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34 minutes ago, csmopar said:

because I think it's possible, likely, no, but there's always a chance he changes his mind.  That said, could you imagine the uproar if Diddy did get it and then sign Kaep and bench Newton?! 


There wouldn't be many happy fans about that move... That comment from Diddy will just encourage other owners to vote no for Diddy & Co.'s ownership. lol

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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


One person doesn't have to come up with 2 billion dollars.    Some teams have multiple owners.    You just don't hear about it.    Whoever the first black majority owner is might only come up with one Billion and the other 5-10 owners come up with the other billion collectively.    That's my guess for how it would happen.


Diddy would be turned down due to "fit" though they might not publicly say so.   But someone classy like Curry would be valued.    When he retired, there was a lot of buzz around Walter Payton becoming a secondary or minority owner of some team.    The NFL reportedly wanted that to happen.    Don't know why it didn't?   Same with Jerry Rice.   But that didn't happen either.


Hopefully someday soon.



Right, that would be cool to see Peyton Manning (someone else mentioned him too) be an owner or part owner. The Packers are all community owned. I thought that was really awesome. I believe their cheerleaders are high school girls as well. Kinda cool. I have no problem with more black ownership. I just get kinda irked when it's worded that way. Makes it seem like it's someone else's problem why their isn't a lot of black ownership. Might be just how I'm looking at it from this direction. 

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54 minutes ago, csmopar said:

because I think it's possible, likely, no, but there's always a chance he changes his mind.  That said, could you imagine the uproar if Diddy did get it and then sign Kaep and bench Newton?! 


I just can't see Diddy happening -- ever.


But if it did happen, and he signs Kaep, it would not be to replace Newton as the starter.    It would be as the backup.   To get him back on the roster and back in the game..


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